lib/winrm/command_executor.rb in winrm-1.7.1 vs lib/winrm/command_executor.rb in winrm-1.7.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,224 +1,224 @@
-# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2015 Shawn Neal <>
-# Copyright 2015 Matt Wrock <>
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-module WinRM
- # Object which can execute multiple commands and Powershell scripts in
- # one shared remote shell session. The maximum number of commands per
- # shell is determined by interrogating the remote host when the session
- # is opened and the remote shell is automatically recycled before the
- # threshold is reached.
- #
- # @author Shawn Neal <>
- # @author Matt Wrock <>
- # @author Fletcher Nichol <>
- class CommandExecutor
- # Closes an open remote shell session left open
- # after a command executor is garbage collecyted.
- #
- # @param shell_id [String] the remote shell identifier
- # @param service [WinRM::WinRMWebService] a winrm web service object
- def self.finalize(shell_id, service)
- proc { service.close_shell(shell_id) }
- end
- # @return [WinRM::WinRMWebService] a WinRM web service object
- attr_reader :service
- # @return [String,nil] the identifier for the current open remote
- # shell session, or `nil` if the session is not open
- attr_reader :shell
- # Creates a CommandExecutor given a `WinRM::WinRMWebService` object.
- #
- # @param service [WinRM::WinRMWebService] a winrm web service object
- # responds to `#debug` and `#info` (default: `nil`)
- def initialize(service)
- @service = service
- @command_count = 0
- end
- # Closes the open remote shell session. This method can be called
- # multiple times, even if there is no open session.
- def close
- return if shell.nil?
- service.close_shell(shell)
- remove_finalizer
- @shell = nil
- end
- # Opens a remote shell session for reuse. The maxiumum
- # command-per-shell threshold is also determined the first time this
- # method is invoked and cached for later invocations.
- #
- # @return [String] the remote shell session indentifier
- def open
- close
- retryable(service.retry_limit, service.retry_delay) do
- @shell = service.open_shell(codepage: code_page)
- end
- add_finalizer(shell)
- @command_count = 0
- shell
- end
- # Runs a CMD command.
- #
- # @param command [String] the command to run on the remote system
- # @param arguments [Array<String>] arguments to the command
- # @yield [stdout, stderr] yields more live access the standard
- # output and standard error streams as they are returns, if
- # streaming behavior is desired
- # @return [WinRM::Output] output object with stdout, stderr, and
- # exit code
- def run_cmd(command, arguments = [], &block)
- reset if command_count > max_commands
- ensure_open_shell!
- @command_count += 1
- result = nil
- service.run_command(shell, command, arguments) do |command_id|
- result = service.get_command_output(shell, command_id, &block)
- end
- result
- end
- # Run a Powershell script that resides on the local box.
- #
- # @param script_file [IO,String] an IO reference for reading the
- # Powershell script or the actual file contents
- # @yield [stdout, stderr] yields more live access the standard
- # output and standard error streams as they are returns, if
- # streaming behavior is desired
- # @return [WinRM::Output] output object with stdout, stderr, and
- # exit code
- def run_powershell_script(script_file, &block)
- # this code looks overly compact in an attempt to limit local
- # variable assignments that may contain large strings and
- # consequently bloat the Ruby VM
- run_cmd(
- 'powershell',
- [
- '-encodedCommand',
- script_file.is_a?(IO) ? : script_file
- ).encoded
- ],
- &block
- )
- end
- # Code page appropriate to os version. utf-8 (65001) is buggy pre win7/2k8r2
- # So send MS-DOS (437) for earlier versions
- #
- # @return [Integer] code page in use
- def code_page
- @code_page ||= os_version <'6.1') ? 437 : 65_001
- end
- # @return [Integer] the safe maximum number of commands that can
- # be executed in one remote shell session
- def max_commands
- @max_commands ||= (os_version <'6.2') ? 15 : 1500) - 2
- end
- private
- # @return [Integer] the number of executed commands on the remote
- # shell session
- # @api private
- attr_accessor :command_count
- # Creates a finalizer for this connection which will close the open
- # remote shell session when the object is garabage collected or on
- # Ruby VM shutdown.
