lib/write_xlsx/worksheet.rb in write_xlsx-0.58.0 vs lib/write_xlsx/worksheet.rb in write_xlsx-0.59.0
- old
+ new
@@ -3,10 +3,11 @@
require 'write_xlsx/colors'
require 'write_xlsx/format'
require 'write_xlsx/drawing'
require 'write_xlsx/compatibility'
require 'write_xlsx/utility'
+require 'write_xlsx/package/conditional_format'
require 'tempfile'
module Writexlsx
# A new worksheet is created by calling the add_worksheet() method from a workbook object:
@@ -352,10 +353,11 @@
attr_reader :vml_data_id # :nodoc:
attr_reader :autofilter_area # :nodoc:
attr_reader :writer, :set_rows, :col_formats # :nodoc:
attr_accessor :vml_shape_id, :rel_count, :hlink_refs # :nodoc:
attr_reader :comments_author # :nodoc:
+ attr_accessor :dxf_priority # :nodoc:
def initialize(workbook, index, name) #:nodoc:
@writer =
@workbook = workbook
@@ -2900,137 +2902,10 @@
formula = tokens.join('')
write_formula(row, col, formula, format, value)
- # convert_date_time(date_time_string)
- #
- # The function takes a date and time in ISO8601 "" format
- # and converts it to a decimal number representing a valid Excel date.
- #
- # Dates and times in Excel are represented by real numbers. The integer part of
- # the number stores the number of days since the epoch and the fractional part
- # stores the percentage of the day in seconds. The epoch can be either 1900 or
- # 1904.
- #
- # Parameter: Date and time string in one of the following formats:
- # # Standard
- # yyyy-mm-ddT # Date only
- # # Time only
- #
- # Returns:
- # A decimal number representing a valid Excel date, or
- # nil if the date is invalid.
- #
- def convert_date_time(date_time_string) #:nodoc:
- date_time = date_time_string
- days = 0 # Number of days since epoch
- seconds = 0 # Time expressed as fraction of 24h hours in seconds
- # Strip leading and trailing whitespace.
- date_time.sub!(/^\s+/, '')
- date_time.sub!(/\s+$/, '')
- # Check for invalid date char.
- return nil if date_time =~ /[^0-9T:\-\.Z]/
- # Check for "T" after date or before time.
- return nil unless date_time =~ /\dT|T\d/
- # Strip trailing Z in ISO8601 date.
- date_time.sub!(/Z$/, '')
- # Split into date and time.
- date, time = date_time.split(/T/)
- # We allow the time portion of the input DateTime to be optional.
- if time
- # Match hh:mm:ss.sss+ where the seconds are optional
- if time =~ /^(\d\d):(\d\d)(:(\d\d(\.\d+)?))?/
- hour = $1.to_i
- min = $2.to_i
- sec = $4.to_f || 0
- else
- return nil # Not a valid time format.
- end
- # Some boundary checks
- return nil if hour >= 24
- return nil if min >= 60
- return nil if sec >= 60
- # Excel expresses seconds as a fraction of the number in 24 hours.
- seconds = (hour * 60* 60 + min * 60 + sec) / (24.0 * 60 * 60)
- end
- # We allow the date portion of the input DateTime to be optional.
- return seconds if date == ''
- # Match date as yyyy-mm-dd.
- if date =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)$/
- year = $1.to_i
- month = $2.to_i
- day = $3.to_i
- else
- return nil # Not a valid date format.
- end
- # Set the epoch as 1900 or 1904. Defaults to 1900.
- # Special cases for Excel.
- unless date_1904?
- return seconds if date == '1899-12-31' # Excel 1900 epoch
- return seconds if date == '1900-01-00' # Excel 1900 epoch
- return 60 + seconds if date == '1900-02-29' # Excel false leapday
- end
- # We calculate the date by calculating the number of days since the epoch
- # and adjust for the number of leap days. We calculate the number of leap
- # days by normalising the year in relation to the epoch. Thus the year 2000
- # becomes 100 for 4 and 100 year leapdays and 400 for 400 year leapdays.
- #
- epoch = date_1904? ? 1904 : 1900
- offset = date_1904? ? 4 : 0
- norm = 300
- range = year - epoch
- # Set month days and check for leap year.
- mdays = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
- leap = 0
- leap = 1 if year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0
- mdays[1] = 29 if leap != 0
- # Some boundary checks
- return nil if year < epoch or year > 9999
- return nil if month < 1 or month > 12
- return nil if day < 1 or day > mdays[month - 1]
- # Accumulate the number of days since the epoch.
- days = day # Add days for current month
- (0 .. month-2).each do |m|
- days += mdays[m] # Add days for past months
- end
- days += range * 365 # Add days for past years
- days += ((range) / 4) # Add leapdays
- days -= ((range + offset) /100) # Subtract 100 year leapdays
- days += ((range + offset + norm)/400) # Add 400 year leapdays
- days -= leap # Already counted above
- # Adjust for Excel erroneously treating 1900 as a leap year.
- days += 1 if !date_1904? and days > 59
- date_time = sprintf("%0.10f", days + seconds)
- date_time = date_time.sub(/\.?0+$/, '') if date_time =~ /\./
- if date_time =~ /\./
- date_time.to_f
- else
- date_time.to_i
- end
- end
- #
# :call-seq:
# set_row(row [ , height, format, hidden, level, collapsed ] )
# This method can be used to change the default properties of a row.
# All parameters apart from row are optional.
@@ -3220,10 +3095,13 @@
# :call-seq:
# conditional_formatting(cell_or_cell_range, options)
# This method handles the interface to Excel conditional formatting.
+ # This method contains a lot of parameters and is described in detail in
+ # the section below.
+ #
# We allow the format to be called on one cell or a range of cells. The
# hashref contains the formatting parameters and must be the last param:
# conditional_formatting(row, col, {...})
# conditional_formatting(first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col, {...})
@@ -3238,174 +3116,608 @@
# :value => 50,
# :format => format1
# }
# )
- # This method contains a lot of parameters and is described in detail in
- # a separate section "CONDITIONAL FORMATTING IN EXCEL".
+ # See also the conditional_format.rb program in the examples directory of
+ # the distro.
- # See also the conditional_format.rb program in the examples directory of the distro
+ # The conditional_formatting method is used to apply formatting based
+ # on user defined criteria to an write_xlsx file.
+ # It can be applied to a single cell or a range of cells.
+ # You can pass 3 parameters such as (row, col, {...})
+ # or 5 parameters such as (first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col, {...}).
