lib/write_xlsx/worksheet.rb in write_xlsx-0.54.0 vs lib/write_xlsx/worksheet.rb in write_xlsx-0.55.0
- old
+ new
@@ -33,10 +33,11 @@
# insert_image
# insert_chart
# insert_shape
# data_validation
# conditional_formatting
+ # add_sparkline
# add_table
# name
# activate
# select
# hide
@@ -360,10 +361,11 @@
@workbook = workbook
@index = index
@name = name
@colinfo = []
@cell_data_table = {}
+ @excel_version = 2007
@print_style =
@print_area = ''
@@ -405,10 +407,11 @@
@external_table_links = []
@drawing_links = []
@charts = []
@images = []
@tables = []
+ @sparklines = []
@shapes = []
@shape_hash = {}
@zoom = 100
@outline_row_level = 0
@@ -450,11 +453,11 @@
- # write_ext_lst
+ write_ext_sparklines
@@ -3300,14 +3303,16 @@
when 'notContains'
param[:type] = 'notContainsText';
param[:formula] = %Q!ISERROR(SEARCH("#{param[:value]}",#{start_cell}))!
when 'beginsWith'
param[:type] = 'beginsWith'
- param[:formula] = %Q!LEFT(#{start_cell},1)="#{param[:value]}"!
+ param[:formula] =
+ %Q!LEFT(#{start_cell},#{param[:value].size})="#{param[:value]}"!
when 'endsWith'
param[:type] = 'endsWith'
- param[:formula] = %Q!RIGHT(#{start_cell},1)="#{param[:value]}"!
+ param[:formula] =
+ %Q!RIGHT(#{start_cell},#{param[:value].size})="#{param[:value]}"!
raise "Invalid text criteria '#{param[:criteria]} in conditional_formatting()"
@@ -3631,12 +3636,121 @@
+ private :valid_table_parameter
+ # add_sparkline
+ #
+ def add_sparkline(param)
+ sparkline = {}
+ # Check for valid input parameters.
+ param.each_key do |k|
+ unless valid_sparkline_parameter[k]
+ raise "Unknown parameter '#{k}' in add_sparkline()"
+ end
+ end
+ [:location, :range].each do |required_key|
+ unless param[required_key]
+ raise "Parameter '#{required_key}' is required in add_sparkline()"
+ end
+ end
+ # Handle the sparkline type.
+ type = param[:type] || 'line'
+ unless ['line', 'column', 'win_loss'].include?(type)
+ raise "Parameter ':type' must be 'line', 'column' or 'win_loss' in add_sparkline()"
+ end
+ type = 'stacked' if type == 'win_loss'
+ sparkline[:_type] = type
+ # We handle single location/range values or array refs of values.
+ sparkline[:_locations] = [param[:location]].flatten
+ sparkline[:_ranges] = [param[:range]].flatten
+ if sparkline[:_ranges].size != sparkline[:_locations].size
+ raise "Must have the same number of location and range parameters in add_sparkline()"
+ end
+ # Store the count.
+ sparkline[:_count] = sparkline[:_locations].size
+ # Get the worksheet name for the range conversion below.
+ sheetname = quote_sheetname(@name)
+ # Cleanup the input ranges.
+ sparkline[:_ranges].collect! do |range|
+ # Remove the absolute reference $ symbols.
+ range = range.gsub(/\$/, '')
+ # Convert a simiple range into a full Sheet1!A1:D1 range.
+ range = "#{sheetname}!#{range}" unless range =~ /!/
+ range
+ end
+ # Cleanup the input locations.
+ sparkline[:_locations].collect! { |location| location.gsub(/\$/, '') }
+ # Map options.
