app/models/wp_item.rb in wpscan-3.0.4 vs app/models/wp_item.rb in wpscan-3.0.5
- old
+ new
@@ -7,24 +7,24 @@
include CMSScanner::Target::Server::Generic
READMES = %w[readme.txt README.txt Readme.txt ReadMe.txt README.TXT readme.TXT].freeze
CHANGELOGS = %w[changelog.txt Changelog.txt ChangeLog.txt CHANGELOG.txt].freeze
- attr_reader :uri, :name, :detection_opts, :target, :db_data
+ attr_reader :uri, :name, :detection_opts, :version_detection_opts, :target, :db_data
# @param [ String ] name The plugin/theme name
# @param [ Target ] target The targeted blog
# @param [ Hash ] opts
- # @option opts [ String ] :detection_mode
- # @option opts [ Boolean ] :version_all Wether or not to
+ # @option opts [ Symbol ] :mode The detection mode to use
+ # @option opts [ Hash ] :version_detection The options to use when looking for the version
# @option opts [ String ] :url The URL of the item
def initialize(name, target, opts = {})
@name = URI.decode(name)
@target = target
@uri = Addressable::URI.parse(opts[:url]) if opts[:url]
- # Options used to detect the version
- @detection_opts = { mode: opts[:mode], confidence_threshold: opts[:version_all] ? 0 : 100 }
+ @detection_opts = { mode: opts[:mode] }
+ @version_detection_opts = opts[:version_detection] || {}
# @return [ Array<Vulnerabily> ]