+ # You can also use A1 style notation. For example:
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 0, 0, {...} )
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 0, 0, 4, 1, {...} )
+ #
+ # # Which are the same as:
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1', {...} )
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:B5', {...} )
+ #
+ # Using A1 style notation is is also possible to specify
+ # non-contiguous ranges, separated by a comma. For example:
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:D5,A8:D12', {...} )
+ # The last parameter in conditional_formatting must be a hash containing
+ # the parameters that describe the type and style of the data validation.
+ #
+ # The main parameters are:
+ #
+ # :type
+ # :format
+ # :criteria
+ # :value
+ # :minimum
+ # :maximum
+ # Other, less commonly used parameters are:
+ #
+ # :min_type
+ # :mid_type
+ # :max_type
+ # :min_value
+ # :mid_value
+ # :max_value
+ # :min_color
+ # :mid_color
+ # :max_color
+ # :bar_color
+ # Additional parameters which are used for specific conditional format types
+ # are shown in the relevant sections below.
+ #
+ # == :type
+ #
+ # This parameter is passed in a hash to conditional_formatting.
+ #
+ # The type parameter is used to set the type of conditional formatting
+ # that you wish to apply. It is always required and it has no default value.
+ # Allowable type values and their associated parameters are:
+ #
+ # Type Parameters
+ # ====== ==========
+ # 'cell' :criteria
+ # :value
+ # :minimum
+ # :maximum
+ #
+ # 'date' :criteria
+ # :value
+ # :minimum
+ # :maximum
+ #
+ # 'time_period' :criteria
+ #
+ # 'text' :criteria
+ # :value
+ #
+ # 'average' :criteria
+ #
+ # 'duplicate' (none)
+ #
+ # 'unique' (none)
+ #
+ # 'top' :criteria
+ # :value
+ #
+ # 'bottom' :criteria
+ # :value
+ #
+ # 'blanks' (none)
+ #
+ # 'no_blanks' (none)
+ #
+ # 'errors' (none)
+ #
+ # 'no_errors' (none)
+ #
+ # '2_color_scale' (none)
+ #
+ # '3_color_scale' (none)
+ #
+ # 'data_bar' (none)
+ #
+ # 'formula' :criteria
+ # All conditional formatting types have a format parameter, see below.
+ # Other types and parameters such as icon sets will be added in time.
+ #
+ # == :type => 'cell'
+ #
+ # This is the most common conditional formatting type. It is used when
+ # a format is applied to a cell based on a simple criterion. For example:
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1',
+ # {
+ # :type => 'cell',
+ # :criteria => 'greater than',
+ # :value => 5,
+ # :format => red_format
+ # }
+ # )
+ # Or, using the between criteria:
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'C1:C4',
+ # {
+ # :type => 'cell',
+ # :criteria => 'between',
+ # :minimum => 20,
+ # :maximum => 30,
+ # :format => green_format
+ # }
+ # )
+ # == :criteria
+ #
+ # The criteria parameter is used to set the criteria by which the cell data
+ # will be evaluated. It has no default value. The most common criteria
+ # as applied to { type => 'cell' } are:
+ #
+ # 'between'
+ # 'not between'
+ # 'equal to' | '==' | '='
+ # 'not equal to' | '!=' | '<>'
+ # 'greater than' | '>'
+ # 'less than' | '<'
+ # 'greater than or equal to' | '>='
+ # 'less than or equal to' | '<='
+ # You can either use Excel's textual description strings,
+ # in the first column above, or the more common symbolic alternatives.
+ #
+ # Additional criteria which are specific to other conditional format types
+ # are shown in the relevant sections below.
+ #
+ # == :value
+ #
+ # The value is generally used along with the criteria parameter to set the
+ # rule by which the cell data will be evaluated.
+ #
+ # :type => 'cell',
+ # :criteria => '>',
+ # :value => 5
+ # :format => format
+ # The value property can also be an cell reference.
+ #
+ # :type => 'cell',
+ # :criteria => '>',
+ # :value => '$C$1',
+ # :format => format
+ # == :format
+ #
+ # The format parameter is used to specify the format that will be applied
+ # to the cell when the conditional formatting criterion is met.
+ # The format is created using the add_format method in the same way as cell
+ # formats:
+ #
+ # format = workbook.add_format( :bold => 1, :italic => 1 )
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1',
+ # {
+ # :type => 'cell',
+ # :criteria => '>',
+ # :value => 5
+ # :format => format
+ # }
+ # )
+ # The conditional format follows the same rules as in Excel:
+ # it is superimposed over the existing cell format and not all font and
+ # border properties can be modified. Font properties that can't be modified
+ # are font name, font size, superscript and subscript.
+ # The border property that cannot be modified is diagonal borders.
+ #
+ # Excel specifies some default formats to be used with conditional
+ # formatting. You can replicate them using the following write_xlsx formats:
+ #
+ # # Light red fill with dark red text.
+ #
+ # format1 = workbook.add_format(
+ # :bg_color => '#FFC7CE',
+ # :color => '#9C0006'
+ # )
+ #
+ # # Light yellow fill with dark yellow text.
+ #
+ # format2 = workbook.add_format(
+ # :bg_color => '#FFEB9C',
+ # :color => '#9C6500'
+ # )
+ #
+ # # Green fill with dark green text.
+ #
+ # format3 = workbook.add_format(
+ # :bg_color => '#C6EFCE',
+ # :color => '#006100'
+ # )
+ # == :minimum
+ #
+ # The minimum parameter is used to set the lower limiting value when the
+ # criteria is either 'between' or 'not between':
+ #
+ # :validate => 'integer',
+ # :criteria => 'between',
+ # :minimum => 1,
+ # :maximum => 100
+ # == :maximum
+ #
+ # The maximum parameter is used to set the upper limiting value when the
+ # criteria is either 'between' or 'not between'. See the previous example.
+ #
+ # == :type => 'date'
+ #
+ # The date type is the same as the cell type and uses the same criteria
+ # and values. However it allows the value, minimum and maximum properties
+ # to be specified in the ISO8601 yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss date format which
+ # is detailed in the write_date_time() method.
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:A4',
+ # {
+ # :type => 'date',
+ # :criteria => 'greater than',
+ # :value => '2011-01-01T',
+ # :format => format
+ # }
+ # )
+ # == :type => 'time_period'
+ #
+ # The time_period type is used to specify Excel's "Dates Occurring" style
+ # conditional format.
