spec/unit/file_transporter_spec.rb in winrm-fs-0.3.1 vs spec/unit/file_transporter_spec.rb in winrm-fs-0.3.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,819 +1,819 @@
-# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
-# Author:: Fletcher (<fnichol@nichol.ca>)
-# Copyright (C) 2015, Fletcher Nichol
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-require 'base64'
-require 'csv'
-require 'stringio'
-require 'logger'
-require 'winrm'
-require 'winrm-fs/core/file_transporter'
-describe WinRM::FS::Core::FileTransporter do
- CheckEntry = Struct.new(
- :chk_exists, :src_md5, :dst_md5, :chk_dirty, :verifies)
- DecodeEntry = Struct.new(
- :dst, :verifies, :src_md5, :dst_md5, :tmpfile, :tmpzip)
- let(:logged_output) { StringIO.new }
- let(:logger) { Logger.new(logged_output) }
- let(:randomness) { %w(alpha beta charlie delta).each }
- let(:id_generator) { -> { randomness.next } }
- let(:winrm_service) { double('winrm_service', logger: logger) }
- let(:service) { double('command_executor', service: winrm_service) }
- let(:transporter) do
- WinRM::FS::Core::FileTransporter.new(
- service,
- id_generator: id_generator
- )
- end
- before { @tempfiles = [] }
- after { @tempfiles.each(&:unlink) }
- describe 'when uploading a single file' do
- let(:content) { '.' * 12_003 }
- let(:local) { create_tempfile('input.txt', content) }
- let(:remote) { 'C:\\dest' }
- let(:dst) { "#{remote}/#{File.basename(local)}" }
- let(:src_md5) { md5sum(local) }
- let(:size) { File.size(local) }
- let(:cmd_tmpfile) { "%TEMP%\\b64-#{src_md5}.txt" }
- let(:ps_tmpfile) { "$env:TEMP\\b64-#{src_md5}.txt" }
- let(:upload) { transporter.upload(local, remote) }
- # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize
- def self.common_specs_for_all_single_file_types
- it 'truncates a zero-byte hash_file for check_files' do
- expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd).with(
- regexify(%(echo|set /p=>"%TEMP%\\hash-alpha.txt")))
- .and_return(cmd_output)
- upload
- end
- it 'uploads the hash_file in chunks for check_files' do
- hash = outdent!(<<-HASH.chomp)
- @{
- "#{dst}" = "#{src_md5}"
- }
- expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
- .with(%(echo #{base64(hash)} >> "%TEMP%\\hash-alpha.txt"))
- .and_return(cmd_output).once
- upload
- end
- it 'sets hash_file and runs the check_files powershell script' do
- expect(service).to receive(:run_powershell_script).with(
- regexify(%($hash_file = "$env:TEMP\\hash-alpha.txt")) &&
- regexify(
- 'Check-Files (Invoke-Input $hash_file) | ' \
- 'ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation')
- ).and_return(check_output)
- upload
- end
- end
- # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize
- # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize
- def self.common_specs_for_all_single_dirty_file_types
- it 'truncates a zero-byte tempfile' do
- expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd).with(
- regexify(%(echo|set /p=>"#{cmd_tmpfile}"))
- ).and_return(cmd_output)
- upload
- end
- it 'ploads the file in 8k chunks' do
- expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
- .with(%(echo #{base64('.' * 6000)} >> "#{cmd_tmpfile}"))
- .and_return(cmd_output).twice
- expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
- .with(%(echo #{base64('.' * 3)} >> "#{cmd_tmpfile}"))
- .and_return(cmd_output).once
- upload
- end
- describe 'with a small file' do
- let(:content) { 'hello, world' }
- it 'uploads the file in base64 encoding' do
- expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
- .with(%(echo #{base64(content)} >> "#{cmd_tmpfile}"))
- .and_return(cmd_output)
- upload
- end
- end
- it 'truncates a zero-byte hash_file for decode_files' do
- expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd).with(
- regexify(%(echo|set /p=>"%TEMP%\\hash-beta.txt"))
- ).and_return(cmd_output)
- upload
- end
- it 'uploads the hash_file in chunks for decode_files' do
- hash = outdent!(<<-HASH.chomp)
- @{
- "#{ps_tmpfile}" = @{
- "dst" = "#{dst}"
- }
- }
- expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
- .with(%(echo #{base64(hash)} >> "%TEMP%\\hash-beta.txt"))
- .and_return(cmd_output).once
- upload
- end
- it 'sets hash_file and runs the decode_files powershell script' do
- expect(service).to receive(:run_powershell_script).with(
- regexify(%($hash_file = "$env:TEMP\\hash-beta.txt")) &&
- regexify(
- 'Decode-Files (Invoke-Input $hash_file) | ' \
- 'ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation')
- ).and_return(check_output)
- upload
- end
- end
- # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize
- describe 'for a new file' do
- # let(:check_output) do
- def check_output
- create_check_output([
- CheckEntry.new('False', src_md5, nil, 'True', 'False')
- ])
- end
- let(:cmd_output) do
- o = ::WinRM::Output.new
- o[:exitcode] = 0
- o
- end
- # let(:decode_output) do
- def decode_output
- create_decode_output([
- DecodeEntry.new(dst, 'True', src_md5, src_md5, ps_tmpfile, nil)
- ])
- end
- before do