+ sparkline[:_high] = param[:high_point]
+ sparkline[:_low] = param[:low_point]
+ sparkline[:_negative] = param[:negative_points]
+ sparkline[:_first] = param[:first_point]
+ sparkline[:_last] = param[:last_point]
+ sparkline[:_markers] = param[:markers]
+ sparkline[:_min] = param[:min]
+ sparkline[:_max] = param[:max]
+ sparkline[:_axis] = param[:axis]
+ sparkline[:_reverse] = param[:reverse]
+ sparkline[:_hidden] = param[:show_hidden]
+ sparkline[:_weight] = param[:weight]
+ # Map empty cells options.
+ empty = param[:empty_cells] || ''
+ sparkline[:_empty] = case empty
+ when 'zero'
+ 0
+ when 'connect'
+ 'span'
+ else
+ 'gap'
+ end
+ # Map the date axis range.
+ date_range = param[:date_axis]
+ if ptrue?(date_range) && !(date_range =~ /!/)
+ date_range = "#{sheetname}!#{date_range}"
+ end
+ sparkline[:_date_axis] = date_range
+ # Set the sparkline styles.
+ style_id = param[:style] || 0
+ style = spark_styles[style_id]
+ sparkline[:_series_color] = style[:series]
+ sparkline[:_negative_color] = style[:negative]
+ sparkline[:_markers_color] = style[:markers]
+ sparkline[:_first_color] = style[:first]
+ sparkline[:_last_color] = style[:last]
+ sparkline[:_high_color] = style[:high]
+ sparkline[:_low_color] = style[:low]
+ # Override the style colours with user defined colors.
+ set_spark_color(sparkline, param, :series_color)
+ set_spark_color(sparkline, param, :negative_color)
+ set_spark_color(sparkline, param, :markers_color)
+ set_spark_color(sparkline, param, :first_color)
+ set_spark_color(sparkline, param, :last_color)
+ set_spark_color(sparkline, param, :high_color)
+ set_spark_color(sparkline, param, :low_color)
+ @sparklines << sparkline
+ end
+ #
# :call-seq:
# data_validation(cell_or_cell_range, options)
# Data validation is a feature of Excel which allows you to restrict
# the data that a users enters in a cell and to display help and
@@ -5652,16 +5766,22 @@
# Write the <worksheet> element. This is the root element of Worksheet.
def write_worksheet #:nodoc:
- schema = ''
- attributes = [
- 'xmlns', schema + 'spreadsheetml/2006/main',
- 'xmlns:r', schema + 'officeDocument/2006/relationships'
- ]
- @writer.start_tag('worksheet', attributes)
+ schema = ''
+ attributes = [
+ 'xmlns', schema + 'spreadsheetml/2006/main',
+ 'xmlns:r', schema + 'officeDocument/2006/relationships'
+ ]
+ if @excel_version == 2010
+ attributes << 'xmlns:mc' << "#{schema}markup-compatibility/2006"
+ attributes << 'xmlns:x14ac' <<
+ ''
+ attributes << 'mc:Ignorable' << 'x14ac'
+ end
+ @writer.start_tag('worksheet', attributes)
# Write the <sheetPr> element for Sheet level properties.
@@ -5796,10 +5916,13 @@
default_row_height = 15
attributes = ['defaultRowHeight', default_row_height]
attributes << 'outlineLevelRow' << @outline_row_level if @outline_row_level > 0
attributes << 'outlineLevelCol' << @outline_col_level if @outline_col_level > 0
+ if @excel_version == 2010
+ attributes << 'x14ac:dyDescent' << '0.25'
+ end
@writer.empty_tag('sheetFormatPr', attributes)
# Write the <cols> element and <col> sub elements.
@@ -5964,10 +6087,13 @@
(attributes << 'hidden' << 1 ) if ptrue?(hidden)
(attributes << 'customHeight' << 1 ) if height != 15
(attributes << 'outlineLevel' << level) if ptrue?(level)
(attributes << 'collapsed' << 1 ) if ptrue?(collapsed)
+ if @excel_version == 2010
+ attributes << 'x14ac:dyDescent' << '0.25'
+ end
if ptrue?(empty_row)
@writer.empty_tag('row', attributes)
@writer.start_tag('row', attributes)
@@ -6183,49 +6309,10 @@
@writer.empty_tag('pageSetup', attributes)
- # Write the <extLst> element.
