lib/writeexcel/olewriter.rb in writeexcel-0.5.0 vs lib/writeexcel/olewriter.rb in writeexcel-0.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,311 +1,311 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# BIFFwriter - An abstract base class for Excel workbooks and worksheets.
-# Used in conjunction with WriteExcel
-# Copyright 2000-2010, John McNamara,
-# original written in Perl by John McNamara
-# converted to Ruby by Hideo Nakamura,
-class MaxSizeError < StandardError; end #:nodoc:
-class OLEWriter #:nodoc:
- # Not meant for public consumption
- MaxSize = 7087104 # Use WriteExcel::Big to exceed this
- BlockSize = 4096
- BlockDiv = 512
- ListBlocks = 127
- attr_reader :biff_size, :book_size, :big_blocks, :list_blocks
- attr_reader :root_start, :size_allowed
- attr_accessor :biff_only, :internal_fh
- # Accept an IO or IO-like object or a filename (as a String)
- def initialize(arg)
- if arg.respond_to?(:to_str)
- @io =, "w")
- else
- @io = arg
- end
- @io.binmode if @io.respond_to?(:binmode)
- @filehandle = ""
- @fileclosed = false
- @internal_fh = 0
- @biff_only = 0
- @size_allowed = true
- @biff_size = 0
- @book_size = 0
- @big_blocks = 0
- @list_blocks = 0
- @root_start = 0
- @block_count = 4
- end
- # Imitate behavior
- ###############################################################################
- #
- # _initialize()
- #
- # Create a new filehandle or use the provided filehandle.
- #
- def _initialize
- olefile = @olefilename
- # If the filename is a reference it is assumed that it is a valid
- # filehandle, if not we create a filehandle.
- #
- # Create a new file, open for writing
- fh = open(olefile, "wb")
- # also checks this but something may have happened since
- # then.
- raise "Can't open olefile. It may be in use or protected.\n" unless fh
- @internal_fh = 1
- # Store filehandle
- @filehandle = fh
- end
- def
- if block_given?
- ole =
- result = yield(ole)
- ole.close
- result
- else
- end
- end
- ###############################################################################
- #
- # write($data)
- #
- # Write BIFF data to OLE file.
- #
- def write(data)
- @io.write(data)
- end
- ###############################################################################
- #
- # set_size($biffsize)
- #
- # Set the size of the data to be written to the OLE stream
- #
- # $big_blocks = (109 depot block x (128 -1 marker word)
- # - (1 x end words)) = 13842
- # $maxsize = $big_blocks * 512 bytes = 7087104
- #
- def set_size(size = BlockSize)
- if size > MaxSize
- return @size_allowed = false
- end
- @biff_size = size
- if biff_size > BlockSize
- @book_size = size
- else
- @book_size = BlockSize
- end
- @size_allowed = true
- end
- ###############################################################################
- #
- # _calculate_sizes()
- #
- # Calculate various sizes needed for the OLE stream
- #
- def calculate_sizes
- @big_blocks = (@book_size.to_f/BlockDiv.to_f).ceil
- @list_blocks = (@big_blocks / ListBlocks) + 1
- @root_start = @big_blocks
- end
- ###############################################################################
- #
- # close()
- #
- # Write root entry, big block list and close the filehandle.
- # This routine is used to explicitly close the open filehandle without
- # having to wait for DESTROY.
- #
- def close
- if @size_allowed == true
- write_padding if @biff_only == 0
- write_property_storage if @biff_only == 0
- write_big_block_depot if @biff_only == 0
- end
- @io.close
- end
- ###############################################################################
- #
- # write_header()
- #
- # Write OLE header block.