- #
- # @param shell_id [String] the remote shell identifier
- # @api private
- def add_finalizer(shell_id)
- ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(self, self.class.finalize(shell_id, service))
- end
- # Ensures that there is an open remote shell session.
- #
- # @raise [WinRM::WinRMError] if there is no open shell
- # @api private
- def ensure_open_shell!
- fail ::WinRM::WinRMError, "#{self.class}#open must be called " \
- 'before any run methods are invoked' if shell.nil?
- end
- # Fetches the OS build bersion of the remote endpoint
- #
- # @api private
- def os_version
- @os_version ||= begin
- version = nil
- wql = service.run_wql('select version from Win32_OperatingSystem')
- if wql[:xml_fragment]
- version = wql[:xml_fragment].first[:version] if wql[:xml_fragment].first[:version]
- end
- fail ::WinRM::WinRMError, 'Unable to determine endpoint os version' if version.nil?
- end
- end
- # Removes any finalizers for this connection.
- #
- # @api private
- def remove_finalizer
- ObjectSpace.undefine_finalizer(self)
- end
- # Closes the remote shell session and opens a new one.
- #
- # @api private
- def reset
- service.logger.debug("Resetting WinRM shell (Max command limit is #{max_commands})")
- open
- end
- # Yields to a block and reties the block if certain rescuable
- # exceptions are raised.
- #
- # @param retries [Integer] the number of times to retry before failing
- # @option delay [Float] the number of seconds to wait until
- # attempting a retry
- # @api private
- def retryable(retries, delay)
- yield
- rescue * => e
- if (retries -= 1) > 0
-"[WinRM] connection failed. retrying in #{delay} seconds: #{e.inspect}")
- sleep(delay)
- retry
- else
- service.logger.warn("[WinRM] connection failed, terminating (#{e.inspect})")
- raise
- end
- end
- [
- ::WinRM::WinRMHTTPTransportError, ::WinRM::WinRMAuthorizationError,
- HTTPClient::KeepAliveDisconnected, HTTPClient::ConnectTimeoutError
- ].freeze
- end
- end
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015 Shawn Neal <>
+# Copyright 2015 Matt Wrock <>
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+module WinRM
+ # Object which can execute multiple commands and Powershell scripts in
+ # one shared remote shell session. The maximum number of commands per
+ # shell is determined by interrogating the remote host when the session
+ # is opened and the remote shell is automatically recycled before the
+ # threshold is reached.
+ #
+ # @author Shawn Neal <>
+ # @author Matt Wrock <>
+ # @author Fletcher Nichol <>
+ class CommandExecutor
+ # Closes an open remote shell session left open
+ # after a command executor is garbage collecyted.
+ #
+ # @param shell_id [String] the remote shell identifier
+ # @param service [WinRM::WinRMWebService] a winrm web service object
+ def self.finalize(shell_id, service)
+ proc { service.close_shell(shell_id) }
+ end
+ # @return [WinRM::WinRMWebService] a WinRM web service object
+ attr_reader :service
+ # @return [String,nil] the identifier for the current open remote
+ # shell session, or `nil` if the session is not open
+ attr_reader :shell
+ # Creates a CommandExecutor given a `WinRM::WinRMWebService` object.
+ #
+ # @param service [WinRM::WinRMWebService] a winrm web service object
+ # responds to `#debug` and `#info` (default: `nil`)
+ def initialize(service)
+ @service = service
+ @command_count = 0
+ end
+ # Closes the open remote shell session. This method can be called
+ # multiple times, even if there is no open session.
+ def close
+ return if shell.nil?
+ service.close_shell(shell)
+ remove_finalizer
+ @shell = nil
+ end
+ # Opens a remote shell session for reuse. The maxiumum
+ # command-per-shell threshold is also determined the first time this
+ # method is invoked and cached for later invocations.
+ #
+ # @return [String] the remote shell session indentifier
+ def open
+ close
+ retryable(service.retry_limit, service.retry_delay) do
+ @shell = service.open_shell(codepage: code_page)
+ end
+ add_finalizer(shell)
+ @command_count = 0
+ shell
+ end
+ # Runs a CMD command.
