README.rdoc in wordnet-1.0.0.pre.136 vs README.rdoc in wordnet-1.0.0.pre.139
- old
+ new
@@ -2,28 +2,67 @@
== Description
-This library is a Ruby interface to WordNet®. WordNet® is an online
-lexical reference system whose design is inspired by current
-psycholinguistic theories of human lexical memory. English nouns, verbs,
-adjectives and adverbs are organized into synonym sets, each
+This library is a Ruby interface to WordNet®[].
+WordNet® is an online lexical reference system whose design is inspired
+by current psycholinguistic theories of human lexical memory. English
+nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are organized into synonym sets, each
representing one underlying lexical concept. Different relations link
the synonym sets.
-It uses WordNet-SQL, which is a conversion of the lexicon flatfiles into
-a relational database format. You can either install the 'wordnet-
-defaultdb' gem, which packages up the SQLite3 version of WordNet-SQL, or
-install your own and point the lexicon at it by passing a Sequel URL to
-the constructor.
+This library uses WordNet-SQL[], which is a
+conversion of the lexicon flatfiles into a relational database format. You
+can either install the 'wordnet-defaultdb' gem, which packages up the
+SQLite3 version of WordNet-SQL, or install your own and point the lexicon
+at it by passing
+{Sequel connection parameters}[]
+to the constructor.
+=== Usage
+There are three major parts to this library:
+[WordNet::Lexicon] the interface to the dictionary, used to connect to the
+ database and look up Words and Synsets.
+[WordNet::Word] the English word entries in the Lexicon that are mapped
+ to Synsets via one or more Senses.
+[WordNet::Synset] the main artifact of WordNet: a "synonym set". These
+ are connected to one or more Words through a Sense,
+ and are connected to each other via SemanticLinks.
+The other object classes exist mostly as a way of representing relationships
+between the main three:
+[WordNet::Sense] represents a link between one or more Words and
+ one or more Synsets for one meaning of the word.
+[WordNet::SemanticLink] represents a link between Synsets
+[WordNet::LexicalLink] represents a link between Words in Synsets
+[WordNet::Morph] an interface to a lookup table of irregular word
+ forms mapped to their base form (lemma)
+The last class (WordNet::Model) is the abstract superclass for all the others,
+and inherits most of its functionality from Sequel::Model, the ORM layer
+of the Sequel toolkit. It's mostly just a container for the database
+connection, with some convenience methods to allow the database connection
+to be deferred until runtime instead of when the library loads.
+The library also comes with the beginnings of support for the SUMO-WordNet
+[WordNet::SumoTerm] {Suggested Upper Merged Ontology}[]
+ terms, with associations back to related Synsets.
+This is only supported by a subset of the WordNetSQL databases, and there
+is a fair amount of work left to be done before it's really functional. Drop
+me a note if you're interested in working on this.
== Requirements
-* Ruby >= 1.9.2
-* Sequel >= 3.29.0
+* Ruby >= 1.9.3
+* Sequel >= 3.38.0
== Authors
* Michael Granger <>