- #
- def write_header
- return if @biff_only == 1
- calculate_sizes
- root_start = @root_start
- num_lists = @list_blocks
- id = [0xD0CF11E0, 0xA1B11AE1].pack("NN")
- unknown1 = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00].pack("VVVV")
- unknown2 = [0x3E, 0x03].pack("vv")
- unknown3 = [-2].pack("v")
- unknown4 = [0x09].pack("v")
- unknown5 = [0x06, 0x00, 0x00].pack("VVV")
- num_bbd_blocks = [num_lists].pack("V")
- root_startblock = [root_start].pack("V")
- unknown6 = [0x00, 0x1000].pack("VV")
- sbd_startblock = [-2].pack("V")
- unknown7 = [0x00, -2 ,0x00].pack("VVV")
- write(id)
- write(unknown1)
- write(unknown2)
- write(unknown3)
- write(unknown4)
- write(unknown5)
- write(num_bbd_blocks)
- write(root_startblock)
- write(unknown6)
- write(sbd_startblock)
- write(unknown7)
- unused = [-1].pack("V")
- 1.upto(num_lists){
- root_start += 1
- write([root_start].pack("V"))
- }
- num_lists.upto(108){
- write(unused)
- }
- end
- ###############################################################################
- #
- # _write_big_block_depot()
- #
- # Write big block depot.
- #
- def write_big_block_depot
- num_blocks = @big_blocks
- num_lists = @list_blocks
- total_blocks = num_lists * 128
- used_blocks = num_blocks + num_lists + 2
- marker = [-3].pack("V")
- end_of_chain = [-2].pack("V")
- unused = [-1].pack("V")
- 1.upto(num_blocks-1){|n|
- write([n].pack("V"))
- }
- write end_of_chain
- write end_of_chain
- 1.upto(num_lists){ write(marker) }
- used_blocks.upto(total_blocks){ write(unused) }
- end
- ###############################################################################
- #
- # _write_property_storage()
- #
- # Write property storage. TODO: add summary sheets
- #
- def write_property_storage
- ######### name type dir start size
- write_pps('Root Entry', 0x05, 1, -2, 0x00)
- write_pps('Workbook', 0x02, -1, 0x00, @book_size)
- write_pps("", 0x00, -1, 0x00, 0x0000)
- write_pps("", 0x00, -1, 0x00, 0x0000)
- end
- ###############################################################################
- #
- # _write_pps()
- #
- # Write property sheet in property storage
- #
- def write_pps(name, type, dir, start, size)
- length = 0
- ord_name = []
- unless name.empty?
- name = name + "\0"
- ord_name = name.unpack("c*")
- length = name.bytesize * 2
- end
- rawname = ord_name.pack("v*")
- zero = [0].pack("C")
- pps_sizeofname = [length].pack("v") #0x40
- pps_type = [type].pack("v") #0x42
- pps_prev = [-1].pack("V") #0x44
- pps_next = [-1].pack("V") #0x48
- pps_dir = [dir].pack("V") #0x4c
- unknown = [0].pack("V")
- pps_ts1s = [0].pack("V") #0x64
- pps_ts1d = [0].pack("V") #0x68
- pps_ts2s = [0].pack("V") #0x6c
- pps_ts2d = [0].pack("V") #0x70
- pps_sb = [start].pack("V") #0x74
- pps_size = [size].pack("V") #0x78
- write(rawname)
- write(zero * (64 - length)) if 64 - length >= 1
- write(pps_sizeofname)
- write(pps_type)
- write(pps_prev)
- write(pps_next)
- write(pps_dir)
- write(unknown * 5)
- write(pps_ts1s)
- write(pps_ts1d)
- write(pps_ts2s)
- write(pps_ts2d)
- write(pps_sb)
- write(pps_size)
- write(unknown)
- end
- ###############################################################################
- #
- # _write_padding()
- #
- # Pad the end of the file
- #
- def write_padding
- min_size = 512
- min_size = BlockSize if @biff_size < BlockSize
- if @biff_size % min_size != 0
- padding = min_size - (@biff_size % min_size)
- write("\0" * padding)
- end
- end
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# BIFFwriter - An abstract base class for Excel workbooks and worksheets.