- allow(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
- .and_return(cmd_output)
- allow(service).to receive(:run_powershell_script)
- .with(/^Check-Files .+ \| ConvertTo-Csv/)
- .and_return(check_output)
- allow(service).to receive(:run_powershell_script)
- .with(/^Decode-Files .+ \| ConvertTo-Csv/)
- .and_return(decode_output)
- end
- common_specs_for_all_single_file_types
- common_specs_for_all_single_dirty_file_types
- it 'returns a report hash' do
- expect(upload[1]).to eq(
- src_md5 => {
- 'src' => local,
- 'dst' => dst,
- 'tmpfile' => ps_tmpfile,
- 'tmpzip' => nil,
- 'src_md5' => src_md5,
- 'dst_md5' => src_md5,
- 'chk_exists' => 'False',
- 'chk_dirty' => 'True',
- 'verifies' => 'True',
- 'size' => size,
- 'xfered' => size / 3 * 4,
- 'chunks' => (size / 6000.to_f).ceil
- }
- )
- end
- describe 'when a failed check command is returned' do
- def check_output
- o = ::WinRM::Output.new
- o[:exitcode] = 10
- o[:data].concat([{ stderr: 'Oh noes\n' }])
- o
- end
- it 'raises a FileTransporterFailed error' do
- expect { upload }.to raise_error(
- WinRM::FS::Core::FileTransporterFailed, /Upload failed \(exitcode: 10\)/)
- end
- end
- describe 'when a failed decode command is returned' do
- def decode_output
- o = ::WinRM::Output.new
- o[:exitcode] = 10
- o[:data].concat([{ stderr: 'Oh noes\n' }])
- o
- end
- it 'raises a FileTransporterFailed error' do
- expect { upload }.to raise_error(
- WinRM::FS::Core::FileTransporterFailed, /Upload failed \(exitcode: 10\)/)
- end
- end
- end
- describe 'for an out of date (dirty) file' do
- let(:check_output) do
- create_check_output([
- CheckEntry.new('True', src_md5, 'aabbcc', 'True', 'False')
- ])
- end
- let(:cmd_output) do
- o = ::WinRM::Output.new
- o[:exitcode] = 0
- o
- end
- let(:decode_output) do
- create_decode_output([
- DecodeEntry.new(dst, 'True', src_md5, src_md5, ps_tmpfile, nil)
- ])
- end
- before do
- allow(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
- .and_return(cmd_output)
- allow(service).to receive(:run_powershell_script)
- .with(/^Check-Files .+ \| ConvertTo-Csv/)
- .and_return(check_output)
- allow(service).to receive(:run_powershell_script)
- .with(/^Decode-Files .+ \| ConvertTo-Csv/)
- .and_return(decode_output)
- end
- common_specs_for_all_single_file_types
- common_specs_for_all_single_dirty_file_types
- it 'returns a report hash' do
- expect(upload[1]).to eq(
- src_md5 => {
- 'src' => local,
- 'dst' => dst,
- 'tmpfile' => ps_tmpfile,
- 'tmpzip' => nil,
- 'src_md5' => src_md5,
- 'dst_md5' => src_md5,
- 'chk_exists' => 'True',
- 'chk_dirty' => 'True',
- 'verifies' => 'True',
- 'size' => size,
- 'xfered' => size / 3 * 4,
- 'chunks' => (size / 6000.to_f).ceil
- }
- )
- end
- end
- describe 'for an up to date (clean) file' do
- let(:check_output) do
- create_check_output([
- CheckEntry.new('True', src_md5, src_md5, 'False', 'True')
- ])
- end
- let(:cmd_output) do
- o = ::WinRM::Output.new
- o[:exitcode] = 0
- o
- end
- before do
- allow(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
- .and_return(cmd_output)
- allow(service).to receive(:run_powershell_script)
- .with(/^Check-Files .+ \| ConvertTo-Csv/)
- .and_return(check_output)
- end
- common_specs_for_all_single_file_types
- it 'uploads nothing' do
- expect(service).not_to receive(:run_cmd).with(/#{remote}/)
- upload
- end
- it 'skips the decode_files powershell script' do
- expect(service).not_to receive(:run_powershell_script).with(regexify(
- 'Decode-Files $files | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation')
- )
- upload
- end
- it 'returns a report hash' do
- expect(upload[1]).to eq(
- src_md5 => {
- 'src' => local,
- 'dst' => dst,
- 'size' => size,
- 'src_md5' => src_md5,
- 'dst_md5' => src_md5,
- 'chk_exists' => 'True',
- 'chk_dirty' => 'False',
- 'verifies' => 'True'
- }
- )
- end
- end
- end
- describe 'when uploading a single directory' do
- let(:content) { "I'm a fake zip file" }
- let(:local) { Dir.mktmpdir('input') }
- let(:remote) { 'C:\\dest' }
- let(:src_zip) { create_tempfile('fake.zip', content) }
- let(:dst) { remote }
- let(:src_md5) { md5sum(src_zip) }
- let(:size) { File.size(src_zip) }
- let(:cmd_tmpfile) { "%TEMP%\\b64-#{src_md5}.txt" }
- let(:ps_tmpfile) { "$env:TEMP\\b64-#{src_md5}.txt" }
- let(:ps_tmpzip) { "$env:TEMP\\winrm-upload\\tmpzip-#{src_md5}.zip" }
- let(:tmp_zip) { double('tmp_zip') }
- let(:cmd_output) do
- o = ::WinRM::Output.new
- o[:exitcode] = 0
- o
- end
- let(:check_output) do
- create_check_output([
- CheckEntry.new('False', src_md5, nil, 'True', 'False')
- ])
- end
- let(:decode_output) do
- create_decode_output([
- DecodeEntry.new(dst, 'True', src_md5, src_md5, ps_tmpfile, ps_tmpzip)
- ])
- end
- before do
- allow(tmp_zip).to receive(:path).and_return(Pathname(src_zip))
- allow(tmp_zip).to receive(:unlink)
- allow(WinRM::FS::Core::TmpZip).to receive(:new).with("#{local}/", logger)
- .and_return(tmp_zip)
- allow(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
- .and_return(cmd_output)
- allow(service).to receive(:run_powershell_script)