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:A4',
+ # {
+ # :type => 'time_period',
+ # :criteria => 'yesterday',
+ # :format => format
+ # }
+ # )
+ # The period is set in the criteria and can have one of the following
+ # values:
+ #
+ # :criteria => 'yesterday',
+ # :criteria => 'today',
+ # :criteria => 'last 7 days',
+ # :criteria => 'last week',
+ # :criteria => 'this week',
+ # :criteria => 'next week',
+ # :criteria => 'last month',
+ # :criteria => 'this month',
+ # :criteria => 'next month'
+ # == :type => 'text'
+ #
+ # The text type is used to specify Excel's "Specific Text" style conditional
+ # format. It is used to do simple string matching using the criteria and
+ # value parameters:
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:A4',
+ # {
+ # :type => 'text',
+ # :criteria => 'containing',
+ # :value => 'foo',
+ # :format => format
+ # }
+ # )
+ # The criteria can have one of the following values:
+ #
+ # :criteria => 'containing',
+ # :criteria => 'not containing',
+ # :criteria => 'begins with',
+ # :criteria => 'ends with'
+ # The value parameter should be a string or single character.
+ #
+ # == :type => 'average'
+ #
+ # The average type is used to specify Excel's "Average" style conditional
+ # format.
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:A4',
+ # {
+ # :type => 'average',
+ # :criteria => 'above',
+ # :format => format
+ # }
+ # )
+ # The type of average for the conditional format range is specified by the
+ # criteria:
+ #
+ # :criteria => 'above',
+ # :criteria => 'below',
+ # :criteria => 'equal or above',
+ # :criteria => 'equal or below',
+ # :criteria => '1 std dev above',
+ # :criteria => '1 std dev below',
+ # :criteria => '2 std dev above',
+ # :criteria => '2 std dev below',
+ # :criteria => '3 std dev above',
+ # :criteria => '3 std dev below'
+ # == :type => 'duplicate'
+ #
+ # The duplicate type is used to highlight duplicate cells in a range:
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:A4',
+ # {
+ # :type => 'duplicate',
+ # :format => format
+ # }
+ # )
+ # == :type => 'unique'
+ #
+ # The unique type is used to highlight unique cells in a range:
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:A4',
+ # {
+ # :type => 'unique',
+ # :format => format
+ # }
+ # )
+ # == :type => 'top'
+ #
+ # The top type is used to specify the top n values by number or percentage
+ # in a range:
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:A4',
+ # {
+ # :type => 'top',
+ # :value => 10,
+ # :format => format
+ # }
+ # )
+ # The criteria can be used to indicate that a percentage condition is
+ # required:
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:A4',
+ # {
+ # :type => 'top',
+ # :value => 10,
+ # :criteria => '%',
+ # :format => format
+ # }
+ # )
+ # == :type => 'bottom'
+ #
+ # The bottom type is used to specify the bottom n values by number or
+ # percentage in a range.
+ #
+ # It takes the same parameters as top, see above.
+ #
+ # == :type => 'blanks'
+ #
+ # The blanks type is used to highlight blank cells in a range:
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:A4',
+ # {
+ # :type => 'blanks',
+ # :format => format
+ # }
+ # )
+ # == :type => 'no_blanks'
+ #
+ # The no_blanks type is used to highlight non blank cells in a range:
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:A4',
+ # {
+ # :type => 'no_blanks',
+ # :format => format
+ # }
+ # )
+ # == :type => 'errors'
+ #
+ # The errors type is used to highlight error cells in a range:
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:A4',
+ # {
+ # :type => 'errors',
+ # :format => format
+ # }
+ # )
+ # == :type => 'no_errors'
+ #
+ # The no_errors type is used to highlight non error cells in a range:
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:A4',
+ # {
+ # :type => 'no_errors',
+ # :format => format
+ # }
+ # )
+ # == :type => '2_color_scale'
+ #
+ # The 2_color_scale type is used to specify Excel's "2 Color Scale" style
+ # conditional format.
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:A12',
+ # {
+ # :type => '2_color_scale'
+ # }
+ # )
+ # At the moment only the default colors and properties can be used. These
+ # will be extended in time.
+ #
+ # == :type => '3_color_scale'
+ #
+ # The 3_color_scale type is used to specify Excel's "3 Color Scale" style
+ # conditional format.
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:A12',
+ # {
+ # :type => '3_color_scale'
+ # }
+ # )
+ # At the moment only the default colors and properties can be used.
+ # These will be extended in time.
+ #
+ # == :type => 'data_bar'
+ #
+ # The data_bar type is used to specify Excel's "Data Bar" style conditional
+ # format.
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:A12',
+ # {
+ # :type => 'data_bar',
+ # }
+ # )
+ # At the moment only the default colors and properties can be used. These
+ # will be extended in time.
+ #
+ # == :type => 'formula'
+ #
+ # The formula type is used to specify a conditional format based on
+ # a user defined formula:
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:A4',
+ # {
+ # :type => 'formula',
+ # :criteria => '=$A$1 > 5',
+ # :format => format
+ # }
+ # )
+ # The formula is specified in the criteria.
+ #
+ # == :min_type, :mid_type, :max_type
+ #
+ # The min_type and max_type properties are available when the conditional
+ # formatting type is 2_color_scale, 3_color_scale or data_bar. The mid_type
+ # is available for 3_color_scale. The properties are used as follows:
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:A12',
+ # {
+ # :type => '2_color_scale',
+ # :min_type => 'percent',
+ # :max_type => 'percent'
+ # }
+ # )
+ # The available min/mid/max types are:
+ #
+ # 'num'
+ # 'percent'
+ # 'percentile'
+ # 'formula'
+ # == :min_value, :mid_value, :max_value
+ #
+ # The min_value and max_value properties are available when the conditional
+ # formatting type is 2_color_scale, 3_color_scale or data_bar. The mid_value
+ # is available for 3_color_scale. The properties are used as follows:
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:A12',
+ # {
+ # :type => '2_color_scale',
+ # :min_value => 10,
+ # :max_value => 90
+ # }
+ # )
+ # == :min_color, :mid_color, :max_color, :bar_color
+ #
+ # The min_color and max_color properties are available when the conditional
+ # formatting type is 2_color_scale, 3_color_scale or data_bar. The mid_color
+ # is available for 3_color_scale. The properties are used as follows:
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:A12',
+ # {
+ # ;type => '2_color_scale',
+ # :min_color => "#C5D9F1",
+ # :max_color => "#538ED5"
+ # }
+ # )
+ # The color can be specifies as an Excel::Writer::XLSX color index or,
+ # more usefully, as a HTML style RGB hex number, as shown above.
+ #
+ # == Conditional Formatting Examples
+ #
+ # === Example 1. Highlight cells greater than an integer value.
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:F10',
+ # {
+ # :type => 'cell',
+ # :criteria => 'greater than',
+ # :value => 5,
+ # :format => format
+ # }
+ # )
+ # === Example 2. Highlight cells greater than a value in a reference cell.