- #
- def write_ext_lst #:nodoc:
- @writer.tag_elements('extLst') { write_ext }
- end
- #
- # Write the <ext> element.
- #
- def write_ext #:nodoc:
- xmlnsmx = ''
- uri = ''
- attributes = [
- 'xmlns:mx', xmlnsmx,
- 'uri', uri
- ]
- @writer.tag_elements('ext', attributes) { write_mx_plv }
- end
- #
- # Write the <mx:PLV> element.
- #
- def write_mx_plv #:nodoc:
- mode = 1
- one_page = 0
- w_scale = 0
- attributes = [
- 'Mode', mode,
- 'OnePage', one_page,
- 'WScale', w_scale
- ]
- @writer.empty_tag('mx:PLV', attributes)
- end
- #
# Write the <mergeCells> element.
def write_merge_cells #:nodoc:
write_some_elements('mergeCells', @merge) do
@merge.each { |merged_range| write_merge_cell(merged_range) }
@@ -6722,9 +6809,634 @@
r_id = "rId#{id}"
attributes = ['r:id', r_id]
@writer.empty_tag('tablePart', attributes)
+ end
+ def spark_styles # :nodoc:
+ [
+ { # 0
+ :series => { :_theme => "4", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" },
+ :negative => { :_theme => "5" },
+ :markers => { :_theme => "4", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" },
+ :first => { :_theme => "4", :_tint => "0.39997558519241921" },
+ :last => { :_theme => "4", :_tint => "0.39997558519241921" },
+ :high => { :_theme => "4" },
+ :low => { :_theme => "4" }
+ },
+ { # 1
+ :series => { :_theme => "4", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" },
+ :negative => { :_theme => "5" },
+ :markers => { :_theme => "4", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" },
+ :first => { :_theme => "4", :_tint => "0.39997558519241921" },
+ :last => { :_theme => "4", :_tint => "0.39997558519241921" },
+ :high => { :_theme => "4" },
+ :low => { :_theme => "4" }
+ },
+ { # 2
+ :series => { :_theme => "5", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" },
+ :negative => { :_theme => "6" },
+ :markers => { :_theme => "5", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" },
+ :first => { :_theme => "5", :_tint => "0.39997558519241921" },
+ :last => { :_theme => "5", :_tint => "0.39997558519241921" },
+ :high => { :_theme => "5" },
+ :low => { :_theme => "5" }
+ },
+ { # 3
+ :series => { :_theme => "6", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" },
+ :negative => { :_theme => "7" },
+ :markers => { :_theme => "6", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" },
+ :first => { :_theme => "6", :_tint => "0.39997558519241921" },
+ :last => { :_theme => "6", :_tint => "0.39997558519241921" },
+ :high => { :_theme => "6" },
+ :low => { :_theme => "6" }
+ },
+ { # 4
+ :series => { :_theme => "7", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" },
+ :negative => { :_theme => "8" },
+ :markers => { :_theme => "7", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" },
+ :first => { :_theme => "7", :_tint => "0.39997558519241921" },
+ :last => { :_theme => "7", :_tint => "0.39997558519241921" },
+ :high => { :_theme => "7" },
+ :low => { :_theme => "7" }
+ },
+ { # 5
+ :series => { :_theme => "8", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" },
+ :negative => { :_theme => "9" },
+ :markers => { :_theme => "8", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" },
+ :first => { :_theme => "8", :_tint => "0.39997558519241921" },
+ :last => { :_theme => "8", :_tint => "0.39997558519241921" },
+ :high => { :_theme => "8" },
+ :low => { :_theme => "8" }
+ },
+ { # 6
+ :series => { :_theme => "9", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" },
+ :negative => { :_theme => "4" },
+ :markers => { :_theme => "9", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" },
+ :first => { :_theme => "9", :_tint => "0.39997558519241921" },
+ :last => { :_theme => "9", :_tint => "0.39997558519241921" },
+ :high => { :_theme => "9" },
+ :low => { :_theme => "9" }
+ },
+ { # 7
+ :series => { :_theme => "4", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :negative => { :_theme => "5" },
+ :markers => { :_theme => "5", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :first => { :_theme => "5", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :last => { :_theme => "5", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :high => { :_theme => "5", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :low => { :_theme => "5", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" }
+ },
+ { # 8
+ :series => { :_theme => "5", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :negative => { :_theme => "6" },