- .with(/^Check-Files .+ \| ConvertTo-Csv/)
- .and_return(check_output)
- allow(service).to receive(:run_powershell_script)
- .with(/^Decode-Files .+ \| ConvertTo-Csv/)
- .and_return(decode_output)
- end
- after do
- FileUtils.rm_rf(local)
- end
- let(:upload) { transporter.upload("#{local}/", remote) }
- it 'truncates a zero-byte hash_file for check_files' do
- expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd).with(regexify(%(echo|set /p=>"%TEMP%\\hash-alpha.txt"))
- ).and_return(cmd_output)
- upload
- end
- it 'uploads the hash_file in chunks for check_files' do
- hash = outdent!(<<-HASH.chomp)
- @{
- "#{ps_tmpzip}" = "#{src_md5}"
- }
- expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
- .with(%(echo #{base64(hash)} >> "%TEMP%\\hash-alpha.txt"))
- .and_return(cmd_output).once
- upload
- end
- it 'sets hash_file and runs the check_files powershell script' do
- expect(service).to receive(:run_powershell_script).with(
- regexify(%($hash_file = "$env:TEMP\\hash-alpha.txt")) &&
- regexify(
- 'Check-Files (Invoke-Input $hash_file) | ' \
- 'ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation')
- ).and_return(check_output)
- upload
- end
- it 'truncates a zero-byte tempfile' do
- expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd).with(regexify(%(echo|set /p=>"#{cmd_tmpfile}"))
- ).and_return(cmd_output)
- upload
- end
- it 'uploads the zip file in base64 encoding' do
- expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
- .with(%(echo #{base64(content)} >> "#{cmd_tmpfile}"))
- .and_return(cmd_output)
- upload
- end
- it 'truncates a zero-byte hash_file for decode_files' do
- expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd).with(regexify(%(echo|set /p=>"%TEMP%\\hash-beta.txt"))
- ).and_return(cmd_output)
- upload
- end
- it 'uploads the hash_file in chunks for decode_files' do
- hash = outdent!(<<-HASH.chomp)
- @{
- "#{ps_tmpfile}" = @{
- "dst" = "#{dst}\\#{File.basename(local)}";
- "tmpzip" = "#{ps_tmpzip}"
- }
- }
- expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
- .with(%(echo #{base64(hash)} >> "%TEMP%\\hash-beta.txt"))
- .and_return(cmd_output).once
- upload
- end
- it 'sets hash_file and runs the decode_files powershell script' do
- expect(service).to receive(:run_powershell_script).with(
- regexify(%($hash_file = "$env:TEMP\\hash-beta.txt")) &&
- regexify(
- 'Decode-Files (Invoke-Input $hash_file) | ' \
- 'ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation')
- ).and_return(check_output)
- upload
- end
- it 'returns a report hash' do
- expect(upload[1]).to eq(
- src_md5 => {
- 'src' => "#{local}/",
- 'src_zip' => src_zip,
- 'dst' => dst,
- 'tmpfile' => ps_tmpfile,
- 'tmpzip' => ps_tmpzip,
- 'src_md5' => src_md5,
- 'dst_md5' => src_md5,
- 'chk_exists' => 'False',
- 'chk_dirty' => 'True',
- 'verifies' => 'True',
- 'size' => size,
- 'xfered' => size / 3 * 4,
- 'chunks' => (size / 6000.to_f).ceil
- }
- )
- end
- it 'cleans up the zip file' do
- expect(tmp_zip).to receive(:unlink)
- upload
- end
- describe 'when a failed check command is returned' do
- def check_output
- o = ::WinRM::Output.new
- o[:exitcode] = 10
- o[:data].concat([{ stderr: 'Oh noes\n' }])
- o
- end
- it 'raises a FileTransporterFailed error' do
- expect { upload }.to raise_error(
- WinRM::FS::Core::FileTransporterFailed, /Upload failed \(exitcode: 10\)/)
- end
- end
- describe 'when a failed decode command is returned' do
- def decode_output
- o = ::WinRM::Output.new
- o[:exitcode] = 10
- o[:data].concat([{ stderr: 'Oh noes\n' }])
- o
- end
- it 'raises a FileTransporterFailed error' do
- expect { upload }.to raise_error(
- WinRM::FS::Core::FileTransporterFailed, /Upload failed \(exitcode: 10\)/)
- end
- end
- end
- describe 'when uploading multiple files' do
- let(:remote) { 'C:\\Program Files' }
- 1.upto(3).each do |i|
- let(:"local#{i}") { create_tempfile("input#{i}.txt", "input#{i}") }
- let(:"src#{i}_md5") { md5sum(send("local#{i}")) }
- let(:"dst#{i}") { "#{remote}/#{File.basename(send("local#{i}"))}" }
- let(:"size#{i}") { File.size(send("local#{i}")) }
- let(:"cmd#{i}_tmpfile") { "%TEMP%\\b64-#{send("src#{i}_md5")}.txt" }
- let(:"ps#{i}_tmpfile") { "$env:TEMP\\b64-#{send("src#{i}_md5")}.txt" }
- end
- let(:check_output) do
- create_check_output([
- # new
- CheckEntry.new('False', src1_md5, nil, 'True', 'False'),
- # out-of-date
- CheckEntry.new('True', src2_md5, 'aabbcc', 'True', 'False'),
- # current
- CheckEntry.new('True', src3_md5, src3_md5, 'False', 'True')
- ])
- end
- let(:cmd_output) do
- o = ::WinRM::Output.new
- o[:exitcode] = 0
- o
- end
- let(:decode_output) do
- create_decode_output([
- DecodeEntry.new(dst1, 'True', src1_md5, src1_md5, ps1_tmpfile, nil),
- DecodeEntry.new(dst2, 'True', src2_md5, src2_md5, ps2_tmpfile, nil)
- ])
- end
- let(:upload) { transporter.upload([local1, local2, local3], remote) }
- before do
- allow(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
- .and_return(cmd_output)
- allow(service).to receive(:run_powershell_script)
