in wortsammler-1.0.3 vs in wortsammler-2.0.0.dev1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,23 @@
+- now use pandoc 2.0.5 (requires pandoc_2.0.5 on path)
+- tested with ruby 2.4.3
+## BWC issues
+- install pandoc 2.0.5 best from zip file
+- ensure that pandoc_2.0.5 is on your path
+- adapt your latex-styles accordingly (add definition for \tightlist)
+- pandoc no longer mangles undescore (`_`) in labels when producing
+ latex. If you use `\ref{T01ux5fnumber}` you can now go back to
+ `\ref{T01_number}`
# 1.0.2 (27.03.2017)
- fix plantuml handling with pandoc 1.13
-- prefix header labels with filename to avoid conflicts in merged files
+- prefix header labels with filename to avoid conflicts in merged
+ files
# 1.0.1 (12.09.2016)
- no longer use reference links