+ :markers => { :_theme => "6", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :first => { :_theme => "6", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :last => { :_theme => "6", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :high => { :_theme => "6", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :low => { :_theme => "6", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" }
+ },
+ { # 9
+ :series => { :_theme => "6", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :negative => { :_theme => "7" },
+ :markers => { :_theme => "7", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :first => { :_theme => "7", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :last => { :_theme => "7", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :high => { :_theme => "7", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :low => { :_theme => "7", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" }
+ },
+ { # 10
+ :series => { :_theme => "7", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :negative => { :_theme => "8" },
+ :markers => { :_theme => "8", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :first => { :_theme => "8", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :last => { :_theme => "8", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :high => { :_theme => "8", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :low => { :_theme => "8", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" }
+ },
+ { # 11
+ :series => { :_theme => "8", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :negative => { :_theme => "9" },
+ :markers => { :_theme => "9", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :first => { :_theme => "9", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :last => { :_theme => "9", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :high => { :_theme => "9", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :low => { :_theme => "9", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" }
+ },
+ { # 12
+ :series => { :_theme => "9", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :negative => { :_theme => "4" },
+ :markers => { :_theme => "4", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :first => { :_theme => "4", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :last => { :_theme => "4", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :high => { :_theme => "4", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :low => { :_theme => "4", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" }
+ },
+ { # 13
+ :series => { :_theme => "4" },
+ :negative => { :_theme => "5" },
+ :markers => { :_theme => "4", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :first => { :_theme => "4", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :last => { :_theme => "4", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :high => { :_theme => "4", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :low => { :_theme => "4", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" }
+ },
+ { # 14
+ :series => { :_theme => "5" },
+ :negative => { :_theme => "6" },
+ :markers => { :_theme => "5", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :first => { :_theme => "5", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :last => { :_theme => "5", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :high => { :_theme => "5", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :low => { :_theme => "5", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" }
+ },
+ { # 15
+ :series => { :_theme => "6" },
+ :negative => { :_theme => "7" },
+ :markers => { :_theme => "6", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :first => { :_theme => "6", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :last => { :_theme => "6", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :high => { :_theme => "6", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :low => { :_theme => "6", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" }
+ },
+ { # 16
+ :series => { :_theme => "7" },
+ :negative => { :_theme => "8" },
+ :markers => { :_theme => "7", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :first => { :_theme => "7", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :last => { :_theme => "7", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :high => { :_theme => "7", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :low => { :_theme => "7", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" }