- .with(/^Check-Files .+ \| ConvertTo-Csv/)
- .and_return(check_output)
- allow(service).to receive(:run_powershell_script)
- .with(/^Decode-Files .+ \| ConvertTo-Csv/)
- .and_return(decode_output)
- end
- it 'truncates a zero-byte hash_file for check_files' do
- expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd).with(regexify(%(echo|set /p=>"%TEMP%\\hash-alpha.txt"))
- ).and_return(cmd_output)
- upload
- end
- it 'uploads the hash_file in chunks for check_files' do
- hash = outdent!(<<-HASH.chomp)
- @{
- "#{dst1}" = "#{src1_md5}";
- "#{dst2}" = "#{src2_md5}";
- "#{dst3}" = "#{src3_md5}"
- }
- expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
- .with(%(echo #{base64(hash)} >> "%TEMP%\\hash-alpha.txt"))
- .and_return(cmd_output).once
- upload
- end
- it 'sets hash_file and runs the check_files powershell script' do
- expect(service).to receive(:run_powershell_script).with(
- regexify(%($hash_file = "$env:TEMP\\hash-alpha.txt")) &&
- regexify(
- 'Check-Files (Invoke-Input $hash_file) | ' \
- 'ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation')
- ).and_return(check_output)
- upload
- end
- it 'only uploads dirty files' do
- expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
- .with(%(echo #{base64(IO.read(local1))} >> "#{cmd1_tmpfile}"))
- expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
- .with(%(echo #{base64(IO.read(local2))} >> "#{cmd2_tmpfile}"))
- expect(service).not_to receive(:run_cmd)
- .with(%(echo #{base64(IO.read(local3))} >> "#{cmd3_tmpfile}"))
- upload
- end
- it 'truncates a zero-byte hash_file for decode_files' do
- expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd).with(regexify(%(echo|set /p=>"%TEMP%\\hash-beta.txt"))
- ).and_return(cmd_output)
- upload
- end
- it 'uploads the hash_file in chunks for decode_files' do
- hash = outdent!(<<-HASH.chomp)
- @{
- "#{ps1_tmpfile}" = @{
- "dst" = "#{dst1}"
- };
- "#{ps2_tmpfile}" = @{
- "dst" = "#{dst2}"
- }
- }
- expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
- .with(%(echo #{base64(hash)} >> "%TEMP%\\hash-beta.txt"))
- .and_return(cmd_output).once
- upload
- end
- it 'sets hash_file and runs the decode_files powershell script' do
- expect(service).to receive(:run_powershell_script).with(
- regexify(%($hash_file = '$env:TEMP\\hash-beta.txt')) &&
- regexify(
- 'Decode-Files (Invoke-Input $hash_file) | ' \
- 'ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation')
- ).and_return(check_output)
- upload
- end
- it 'returns a report hash' do
- report = upload[1]
- expect(report.fetch(src1_md5)).to eq(
- 'src' => local1,
- 'dst' => dst1,
- 'tmpfile' => ps1_tmpfile,
- 'tmpzip' => nil,
- 'src_md5' => src1_md5,
- 'dst_md5' => src1_md5,
- 'chk_exists' => 'False',
- 'chk_dirty' => 'True',
- 'verifies' => 'True',
- 'size' => size1,
- 'xfered' => size1 / 3 * 4,
- 'chunks' => (size1 / 6000.to_f).ceil
- )
- expect(report.fetch(src2_md5)).to eq(
- 'src' => local2,
- 'dst' => dst2,
- 'tmpfile' => ps2_tmpfile,
- 'tmpzip' => nil,
- 'src_md5' => src2_md5,
- 'dst_md5' => src2_md5,
- 'chk_exists' => 'True',
- 'chk_dirty' => 'True',
- 'verifies' => 'True',
- 'size' => size2,
- 'xfered' => size2 / 3 * 4,
- 'chunks' => (size2 / 6000.to_f).ceil
- )
- expect(report.fetch(src3_md5)).to eq(
- 'src' => local3,
- 'dst' => dst3,
- 'src_md5' => src3_md5,
- 'dst_md5' => src3_md5,
- 'chk_exists' => 'True',
- 'chk_dirty' => 'False',
- 'verifies' => 'True',
- 'size' => size3
- )
- end
- describe 'when a failed check command is returned' do
- def check_output
- o = ::WinRM::Output.new
- o[:exitcode] = 10
- o[:data].concat([{ stderr: "Oh noes\n" }])
- o
- end
- it 'raises a FileTransporterFailed error' do
- expect { upload }.to raise_error(
- WinRM::FS::Core::FileTransporterFailed, /Upload failed \(exitcode: 10\)/)
- end
- end
- describe 'when a failed decode command is returned' do
- def decode_output
- o = ::WinRM::Output.new
- o[:exitcode] = 10
- o[:data].concat([{ stderr: "Oh noes\n" }])
- o
- end
- it 'raises a FileTransporterFailed error' do
- expect { upload }.to raise_error(
- WinRM::FS::Core::FileTransporterFailed, /Upload failed \(exitcode: 10\)/)
- end
- end
- end
- it 'raises an exception when local file or directory is not found' do
- expect { transporter.upload('/a/b/c/nope', 'C:\\nopeland') }.to raise_error Errno::ENOENT
- end
- def base64(string)
- Base64.strict_encode64(string)
- end
- def create_check_output(entries)
- csv = CSV.generate(force_quotes: true) do |rows|
- rows << CheckEntry.new.members.map(&:to_s)
- entries.each { |entry| rows << entry.to_a }
- end
- o = ::WinRM::Output.new
- o[:exitcode] = 0
- o[:data].concat(csv.lines.map { |line| { stdout: line } })
- o
- end
- def create_decode_output(entries)
- csv = CSV.generate(force_quotes: true) do |rows|
- rows << DecodeEntry.new.members.map(&:to_s)
- entries.each { |entry| rows << entry.to_a }
- end
- o = ::WinRM::Output.new
- o[:exitcode] = 0
- o[:data].concat(csv.lines.map { |line| { stdout: line } })
- o
- end
- def create_tempfile(name, content)
- pre, _, ext = name.rpartition('.')
