spec/lib/wisper_spec.rb in wisper-1.0.1 vs spec/lib/wisper_spec.rb in wisper-1.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,140 +1,33 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe Wisper do
- let(:listener) { double('listener') }
- let(:publisher) { Object.new.extend(Wisper) }
- describe '.add_listener' do
- it 'subscribes given listener to all published events' do
- listener.should_receive(:this_happened)
- listener.should_receive(:so_did_this)
- publisher.add_listener(listener)
- publisher.send(:broadcast, 'this_happened')
- publisher.send(:broadcast, 'so_did_this')
+ it 'includes Wisper::Publisher for backwards compatibility' do
+ silence_warnings do
+ publisher_class = Class.new { include Wisper }
+ publisher_class.ancestors.should include Wisper::Publisher
- describe ':on argument' do
- it 'subscribes given listener to a single event' do
- listener.should_receive(:this_happened)
- listener.stub(:so_did_this)
- listener.should_not_receive(:so_did_this)
- listener.respond_to?(:so_did_this).should be_true
- publisher.add_listener(listener, :on => 'this_happened')
- publisher.send(:broadcast, 'this_happened')
- publisher.send(:broadcast, 'so_did_this')
- end
- it 'subscribes given listener to many events' do
- listener.should_receive(:this_happened)
- listener.should_receive(:and_this)
- listener.stub(:so_did_this)
- listener.should_not_receive(:so_did_this)
- listener.respond_to?(:so_did_this).should be_true
- publisher.add_listener(listener, :on => ['this_happened', 'and_this'])
- publisher.send(:broadcast, 'this_happened')
- publisher.send(:broadcast, 'so_did_this')
- publisher.send(:broadcast, 'and_this')
- end
- end
- describe ':with argument' do
- it 'sets method to call listener with on event' do
- listener.should_receive(:different_method).twice
- publisher.add_listener(listener, :with => :different_method)
- publisher.send(:broadcast, 'this_happened')
- publisher.send(:broadcast, 'so_did_this')
- end
- end
- it 'returns publisher so methods can be chained' do
- publisher.add_listener(listener, :on => 'so_did_this').should == publisher
- end
- describe '.add_block_listener' do
- let(:insider) { double('insider') }
+ it '.with_listeners subscribes listeners to all broadcast events for the duration of block' do
+ publisher = publisher_class.new
+ listener = double('listener')
- it 'subscribes given block to all events' do
- insider.should_receive(:it_happened).twice
+ listener.should_receive(:im_here)
+ listener.should_not_receive(:not_here)
- publisher.add_block_listener do
- insider.it_happened
- end
- publisher.send(:broadcast, 'something_happened')
- publisher.send(:broadcast, 'and_so_did_this')
+ Wisper.with_listeners(listener) do
+ publisher.send(:broadcast, 'im_here')
- describe ':on argument' do
- it '.add_block_listener subscribes block to an event' do
- insider.should_not_receive(:it_happened).once
- publisher.add_block_listener(:on => 'something_happened') do
- insider.it_happened
- end
- publisher.send(:broadcast, 'something_happened')
- publisher.send(:broadcast, 'and_so_did_this')
- end
- end
- it 'returns publisher so methods can be chained' do
- publisher.add_block_listener(:on => 'this_thing_happened') do
- end.should == publisher
- end
+ publisher.send(:broadcast, 'not_here')
- describe '.on (alternative block syntax)' do
- it 'subscribes given block to an event' do
- insider = double('insider')
- insider.should_receive(:it_happened)
- publisher.on(:something_happened) do
- insider.it_happened
- end
- publisher.send(:broadcast, 'something_happened')
- end
- end
- describe '.broadcast' do
- it 'does not publish events which cannot be responded to' do
- listener.should_not_receive(:so_did_this)
- listener.stub(:respond_to?, false)
- publisher.add_listener(listener, :on => 'so_did_this')
- publisher.send(:broadcast, 'so_did_this')
- end
- describe ':event argument' do
- it 'is indifferent to string and symbol' do
- listener.should_receive(:this_happened).twice
- publisher.add_listener(listener)
- publisher.send(:broadcast, 'this_happened')
- publisher.send(:broadcast, :this_happened)
- end
- it 'is indifferent to dasherized and underscored strings' do
- listener.should_receive(:this_happened).twice
- publisher.add_listener(listener)
- publisher.send(:broadcast, 'this_happened')
- publisher.send(:broadcast, 'this-happened')
- end
- end
- end
+# prevents deprecation warning showing up in spec output
+def silence_warnings
+ original_verbosity = $VERBOSE
+ $VERBOSE = nil
+ yield
+ $VERBOSE = original_verbosity