+ },
+ { # 17
+ :series => { :_theme => "8" },
+ :negative => { :_theme => "9" },
+ :markers => { :_theme => "8", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :first => { :_theme => "8", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :last => { :_theme => "8", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :high => { :_theme => "8", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :low => { :_theme => "8", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" }
+ },
+ { # 18
+ :series => { :_theme => "9" },
+ :negative => { :_theme => "4" },
+ :markers => { :_theme => "9", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :first => { :_theme => "9", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :last => { :_theme => "9", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :high => { :_theme => "9", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :low => { :_theme => "9", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" }
+ },
+ { # 19
+ :series => { :_theme => "4", :_tint => "0.39997558519241921" },
+ :negative => { :_theme => "0", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" },
+ :markers => { :_theme => "4", :_tint => "0.79998168889431442" },
+ :first => { :_theme => "4", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :last => { :_theme => "4", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :high => { :_theme => "4", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" },
+ :low => { :_theme => "4", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" }
+ },
+ { # 20
+ :series => { :_theme => "5", :_tint => "0.39997558519241921" },
+ :negative => { :_theme => "0", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" },
+ :markers => { :_theme => "5", :_tint => "0.79998168889431442" },
+ :first => { :_theme => "5", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :last => { :_theme => "5", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :high => { :_theme => "5", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" },
+ :low => { :_theme => "5", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" }
+ },
+ { # 21
+ :series => { :_theme => "6", :_tint => "0.39997558519241921" },
+ :negative => { :_theme => "0", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" },
+ :markers => { :_theme => "6", :_tint => "0.79998168889431442" },
+ :first => { :_theme => "6", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :last => { :_theme => "6", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :high => { :_theme => "6", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" },
+ :low => { :_theme => "6", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" }
+ },
+ { # 22
+ :series => { :_theme => "7", :_tint => "0.39997558519241921" },
+ :negative => { :_theme => "0", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" },
+ :markers => { :_theme => "7", :_tint => "0.79998168889431442" },
+ :first => { :_theme => "7", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :last => { :_theme => "7", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :high => { :_theme => "7", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" },
+ :low => { :_theme => "7", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" }
+ },
+ { # 23
+ :series => { :_theme => "8", :_tint => "0.39997558519241921" },
+ :negative => { :_theme => "0", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" },
+ :markers => { :_theme => "8", :_tint => "0.79998168889431442" },
+ :first => { :_theme => "8", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :last => { :_theme => "8", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :high => { :_theme => "8", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" },
+ :low => { :_theme => "8", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" }
+ },
+ { # 24
+ :series => { :_theme => "9", :_tint => "0.39997558519241921" },
+ :negative => { :_theme => "0", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" },
+ :markers => { :_theme => "9", :_tint => "0.79998168889431442" },
+ :first => { :_theme => "9", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :last => { :_theme => "9", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :high => { :_theme => "9", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" },
+ :low => { :_theme => "9", :_tint => "-0.499984740745262" }
+ },
+ { # 25
+ :series => { :_theme => "1", :_tint => "0.499984740745262" },
