spec/dummy/tmp/cache/assets/DC0/610/sprockets%2F9150bbfb08f72d9b4d8dcc0a04baf218 in woople-theme-0.8.17 vs spec/dummy/tmp/cache/assets/DC0/610/sprockets%2F9150bbfb08f72d9b4d8dcc0a04baf218 in woople-theme-0.8.18
- old
+ new
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-o: ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry :@compressedF:@expires_in0:@created_atf1354658648.435272:@value"!ç{I"
+o: ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry :@compressedF:@expires_in0:@created_atf1355857733.291169:@value"|ó{I"
class:EFI"BundledAsset; FI"logical_path; FI"woople-theme/theme.js; TI"
pathname; FI"^/Users/adamdoeler/Sites/bigbang/woople-theme/app/assets/javascripts/woople-theme/theme.js; TI"content_type; FI"application/javascript; FI"
-mtime; FI"2012-12-04T17:04:04-05:00; FI"length; Fi;åI"digest; F"%f082578a3ab3e379c6a3fd7a1e3dfb9eI"source; FI";å/*!
+mtime; FI"2012-12-05T15:46:45-05:00; FI"length; Fi–ñI"digest; F"%de54776c0653dba03cda6920ebebd712I"source; FI"–ñ/*!
* jQuery JavaScript Library v1.8.2
* http://jquery.com/
* Includes Sizzle.js
* http://sizzlejs.com/
@@ -28564,10 +28564,124 @@
this.OrganizationDashboardController = OrganizationDashboardController;
(function() {
+ $(document).ready(function() {
+ var p;
+ p = new Pagination();
+ if ($('#content_outline.channels').not('.episode').length) {
+ p.init('#content_outline.channels .pagination a', {
+ container: '#content_outline.channels .content_outline_details'
+ }, false);
+ }
+ if ($('#content_outline.channels.episode').length) {
+ return p.init('#content_outline.channels .pagination a', {
+ container: '#content_outline.channels .content_outline_details',
+ scrollTo: false
+ }, false);
+ }
+ });
+(function() {
+ var Pagination;
+ Pagination = (function() {
+ function Pagination() {}
+ Pagination.prototype.init = function(selector, options, debugMode) {
+ this.selector = selector;
+ if (options == null) {
+ options = {};
+ }
+ this.debugMode = debugMode != null ? debugMode : false;
+ this.log('initialize');
+ this.options = $.extend({
+ container: null,
+ timeout: 2500,
+ scrollTo: 0
+ }, options);
+ return this.setupListeners();
+ };
+ Pagination.prototype.pushStateSupported = function() {
+ return $.support.pjax;
+ };
+ Pagination.prototype.setupListeners = function() {
+ this.log('setup listeners');
+ if (this.pushStateSupported()) {
+ return this.configureWithPushState();
+ } else {
+ return this.configureWithoutPushState();
+ }
+ };
+ Pagination.prototype.configureWithPushState = function() {
+ var _this = this;
+ this.log('configuring with pushState support');
+ $.pjax.defaults.scrollTo = this.options.scrollTo;
+ return $(document).pjax(this.selector, this.options).on('pjax:beforeSend', function(e, xhr, err) {
+ return _this.requestStart(e, xhr, err);
+ }).on('pjax:success', function(e, xhr, err) {
+ return _this.requestEnd(e, xhr, err);
+ });
+ };
+ Pagination.prototype.configureWithoutPushState = function() {
+ var _this = this;
+ this.log('configuring without pushState support');
+ return $(document).on('click', this.selector, function(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ return $.ajax({
+ url: $(e.target).attr('href'),
+ context: _this,
+ beforeSend: function(xhr) {
+ xhr.setRequestHeader('X-PJAX', 'true');
+ return this.requestStart(e, xhr, null);
+ },
+ success: function(data, textStatus, xhr) {
+ return this.requestEnd(e, xhr, null);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ Pagination.prototype.requestStart = function(e, xhr, err) {
+ this.log('request is starting');
+ return $(this.options.container).find('table tbody').css('opacity', 0.5);
+ };
+ Pagination.prototype.requestEnd = function(e, xhr, err) {
+ this.log('request has finished');
+ if (!this.pushStateSupported()) {
+ $(this.options.container).html(xhr.responseText);
+ this.log(typeof this.options.scrollTo);
+ if (typeof this.options.scrollTo === 'number') {
+ $(document).scrollTop(this.options.scrollTo);
+ }
+ }
+ return $(this.options.container).find('table tbody').css('opacity', 1);
+ };
+ Pagination.prototype.log = function(message) {
+ if (this.debugMode) {
+ return console.log("[Pagination] " + message);
+ }
+ };
+ return Pagination;
+ })();
+ this.Pagination = Pagination;
+(function() {
var ActivityReport;
ActivityReport = (function() {
function ActivityReport() {}
@@ -28964,27 +29078,19 @@
width: 3
- $('a.loading_indicator').on('click', function() {
- tinyLoadingIndicator(this);
- });
$('#essentials_tab_nav a:first').tab('show');
$('#electives_tab_nav a:first').tab('show');
- $('.pagination a').on('click', function(e) {
- //e.preventDefault();
+ $(document).on('click', 'a.loading_indicator', function() {
- $(document).pjax('#content_outline.channels .pagination a', {container: '#content_outline.channels .content_outline_details', timeout: 2500})
- .on('pjax:start', function(e, xhr, err) {
- tinyLoadingIndicator(e.relatedTarget);
- });
+ $(document).on('click', '.pagination a', function(e) {
+ tinyLoadingIndicator(this);
+ });
-; TI"required_assets_digest; F"%613a4024d34cfe1df536663bbb31c41fI"
_version; F"%9f3b95dd7ea3030dc35985c0a8020862
+; TI"required_assets_digest; F"%645812ee18784356e0ebdb693a39d536I"
_version; F"%6776f581a4329e299531e1d52aa59832
\ No newline at end of file