spec/whirly_spec.rb in whirly-0.1.1 vs spec/whirly_spec.rb in whirly-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,27 +1,248 @@
require_relative "../lib/whirly"
require "minitest/autorun"
+# require "irbtools/binding"
+require "stringio"
+def short_sleep
+ sleep 0.1
+def medium_sleep
+ sleep 0.4
+def long_sleep
+ sleep 1
describe Whirly do
- describe "usage" do
+ before do
+ Whirly.reset
+ @capture = StringIO.new
+ Whirly.configure(non_tty: true, stream: @capture)
+ end
+ describe "General Usage" do
it "outputs every frame of the spinner" do
- spinner = { "frames" => ["first", "second", "third"], "interval" => 10 }
+ spinner = { "frames" => ["first", "second", "third"], "interval" => 5 }
- assert_output /first.*second.*third/m do
- Whirly.start(spinner: spinner, non_tty: true)
- sleep 0.1
+ Whirly.start(spinner: spinner)
+ short_sleep
+ Whirly.stop
+ assert_match /first.*second.*third/m, @capture.string
+ end
+ it "calls spinner proc instead of frames if proc is given" do
+ spinner = { "proc" => ->(){ "frame" }, "interval" => 5 }
+ Whirly.start(spinner: spinner)
+ short_sleep
+ Whirly.stop
+ assert_match /frame/, @capture.string
+ end
+ end
+ describe "Status Updates" do
+ it "shows status text alongside spinner" do
+ Whirly.start
+ Whirly.status = "Fetching…"
+ medium_sleep
+ Whirly.status = "Updates…"
+ medium_sleep
+ Whirly.stop
+ assert_match /Fetching.*Updates…/m, @capture.string
+ end
+ it "shows initial status" do
+ Whirly.start(status: "Initial")
+ short_sleep
+ Whirly.stop
+ assert_match /Initial/, @capture.string
+ end
+ end
+ describe "Finishing" do
+ it "shows spinner finished frame if stop is set in spinner definition" do
+ spinner = { "frames" => ["first", "second", "third"], "stop" => "STOP", "interval" => 5 }
+ Whirly.start(spinner: spinner)
+ short_sleep
+ Whirly.stop
+ assert_match /STOP/, @capture.string
+ end
+ it "shows spinner finished frame if stop frame is passed when stopping" do
+ spinner = { "frames" => ["first", "second", "third"], "interval" => 5 }
+ Whirly.start(spinner: spinner)
+ short_sleep
+ Whirly.stop("STOP")
+ assert_match /STOP/, @capture.string
+ end
+ it "shows spinner finished frame if stop frame is passed when starting" do
+ spinner = { "frames" => ["first", "second", "third"], "interval" => 5 }
+ Whirly.start(spinner: spinner, stop: "STOP")
+ short_sleep
+ Whirly.stop
+ assert_match /STOP/, @capture.string
+ end
+ it "appends newline when stopping" do
+ Whirly.start(hide_cursor: false)
+ short_sleep
+ Whirly.stop
+ assert_match /\n\z/, @capture.string
+ end
+ it "appends no newline when stopping when :append_newline option is false" do
+ Whirly.start(hide_cursor: false, append_newline: false)
+ short_sleep
+ Whirly.stop
+ assert_match /[^\n]\z/, @capture.string
+ end
+ it "removes the spinner after stopping when :remove_after_stop is true" do
+ Whirly.start(hide_cursor: false, remove_after_stop: true)
+ short_sleep
+ Whirly.stop
+ assert_match /\e\[u\n\z/, @capture.string
+ end
+ end
+ describe "Spinner" do
+ describe "Passing a Spinner" do
+ it "can be the name of a bundled spinner (whirly-spinners)" do
+ Whirly.start(spinner: "pencil")
+ medium_sleep
+ assert_match /✎/, @capture.string
+ it "can be the name of a bundled spinner (cli-spinners)" do
+ Whirly.start(spinner: "dots3")
+ medium_sleep
+ Whirly.stop
+ assert_match /⠋/, @capture.string
+ end
+ it "can be an Array of frames" do
+ Whirly.start(spinner: ["A", "B"])
+ medium_sleep
+ Whirly.stop
+ assert_match /A.*B/m, @capture.string
+ end
+ it "can be an Enumerator of frames" do
+ Whirly.start(spinner: "A".."B")
+ medium_sleep
+ Whirly.stop
+ assert_match /A.*B/m, @capture.string
+ end
+ it "can be a Proc which generates frames" do
+ Whirly.start(spinner: ->(){ "frame" })
+ medium_sleep
+ Whirly.stop
+ assert_match /frame/m, @capture.string
+ end
- it "calls spinner proc instead of frames if proc is given" do
- spinner = { "proc" => ->(){ "frame" }, "interval" => 10 }
+ describe "Frame Mode" do
+ it "can be set to random" do
+ spinner = { "frames" => "A".."H", "mode" => "random", "interval" => 10 }
- assert_output /frame/ do
- Whirly.start(spinner: spinner, non_tty: true)
- sleep 0.1
+ Whirly.start(spinner: spinner)
+ medium_sleep
+ refute /A.*B.*C.*D.*E.*F.*G.*H/m =~ @capture.string
+ it "can be set to reverse" do
+ spinner = { "frames" => "A".."H", "mode" => "reverse", "interval" => 10 }
+ Whirly.start(spinner: spinner)
+ medium_sleep
+ Whirly.stop
+ assert_match /H.*G.*F.*E.*D.*C.*B.*A/m, @capture.string
+ end
+ it "can be set to swing" do
+ spinner = { "frames" => "A".."H", "mode" => "swing", "interval" => 10 }
+ Whirly.start(spinner: spinner)
+ medium_sleep
+ Whirly.stop
+ assert_match /A.*B.*C.*D.*E.*F.*G.*H.*G.*F.*E.*D.*C.*B.*A/m, @capture.string
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "Ansi Escape Mode" do
+ it "will use save and restore ANSI sequences as default (or when 'restore') is given" do
+ Whirly.start
+ short_sleep
+ Whirly.stop
+ assert_match /\e\[s.*\e\[u/m, @capture.string
+ end
+ it "will use beginning of line and clear line ANSI sequences when 'line' is given" do
+ Whirly.start(ansi_escape_mode: 'line')
+ medium_sleep
+ Whirly.stop
+ assert_match /\e\[G.*\e\[1K/m, @capture.string
+ end
+ end
+ describe "Positioning" do
+ it "will render spinner 1 line further below (useful for spinning while git cloning)" do
+ Whirly.start(position: "below")
+ short_sleep
+ Whirly.stop
+ assert_match /\n.*\e\[1A/m, @capture.string
+ end
+ end
+ describe "Configure and Reset" do
+ it "can be configured before starting" do
+ Whirly.configure spinner: "dots", interval: 5
+ Whirly.start
+ short_sleep
+ Whirly.stop
+ assert_match /⠧/, @capture.string
+ end
+ it "can be reset using .reset" do
+ Whirly.configure spinner: "dots", interval: 5
+ Whirly.reset
+ Whirly.start(non_tty: true, stream: @capture)
+ short_sleep
+ Whirly.stop
+ assert_match /\A[^⠧]+\z/, @capture.string
describe ".enabled?" do
it "returns false if whirly was not started yet" do