+ :negative => { :_theme => "1", :_tint => "0.249977111117893" },
+ :markers => { :_theme => "1", :_tint => "0.249977111117893" },
+ :first => { :_theme => "1", :_tint => "0.249977111117893" },
+ :last => { :_theme => "1", :_tint => "0.249977111117893" },
+ :high => { :_theme => "1", :_tint => "0.249977111117893" },
+ :low => { :_theme => "1", :_tint => "0.249977111117893" }
+ },
+ { # 26
+ :series => { :_theme => "1", :_tint => "0.34998626667073579" },
+ :negative => { :_theme => "0", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :markers => { :_theme => "0", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :first => { :_theme => "0", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :last => { :_theme => "0", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :high => { :_theme => "0", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" },
+ :low => { :_theme => "0", :_tint => "-0.249977111117893" }
+ },
+ { # 27
+ :series => { :_rgb => "FF323232" },
+ :negative => { :_rgb => "FFD00000" },
+ :markers => { :_rgb => "FFD00000" },
+ :first => { :_rgb => "FFD00000" },
+ :last => { :_rgb => "FFD00000" },
+ :high => { :_rgb => "FFD00000" },
+ :low => { :_rgb => "FFD00000" }
+ },
+ { # 28
+ :series => { :_rgb => "FF000000" },
+ :negative => { :_rgb => "FF0070C0" },
+ :markers => { :_rgb => "FF0070C0" },
+ :first => { :_rgb => "FF0070C0" },
+ :last => { :_rgb => "FF0070C0" },
+ :high => { :_rgb => "FF0070C0" },
+ :low => { :_rgb => "FF0070C0" }
+ },
+ { # 29
+ :series => { :_rgb => "FF376092" },
+ :negative => { :_rgb => "FFD00000" },
+ :markers => { :_rgb => "FFD00000" },
+ :first => { :_rgb => "FFD00000" },
+ :last => { :_rgb => "FFD00000" },
+ :high => { :_rgb => "FFD00000" },
+ :low => { :_rgb => "FFD00000" }
+ },
+ { # 30
+ :series => { :_rgb => "FF0070C0" },
+ :negative => { :_rgb => "FF000000" },
+ :markers => { :_rgb => "FF000000" },
+ :first => { :_rgb => "FF000000" },
+ :last => { :_rgb => "FF000000" },
+ :high => { :_rgb => "FF000000" },
+ :low => { :_rgb => "FF000000" }
+ },
+ { # 31
+ :series => { :_rgb => "FF5F5F5F" },
+ :negative => { :_rgb => "FFFFB620" },
+ :markers => { :_rgb => "FFD70077" },
+ :first => { :_rgb => "FF5687C2" },
+ :last => { :_rgb => "FF359CEB" },
+ :high => { :_rgb => "FF56BE79" },
+ :low => { :_rgb => "FFFF5055" }
+ },
+ { # 32
+ :series => { :_rgb => "FF5687C2" },
+ :negative => { :_rgb => "FFFFB620" },
+ :markers => { :_rgb => "FFD70077" },
+ :first => { :_rgb => "FF777777" },
+ :last => { :_rgb => "FF359CEB" },
+ :high => { :_rgb => "FF56BE79" },
+ :low => { :_rgb => "FFFF5055" }
+ },
+ { # 33
+ :series => { :_rgb => "FFC6EFCE" },
+ :negative => { :_rgb => "FFFFC7CE" },
+ :markers => { :_rgb => "FF8CADD6" },
+ :first => { :_rgb => "FFFFDC47" },
+ :last => { :_rgb => "FFFFEB9C" },
+ :high => { :_rgb => "FF60D276" },
+ :low => { :_rgb => "FFFF5367" }
+ },
+ { # 34
+ :series => { :_rgb => "FF00B050" },
+ :negative => { :_rgb => "FFFF0000" },
+ :markers => { :_rgb => "FF0070C0" },
+ :first => { :_rgb => "FFFFC000" },
+ :last => { :_rgb => "FFFFC000" },
+ :high => { :_rgb => "FF00B050" },
+ :low => { :_rgb => "FFFF0000" }
+ },
+ { # 35
+ :series => { :_theme => "3" },
+ :negative => { :_theme => "9" },
+ :markers => { :_theme => "8" },
+ :first => { :_theme => "4" },
+ :last => { :_theme => "5" },
+ :high => { :_theme => "6" },
+ :low => { :_theme => "7" }
+ },
+ { # 36
+ :series => { :_theme => "1" },
+ :negative => { :_theme => "9" },
+ :markers => { :_theme => "8" },
+ :first => { :_theme => "4" },
+ :last => { :_theme => "5" },
+ :high => { :_theme => "6" },
+ :low => { :_theme => "7" }
+ }
+ ]
+ end
+ def valid_sparkline_parameter # :nodoc:
+ {
+ :location => 1,
+ :range => 1,
+ :type => 1,
+ :high_point => 1,
+ :low_point => 1,
+ :negative_points => 1,
+ :first_point => 1,
+ :last_point => 1,
+ :markers => 1,
+ :style => 1,
+ :series_color => 1,
+ :negative_color => 1,
+ :markers_color => 1,
+ :first_color => 1,
+ :last_color => 1,
+ :high_color => 1,
+ :low_color => 1,
+ :max => 1,
+ :min => 1,
+ :axis => 1,
+ :reverse => 1,
+ :empty_cells => 1,
+ :show_hidden => 1,
+ :date_axis => 1,
+ :weight => 1
+ }
+ end
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ def set_spark_color(sparkline, param, user_color) # :nodoc:
+ spark_color = "_#{user_color}".to_sym
+ return unless ptrue?(param[user_color])
+ sparkline[spark_color] =
+ { :_rgb => get_palette_color(param[user_color]) }
+ end
+ #
+ # Write the <extLst> element and sparkline subelements.