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:F10',
+ # {
+ # :type => 'cell',
+ # :criteria => 'greater than',
+ # :value => '$H$1',
+ # :format => format
+ # }
+ # )
+ # === Example 3. Highlight cells greater than a certain date:
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:F10',
+ # {
+ # :type => 'date',
+ # :criteria => 'greater than',
+ # :value => '2011-01-01T',
+ # :format => format
+ # }
+ # )
+ # === Example 4. Highlight cells with a date in the last seven days:
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:F10',
+ # {
+ # :type => 'time_period',
+ # :criteria => 'last 7 days',
+ # :format => format
+ # }
+ # )
+ # === Example 5. Highlight cells with strings starting with the letter b:
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:F10',
+ # {
+ # :type => 'text',
+ # :criteria => 'begins with',
+ # :value => 'b',
+ # :format => format
+ # }
+ # )
+ # === Example 6. Highlight cells that are 1 std deviation above the average for the range:
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:F10',
+ # {
+ # :type => 'average',
+ # :format => format
+ # }
+ # )
+ # === Example 7. Highlight duplicate cells in a range:
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:F10',
+ # {
+ # :type => 'duplicate',
+ # :format => format
+ # }
+ # )
+ # === Example 8. Highlight unique cells in a range.
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:F10',
+ # {
+ # :type => 'unique',
+ # :format => format
+ # }
+ # )
+ # === Example 9. Highlight the top 10 cells.
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:F10',
+ # {
+ # :type => 'top',
+ # :value => 10,
+ # :format => format
+ # }
+ # )
+ # === Example 10. Highlight blank cells.
+ #
+ # worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:F10',
+ # {
+ # :type => 'blanks',
+ # :format => format
+ # }
+ # )
+ # See also the conditional_format.rb example program in EXAMPLES.
+ #
def conditional_formatting(*args)
- # Check for a cell reference in A1 notation and substitute row and column
- if args[0] =~ /^\D/
- # Check for a user defined multiple range like B3:K6,B8:K11.
- user_range = args[0].gsub(/\s*,\s*/, ' ').gsub(/\$/, '') if args[0] =~ /,/
- end
- row1, col1, row2, col2, param = row_col_notation(args)
- if row2.respond_to?(:keys)
- param = row2
- row2, col2 = row1, col1
- end
- raise WriteXLSXInsufficientArgumentError if [row1, col1, row2, col2, param].include?(nil)
- # Check that row and col are valid without storing the values.
- check_dimensions(row1, col1)
- check_dimensions(row2, col2)
- check_conditional_formatting_parameters(param)
- # Swap last row/col for first row/col as necessary
- row1, row2 = row2, row1 if row1 > row2
- col1, col2 = col2, col1 if col1 > col2
- # If the first and last cell are the same write a single cell.
- if row1 == row2 && col1 == col2
- range = xl_rowcol_to_cell(row1, col1)
- start_cell = range
- else
- range = xl_range(row1, row2, col1, col2)
- start_cell = xl_rowcol_to_cell(row1, col1)
- end
- # Override with user defined multiple range if provided.
- range = user_range if user_range
- param[:format] = param[:format].get_dxf_index if param[:format]
- param[:priority] = @dxf_priority
- @dxf_priority += 1
- # Special handling of text criteria.
- if param[:type] == 'text'
- case param[:criteria]
- when 'containsText'
- param[:type] = 'containsText';
- param[:formula] = %Q!NOT(ISERROR(SEARCH("#{param[:value]}",#{start_cell})))!
- when 'notContains'
- param[:type] = 'notContainsText';
- param[:formula] = %Q!ISERROR(SEARCH("#{param[:value]}",#{start_cell}))!
- when 'beginsWith'
- param[:type] = 'beginsWith'
- param[:formula] =
- %Q!LEFT(#{start_cell},#{param[:value].size})="#{param[:value]}"!
- when 'endsWith'
- param[:type] = 'endsWith'
- param[:formula] =
- %Q!RIGHT(#{start_cell},#{param[:value].size})="#{param[:value]}"!
- else
- raise "Invalid text criteria '#{param[:criteria]} in conditional_formatting()"
- end
- end
- # Special handling of time time_period criteria.
- if param[:type] == 'timePeriod'
- case param[:criteria]
- when 'yesterday'
- param[:formula] = "FLOOR(#{start_cell},1)=TODAY()-1"
- when 'today'
- param[:formula] = "FLOOR(#{start_cell},1)=TODAY()"
- when 'tomorrow'
- param[:formula] = "FLOOR(#{start_cell},1)=TODAY()+1"
- when 'last7Days'
- param[:formula] =
- "AND(TODAY()-FLOOR(#{start_cell},1)<=6,FLOOR(#{start_cell},1)<=TODAY())"
- when 'lastWeek'
- param[:formula] =
- "AND(TODAY()-ROUNDDOWN(#{start_cell},0)>=(WEEKDAY(TODAY())),TODAY()-ROUNDDOWN(#{start_cell},0)<(WEEKDAY(TODAY())+7))"
- when 'thisWeek'
- param[:formula] =
- "AND(TODAY()-ROUNDDOWN(#{start_cell},0)<=WEEKDAY(TODAY())-1,ROUNDDOWN(#{start_cell},0)-TODAY()<=7-WEEKDAY(TODAY()))"
- when 'nextWeek'
- param[:formula] =
- "AND(ROUNDDOWN(#{start_cell},0)-TODAY()>(7-WEEKDAY(TODAY())),ROUNDDOWN(#{start_cell},0)-TODAY()<(15-WEEKDAY(TODAY())))"
- when 'lastMonth'
- param[:formula] =
- "AND(MONTH(#{start_cell})=MONTH(TODAY())-1,OR(YEAR(#{start_cell})=YEAR(TODAY()),AND(MONTH(#{start_cell})=1,YEAR(A1)=YEAR(TODAY())-1)))"
- when 'thisMonth'
- param[:formula] =
- "AND(MONTH(#{start_cell})=MONTH(TODAY()),YEAR(#{start_cell})=YEAR(TODAY()))"
- when 'nextMonth'
- param[:formula] =
- "AND(MONTH(#{start_cell})=MONTH(TODAY())+1,OR(YEAR(#{start_cell})=YEAR(TODAY()),AND(MONTH(#{start_cell})=12,YEAR(#{start_cell})=YEAR(TODAY())+1)))"
- else
- raise "Invalid time_period criteria '#{param[:criteria]}' in conditional_formatting()"
- end
- end
- # Special handling of blanks/error types.
- case param[:type]
- when 'containsBlanks'
- param[:formula] = "LEN(TRIM(#{start_cell}))=0"
- when 'notContainsBlanks'
- param[:formula] = "LEN(TRIM(#{start_cell}))>0"
- when 'containsErrors'
- param[:formula] = "ISERROR(#{start_cell})"
- when 'notContainsErrors'
- param[:formula] = "NOT(ISERROR(#{start_cell}))"
- when '2_color_scale'
- param[:type] = 'colorScale'
- # Color scales don't use any additional formatting.
