spec/models/auth/work/minute_spec.rb in wordjelly-auth-1.1.2 vs spec/models/auth/work/minute_spec.rb in wordjelly-auth-1.1.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,14 +1,163 @@
require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe Auth::Shopping::Product, type: :model, :minute_model => true do
context " -- wrapper -- " do
+ before(:all) do
+ User.delete_all
+ ## create one non admin user
+ @u = User.new(attributes_for(:user_confirmed))
+ @u.save
+ @c = Auth::Client.new(:resource_id => @u.id, :api_key => "test", :app_ids => ["testappid"])
+ @c.redirect_urls = ["http://www.google.com"]
+ @c.versioned_create
+ @u.client_authentication["testappid"] = "testestoken"
+ @u.save
+ @ap_key = @c.api_key
+ @headers = { "CONTENT_TYPE" => "application/json" , "ACCEPT" => "application/json", "X-User-Token" => @u.authentication_token, "X-User-Es" => @u.client_authentication["testappid"], "X-User-Aid" => "testappid"}
+ ## create one admin user.
+ @admin = User.new(attributes_for(:admin_confirmed))
+ @admin.admin = true
+ @admin.client_authentication["testappid"] = "testestoken2"
+ @admin.save
+ @admin_headers = { "CONTENT_TYPE" => "application/json" , "ACCEPT" => "application/json", "X-User-Token" => @admin.authentication_token, "X-User-Es" => @admin.client_authentication["testappid"], "X-User-Aid" => "testappid"}
+ end
before(:example) do
+ it " -- adds the entity types and counts to the minutes -- ", :update_minute_entities => true do
+ product = Auth.configuration.product_class.constantize.new
+ product.resource_id = @admin.id.to_s
+ product.resource_class = @admin.class.name
+ product.price = 10.00
+ product.signed_in_resource = @admin
+ cycle = Auth::Work::Cycle.new
+ cycle.id = "first_cycle"
+ cycle.duration = 10
+ cycle.time_to_next_cycle = 20
+ cycle.requirements = {
+ :person_trained_on_em_200 => 1
+ }
+ product.cycles << cycle
+ product.save
+ cycle = Auth::Work::Cycle.new
+ cycle.id = "second_cycle"
+ cycle.duration = 10
+ cycle.time_to_next_cycle = 20
+ cycle.requirements = {
+ :person_trained_on_em_200 => 1
+ }
+ product.cycles << cycle
+ product.save
+ cycle = Auth::Work::Cycle.new
+ cycle.duration = 10
+ cycle.id = "third_cycle"
+ cycle.time_to_next_cycle = 20
+ cycle.requirements = {
+ :person_trained_on_em_200 => 1,
+ :em_200 => 1
+ }
+ product.cycles << cycle
+ u = User.new(attributes_for(:user_confirmed))
+ u.save
+ c = Auth::Client.new(:resource_id => @u.id, :api_key => "test", :app_ids => ["testappid"])
+ c.redirect_urls = ["http://www.google.com"]
+ c.versioned_create
+ u.client_authentication["testappid"] = "testestoken"
+ u.cycle_types = {:person_trained_on_em_200 => true}
+ expect(u.save).to be_truthy
+ ## now the next thing is the entity
+ e = Auth::Work::Entity.new
+ e.cycle_types = {:em_200 => true}
+ e.save
+ e1 = Auth::Work::Entity.new
+ e1.cycle_types = {:em_200 => true}
+ e1.save
+ ## now we have to create schedules
+ ## this one is for the user.
