spec/resource_spec.rb in wordnik-0.4.7 vs spec/resource_spec.rb in wordnik-4.06.00
- old
+ new
@@ -79,11 +79,11 @@
:description => 'This is created by the test suite.',
:type => 'PUBLIC',
:user_id => Wordnik.configuration.user_id,
:request_only => true
- @request = Wordnik.word_lists.create_word_list(body)
+ @request = Wordnik.word_lists.create_word_list(body, :request_only => true)
@request.body.should have_key(:name)
@request.body.should have_key(:description)
@request.body.should have_key(:type)
@request.body.should have_key(:userId)
@@ -100,61 +100,6 @@
- context "wordlists" do
- before do
- configure_wordnik
- Wordnik.authenticate
- @permalink = "wordnik-ruby-test-list-#{RAND}"
- end
- it "creates a wordlist" do
- body = {
- :name => "Wordnik Ruby Test List #{RAND}",
- :description => 'This is created by the test suite.',
- :type => 'PUBLIC',
- :user_id => Wordnik.configuration.user_id,
- :request_only => true
- }
- request = Wordnik.word_lists.create_word_list(body)
- response = request.response
- response.body.should be_a_kind_of(Hash)
- response.body.should have_key('permalink')
- response.body['permalink'].should == @permalink
- end
- it "finds the new wordlist (method 1, using the wordList resource)" do
- list = Wordnik.word_list.get_word_list_by_id(@permalink)
- list.should have_key('permalink')
- list['permalink'].should == @permalink
- end
- it "finds the new wordlist (method 2, among user's wordlists)" do
- lists = Wordnik.account.get_word_lists_for_current_user
- permalinks = lists.map { |list| list['permalink'] }
- permalinks.should include(@permalink)
- end
- it "adds words to it" #do
- # body = [
- # {:word => 'foo'},
- # {:word => 'bar'},
- # {:word => 'metasyntactic'},
- # ]
- # request = Wordnik.word_list.post_words(@permalink, body)
- # # raise request.response.inspect
- #
- # list = Wordnik.word_list.get(@permalink)
- # # raise list.inspect
- # end
- it "updates words"
- it "get all the words"
- it "deletes a wordlist"
- end
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