+ #
+ def write_ext_sparklines # :nodoc:
+ sparklines = @sparklines
+ # Return if worksheet doesn't contain any sparklines.
+ return if sparklines.empty?
+ # Write the extLst element.
+ @writer.start_tag('extLst')
+ # Write the ext element.
+ write_ext
+ # Write the x14:sparklineGroups element.
+ write_sparkline_groups
+ # Write the sparkline elements.
+ sparklines.reverse.each do |sparkline|
+ # Write the x14:sparklineGroup element.
+ write_sparkline_group(sparkline)
+ # Write the x14:colorSeries element.
+ write_color_series(sparkline[:_series_color])
+ # Write the x14:colorNegative element.
+ write_color_negative(sparkline[:_negative_color])
+ # Write the x14:colorAxis element.
+ write_color_axis
+ # Write the x14:colorMarkers element.
+ write_color_markers(sparkline[:_markers_color])
+ # Write the x14:colorFirst element.
+ write_color_first(sparkline[:_first_color])
+ # Write the x14:colorLast element.
+ write_color_last(sparkline[:_last_color] )
+ # Write the x14:colorHigh element.
+ write_color_high(sparkline[:_high_color])
+ # Write the x14:colorLow element.
+ write_color_low(sparkline[:_low_color])
+ if sparkline[:_date_axis]
+ @writer.data_element('xm:f', sparkline[:_date_axis])
+ end
+ write_sparklines(sparkline)
+ @writer.end_tag('x14:sparklineGroup')
+ end
+ @writer.end_tag('x14:sparklineGroups')
+ @writer.end_tag('ext')
+ @writer.end_tag('extLst')
+ end
+ #
+ # Write the <x14:sparklines> element and <x14:sparkline> subelements.
+ #
+ def write_sparklines(sparkline) # :nodoc:
+ # Write the sparkline elements.
+ @writer.tag_elements('x14:sparklines') do
+ (0 .. sparkline[:_count]-1).each do |i|
+ range = sparkline[:_ranges][i]
+ location = sparkline[:_locations][i]
+ @writer.tag_elements('x14:sparkline') do
+ @writer.data_element('xm:f', range)
+ @writer.data_element('xm:sqref', location)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Write the <ext> element.
+ #
+ def write_ext # :nodoc:
+ schema = ''
+ xmlns_x_14 = "#{schema}spreadsheetml/2009/9/main"
+ uri = '{05C60535-1F16-4fd2-B633-F4F36F0B64E0}'
+ attributes = [
+ 'xmlns:x14', xmlns_x_14,
+ 'uri', uri
+ ]
+ @writer.start_tag('ext', attributes)
+ end
+ #
+ # Write the <x14:sparklineGroups> element.
+ #
+ def write_sparkline_groups # :nodoc:
+ xmlns_xm = ''
+ attributes = ['xmlns:xm', xmlns_xm]
+ @writer.start_tag('x14:sparklineGroups', attributes)
+ end
+ #
+ # Write the <x14:sparklineGroup> element.
+ #
+ # Example for order.
