spec/lib/wp2middleman/migrator_spec.rb in wp2middleman-0.0.1 vs spec/lib/wp2middleman/migrator_spec.rb in wp2middleman-0.0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -3,151 +3,70 @@
describe WP2Middleman::Migrator do
let(:file) { 'spec/fixtures/fixture.xml' }
let(:migrator) { WP2Middleman::Migrator.new(file) }
it "exists as a class within the WP2Middleman module" do
- WP2Middleman::Migrator.class.should eq Class
+ expect(WP2Middleman::Migrator.class).to eq Class
describe "#migrate" do
before :each do
- FileUtils.stub :mkdir_p
- File.stub :write
+ allow(FileUtils).to receive(:mkdir_p)
+ allow(File).to receive(:write)
it "ensures there is an export directory" do
- File.stub :open
- migrator.should_receive :ensure_export_directory
+ allow(File).to receive(:open)
+ expect(migrator).to receive :ensure_export_directory
it "writes a middleman markdown file for each post" do
- migrator.should_receive(:write_file).exactly(4).times
+ expect(File).to receive(:write).exactly(4).times
- end
- describe "#write_file" do
- before :each do
- @post = migrator.posts[0]
- end
- it "ensures that the post it's passed contains valid data" do
- migrator.should_receive(:valid_post_data).with(@post)
- migrator.write_file(@post)
- end
it "writes the proper markdown file" do
- File.should_receive(:open).with( "#{Dir.pwd}/export/2012-06-08-A-Title.html.markdown", "w")
- migrator.write_file(@post)
- end
+ post = migrator.posts.first
- # pending
- xit "writes the proper markdown file" do
- File.should_receive(:write).with(migrator.file_content(@post))
- migrator.write_file(@post)
- end
- end
+ allow(post).to receive(:file_content) { "content" }
+ allow(migrator).to receive(:valid_posts) { [post] }
- describe "#file_content" do
- it "properly formats a post as a Middleman-style post" do
- expect(migrator.file_content(migrator.posts[1])).to eq("---\ntitle: A second title\ndate: '2011-07-25'\ntags:\n- some_tag\n- another tag\n- tag\n---\n\n <strong>Foo</strong>\n")
- end
+ expect(File).to receive(:write).with("#{Dir.pwd}/export/2012-06-08-A-Title.html.markdown", "content")
- context "its behavior if @body_to_markdown is true" do
- let(:migrator) { WP2Middleman::Migrator.new(file, body_to_markdown: true) }
- it "formats the post body as markdown" do
- expect(migrator.file_content(migrator.posts[1])).to eq("---\ntitle: A second title\ndate: '2011-07-25'\ntags:\n- some_tag\n- another tag\n- tag\n---\n\n**Foo**\n")
- end
- it "includes iframe and comment" do
- expect(migrator.file_content(migrator.posts[3])).to eq("---\ntitle: A fourth item with iframe and comment\ndate: '2011-07-26'\ntags:\n- some_tag\n- another tag\n- tag\npublished: false\n---\n\nHere's a post with an iframe and a comment.\n\n\n<!--more-->\n\n\n<iframe width=\"400\" height=\"100\" style=\"position: relative; display: block; width: 400px; height: 100px;\" src=\"http://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/v=2/track=833121761/size=venti/bgcol=FFFFFF/linkcol=4285BB/\" allowtransparency=\"true\" frameborder=\"0\"><a href=\"http://dihannmoore.bandcamp.com/track/you-do-it-for-me\">\"YOU DO IT FOR ME\" by DIHANN MOORE</a></iframe>\n")
- end
+ migrator.migrate
- context "the post is not published" do
- it "reports 'published: false' in the post's frontmatter" do
- expect(migrator.file_content(migrator.posts[2])).to eq("---\ntitle: 'A third title: With colon'\ndate: '2011-07-26'\ntags:\n- some_tag\n- another tag\n- tag\npublished: false\n---\n\nFoo\n")
- end
- end
- describe "#formatted_post_content" do
- it "returns the content of the post it's passed" do
- expect(migrator.formatted_post_content(migrator.posts[1])).to eq(" <strong>Foo</strong>")
- end
+ describe "#output_path" do
+ subject { migrator.output_path }
- context "its behavior if @body_to_markdown is true" do
- let(:migrator) { WP2Middleman::Migrator.new(file, body_to_markdown: true) }
+ let(:export_path) { migrator.output_path }
- it "returns the content of the post it's passed as markdown" do
- expect(migrator.formatted_post_content(migrator.posts[1])).to eq("**Foo**")
- end
+ it "reports the proper path to the export directory" do
+ expect(export_path).to eq "#{Dir.pwd}/export/"
- describe "#full_filename" do
- it "returns the full filename for a Middleman-style markdown post" do
- expect(migrator.full_filename(migrator.posts[0])).to eq("#{Dir.pwd}/export/2012-06-08-A-Title.html.markdown")
- end
- end
- describe "#valid_post_data" do
- context "the post's #post_date, #title, #date_published, and #content are not nil" do
- let(:post) {
- double('Post',
- :post_date => 'post_date',
- :title => 'title',
- :date_published => 'date_published',
- :content => 'content'
- )
- }
- it "returns true" do
- expect(migrator.valid_post_data(post)).to eq(true)
- end
- end
- context "the post's #post_date, #title, #date_published, or #content is nil" do
- let(:post) {
- double('Post',
- :post_date => nil,
- :title => 'title',
- :date_published => 'date_published',
- :content => 'content'
- )
- }
- it "returns false" do
- expect(migrator.valid_post_data(post)).to eq(false)
- end
- end
- end
- describe "#output_path" do
- subject { migrator.output_path }
- it { should eq("#{Dir.pwd}/export/") }
- end
describe "#ensure_export_directory" do
it "makes the export directory if it's not already there" do
- File.stub(:directory?).and_return false
+ allow(File).to receive(:directory?) { false }
- FileUtils.should receive(:mkdir_p).with("#{Dir.pwd}/export/")
+ expect(FileUtils).to receive(:mkdir_p).with("#{Dir.pwd}/export/")
context "the export directory is already there" do
it "does not create it" do
- File.stub(:directory?).and_return true
+ allow(File).to receive(:directory?) { true }
- FileUtils.should_not receive(:mkdir_p).with("#{Dir.pwd}/export/")
+ expect(FileUtils).not_to receive(:mkdir_p).with("#{Dir.pwd}/export/")