README.textile in workless-0.0.8 vs README.textile in workless-0.0.9
- old
+ new
@@ -27,13 +27,15 @@
In the case of failed jobs Workless will only shut down the dj worker if all attempts have been tried. By default Delayed Job will try 25 times to process a job with ever increasing time delays between each unsucessful attempt. Because of this Workless configures Delayed Job to try failed jobs only 3 times to reduce the amount of time a worker can be running while trying to process them.
h2. Configuration
-Workless can be disabled by using the null scaler that will ignore the workers requests to scale up and down. In an environment file add this:
+Workless can be disabled by using the null scaler that will ignore the workers requests to scale up and down. In an environment file add this in the config block:
-Delayed::Job.scaler = :null
+config.after_initialize do
+ Delayed::Job.scaler = :null
There are two other scalers included but generally these will be chosen for you based on if its running on Heroku