+# Used in conjunction with WriteExcel
+# Copyright 2000-2010, John McNamara,
+# original written in Perl by John McNamara
+# converted to Ruby by Hideo Nakamura,
+class MaxSizeError < StandardError; end #:nodoc:
+class OLEWriter #:nodoc:
+ # Not meant for public consumption
+ MaxSize = 7087104 # Use WriteExcel::Big to exceed this
+ BlockSize = 4096
+ BlockDiv = 512
+ ListBlocks = 127
+ attr_reader :biff_size, :book_size, :big_blocks, :list_blocks
+ attr_reader :root_start, :size_allowed
+ attr_accessor :biff_only, :internal_fh
+ # Accept an IO or IO-like object or a filename (as a String)
+ def initialize(arg)
+ if arg.respond_to?(:to_str)
+ @io =, "w")
+ else
+ @io = arg
+ end
+ @io.binmode if @io.respond_to?(:binmode)
+ @filehandle = ""
+ @fileclosed = false
+ @internal_fh = 0
+ @biff_only = 0
+ @size_allowed = true
+ @biff_size = 0
+ @book_size = 0
+ @big_blocks = 0
+ @list_blocks = 0
+ @root_start = 0
+ @block_count = 4
+ end
+ # Imitate behavior
+ ###############################################################################
+ #
+ # _initialize()
+ #
+ # Create a new filehandle or use the provided filehandle.
+ #
+ def _initialize
+ olefile = @olefilename
+ # If the filename is a reference it is assumed that it is a valid
+ # filehandle, if not we create a filehandle.
+ #
+ # Create a new file, open for writing
+ fh = open(olefile, "wb")
+ # also checks this but something may have happened since
+ # then.
+ raise "Can't open olefile. It may be in use or protected.\n" unless fh
+ @internal_fh = 1
+ # Store filehandle
+ @filehandle = fh
+ end
+ def
+ if block_given?
+ ole =
+ result = yield(ole)
+ ole.close
+ result
+ else
+ end
+ end
+ ###############################################################################
+ #
+ # write($data)
+ #
+ # Write BIFF data to OLE file.
+ #
+ def write(data)
+ @io.write(data)
+ end
+ ###############################################################################
+ #
+ # set_size($biffsize)
+ #
+ # Set the size of the data to be written to the OLE stream
+ #
+ # $big_blocks = (109 depot block x (128 -1 marker word)
+ # - (1 x end words)) = 13842
+ # $maxsize = $big_blocks * 512 bytes = 7087104
+ #
+ def set_size(size = BlockSize)
+ if size > MaxSize
+ return @size_allowed = false
+ end
+ @biff_size = size
+ if biff_size > BlockSize
+ @book_size = size
+ else
+ @book_size = BlockSize
+ end
+ @size_allowed = true
+ end
+ ###############################################################################
+ #
+ # _calculate_sizes()
+ #
+ # Calculate various sizes needed for the OLE stream
+ #
+ def calculate_sizes
+ @big_blocks = (@book_size.to_f/BlockDiv.to_f).ceil
+ @list_blocks = (@big_blocks / ListBlocks) + 1
+ @root_start = @big_blocks
+ end
+ ###############################################################################
+ #
+ # close()
+ #
+ # Write root entry, big block list and close the filehandle.
+ # This routine is used to explicitly close the open filehandle without
+ # having to wait for DESTROY.
+ #
+ def close
+ if @size_allowed == true
+ write_padding if @biff_only == 0
+ write_property_storage if @biff_only == 0
+ write_big_block_depot if @biff_only == 0
+ end
+ @io.close
+ end
+ ###############################################################################
+ #
+ # write_header()
+ #
+ # Write OLE header block.