+ schedule = Auth::Work::Schedule.new
+ schedule.start_time = Time.new(2010,05,17)
+ schedule.end_time = Time.new(2012,07,9)
+ schedule.for_object_id = u.id.to_s
+ schedule.for_object_class = u.class.name.to_s
+ schedule.can_do_cycles = [product.cycles.first.id.to_s]
+ schedule.location_id = "first_location"
+ schedule.save
+ ## now one for the entity
+ schedule = Auth::Work::Schedule.new
+ schedule.start_time = Time.new(2010,05,17)
+ schedule.end_time = Time.new(2012,07,9)
+ schedule.for_object_id = e.id.to_s
+ schedule.for_object_class = e.class.name.to_s
+ schedule.can_do_cycles = [product.cycles.first.id.to_s]
+ schedule.location_id = "first_location"
+ schedule.save
+ schedule = Auth::Work::Schedule.new
+ schedule.start_time = Time.new(2010,05,17)
+ schedule.end_time = Time.new(2012,07,9)
+ schedule.for_object_id = e1.id.to_s
+ schedule.for_object_class = e1.class.name.to_s
+ schedule.can_do_cycles = [product.cycles.first.id.to_s]
+ schedule.location_id = "first_location"
+ schedule.save
+ ## add the location
+ l = Auth.configuration.location_class.constantize.new
+ l.id = "first_location"
+ l.save
+ #puts l.attributes.to_s
+ ## so for the minutes, they are going to be the first and second minute in the duration of the schedules
+ minutes = {}
+ first_minute = Auth::Work::Minute.new
+ first_minute.time = Time.new(2011,05,5,10,12,0)
+ minutes[first_minute.time.to_i] = first_minute
+ ## and now the second minute
+ second_minute = Auth::Work::Minute.new
+ second_minute.time = Time.new(2011,05,5,10,13,0)
+ minutes[second_minute.time.to_i] = second_minute
+ ## the minutes have not yet been saved.
+ returned_minutes = Auth.configuration.product_class.constantize.schedule_cycles(minutes,"first_location")
+ ## now each minute ?
+ returned_minutes.keys.each do |time|
+ minute = returned_minutes[time]
+ minute.update_entity_types
+ expect(minute.entity_types["em_200"]).to eq(2)
+ expect(minute.entity_types["person_trained_on_em_200"]).to eq(1)
+ end
+ end
it " -- finds the affected cycles -- " do
start_minute = Time.new(2012,05,05,10,10,0).to_i
5.times do |n|
minute = Auth::Work::Minute.new
@@ -146,34 +295,39 @@
response = response.to_a
expect(response).to be_empty
- ## these will be the next three required things.
+ it " -- finds the nearest minute to schedule the job -- " do
- it " -- finds the nearest minute that satisfies the requirements for the job -- " do
+ ## so we have three products that need to be done
+ ## product 1 -> starts with cycle a : {worker_type_a => 1, entity_type_a => 1, :capacity => }
+ ## product 2 -> starts with cycle b : {worker_type_a => 1, enttity_type_a => 1} : this could
+ ## product 3 -> starts with cycle c : {worker_type_b => 1}
- ### that means the start step for all the jobs
+ ## what if two products, need the same start cycle ?
+ ## then they have to be fused, just bumping the capacity.
+ ## so that will be the first step.
+ ## a cycle runs on a certain set of samples.
+ ## so basically we are looking for something with a minimum capacity of say 10.
+ ## why not complicate this with redis
+ ## wouldn't that be really fun.
+ ## subtract total worker types found, from the maximum needed,
+ ## this not practical by any length.
+ ## i need to structure the cycles like that.
+ ## worker type a, worker type b, worker type c
+ ## project a ->
+ ## so first of all have to build this.
- end
+ ## so in order to do this job, we need 2 workers of type a, and one of type b.
+ ## the minimum's are to be found and defined first.
+ ## so they will be the individual start cycle clauses.
+ ## now the search is done for the bare minimum's
+ ##
- it " -- finds the nearest minute that satisfies the requirements, alongwith a traveller -- " do
- it " -- books minute -- " do
- end
- ## so what i would like to do at this stage is switch there
- ## sort out the new css issues, and then
- ## make a ui for the instructions and the products, and also for editing the instructions and products.
## rough plan