test/view_test.rb in will_paginate-2.2.2 vs test/view_test.rb in will_paginate-2.3.11
- old
+ new
@@ -1,24 +1,21 @@
require 'helper'
-require 'action_controller'
require 'lib/view_test_process'
-class ViewTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- def setup
- super
- @controller = DummyController.new
- @request = @controller.request
- @html_result = nil
- @template = '<%= will_paginate collection, options %>'
- @view = ActionView::Base.new
- @view.assigns['controller'] = @controller
- @view.assigns['_request'] = @request
- @view.assigns['_params'] = @request.params
+class AdditionalLinkAttributesRenderer < WillPaginate::LinkRenderer
+ def initialize(link_attributes = nil)
+ super()
+ @additional_link_attributes = link_attributes || { :default => 'true' }
+ def page_link(page, text, attributes = {})
+ @template.link_to text, url_for(page), attributes.merge(@additional_link_attributes)
+ end
+class ViewTest < WillPaginate::ViewTestCase
## basic pagination ##
def test_will_paginate
paginate do |pagination|
assert_select 'a[href]', 3 do |elements|
@@ -37,11 +34,11 @@
assert_equal '', @html_result
def test_will_paginate_with_options
paginate({ :page => 2 },
- :class => 'will_paginate', :prev_label => 'Prev', :next_label => 'Next') do
+ :class => 'will_paginate', :previous_label => 'Prev', :next_label => 'Next') do
assert_select 'a[href]', 4 do |elements|
validate_page_numbers [1,1,3,3], elements
# test rel attribute values:
assert_select elements[1], 'a', '1' do |link|
assert_equal 'prev start', link.first['rel']
@@ -55,16 +52,44 @@
assert_select 'span.current', '2'
+ def test_will_paginate_using_renderer_class
+ paginate({}, :renderer => AdditionalLinkAttributesRenderer) do
+ assert_select 'a[default=true]', 3
+ end
+ end
+ def test_will_paginate_using_renderer_instance
+ renderer = WillPaginate::LinkRenderer.new
+ renderer.gap_marker = '<span class="my-gap">~~</span>'
+ paginate({ :per_page => 2 }, :inner_window => 0, :outer_window => 0, :renderer => renderer) do
+ assert_select 'span.my-gap', '~~'
+ end
+ renderer = AdditionalLinkAttributesRenderer.new(:title => 'rendered')
+ paginate({}, :renderer => renderer) do
+ assert_select 'a[title=rendered]', 3
+ end
+ end
def test_prev_next_links_have_classnames
paginate do |pagination|
assert_select 'span.disabled.prev_page:first-child'
assert_select 'a.next_page[href]:last-child'
+ def test_prev_label_deprecated
+ assert_deprecated ':previous_label' do
+ paginate({ :page => 2 }, :prev_label => 'Deprecated') do
+ assert_select 'a[href]:first-child', 'Deprecated'
+ end
+ end
+ end
def test_full_output
expected = <<-HTML
<div class="pagination"><span class="disabled prev_page">« Previous</span>
@@ -76,10 +101,20 @@
expected.strip!.gsub!(/\s{2,}/, ' ')
assert_dom_equal expected, @html_result
+ def test_escaping_of_urls
+ paginate({:page => 1, :per_page => 1, :total_entries => 2},
+ :page_links => false, :params => { :tag => '<br>' })
+ assert_select 'a[href]', 1 do |links|
+ query = links.first['href'].split('?', 2)[1]
+ assert_equal %w(page=2 tag=%3Cbr%3E), query.split('&').sort
+ end
+ end
## advanced options for pagination ##
def test_will_paginate_without_container
paginate({}, :container => false)
assert_select 'div.pagination', 0, 'main DIV present when it shouldn\'t'
@@ -147,31 +182,60 @@
def test_page_entries_info
@template = '<%= page_entries_info collection %>'
array = ('a'..'z').to_a
paginate array.paginate(:page => 2, :per_page => 5)
- assert_equal %{Displaying entries <b>6 - 10</b> of <b>26</b> in total},
+ assert_equal %{Displaying strings <b>6 - 10</b> of <b>26</b> in total},
paginate array.paginate(:page => 7, :per_page => 4)
- assert_equal %{Displaying entries <b>25 - 26</b> of <b>26</b> in total},
+ assert_equal %{Displaying strings <b>25 - 26</b> of <b>26</b> in total},
+ uses_mocha 'class name' do
+ def test_page_entries_info_with_longer_class_name
+ @template = '<%= page_entries_info collection %>'
+ collection = ('a'..'z').to_a.paginate
+ collection.first.stubs(:class).returns(mock('class', :name => 'ProjectType'))
+ paginate collection
+ assert @html_result.index('project types'), "expected <#{@html_result.inspect}> to mention 'project types'"
+ end
+ end
def test_page_entries_info_with_single_page_collection
@template = '<%= page_entries_info collection %>'
paginate(('a'..'d').to_a.paginate(:page => 1, :per_page => 5))
- assert_equal %{Displaying <b>all 4</b> entries}, @html_result
+ assert_equal %{Displaying <b>all 4</b> strings}, @html_result