+ #
+ def write_header
+ return if @biff_only == 1
+ calculate_sizes
+ root_start = @root_start
+ num_lists = @list_blocks
+ id = [0xD0CF11E0, 0xA1B11AE1].pack("NN")
+ unknown1 = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00].pack("VVVV")
+ unknown2 = [0x3E, 0x03].pack("vv")
+ unknown3 = [-2].pack("v")
+ unknown4 = [0x09].pack("v")
+ unknown5 = [0x06, 0x00, 0x00].pack("VVV")
+ num_bbd_blocks = [num_lists].pack("V")
+ root_startblock = [root_start].pack("V")
+ unknown6 = [0x00, 0x1000].pack("VV")
+ sbd_startblock = [-2].pack("V")
+ unknown7 = [0x00, -2 ,0x00].pack("VVV")
+ write(id)
+ write(unknown1)
+ write(unknown2)
+ write(unknown3)
+ write(unknown4)
+ write(unknown5)
+ write(num_bbd_blocks)
+ write(root_startblock)
+ write(unknown6)
+ write(sbd_startblock)
+ write(unknown7)
+ unused = [-1].pack("V")
+ 1.upto(num_lists){
+ root_start += 1
+ write([root_start].pack("V"))
+ }
+ num_lists.upto(108){
+ write(unused)
+ }
+ end
+ ###############################################################################
+ #
+ # _write_big_block_depot()
+ #
+ # Write big block depot.
+ #
+ def write_big_block_depot
+ num_blocks = @big_blocks
+ num_lists = @list_blocks
+ total_blocks = num_lists * 128
+ used_blocks = num_blocks + num_lists + 2
+ marker = [-3].pack("V")
+ end_of_chain = [-2].pack("V")
+ unused = [-1].pack("V")
+ 1.upto(num_blocks-1){|n|
+ write([n].pack("V"))
+ }
+ write end_of_chain
+ write end_of_chain
+ 1.upto(num_lists){ write(marker) }
+ used_blocks.upto(total_blocks){ write(unused) }
+ end
+ ###############################################################################
+ #
+ # _write_property_storage()
+ #
+ # Write property storage. TODO: add summary sheets
+ #
+ def write_property_storage
+ ######### name type dir start size
+ write_pps('Root Entry', 0x05, 1, -2, 0x00)
+ write_pps('Workbook', 0x02, -1, 0x00, @book_size)
+ write_pps("", 0x00, -1, 0x00, 0x0000)
+ write_pps("", 0x00, -1, 0x00, 0x0000)
+ end
+ ###############################################################################
+ #
+ # _write_pps()
+ #
+ # Write property sheet in property storage
+ #
+ def write_pps(name, type, dir, start, size)
+ length = 0
+ ord_name = []
+ unless name.empty?
+ name = name + "\0"
+ ord_name = name.unpack("c*")
+ length = name.bytesize * 2
+ end
+ rawname = ord_name.pack("v*")
+ zero = [0].pack("C")
+ pps_sizeofname = [length].pack("v") #0x40
+ pps_type = [type].pack("v") #0x42
+ pps_prev = [-1].pack("V") #0x44
+ pps_next = [-1].pack("V") #0x48
+ pps_dir = [dir].pack("V") #0x4c
+ unknown = [0].pack("V")
+ pps_ts1s = [0].pack("V") #0x64
+ pps_ts1d = [0].pack("V") #0x68
+ pps_ts2s = [0].pack("V") #0x6c
+ pps_ts2d = [0].pack("V") #0x70
+ pps_sb = [start].pack("V") #0x74
+ pps_size = [size].pack("V") #0x78
+ write(rawname)
+ write(zero * (64 - length)) if 64 - length >= 1
+ write(pps_sizeofname)
+ write(pps_type)
+ write(pps_prev)
+ write(pps_next)
+ write(pps_dir)
+ write(unknown * 5)
+ write(pps_ts1s)
+ write(pps_ts1d)
+ write(pps_ts2s)
+ write(pps_ts2d)
+ write(pps_sb)
+ write(pps_size)
+ write(unknown)
+ end
+ ###############################################################################
+ #
+ # _write_padding()
+ #
+ # Pad the end of the file
+ #
+ def write_padding
+ min_size = 512
+ min_size = BlockSize if @biff_size < BlockSize
+ if @biff_size % min_size != 0
+ padding = min_size - (@biff_size % min_size)
+ write("\0" * padding)
+ end
+ end