- file = Tempfile.open(["#{pre}-", ".#{ext}"])
- @tempfiles << file
- file.write(content)
- file.close
- file.path
- end
- def md5sum(local)
- Digest::MD5.file(local).hexdigest
- end
- def outdent!(string)
- string.gsub!(/^ {#{string.index(/[^ ]/)}}/, '')
- end
- def regexify(str, line = :whole_line)
- r = Regexp.escape(str)
- r = "^#{r}$" if line == :whole_line
- Regexp.new(r)
- end
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+# Author:: Fletcher (<fnichol@nichol.ca>)
+# Copyright (C) 2015, Fletcher Nichol
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+require 'base64'
+require 'csv'
+require 'stringio'
+require 'logger'
+require 'winrm'
+require 'winrm-fs/core/file_transporter'
+describe WinRM::FS::Core::FileTransporter do
+ CheckEntry = Struct.new(
+ :chk_exists, :src_md5, :dst_md5, :chk_dirty, :verifies)
+ DecodeEntry = Struct.new(
+ :dst, :verifies, :src_md5, :dst_md5, :tmpfile, :tmpzip)
+ let(:logged_output) { StringIO.new }
+ let(:logger) { Logger.new(logged_output) }
+ let(:randomness) { %w(alpha beta charlie delta).each }
+ let(:id_generator) { -> { randomness.next } }
+ let(:winrm_service) { double('winrm_service', logger: logger) }
+ let(:service) { double('command_executor', service: winrm_service) }
+ let(:transporter) do
+ WinRM::FS::Core::FileTransporter.new(
+ service,
+ id_generator: id_generator
+ )
+ end
+ before { @tempfiles = [] }
+ after { @tempfiles.each(&:unlink) }
+ describe 'when uploading a single file' do
+ let(:content) { '.' * 12_003 }
+ let(:local) { create_tempfile('input.txt', content) }
+ let(:remote) { 'C:\\dest' }
+ let(:dst) { "#{remote}/#{File.basename(local)}" }
+ let(:src_md5) { md5sum(local) }
+ let(:size) { File.size(local) }
+ let(:cmd_tmpfile) { "%TEMP%\\b64-#{src_md5}.txt" }
+ let(:ps_tmpfile) { "$env:TEMP\\b64-#{src_md5}.txt" }
+ let(:upload) { transporter.upload(local, remote) }
+ # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize
+ def self.common_specs_for_all_single_file_types
+ it 'truncates a zero-byte hash_file for check_files' do
+ expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd).with(
+ regexify(%(echo|set /p=>"%TEMP%\\hash-alpha.txt")))
+ .and_return(cmd_output)
+ upload
+ end
+ it 'uploads the hash_file in chunks for check_files' do
+ hash = outdent!(<<-HASH.chomp)
+ @{
+ "#{dst}" = "#{src_md5}"
+ }
+ expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
+ .with(%(echo #{base64(hash)} >> "%TEMP%\\hash-alpha.txt"))
+ .and_return(cmd_output).once
+ upload
+ end
+ it 'sets hash_file and runs the check_files powershell script' do
+ expect(service).to receive(:run_powershell_script).with(
+ regexify(%($hash_file = "$env:TEMP\\hash-alpha.txt")) &&
+ regexify(
+ 'Check-Files (Invoke-Input $hash_file) | ' \
+ 'ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation')
+ ).and_return(check_output)
+ upload
+ end
+ end
+ # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize
+ # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize
+ def self.common_specs_for_all_single_dirty_file_types
+ it 'truncates a zero-byte tempfile' do
+ expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd).with(
+ regexify(%(echo|set /p=>"#{cmd_tmpfile}"))
+ ).and_return(cmd_output)
+ upload
+ end
+ it 'ploads the file in 8k chunks' do
+ expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
+ .with(%(echo #{base64('.' * 6000)} >> "#{cmd_tmpfile}"))
+ .and_return(cmd_output).twice
+ expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
+ .with(%(echo #{base64('.' * 3)} >> "#{cmd_tmpfile}"))
+ .and_return(cmd_output).once
+ upload
+ end
+ describe 'with a small file' do
+ let(:content) { 'hello, world' }
+ it 'uploads the file in base64 encoding' do
+ expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
+ .with(%(echo #{base64(content)} >> "#{cmd_tmpfile}"))
+ .and_return(cmd_output)
+ upload
+ end
+ end
+ it 'truncates a zero-byte hash_file for decode_files' do
+ expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd).with(
+ regexify(%(echo|set /p=>"%TEMP%\\hash-beta.txt"))
+ ).and_return(cmd_output)
+ upload
+ end
+ it 'uploads the hash_file in chunks for decode_files' do
+ hash = outdent!(<<-HASH.chomp)
+ @{
+ "#{ps_tmpfile}" = @{
+ "dst" = "#{dst}"
+ }
+ }
+ expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
+ .with(%(echo #{base64(hash)} >> "%TEMP%\\hash-beta.txt"))
+ .and_return(cmd_output).once
+ upload
+ end
+ it 'sets hash_file and runs the decode_files powershell script' do
+ expect(service).to receive(:run_powershell_script).with(
+ regexify(%($hash_file = "$env:TEMP\\hash-beta.txt")) &&
+ regexify(
+ 'Decode-Files (Invoke-Input $hash_file) | ' \
+ 'ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation')
+ ).and_return(check_output)
+ upload
+ end
+ end
+ # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize
+ describe 'for a new file' do
+ # let(:check_output) do
+ def check_output
+ create_check_output([
+ CheckEntry.new('False', src_md5, nil, 'True', 'False')
+ ])
+ end
+ let(:cmd_output) do
+ o = ::WinRM::Output.new
+ o[:exitcode] = 0
+ o
+ end
+ # let(:decode_output) do
+ def decode_output
+ create_decode_output([
+ DecodeEntry.new(dst, 'True', src_md5, src_md5, ps_tmpfile, nil)
+ ])
+ end
+ before do