+ #
+ # <x14:sparklineGroup
+ # manualMax="0"
+ # manualMin="0"
+ # lineWeight="2.25"
+ # type="column"
+ # dateAxis="1"
+ # displayEmptyCellsAs="span"
+ # markers="1"
+ # high="1"
+ # low="1"
+ # first="1"
+ # last="1"
+ # negative="1"
+ # displayXAxis="1"
+ # displayHidden="1"
+ # minAxisType="custom"
+ # maxAxisType="custom"
+ # rightToLeft="1">
+ #
+ def write_sparkline_group(opts) # :nodoc:
+ empty = opts[:_empty]
+ user_max = 0
+ user_min = 0
+ a = []
+ if opts[:_max]
+ if opts[:_max] == 'group'
+ opts[:_cust_max] = 'group'
+ else
+ a << 'manualMax' << opts[:_max]
+ opts[:_cust_max] = 'custom'
+ end
+ end
+ if opts[:_min]
+ if opts[:_min] == 'group'
+ opts[:_cust_min] = 'group'
+ else
+ a << 'manualMin' << opts[:_min]
+ opts[:_cust_min] = 'custom'
+ end
+ end
+ # Ignore the default type attribute (line).
+ a << 'type' << opts[:_type] if opts[:_type] != 'line'
+ a << 'lineWeight' << opts[:_weight] if opts[:_weight]
+ a << 'dateAxis' << 1 if opts[:_date_axis]
+ a << 'displayEmptyCellsAs' << empty if ptrue?(empty)
+ a << 'markers' << 1 if opts[:_markers]
+ a << 'high' << 1 if opts[:_high]
+ a << 'low' << 1 if opts[:_low]
+ a << 'first' << 1 if opts[:_first]
+ a << 'last' << 1 if opts[:_last]
+ a << 'negative' << 1 if opts[:_negative]
+ a << 'displayXAxis' << 1 if opts[:_axis]
+ a << 'displayHidden' << 1 if opts[:_hidden]
+ a << 'minAxisType' << opts[:_cust_min] if opts[:_cust_min]
+ a << 'maxAxisType' << opts[:_cust_max] if opts[:_cust_max]
+ a << 'rightToLeft' << 1 if opts[:_reverse]
+ @writer.start_tag('x14:sparklineGroup', a)
+ end
+ #
+ # Helper function for the sparkline color functions below.
+ #
+ def write_spark_color(element, color) # :nodoc:
+ attr = []
+ attr << 'rgb' << color[:_rgb] if color[:_rgb]
+ attr << 'theme' << color[:_theme] if color[:_theme]
+ attr << 'tint' << color[:_tint] if color[:_tint]
+ @writer.empty_tag(element, attr)
+ end
+ #
+ # Write the <x14:colorSeries> element.
+ #
+ def write_color_series(param) # :nodoc:
+ write_spark_color('x14:colorSeries', param)
+ end
+ #
+ # Write the <x14:colorNegative> element.
+ #
+ def write_color_negative(param) # :nodoc:
+ write_spark_color('x14:colorNegative', param)
+ end
+ #
+ # Write the <x14:colorAxis> element.
+ #
+ def write_color_axis # :nodoc:
+ write_spark_color('x14:colorAxis', { :_rgb => 'FF000000'} )
+ end
+ #
+ # Write the <x14:colorMarkers> element.
+ #
+ def write_color_markers(param) # :nodoc:
+ write_spark_color('x14:colorMarkers', param)
+ end
+ #
+ # Write the <x14:colorFirst> element.
+ #
+ def write_color_first(param) # :nodoc:
+ write_spark_color('x14:colorFirst', param)
+ end
+ #
+ # Write the <x14:colorLast> element.
+ #
+ def write_color_last(param) # :nodoc:
+ write_spark_color('x14:colorLast', param)
+ end
+ #
+ # Write the <x14:colorHigh> element.
+ #
+ def write_color_high(param) # :nodoc:
+ write_spark_color('x14:colorHigh', param)
+ end
+ #
+ # Write the <x14:colorLow> element.
+ #
+ def write_color_low(param) # :nodoc:
+ write_spark_color('x14:colorLow', param)
# Write the <dataValidations> element.