paginate(['a'].paginate(:page => 1, :per_page => 5))
- assert_equal %{Displaying <b>1</b> entry}, @html_result
+ assert_equal %{Displaying <b>1</b> string}, @html_result
paginate([].paginate(:page => 1, :per_page => 5))
assert_equal %{No entries found}, @html_result
+ def test_page_entries_info_with_custom_entry_name
+ @template = '<%= page_entries_info collection, :entry_name => "author" %>'
+ entries = (1..20).to_a
+ paginate(entries.paginate(:page => 1, :per_page => 5))
+ assert_equal %{Displaying authors <b>1 - 5</b> of <b>20</b> in total}, @html_result
+ paginate(entries.paginate(:page => 1, :per_page => 20))
+ assert_equal %{Displaying <b>all 20</b> authors}, @html_result
+ paginate(['a'].paginate(:page => 1, :per_page => 5))
+ assert_equal %{Displaying <b>1</b> author}, @html_result
+ paginate([].paginate(:page => 1, :per_page => 5))
+ assert_equal %{No authors found}, @html_result
+ end
## parameter handling in page links ##
def test_will_paginate_preserves_parameters_on_get
@request.params :foo => { :bar => 'baz' }
@@ -188,10 +252,15 @@
def test_adding_additional_parameters
paginate({}, :params => { :foo => 'bar' })
assert_links_match /foo=bar/
+ def test_adding_anchor_parameter
+ paginate({}, :params => { :anchor => 'anchor' })
+ assert_links_match /#anchor$/
+ end
def test_removing_arbitrary_parameters
@request.params :foo => 'bar'
paginate({}, :params => { :foo => nil })
assert_no_links_match /foo=bar/
@@ -206,10 +275,18 @@
assert_select 'a[href]', 4 do |elements|
validate_page_numbers [1,1,3,3], elements, :developers_page
+ def test_will_paginate_with_atmark_url
+ @request.symbolized_path_parameters[:action] = "@tag"
+ renderer = WillPaginate::LinkRenderer.new
+ paginate({ :page => 1 }, :renderer=>renderer)
+ assert_links_match %r[/foo/@tag\?page=\d]
+ end
def test_complex_custom_page_param
@request.params :developers => { :page => 2 }
paginate({ :page => 2 }, :param_name => 'developers[page]') do
@@ -227,10 +304,28 @@
assert_links_match %r{/page/(\d+)$}, links, [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2]
+ def test_custom_routing_page_param_with_dot_separator
+ @request.symbolized_path_parameters.update :controller => 'dummy', :action => 'dots'
+ paginate :per_page => 2 do
+ assert_select 'a[href]', 6 do |links|
+ assert_links_match %r{/page\.(\d+)$}, links, [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_custom_routing_with_first_page_hidden
+ @request.symbolized_path_parameters.update :controller => 'ibocorp', :action => nil
+ paginate :page => 2, :per_page => 2 do
+ assert_select 'a[href]', 7 do |links|
+ assert_links_match %r{/ibocorp(?:/(\d+))?$}, links, [nil, nil, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3]
+ end
+ end
+ end
## internal hardcore stuff ##
class LegacyCollection < WillPaginate::Collection
alias :page_count :total_pages
undef :total_pages
@@ -273,72 +368,6 @@
assert_equal :not_found,
- protected
- def paginate(collection = {}, options = {}, &block)
- if collection.instance_of? Hash
- page_options = { :page => 1, :total_entries => 11, :per_page => 4 }.merge(collection)
- collection = [1].paginate(page_options)
- end
- locals = { :collection => collection, :options => options }
- if defined? ActionView::Template
- # Rails 2.1
- args = [ ActionView::Template.new(@view, @template, false, locals, true, nil) ]
- else
- # older Rails versions
- args = [nil, @template, nil, locals]
- end
- @html_result = @view.render_template(*args)
- @html_document = HTML::Document.new(@html_result, true, false)
- if block_given?
- classname = options[:class] || WillPaginate::ViewHelpers.pagination_options[:class]
- assert_select("div.#{classname}", 1, 'no main DIV', &block)
- end
- end
- def response_from_page_or_rjs
- @html_document.root
- end
- def validate_page_numbers expected, links, param_name = :page
- param_pattern = /\W#{CGI.escape(param_name.to_s)}=([^&]*)/
- assert_equal(expected, links.map { |e|
- e['href'] =~ param_pattern
- $1 ? $1.to_i : $1
- })
- end
- def assert_links_match pattern, links = nil, numbers = nil
- links ||= assert_select 'div.pagination a[href]' do |elements|
- elements
- end
- pages = [] if numbers
- links.each do |el|
- assert_match pattern, el['href']
- if numbers
- el['href'] =~ pattern
- pages << $1.to_i
- end
- end
- assert_equal pages, numbers, "page numbers don't match" if numbers
- end
- def assert_no_links_match pattern
- assert_select 'div.pagination a[href]' do |elements|
- elements.each do |el|
- assert_no_match pattern, el['href']
- end
- end
- end