+ allow(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
+ .and_return(cmd_output)
+ allow(service).to receive(:run_powershell_script)
+ .with(/^Check-Files .+ \| ConvertTo-Csv/)
+ .and_return(check_output)
+ allow(service).to receive(:run_powershell_script)
+ .with(/^Decode-Files .+ \| ConvertTo-Csv/)
+ .and_return(decode_output)
+ end
+ common_specs_for_all_single_file_types
+ common_specs_for_all_single_dirty_file_types
+ it 'returns a report hash' do
+ expect(upload[1]).to eq(
+ src_md5 => {
+ 'src' => local,
+ 'dst' => dst,
+ 'tmpfile' => ps_tmpfile,
+ 'tmpzip' => nil,
+ 'src_md5' => src_md5,
+ 'dst_md5' => src_md5,
+ 'chk_exists' => 'False',
+ 'chk_dirty' => 'True',
+ 'verifies' => 'True',
+ 'size' => size,
+ 'xfered' => size / 3 * 4,
+ 'chunks' => (size / 6000.to_f).ceil
+ }
+ )
+ end
+ describe 'when a failed check command is returned' do
+ def check_output
+ o = ::WinRM::Output.new
+ o[:exitcode] = 10
+ o[:data].concat([{ stderr: 'Oh noes\n' }])
+ o
+ end
+ it 'raises a FileTransporterFailed error' do
+ expect { upload }.to raise_error(
+ WinRM::FS::Core::FileTransporterFailed, /Upload failed \(exitcode: 10\)/)
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'when a failed decode command is returned' do
+ def decode_output
+ o = ::WinRM::Output.new
+ o[:exitcode] = 10
+ o[:data].concat([{ stderr: 'Oh noes\n' }])
+ o
+ end
+ it 'raises a FileTransporterFailed error' do
+ expect { upload }.to raise_error(
+ WinRM::FS::Core::FileTransporterFailed, /Upload failed \(exitcode: 10\)/)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'for an out of date (dirty) file' do
+ let(:check_output) do
+ create_check_output([
+ CheckEntry.new('True', src_md5, 'aabbcc', 'True', 'False')
+ ])
+ end
+ let(:cmd_output) do
+ o = ::WinRM::Output.new
+ o[:exitcode] = 0
+ o
+ end
+ let(:decode_output) do
+ create_decode_output([
+ DecodeEntry.new(dst, 'True', src_md5, src_md5, ps_tmpfile, nil)
+ ])
+ end
+ before do
+ allow(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
+ .and_return(cmd_output)
+ allow(service).to receive(:run_powershell_script)
+ .with(/^Check-Files .+ \| ConvertTo-Csv/)
+ .and_return(check_output)
+ allow(service).to receive(:run_powershell_script)
+ .with(/^Decode-Files .+ \| ConvertTo-Csv/)
+ .and_return(decode_output)
+ end
+ common_specs_for_all_single_file_types
+ common_specs_for_all_single_dirty_file_types
+ it 'returns a report hash' do
+ expect(upload[1]).to eq(
+ src_md5 => {
+ 'src' => local,
+ 'dst' => dst,
+ 'tmpfile' => ps_tmpfile,
+ 'tmpzip' => nil,
+ 'src_md5' => src_md5,
+ 'dst_md5' => src_md5,
+ 'chk_exists' => 'True',
+ 'chk_dirty' => 'True',
+ 'verifies' => 'True',
+ 'size' => size,
+ 'xfered' => size / 3 * 4,
+ 'chunks' => (size / 6000.to_f).ceil
+ }
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'for an up to date (clean) file' do
+ let(:check_output) do
+ create_check_output([
+ CheckEntry.new('True', src_md5, src_md5, 'False', 'True')
+ ])
+ end
+ let(:cmd_output) do
+ o = ::WinRM::Output.new
+ o[:exitcode] = 0
+ o
+ end
+ before do
+ allow(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
+ .and_return(cmd_output)
+ allow(service).to receive(:run_powershell_script)
+ .with(/^Check-Files .+ \| ConvertTo-Csv/)
+ .and_return(check_output)
+ end
+ common_specs_for_all_single_file_types
+ it 'uploads nothing' do
+ expect(service).not_to receive(:run_cmd).with(/#{remote}/)
+ upload
+ end
+ it 'skips the decode_files powershell script' do
+ expect(service).not_to receive(:run_powershell_script).with(regexify(
+ 'Decode-Files $files | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation')
+ )
+ upload
+ end
+ it 'returns a report hash' do
+ expect(upload[1]).to eq(
+ src_md5 => {
+ 'src' => local,
+ 'dst' => dst,
+ 'size' => size,
+ 'src_md5' => src_md5,
+ 'dst_md5' => src_md5,
+ 'chk_exists' => 'True',
+ 'chk_dirty' => 'False',
+ 'verifies' => 'True'
+ }
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'when uploading a single directory' do
+ let(:content) { "I'm a fake zip file" }
+ let(:local) { Dir.mktmpdir('input') }
+ let(:remote) { 'C:\\dest' }
+ let(:src_zip) { create_tempfile('fake.zip', content) }
+ let(:dst) { remote }
+ let(:src_md5) { md5sum(src_zip) }
+ let(:size) { File.size(src_zip) }
+ let(:cmd_tmpfile) { "%TEMP%\\b64-#{src_md5}.txt" }
+ let(:ps_tmpfile) { "$env:TEMP\\b64-#{src_md5}.txt" }
+ let(:ps_tmpzip) { "$env:TEMP\\winrm-upload\\tmpzip-#{src_md5}.zip" }
+ let(:tmp_zip) { double('tmp_zip') }
+ let(:cmd_output) do
+ o = ::WinRM::Output.new
+ o[:exitcode] = 0
+ o
+ end
+ let(:check_output) do
+ create_check_output([
+ CheckEntry.new('False', src_md5, nil, 'True', 'False')
+ ])
+ end
+ let(:decode_output) do
+ create_decode_output([
+ DecodeEntry.new(dst, 'True', src_md5, src_md5, ps_tmpfile, ps_tmpzip)
+ ])
+ end
+ before do
+ allow(tmp_zip).to receive(:path).and_return(Pathname(src_zip))
+ allow(tmp_zip).to receive(:unlink)
+ allow(WinRM::FS::Core::TmpZip).to receive(:new).with("#{local}/", logger)
+ .and_return(tmp_zip)
+ allow(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
+ .and_return(cmd_output)
+ allow(service).to receive(:run_powershell_script)
+ .with(/^Check-Files .+ \| ConvertTo-Csv/)
+ .and_return(check_output)