- param[:format] = nil
- # Turn off 3 color parameters.
- param[:mid_type] = nil
- param[:mid_color] = nil
- param[:min_type] ||= 'min'
- param[:max_type] ||= 'max'
- param[:min_value] ||= 0
- param[:max_value] ||= 0
- param[:min_color] ||= '#FF7128'
- param[:max_color] ||= '#FFEF9C'
- param[:max_color] = get_palette_color( param[:max_color] )
- param[:min_color] = get_palette_color( param[:min_color] )
- when '3_color_scale'
- param[:type] = 'colorScale'
- # Color scales don't use any additional formatting.
- param[:format] = nil
- param[:min_type] ||= 'min'
- param[:mid_type] ||= 'percentile'
- param[:max_type] ||= 'max'
- param[:min_value] ||= 0
- param[:mid_value] ||= 50
- param[:max_value] ||= 0
- param[:min_color] ||= '#F8696B'
- param[:mid_color] ||= '#FFEB84'
- param[:max_color] ||= '#63BE7B'
- param[:max_color] = get_palette_color(param[:max_color])
- param[:mid_color] = get_palette_color(param[:mid_color])
- param[:min_color] = get_palette_color(param[:min_color])
- when 'dataBar'
- # Color scales don't use any additional formatting.
- param[:format] = nil
- param[:min_type] ||= 'min'
- param[:max_type] ||= 'max'
- param[:min_value] ||= 0
- param[:max_value] ||= 0
- param[:bar_color] ||= '#638EC6'
- param[:bar_color] = get_palette_color(param[:bar_color])
- end
- # Store the validation information until we close the worksheet.
- @cond_formats[range] ||= []
- @cond_formats[range] << param
+ cond_format = Package::ConditionalFormat.factory(self, *args)
+ @cond_formats[cond_format.range] ||= []
+ @cond_formats[cond_format.range] << cond_format
# Add an Excel table to a worksheet.
@@ -3418,222 +3730,41 @@
# in detail in a separate section "TABLES IN EXCEL".
# See also the tables.rb program in the examples directory of the distro
def add_table(*args)
- col_formats = []
- # We would need to order the write statements very carefully within this
- # function to support optimisation mode. Disable add_table() when it is
- # on for now.
- if @optimization
- carp "add_table() isn't supported when set_optimization() is on"
- return -1
- end
- # Check for a cell reference in A1 notation and substitute row and column
- row1, col1, row2, col2, param = row_col_notation(args)
- # Check for a valid number of args.
- raise "Not enough parameters to add_table()" if [row1, col1, row2, col2].include?(nil)
- # Check that row and col are valid without storing the values.
- check_dimensions_and_update_max_min_values(row1, col1, 1, 1)
- check_dimensions_and_update_max_min_values(row2, col2, 1, 1)
- # The final hashref contains the validation parameters.
- param ||= {}
- check_parameter(param, valid_table_parameter, 'add_table')
# Table count is a member of Workbook, global to all Worksheet.
@workbook.table_count += 1
- table = {}
- table[:_columns] = []
- table[:id] = @workbook.table_count
+ table =, @workbook.table_count, *args)
- # Turn on Excel's defaults.
- param[:banded_rows] ||= 1
- param[:header_row] ||= 1
- param[:autofilter] ||= 1
- # Set the table options.
- table[:_show_first_col] = ptrue?(param[:first_column]) ? 1 : 0
- table[:_show_last_col] = ptrue?(param[:last_column]) ? 1 : 0
- table[:_show_row_stripes] = ptrue?(param[:banded_rows]) ? 1 : 0
- table[:_show_col_stripes] = ptrue?(param[:banded_columns]) ? 1 : 0
- table[:_header_row_count] = ptrue?(param[:header_row]) ? 1 : 0
- table[:_totals_row_shown] = ptrue?(param[:total_row]) ? 1 : 0
- # Set the table name.
- if param[:name]
- table[:_name] = param[:name]
- else
- # Set a default name.
- table[:_name] = "Table#{table[:id]}"
- end
- # Set the table style.
- if param[:style]
- table[:_style] = param[:style]
- # Remove whitespace from style name.
- table[:_style].gsub!(/\s/, '')
- else
- table[:_style] = "TableStyleMedium9"
- end
- # Swap last row/col for first row/col as necessary.
- row1, row2 = row2, row1 if row1 > row2
- col1, col2 = col2, col1 if col1 > col2
- # Set the data range rows (without the header and footer).
- first_data_row = row1
- last_data_row = row2
- first_data_row += 1 if param[:header_row] != 0
- last_data_row -= 1 if param[:total_row]
- # Set the table and autofilter ranges.
- table[:_range] = xl_range(row1, row2, col1, col2)
- table[:_a_range] = xl_range(row1, last_data_row, col1, col2)
- # If the header row if off the default is to turn autofilter off.
- param[:autofilter] = 0 if param[:header_row] == 0
- # Set the autofilter range.
- if param[:autofilter] && param[:autofilter] != 0
- table[:_autofilter] = table[:_a_range]
- end
- # Add the table columns.
- col_id = 1
- (col1..col2).each do |col_num|
- # Set up the default column data.
- col_data = {
- :_id => col_id,
- :_name => "Column#{col_id}",
- :_total_string => '',
- :_total_function => '',
- :_formula => '',
- :_format => nil
- }
- # Overwrite the defaults with any use defined values.
- if param[:columns]
- # Check if there are user defined values for this column.
- if user_data = param[:columns][col_id - 1]
- # Map user defined values to internal values.
- if user_data[:header] && !user_data[:header].empty?
- col_data[:_name] = user_data[:header]
- end
- # Handle the column formula.
- if user_data[:formula]
- formula = user_data[:formula]
- # Remove the leading = from formula.
- formula.sub!(/^=/, '')
- # Covert Excel 2010 "@" ref to 2007 "#This Row".
- formula.gsub!(/@/,'[#This Row],')
- col_data[:_formula] = formula
- (first_data_row..last_data_row).each do |row|
- write_formula(row, col_num, formula, user_data[:format])
- end
- end
- # Handle the function for the total row.
- if user_data[:total_function]
- function = user_data[:total_function]
- # Massage the function name.
- function = function.downcase
- function.gsub!(/_/, '')
- function.gsub!(/\s/,'')
- function = 'countNums' if function == 'countnums'
- function = 'stdDev' if function == 'stddev'
- col_data[:_total_function] = function
- formula = table_function_to_formula(function, col_data[:_name])
- write_formula(row2, col_num, formula, user_data[:format])
- elsif user_data[:total_string]
- # Total label only (not a function).
