lib/writeexcel/helper.rb in writeexcel-0.5.0 vs lib/writeexcel/helper.rb in writeexcel-0.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,64 +1,68 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# helper.rb
- # Convert to US_ASCII encoding if ascii characters only.
- def convert_to_ascii_if_ascii(str)
- return nil if str.nil?
- ruby_18 do
- enc = str.encoding
- begin
- str = str.encode('ASCII')
- rescue
- str.force_encoding(enc)
- end
- end ||
- ruby_19 do
- if !str.nil? && str.ascii_only?
- str = [str].pack('a*')
- end
- end
- str
- end
- private :convert_to_ascii_if_ascii
- def utf8_to_16be(utf8)
- utf16be = NKF.nkf('-w16B0 -m0 -W', utf8)
- utf16be.force_encoding('UTF-16BE')
- end
- private :utf8_to_16be
- def utf8_to_16le(utf8)
- utf16le = NKF.nkf('-w16L0 -m0 -W', utf8)
- utf16le.force_encoding('UTF-16LE')
- end
- private :utf8_to_16le
- def ascii_to_16be(ascii)
- ascii.unpack("C*").pack("n*")
- ascii.force_encoding('UTF-16BE')
- end
- private :ascii_to_16be
- def store_simple(record, length, *args)
- header = [record, length].pack('vv')
- data = args.collect { |arg| [arg].pack('v') }.join('')
- append(header, data)
- end
- private :store_simple
- # Convert base26 column string to a number.
- # All your Base are belong to us.
- def chars_to_col(chars)
- expn = 0
- col = 0
- while (!chars.empty?)
- char = chars.pop # LS char first
- col += (char.ord - "A".ord + 1) * (26 ** expn)
- expn += 1
- end
- col
- end
- private :chars_to_col
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# helper.rb
+ # Convert to US_ASCII encoding if ascii characters only.
+ def convert_to_ascii_if_ascii(str)
+ return nil if str.nil?
+ ruby_18 do
+ unless str =~ /[^!"#\$%&'\(\)\*\+,\-\.\/\:\;<=>\?@0-9A-Za-z_\[\\\]\{\}^` ~\0\n]/
+ str =
+ end
+ end ||
+ ruby_19 do
+ if str.ascii_only?
+ str = [str].pack('a*')
+ end
+ end
+ str
+ end
+ private :convert_to_ascii_if_ascii
+ def utf8_to_16be(utf8)
+ ruby_18 { NKF.nkf('-w16B0 -m0 -W', utf8) } ||
+ ruby_19 do
+ utf16be = NKF.nkf('-w16B0 -m0 -W', utf8)
+ utf16be.force_encoding('UTF-16BE')
+ end
+ end
+ private :utf8_to_16be
+ def utf8_to_16le(utf8)
+ ruby_18 { NKF.nkf('-w16L0 -m0 -W', utf8) } ||
+ ruby_19 do
+ utf16le = NKF.nkf('-w16L0 -m0 -W', utf8)
+ utf16le.force_encoding('UTF-16LE')
+ end
+ end
+ private :utf8_to_16le
+ def ascii_to_16be(ascii)
+ ascii.unpack("C*").pack("n*")
+ ruby_19 { ascii.force_encoding('UTF-16BE') }
+ ascii
+ end
+ private :ascii_to_16be
+ def store_simple(record, length, *args)
+ header = [record, length].pack('vv')
+ data = args.collect { |arg| [arg].pack('v') }.join('')
+ append(header, data)
+ end
+ private :store_simple
+ # Convert base26 column string to a number.
+ # All your Base are belong to us.
+ def chars_to_col(chars)
+ expn = 0
+ col = 0
+ while (!chars.empty?)
+ char = chars.pop # LS char first
+ col += (char.ord - "A".ord + 1) * (26 ** expn)
+ expn += 1
+ end
+ col
+ end
+ private :chars_to_col