+ #
+ # @param command [String] the command to run on the remote system
+ # @param arguments [Array<String>] arguments to the command
+ # @yield [stdout, stderr] yields more live access the standard
+ # output and standard error streams as they are returns, if
+ # streaming behavior is desired
+ # @return [WinRM::Output] output object with stdout, stderr, and
+ # exit code
+ def run_cmd(command, arguments = [], &block)
+ reset if command_count > max_commands
+ ensure_open_shell!
+ @command_count += 1
+ result = nil
+ service.run_command(shell, command, arguments) do |command_id|
+ result = service.get_command_output(shell, command_id, &block)
+ end
+ result
+ end
+ # Run a Powershell script that resides on the local box.
+ #
+ # @param script_file [IO,String] an IO reference for reading the
+ # Powershell script or the actual file contents
+ # @yield [stdout, stderr] yields more live access the standard
+ # output and standard error streams as they are returns, if
+ # streaming behavior is desired
+ # @return [WinRM::Output] output object with stdout, stderr, and
+ # exit code
+ def run_powershell_script(script_file, &block)
+ # this code looks overly compact in an attempt to limit local
+ # variable assignments that may contain large strings and
+ # consequently bloat the Ruby VM
+ run_cmd(
+ 'powershell',
+ [
+ '-encodedCommand',
+ script_file.is_a?(IO) ? : script_file
+ ).encoded
+ ],
+ &block
+ )
+ end
+ # Code page appropriate to os version. utf-8 (65001) is buggy pre win7/2k8r2
+ # So send MS-DOS (437) for earlier versions
+ #
+ # @return [Integer] code page in use
+ def code_page
+ @code_page ||= os_version <'6.1') ? 437 : 65_001
+ end
+ # @return [Integer] the safe maximum number of commands that can
+ # be executed in one remote shell session
+ def max_commands
+ @max_commands ||= (os_version <'6.2') ? 15 : 1500) - 2
+ end
+ private
+ # @return [Integer] the number of executed commands on the remote
+ # shell session
+ # @api private
+ attr_accessor :command_count
+ # Creates a finalizer for this connection which will close the open
+ # remote shell session when the object is garabage collected or on
+ # Ruby VM shutdown.
+ #
+ # @param shell_id [String] the remote shell identifier
+ # @api private
+ def add_finalizer(shell_id)
+ ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(self, self.class.finalize(shell_id, service))
+ end
+ # Ensures that there is an open remote shell session.
+ #
+ # @raise [WinRM::WinRMError] if there is no open shell
+ # @api private
+ def ensure_open_shell!
+ fail ::WinRM::WinRMError, "#{self.class}#open must be called " \
+ 'before any run methods are invoked' if shell.nil?
+ end
+ # Fetches the OS build bersion of the remote endpoint
+ #
+ # @api private
+ def os_version
+ @os_version ||= begin
+ version = nil
+ wql = service.run_wql('select version from Win32_OperatingSystem')
+ if wql[:xml_fragment]
+ version = wql[:xml_fragment].first[:version] if wql[:xml_fragment].first[:version]
+ end
+ fail ::WinRM::WinRMError, 'Unable to determine endpoint os version' if version.nil?
+ end
+ end
+ # Removes any finalizers for this connection.
+ #
+ # @api private
+ def remove_finalizer
+ ObjectSpace.undefine_finalizer(self)
+ end
+ # Closes the remote shell session and opens a new one.
+ #
+ # @api private
+ def reset
+ service.logger.debug("Resetting WinRM shell (Max command limit is #{max_commands})")
+ open
+ end
+ # Yields to a block and reties the block if certain rescuable
+ # exceptions are raised.
+ #
+ # @param retries [Integer] the number of times to retry before failing
+ # @option delay [Float] the number of seconds to wait until
+ # attempting a retry
+ # @api private
+ def retryable(retries, delay)
+ yield
+ rescue * => e
+ if (retries -= 1) > 0
+"[WinRM] connection failed. retrying in #{delay} seconds: #{e.inspect}")
+ sleep(delay)
+ retry
+ else
+ service.logger.warn("[WinRM] connection failed, terminating (#{e.inspect})")
+ raise
+ end
+ end
+ [
+ ::WinRM::WinRMHTTPTransportError, ::WinRM::WinRMAuthorizationError,
+ HTTPClient::KeepAliveDisconnected, HTTPClient::ConnectTimeoutError
+ ].freeze
+ end
+ end