- total_string = user_data[:total_string]
- col_data[:_total_string] = total_string
- write_string(row2, col_num, total_string, user_data[:format])
- end
- # Get the dxf format index.
- if user_data[:format]
- col_data[:_format] = user_data[:format].get_dxf_index
- end
- # Store the column format for writing the cell data.
- # It doesn't matter if it is undefined.
- col_formats[col_id - 1] = user_data[:format]
- end
- end
- # Store the column data.
- table[:_columns] << col_data
- # Write the column headers to the worksheet.
- if param[:header_row] != 0
- write_string(row1, col_num, col_data[:_name])
- end
- col_id += 1
- end # Table columns.
- # Write the cell data if supplied.
- if data = param[:data]
- i = 0 # For indexing the row data.
- (first_data_row..last_data_row).each do |row|
- next unless data[i]
- j = 0 # For indexing the col data.
- (col1..col2).each do |col|
- token = data[i][j]
- write(row, col, token, col_formats[j]) if token
- j += 1
- end
- i += 1
- end
- end
- # Store the table data.
+ @external_table_links << ['/table', "../tables/table#{}.xml"]
@tables << table
- # Store the link used for the rels file.
- @external_table_links << ['/table', "../tables/table#{table[:id]}.xml"]
- return table
+ table
- # List of valid input parameters.
- def valid_table_parameter
- [
- :autofilter,
- :banded_columns,
- :banded_rows,
- :columns,
- :data,
- :first_column,
- :header_row,
- :last_column,
- :name,
- :style,
- :total_row
- ]
- end
- private :valid_table_parameter
# Add sparklines to the worksheet.
+ # The add_sparkline worksheet method is used to add sparklines to a cell or a range of cells.
+ #
+ # worksheet.add_sparkline(
+ # {
+ # :location => 'F2',
+ # :range => 'Sheet1!A2:E2',
+ # :type => 'column',
+ # :style => 12
+ # }
+ # )
+ #
+ # See also the sparklines1.rb and sparklines2.rb example programs in the examples directory of the distro.
+ #
+ # Note: Sparklines are a feature of Excel 2010+ only.
+ # You can write them to an XLSX file that can be read by Excel 2007 but they won't be displayed.
+ #
+ # Sparklines are a feature of Excel 2010+ which allows you to add small charts to worksheet cells.
+ # These are useful for showing visual trends in data in a compact format.
+ #
def add_sparkline(param)
sparkline = {}
# Check for valid input parameters.
param.each_key do |k|
@@ -4838,33 +4969,35 @@
attributes = ['t', 'array', 'ref', range]
@writer.data_element('f', formula, attributes)
- private
+ def date_1904? #:nodoc:
+ @workbook.date_1904?
+ end
- # Convert a table total function to a worksheet formula.
+ # Convert from an Excel internal colour index to a XML style #RRGGBB index
+ # based on the default or user defined values in the Workbook palette.
- def table_function_to_formula(function, col_name)
- subtotals = {
- :average => 101,
- :countNums => 102,
- :count => 103,
- :max => 104,
- :min => 105,
- :stdDev => 107,
- :sum => 109,
- :var => 110
- }
- unless func_num = subtotals[function.to_sym]
- raise "Unsupported function '#{function}' in add_table()"
+ def get_palette_color(index) #:nodoc:
+ if index =~ /^#([0-9A-F]{6})$/i
+ return "FF#{$~[1]}"
- "SUBTOTAL(#{func_num},[#{col_name}])"
+ # Adjust the colour index.
+ index -= 8
+ # Palette is passed in from the Workbook class.
+ rgb = @workbook.palette[index]
+ # TODO Add the alpha part to the RGB.
+ sprintf("FF%02X%02X%02X", *rgb[0, 3])
+ private
def check_for_valid_input_params(param)
check_parameter(param, valid_validation_parameter, 'data_validation')
unless param.has_key?(:validate)
raise WriteXLSXOptionParameterError, "Parameter :validate is required in data_validation()"
@@ -4997,143 +5130,10 @@
pos += 1
[fragments, length]
- def check_conditional_formatting_parameters(param) # :nodoc:
- # Check for valid input parameters.
- unless (param.keys.uniq - valid_parameter_for_conditional_formatting).empty? &&
- param.has_key?(:type) &&
- valid_type_for_conditional_formatting.has_key?(param[:type].downcase)
- raise WriteXLSXOptionParameterError, "Invalid type : #{param[:type]}"
- end
- param[:direction] = 'bottom' if param[:type] == 'bottom'
- param[:type] = valid_type_for_conditional_formatting[param[:type].downcase]
- # Check for valid criteria types.
- if param.has_key?(:criteria) && valid_criteria_type_for_conditional_formatting.has_key?(param[:criteria].downcase)
- param[:criteria] = valid_criteria_type_for_conditional_formatting[param[:criteria].downcase]
- end
- # Convert date/times value if required.
- if %w[date time cellIs].include?(param[:type])
- param[:type] = 'cellIs'
- param[:value] = convert_date_time_if_required(param[:value])
- param[:minimum] = convert_date_time_if_required(param[:minimum])
- param[:maximum] = convert_date_time_if_required(param[:maximum])
- end
- # 'Between' and 'Not between' criteria require 2 values.
- if param[:criteria] == 'between' || param[:criteria] == 'notBetween'
- unless param.has_key?(:minimum) || param.has_key?(:maximum)
- raise WriteXLSXOptionParameterError, "Invalid criteria : #{param[:criteria]}"
- end
- else
- param[:minimum] = nil
- param[:maximum] = nil
- end
- # Convert date/times value if required.
- if param[:type] == 'date' || param[:type] == 'time'
- unless convert_date_time_value(param, :value) || convert_date_time_value(param, :maximum)
- raise WriteXLSXOptionParameterError
- end
- end
- end
- def convert_date_time_if_required(val)
- if val =~ /T/
- date_time = convert_date_time(val)
- raise "Invalid date/time value '#{val}' in conditional_formatting()" unless date_time
- date_time
- else
- val
- end
- end
- # List of valid input parameters for conditional_formatting.
- def valid_parameter_for_conditional_formatting
- [
- :type,
- :format,
- :criteria,
- :value,
- :minimum,
- :maximum,
- :min_type,
- :mid_type,
- :max_type,
- :min_value,
- :mid_value,
- :max_value,
- :min_color,
- :mid_color,
- :max_color,
- :bar_color
- ]
- end
- # List of valid validation types for conditional_formatting.
