lib/wrap_it/container.rb in wrap_it-1.0.0 vs lib/wrap_it/container.rb in wrap_it-1.0.1
- old
+ new
@@ -74,50 +74,30 @@
# @option opts [Symbol] :section section to that this children will be
# rendered. By default children rendered to `children`. Refer to
# {Sections} module for details.
# @return [String]
- def self.child(name, *args, &block)
+ def self.child(name, *args, option: nil, **opts, &block)
name.is_a?(String) && name.to_sym
name.is_a?(Symbol) || fail(ArgumentError, 'Wrong child name')
child_class =
if args.first.is_a?(String) || args.first.is_a?(Class)
child_class = if child_class.is_a?(Class)
- opts = args.extract_options!
- extract = opts.delete(:option)
- args << opts
- define_method name do |*helper_args, &helper_block|
- # We should clone arguments becouse if we have loop in template,
- # `extract_options!` below works only for first iterration
- default_args = args.clone
- options = helper_args.extract_options!
- options[:helper_name] = name
- options.merge!(default_args.extract_options!)
- helper_args += default_args + [options]
- add_children(name, child_class, block, *helper_args, &helper_block)
+ define_method name do |*hargs, extracted: false, **hopts, &hblock|
+ hargs += args
+ hopts.merge!(opts)
+ hopts[:helper_name] = name
+ child = prepare_child(child_class, block, *hargs, **hopts, &hblock)
+ add_children(name, child, extracted: extracted)
- unless extract.nil?
- extract.is_a?(Array) || extract = [extract]
- extract.each do |opt_name|
- opt_name = name if opt_name == true
- option(opt_name) do |_, arguments|
- self.deffered_render = true
- arguments.is_a?(Array) || arguments = [arguments]
- o = arguments.extract_options!
- o.merge!(extracted: true)
- arguments << o
- send name, *arguments
- end
- end
- end
+ add_child_option(name, option)
after_capture do
if deffered_render?
html = Hash[ { |c| [c.object_id, capture { c.render }] }]
@@ -143,38 +123,54 @@
CONTENT_SPLIT_REGEXP = /(<!-- WrapIt::Container\(\h+\) -->)/
CONTENT_REPLACE_REGEXP = /\A<!-- WrapIt::Container\((?<obj_id>\h+)\) -->\z/
- def add_children(name, helper_class, class_block, *args, &helper_block)
- options = args.extract_options!
- section = options.delete(:section) || :children
- extracted = options.delete(:extracted) == true
- args << options
+ def add_children(name, item, extracted: false)
+ deffered_render? && @children << item
+ return if extracted == true
+ if !deffered_render? && (omit_content? || extract_children?)
+ self[item.render_to] << capture { item.render }
+ end
+ if omit_content? || extract_children?
+ empty_html
+ else
+ if deffered_render?
+ html_safe("<!-- WrapIt::Container(#{item.object_id.to_s(16)}) -->")
+ else
+ item.render
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def prepare_child(helper_class, class_block, *args,
+ section: nil, **opts,
+ &helper_block)
+ section ||= :children
item = Object
- .new(@template, *args, &helper_block)
+ .new(@template, *args, **opts, &helper_block)
item.instance_variable_set(:@render_to, section)
item.instance_variable_set(:@parent, self)
item.define_singleton_method(:render_to) { @render_to }
item.define_singleton_method(:render_to=) do |value|
self.class.sections.include?(value) && @render_to = value
item.define_singleton_method(:parent) { @parent }
class_block.nil? || instance_exec(item, &class_block)
+ item
+ end
- deffered_render? && @children << item
- return if extracted
- if !deffered_render? && (omit_content? || extract_children?)
- self[section] << capture { item.render }
- end
- if omit_content? || extract_children?
- empty_html
- else
- if deffered_render?
- html_safe("<!-- WrapIt::Container(#{item.object_id.to_s(16)}) -->")
- else
- item.render
+ def self.add_child_option(name, option)
+ return if option.nil?
+ option.is_a?(Array) || option = [option]
+ option.each do |opt_name|
+ opt_name = name if opt_name == true
+ option(opt_name) do |_, args|
+ self.deffered_render = true
+ args.is_a?(Array) || args = [args]
+ opts = args.extract_options!
+ send(name, *args, extracted: true, **opts)