+ allow(service).to receive(:run_powershell_script)
+ .with(/^Decode-Files .+ \| ConvertTo-Csv/)
+ .and_return(decode_output)
+ end
+ after do
+ FileUtils.rm_rf(local)
+ end
+ let(:upload) { transporter.upload("#{local}/", remote) }
+ it 'truncates a zero-byte hash_file for check_files' do
+ expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd).with(regexify(%(echo|set /p=>"%TEMP%\\hash-alpha.txt"))
+ ).and_return(cmd_output)
+ upload
+ end
+ it 'uploads the hash_file in chunks for check_files' do
+ hash = outdent!(<<-HASH.chomp)
+ @{
+ "#{ps_tmpzip}" = "#{src_md5}"
+ }
+ expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
+ .with(%(echo #{base64(hash)} >> "%TEMP%\\hash-alpha.txt"))
+ .and_return(cmd_output).once
+ upload
+ end
+ it 'sets hash_file and runs the check_files powershell script' do
+ expect(service).to receive(:run_powershell_script).with(
+ regexify(%($hash_file = "$env:TEMP\\hash-alpha.txt")) &&
+ regexify(
+ 'Check-Files (Invoke-Input $hash_file) | ' \
+ 'ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation')
+ ).and_return(check_output)
+ upload
+ end
+ it 'truncates a zero-byte tempfile' do
+ expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd).with(regexify(%(echo|set /p=>"#{cmd_tmpfile}"))
+ ).and_return(cmd_output)
+ upload
+ end
+ it 'uploads the zip file in base64 encoding' do
+ expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
+ .with(%(echo #{base64(content)} >> "#{cmd_tmpfile}"))
+ .and_return(cmd_output)
+ upload
+ end
+ it 'truncates a zero-byte hash_file for decode_files' do
+ expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd).with(regexify(%(echo|set /p=>"%TEMP%\\hash-beta.txt"))
+ ).and_return(cmd_output)
+ upload
+ end
+ it 'uploads the hash_file in chunks for decode_files' do
+ hash = outdent!(<<-HASH.chomp)
+ @{
+ "#{ps_tmpfile}" = @{
+ "dst" = "#{dst}\\#{File.basename(local)}";
+ "tmpzip" = "#{ps_tmpzip}"
+ }
+ }
+ expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
+ .with(%(echo #{base64(hash)} >> "%TEMP%\\hash-beta.txt"))
+ .and_return(cmd_output).once
+ upload
+ end
+ it 'sets hash_file and runs the decode_files powershell script' do
+ expect(service).to receive(:run_powershell_script).with(
+ regexify(%($hash_file = "$env:TEMP\\hash-beta.txt")) &&
+ regexify(
+ 'Decode-Files (Invoke-Input $hash_file) | ' \
+ 'ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation')
+ ).and_return(check_output)
+ upload
+ end
+ it 'returns a report hash' do
+ expect(upload[1]).to eq(
+ src_md5 => {
+ 'src' => "#{local}/",
+ 'src_zip' => src_zip,
+ 'dst' => dst,
+ 'tmpfile' => ps_tmpfile,
+ 'tmpzip' => ps_tmpzip,
+ 'src_md5' => src_md5,
+ 'dst_md5' => src_md5,
+ 'chk_exists' => 'False',
+ 'chk_dirty' => 'True',
+ 'verifies' => 'True',
+ 'size' => size,
+ 'xfered' => size / 3 * 4,
+ 'chunks' => (size / 6000.to_f).ceil
+ }
+ )
+ end
+ it 'cleans up the zip file' do
+ expect(tmp_zip).to receive(:unlink)
+ upload
+ end
+ describe 'when a failed check command is returned' do
+ def check_output
+ o = ::WinRM::Output.new
+ o[:exitcode] = 10
+ o[:data].concat([{ stderr: 'Oh noes\n' }])
+ o
+ end
+ it 'raises a FileTransporterFailed error' do
+ expect { upload }.to raise_error(
+ WinRM::FS::Core::FileTransporterFailed, /Upload failed \(exitcode: 10\)/)
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'when a failed decode command is returned' do
+ def decode_output
+ o = ::WinRM::Output.new
+ o[:exitcode] = 10
+ o[:data].concat([{ stderr: 'Oh noes\n' }])
+ o
+ end
+ it 'raises a FileTransporterFailed error' do
+ expect { upload }.to raise_error(
+ WinRM::FS::Core::FileTransporterFailed, /Upload failed \(exitcode: 10\)/)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'when uploading multiple files' do
+ let(:remote) { 'C:\\Program Files' }
+ 1.upto(3).each do |i|
+ let(:"local#{i}") { create_tempfile("input#{i}.txt", "input#{i}") }
+ let(:"src#{i}_md5") { md5sum(send("local#{i}")) }
+ let(:"dst#{i}") { "#{remote}/#{File.basename(send("local#{i}"))}" }
+ let(:"size#{i}") { File.size(send("local#{i}")) }
+ let(:"cmd#{i}_tmpfile") { "%TEMP%\\b64-#{send("src#{i}_md5")}.txt" }
+ let(:"ps#{i}_tmpfile") { "$env:TEMP\\b64-#{send("src#{i}_md5")}.txt" }
+ end
+ let(:check_output) do
+ create_check_output([
+ # new
+ CheckEntry.new('False', src1_md5, nil, 'True', 'False'),
+ # out-of-date
+ CheckEntry.new('True', src2_md5, 'aabbcc', 'True', 'False'),
+ # current
+ CheckEntry.new('True', src3_md5, src3_md5, 'False', 'True')
+ ])
+ end
+ let(:cmd_output) do
+ o = ::WinRM::Output.new
+ o[:exitcode] = 0
+ o
+ end
+ let(:decode_output) do
+ create_decode_output([
+ DecodeEntry.new(dst1, 'True', src1_md5, src1_md5, ps1_tmpfile, nil),
+ DecodeEntry.new(dst2, 'True', src2_md5, src2_md5, ps2_tmpfile, nil)
+ ])
+ end
+ let(:upload) { transporter.upload([local1, local2, local3], remote) }
+ before do
+ allow(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
+ .and_return(cmd_output)
+ allow(service).to receive(:run_powershell_script)
+ .with(/^Check-Files .+ \| ConvertTo-Csv/)
+ .and_return(check_output)
+ allow(service).to receive(:run_powershell_script)
+ .with(/^Decode-Files .+ \| ConvertTo-Csv/)
+ .and_return(decode_output)
+ end
+ it 'truncates a zero-byte hash_file for check_files' do
+ expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd).with(regexify(%(echo|set /p=>"%TEMP%\\hash-alpha.txt"))
+ ).and_return(cmd_output)
+ upload
+ end
+ it 'uploads the hash_file in chunks for check_files' do
+ hash = outdent!(<<-HASH.chomp)
+ @{
+ "#{dst1}" = "#{src1_md5}";
+ "#{dst2}" = "#{src2_md5}";
+ "#{dst3}" = "#{src3_md5}"
+ }
+ expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
+ .with(%(echo #{base64(hash)} >> "%TEMP%\\hash-alpha.txt"))
+ .and_return(cmd_output).once
+ upload
+ end
+ it 'sets hash_file and runs the check_files powershell script' do
+ expect(service).to receive(:run_powershell_script).with(
+ regexify(%($hash_file = "$env:TEMP\\hash-alpha.txt")) &&
+ regexify(
+ 'Check-Files (Invoke-Input $hash_file) | ' \
+ 'ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation')
+ ).and_return(check_output)
+ upload
+ end
+ it 'only uploads dirty files' do
+ expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
+ .with(%(echo #{base64(IO.read(local1))} >> "#{cmd1_tmpfile}"))
+ expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
+ .with(%(echo #{base64(IO.read(local2))} >> "#{cmd2_tmpfile}"))
+ expect(service).not_to receive(:run_cmd)
+ .with(%(echo #{base64(IO.read(local3))} >> "#{cmd3_tmpfile}"))
+ upload
+ end
+ it 'truncates a zero-byte hash_file for decode_files' do
+ expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd).with(regexify(%(echo|set /p=>"%TEMP%\\hash-beta.txt"))
+ ).and_return(cmd_output)
+ upload
+ end
+ it 'uploads the hash_file in chunks for decode_files' do
+ hash = outdent!(<<-HASH.chomp)
+ @{
+ "#{ps1_tmpfile}" = @{
+ "dst" = "#{dst1}"
+ };
+ "#{ps2_tmpfile}" = @{
+ "dst" = "#{dst2}"
+ }
+ }
+ expect(service).to receive(:run_cmd)
+ .with(%(echo #{base64(hash)} >> "%TEMP%\\hash-beta.txt"))
+ .and_return(cmd_output).once
+ upload
+ end
+ it 'sets hash_file and runs the decode_files powershell script' do
+ expect(service).to receive(:run_powershell_script).with(
+ regexify(%($hash_file = '$env:TEMP\\hash-beta.txt')) &&
+ regexify(
+ 'Decode-Files (Invoke-Input $hash_file) | ' \
+ 'ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation')
+ ).and_return(check_output)
+ upload
+ end
+ it 'returns a report hash' do
+ report = upload[1]
+ expect(report.fetch(src1_md5)).to eq(
+ 'src' => local1,
+ 'dst' => dst1,
+ 'tmpfile' => ps1_tmpfile,
+ 'tmpzip' => nil,
+ 'src_md5' => src1_md5,
+ 'dst_md5' => src1_md5,
+ 'chk_exists' => 'False',
+ 'chk_dirty' => 'True',
+ 'verifies' => 'True',
+ 'size' => size1,
+ 'xfered' => size1 / 3 * 4,
+ 'chunks' => (size1 / 6000.to_f).ceil
+ )
+ expect(report.fetch(src2_md5)).to eq(
+ 'src' => local2,
+ 'dst' => dst2,
+ 'tmpfile' => ps2_tmpfile,
+ 'tmpzip' => nil,
+ 'src_md5' => src2_md5,
+ 'dst_md5' => src2_md5,
+ 'chk_exists' => 'True',
+ 'chk_dirty' => 'True',
+ 'verifies' => 'True',
+ 'size' => size2,
+ 'xfered' => size2 / 3 * 4,
+ 'chunks' => (size2 / 6000.to_f).ceil
+ )
+ expect(report.fetch(src3_md5)).to eq(
+ 'src' => local3,
+ 'dst' => dst3,
+ 'src_md5' => src3_md5,
+ 'dst_md5' => src3_md5,
+ 'chk_exists' => 'True',
+ 'chk_dirty' => 'False',
+ 'verifies' => 'True',
+ 'size' => size3
+ )
+ end
+ describe 'when a failed check command is returned' do
+ def check_output
+ o = ::WinRM::Output.new
+ o[:exitcode] = 10
+ o[:data].concat([{ stderr: "Oh noes\n" }])
+ o
+ end
+ it 'raises a FileTransporterFailed error' do
+ expect { upload }.to raise_error(
+ WinRM::FS::Core::FileTransporterFailed, /Upload failed \(exitcode: 10\)/)
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'when a failed decode command is returned' do
+ def decode_output
+ o = ::WinRM::Output.new
+ o[:exitcode] = 10
+ o[:data].concat([{ stderr: "Oh noes\n" }])
+ o
+ end
+ it 'raises a FileTransporterFailed error' do
+ expect { upload }.to raise_error(
+ WinRM::FS::Core::FileTransporterFailed, /Upload failed \(exitcode: 10\)/)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ it 'raises an exception when local file or directory is not found' do
+ expect { transporter.upload('/a/b/c/nope', 'C:\\nopeland') }.to raise_error Errno::ENOENT
+ end
+ def base64(string)
+ Base64.strict_encode64(string)
+ end
+ def create_check_output(entries)
+ csv = CSV.generate(force_quotes: true) do |rows|
+ rows << CheckEntry.new.members.map(&:to_s)
+ entries.each { |entry| rows << entry.to_a }
+ end
+ o = ::WinRM::Output.new
+ o[:exitcode] = 0
+ o[:data].concat(csv.lines.map { |line| { stdout: line } })
+ o
+ end
+ def create_decode_output(entries)
+ csv = CSV.generate(force_quotes: true) do |rows|
+ rows << DecodeEntry.new.members.map(&:to_s)
+ entries.each { |entry| rows << entry.to_a }
+ end
+ o = ::WinRM::Output.new
+ o[:exitcode] = 0
+ o[:data].concat(csv.lines.map { |line| { stdout: line } })
+ o
+ end
+ def create_tempfile(name, content)
+ pre, _, ext = name.rpartition('.')
+ file = Tempfile.open(["#{pre}-", ".#{ext}"])
+ @tempfiles << file
+ file.write(content)
+ file.close
+ file.path
+ end
+ def md5sum(local)
+ Digest::MD5.file(local).hexdigest
+ end
+ def outdent!(string)
+ string.gsub!(/^ {#{string.index(/[^ ]/)}}/, '')
+ end
+ def regexify(str, line = :whole_line)
+ r = Regexp.escape(str)
+ r = "^#{r}$" if line == :whole_line
+ Regexp.new(r)
+ end