- def valid_type_for_conditional_formatting
- {
- 'cell' => 'cellIs',
- 'date' => 'date',
- 'time' => 'time',
- 'average' => 'aboveAverage',
- 'duplicate' => 'duplicateValues',
- 'unique' => 'uniqueValues',
- 'top' => 'top10',
- 'bottom' => 'top10',
- 'text' => 'text',
- 'time_period' => 'timePeriod',
- 'blanks' => 'containsBlanks',
- 'no_blanks' => 'notContainsBlanks',
- 'errors' => 'containsErrors',
- 'no_errors' => 'notContainsErrors',
- '2_color_scale' => '2_color_scale',
- '3_color_scale' => '3_color_scale',
- 'data_bar' => 'dataBar',
- 'formula' => 'expression'
- }
- end
- # List of valid criteria types for conditional_formatting.
- def valid_criteria_type_for_conditional_formatting
- {
- 'between' => 'between',
- 'not between' => 'notBetween',
- 'equal to' => 'equal',
- '=' => 'equal',
- '==' => 'equal',
- 'not equal to' => 'notEqual',
- '!=' => 'notEqual',
- '<>' => 'notEqual',
- 'greater than' => 'greaterThan',
- '>' => 'greaterThan',
- 'less than' => 'lessThan',
- '<' => 'lessThan',
- 'greater than or equal to' => 'greaterThanOrEqual',
- '>=' => 'greaterThanOrEqual',
- 'less than or equal to' => 'lessThanOrEqual',
- '<=' => 'lessThanOrEqual',
- 'containing' => 'containsText',
- 'not containing' => 'notContains',
- 'begins with' => 'beginsWith',
- 'ends with' => 'endsWith',
- 'yesterday' => 'yesterday',
- 'today' => 'today',
- 'last 7 days' => 'last7Days',
- 'last week' => 'lastWeek',
- 'this week' => 'thisWeek',
- 'next week' => 'nextWeek',
- 'last month' => 'lastMonth',
- 'this month' => 'thisMonth',
- 'next month' => 'nextMonth'
- }
- end
# Pad out the rest of the area with formatted blank cells.
def write_formatted_blank_to_area(row_first, row_last, col_first, col_last, format)
(row_first .. row_last).each do |row|
(col_first .. col_last).each do |col|
next if row == row_first && col == col_first
@@ -5300,29 +5300,10 @@
[operator, token]
- # Convert from an Excel internal colour index to a XML style #RRGGBB index
- # based on the default or user defined values in the Workbook palette.
- #
- def get_palette_color(index) #:nodoc:
- if index =~ /^#([0-9A-F]{6})$/i
- return "FF#{$~[1]}"
- end
- # Adjust the colour index.
- index -= 8
- # Palette is passed in from the Workbook class.
- rgb = @workbook.palette[index]
- # TODO Add the alpha part to the RGB.
- sprintf("FF%02X%02X%02X", *rgb[0, 3])
- end
- #
# This is an internal method that is used to filter elements of the array of
# pagebreaks used in the _store_hbreak() and _store_vbreak() methods. It:
# 1. Removes duplicate entries from the list.
# 2. Sorts the list.
# 3. Removes 0 from the list if present.
@@ -6763,19 +6744,10 @@
writer.empty_tag('vertAlign', attributes)
- # Write the <color> element.
- #
- def write_color(writer, name, value) #:nodoc:
- attributes = [name, value]
- writer.empty_tag('color', attributes)
- end
- #
# Write the <tableParts> element.
def write_table_parts
# Return if worksheet doesn't contain any tables.
return if @tables.empty?
@@ -7311,40 +7283,34 @@
# displayHidden="1"
# minAxisType="custom"
# maxAxisType="custom"
# rightToLeft="1">
- def write_sparkline_group(opts) # :nodoc:
- empty = opts[:_empty]
- user_max = 0
- user_min = 0
- a = []
+ def write_sparkline_group(sparkline) # :nodoc:
+ @writer.start_tag(
+ 'x14:sparklineGroup',
+ attributes_from_sparkline(sparkline)
+ )
+ end
- if opts[:_max]
- if opts[:_max] == 'group'
- opts[:_cust_max] = 'group'
- else
- a << 'manualMax' << opts[:_max]
- opts[:_cust_max] = 'custom'
- end
- end
+ def attributes_from_sparkline(opts) # :nodoc:
+ opts[:_cust_max] = cust_max_min(opts[:_max]) if opts[:_max]
+ opts[:_cust_min] = cust_max_min(opts[:_min]) if opts[:_min]
- if opts[:_min]
- if opts[:_min] == 'group'
- opts[:_cust_min] = 'group'
- else
- a << 'manualMin' << opts[:_min]
- opts[:_cust_min] = 'custom'
- end
- end
+ opts[:_cust_max] = cust_max_min(opts[:_max]) if opts[:_max]
+ opts[:_cust_min] = cust_max_min(opts[:_min]) if opts[:_min]
+ a = []
+ a << 'manualMax' << opts[:_max] if opts[:_max] && opts[:_max] != 'group'
+ a << 'manualMin' << opts[:_min] if opts[:_min] && opts[:_min] != 'group'
# Ignore the default type attribute (line).
a << 'type' << opts[:_type] if opts[:_type] != 'line'
a << 'lineWeight' << opts[:_weight] if opts[:_weight]
a << 'dateAxis' << 1 if opts[:_date_axis]
- a << 'displayEmptyCellsAs' << empty if ptrue?(empty)
+ a << 'displayEmptyCellsAs' << opts[:_empty] if ptrue?(opts[:_empty])
a << 'markers' << 1 if opts[:_markers]
a << 'high' << 1 if opts[:_high]
a << 'low' << 1 if opts[:_low]
a << 'first' << 1 if opts[:_first]
@@ -7353,12 +7319,15 @@
a << 'displayXAxis' << 1 if opts[:_axis]
a << 'displayHidden' << 1 if opts[:_hidden]
a << 'minAxisType' << opts[:_cust_min] if opts[:_cust_min]
a << 'maxAxisType' << opts[:_cust_max] if opts[:_cust_max]
a << 'rightToLeft' << 1 if opts[:_reverse]
+ a
+ end
- @writer.start_tag('x14:sparklineGroup', a)
+ def cust_max_min(max_min) # :nodoc:
+ max_min == 'group' ? 'group' : 'custom'
# Helper function for the sparkline color functions below.
@@ -7512,218 +7481,45 @@
formula = formula.sub(/^=/, '') if formula.respond_to?(:sub)
@writer.data_element('formula2', formula)
- # in Perl module : _write_formula()
- def write_formula_tag(data) #:nodoc:
- data = data.sub(/^=/, '') if data.respond_to?(:sub)
- @writer.data_element('formula', data)
- end
+ # Write the Worksheet conditional formats.
- # Write the <colorScale> element.
- #
- def write_color_scale(param)
- @writer.tag_elements('colorScale') do
- write_cfvo(param[:min_type], param[:min_value])
- write_cfvo(param[:mid_type], param[:mid_value]) if param[:mid_type]
- write_cfvo(param[:max_type], param[:max_value])
- write_color(@writer, 'rgb', param[:min_color])
- write_color(@writer, 'rgb', param[:mid_color]) if param[:mid_color]
- write_color(@writer, 'rgb', param[:max_color])
+ def write_conditional_formats #:nodoc:
+ @cond_formats.keys.sort.each do |range|
+ write_conditional_formatting(range, @cond_formats[range])
- # Write the <dataBar> element.
- #
- def write_data_bar(param)
- @writer.tag_elements('dataBar') do
- write_cfvo(param[:min_type], param[:min_value])
- write_cfvo(param[:max_type], param[:max_value])
- write_color(@writer, 'rgb', param[:bar_color])
- end
- end
- #
- # Write the <cfvo> element.
- #
- def write_cfvo(type, val)
- attributes = [
- 'type', type,
- 'val', val
- ]
- @writer.empty_tag('cfvo', attributes)
- end
- #
- # Write the Worksheet conditional formats.
- #
- def write_conditional_formats #:nodoc:
- ranges = @cond_formats.keys.sort
- return if ranges.empty?
- ranges.each { |range| write_conditional_formatting(range, @cond_formats[range]) }
- end
- #
# Write the <conditionalFormatting> element.
- # The conditional_formatting() method is used to add formatting
- # to a cell or range of cells based on user defined criteria.
- #
- # worksheet.conditional_formatting('A1:J10',
- # {
- # :type => 'cell',
- # :criteria => '>=',
- # :value => 50,
- # :format => format1
- # }
- # )
- # This method contains a lot of parameters and is described
- # in detail in a separate section "CONDITIONAL FORMATTING IN EXCEL".
- #
- # See also the conditional_format.rb program in the examples directory
- # of the distro
- #
- def write_conditional_formatting(range, params) #:nodoc:
+ def write_conditional_formatting(range, cond_formats) #:nodoc:
attributes = ['sqref', range]
@writer.tag_elements('conditionalFormatting', attributes) do
- params.each { |param| write_cf_rule(param) }
+ cond_formats.each { |cond_format| cond_format.write_cf_rule }
- #
- # Write the <cfRule> element.
- #
- def write_cf_rule(param) #:nodoc:
- attributes = ['type' , param[:type]]
- if param[:format]
- attributes << 'dxfId' << param[:format]
- end
- attributes << 'priority' << param[:priority]
- case param[:type]
- when 'cellIs'
- attributes << 'operator' << param[:criteria]
- @writer.tag_elements('cfRule', attributes) do
- if param[:minimum] && param[:maximum]
- write_formula_tag(param[:minimum])
- write_formula_tag(param[:maximum])
- else
- write_formula_tag(param[:value])
- end
- end
- when 'aboveAverage'
- attributes << 'aboveAverage' << 0 if param[:criteria] =~ /below/
- attributes << 'equalAverage' << 1 if param[:criteria] =~ /equal/
- if param[:criteria] =~ /([123]) std dev/
- attributes << 'stdDev' << $~[1]
- end
- @writer.empty_tag('cfRule', attributes)
- when 'top10'
- attributes << 'percent' << 1 if param[:criteria] == '%'
- attributes << 'bottom' << 1 if param[:direction]
- rank = param[:value] || 10
- attributes << 'rank' << rank
- @writer.empty_tag('cfRule', attributes)
- when 'duplicateValues', 'uniqueValues'
- @writer.empty_tag('cfRule', attributes)
- when 'containsText', 'notContainsText', 'beginsWith', 'endsWith'
- attributes << 'operator' << param[:criteria]
- attributes << 'text' << param[:value]
- @writer.tag_elements('cfRule', attributes) do
- write_formula_tag(param[:formula])
- end
- when 'timePeriod'
- attributes << 'timePeriod' << param[:criteria]
- @writer.tag_elements('cfRule', attributes) do
- write_formula_tag(param[:formula])
- end
- when 'containsBlanks', 'notContainsBlanks', 'containsErrors', 'notContainsErrors'
- @writer.tag_elements('cfRule', attributes) do
- write_formula_tag(param[:formula])
- end
- when 'colorScale'
- @writer.tag_elements('cfRule', attributes) do
- write_color_scale(param)
- end
- when 'dataBar'
- @writer.tag_elements('cfRule', attributes) do
- write_data_bar(param)
- end
- when 'expression'
- @writer.tag_elements('cfRule', attributes) do
- write_formula_tag(param[:criteria])
- end
- end
- end
def store_data_to_table(cell_data) #:nodoc:
row, col = cell_data.row, cell_data.col
if @cell_data_table[row]
@cell_data_table[row][col] = cell_data
@cell_data_table[row] = {}
@cell_data_table[row][col] = cell_data
- # Check for a cell reference in A1 notation and substitute row and column
- def row_col_notation(args) # :nodoc:
- if args[0] =~ /^\D/
- substitute_cellref(*args)
- else
- args
- end
- end
- #
- # Check that row and col are valid and store max and min values for use in
- # other methods/elements.
- #
- # The ignore_row/ignore_col flags is used to indicate that we wish to
- # perform the dimension check without storing the value.
- #
- # The ignore flags are use by set_row() and data_validate.
- #
- def check_dimensions_and_update_max_min_values(row, col, ignore_row = 0, ignore_col = 0) #:nodoc:
- check_dimensions(row, col)
- store_row_max_min_values(row) if ignore_row == 0
- store_col_max_min_values(col) if ignore_col == 0
- 0
- end
- def check_dimensions(row, col)
- if !row || row >= ROW_MAX || !col || col >= COL_MAX
- raise WriteXLSXDimensionError
- end
- 0
- end
def store_row_col_max_min_values(row, col)
- def store_row_max_min_values(row)
- @dim_rowmin = row if !@dim_rowmin || (row < @dim_rowmin)
- @dim_rowmax = row if !@dim_rowmax || (row > @dim_rowmax)
- end
- def store_col_max_min_values(col)
- @dim_colmin = col if !@dim_colmin || (col < @dim_colmin)
- @dim_colmax = col if !@dim_colmax || (col > @dim_colmax)
- end
# Calculate the "spans" attribute of the <row> tag. This is an XLSX
# optimisation and isn't strictly required. However, it makes comparing
# files easier.
@@ -7881,13 +7677,9 @@
def autofilter_ref? #:nodoc:
- end
- def date_1904? #:nodoc:
- @workbook.date_1904?
def print_options_changed? #:nodoc: