lib/when_exe/region/roman.rb in when_exe-0.3.7 vs lib/when_exe/region/roman.rb in when_exe-0.3.8
- old
+ new
@@ -1,334 +1,333 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Takashi SUGA
- You may use and/or modify this file according to the license described in the LICENSE.txt file included in this archive.
-module When
- class BasicTypes::M17n
- Roman = [self, [
- "locale:[=en:, ja=ja:, alias]",
- "names:[Roman=]",
- # Remarks
- '[based on Chris Bennett "Roman Dates" (Retrieved 2013-05-13)=,' +
- '典拠 - Chris Bennett "Roman Dates" (2013-05-13 閲覧)=]',
- [self, # ..CE-44 / ..BCE45
- "names:[MonthA=en:Month, 月=ja:%%<月_(暦)>]",
- "[Ianuarius, 1月]",
- "[Februarius, 2月]",
- "[Martius, 3月]",
- "[Aprilis, 4月]",
- "[Maius, 5月]",
- "[Iunius, 6月]",
- "[Quintilis, 旧7月=]",
- "[Sextilis, 旧8月=]",
- "[September, 9月]",
- "[October, 10月]",
- "[November, 11月]",
- "[December, 12月]"
- ],
- [self, # CE-43..CE-8 / BCE44..BCE9
- "names:[MonthB=en:Month, 月=ja:%%<月_(暦)>]",
- "[Ianuarius, 1月]",
- "[Februarius, 2月]",
- "[Martius, 3月]",
- "[Aprilis, 4月]",
- "[Maius, 5月]",
- "[Iunius, 6月]",
- "[Iulius, 7月]",
- "[Sextilis, 旧8月=]",
- "[September, 9月]",
- "[October, 10月]",
- "[November, 11月]",
- "[December, 12月]"
- ],
- [self, # CE-7..CE36, CE41.. / BCE8..CE36, CE41..
- "names:[Month, 月=ja:%%<月_(暦)>]",
- "[Ianuarius, 1月]",
- "[Februarius, 2月]",
- "[Martius, 3月]",
- "[Aprilis, 4月]",
- "[Maius, 5月]",
- "[Iunius, 6月]",
- "[Iulius, 7月]",
- "[Augustus, 8月]",
- "[September, 9月]",
- "[October, 10月]",
- "[November, 11月]",
- "[December, 12月]"
- ],
- [self, # CE37..CE40
- "names:[MonthD=en:Month, 月=ja:%%<月_(暦)>]",
- "[Ianuarius, 1月]",
- "[Februarius, 2月]",
- "[Martius, 3月]",
- "[Aprilis, 4月]",
- "[Maius, 5月]",
- "[Iunius, 6月]",
- "[Iulius, 7月]",
- "[Augustus, 8月]",
- "[Germanicus, 新9月=]",
- "[October, 10月]",
- "[November, 11月]",
- "[December, 12月]"
- ],
- # %0s は“閏”の表記を抑制する指定となっている
- [self, # Intercalary Months
- "names:[IntercalaryMonth=en:Intercalation, 閏月]",
- "[%0sIntercalaris=en:Roman_calendar#Calendar_of_Numa," +
- "閏月%0s=ja:%%<ローマ暦>#%.<末期のローマ暦>]",
- "[%0sIntercalaris Prior=en:Julian_calendar#Realignment_of_the_year," +
- "第1閏月%0s=ja:%%<ローマ暦>#%.<末期のローマ暦>]",
- "[%0sIntercalaris Posterior=en:Julian_calendar#Realignment_of_the_year," +
- "第2閏月%0s=ja:%%<ローマ暦>#%.<末期のローマ暦>]",
- ]
- ]]
- end
- class TM::CalendarEra
- # From
- Julian = [self, [
- "locale:[=en:, ja=ja:, alias]",
- "period:[Roman=en:Roman_calendar, ローマ暦]",
- ["[AUC=en:Ab_urbe_condita, 建国紀元=ja:%%<ローマ建国紀元>, alias:Ab_urbe_condita]709.1.1",
- '@CE', "-44-01-01^JulianA",
- "-7-03-01^JulianB",
- "8-01-01^JulianC", "476-09-04"]
- ]]
- # From Chris Bennett,
- Roman = [self, [
- "locale:[=en:, ja=ja:, alias]",
- "period:[Roman=en:Roman_calendar, ローマ暦]",
- ["[AUC=en:Ab_urbe_condita, 建国紀元=ja:%%<ローマ建国紀元>, alias:Ab_urbe_condita]492.5.1",
- '@CE', "-261-05-01^RomanA?border=0-5-1",
- "-221-03-01^RomanA?border=0-3-1",
- "-152-01-01^RomanA",
- "-43-01-01^RomanB",
- "-7-01-01^RomanC",
- "37-01-01^RomanD",
- "41-01-01^Roman", "476-09-04"]
- ]]
- end
- module CalendarTypes
- # From
- _Index0 = When::Coordinates::DefaultDayIndex
- _IndicesB12 = [When.Index('Roman::MonthB', {:unit=>12}), _Index0]
- _Indices12 = [When.Index('Roman::Month', {:unit=>12}), _Index0]
- #
- # Julian Calendar A : BCE45-BCE8
- #
- JulianA = [CyclicTableBased, {
- 'origin_of_LSC' => 1704987,
- 'origin_of_MSC' => -44,
- 'indices' => _IndicesB12,
- 'rule_table' => {
- 'T' => {'Rule' =>[365,366,365]},
- 365 => {'Length'=>[31,29] + [31,30]*5},
- 366 => {'Length'=>[31,30] + [31,30]*5}
- },
- 'note' => 'Roman'
- }]
- #
- # Julian Calendar B : BCE8-CE7
- #
- JulianB = [CyclicTableBased, {
- 'origin_of_LSC' => 1704987+13,
- 'origin_of_MSC' => -44,
- 'indices' => _IndicesB12,
- 'rule_table' => {
- 'T' => {'Rule' =>[365]},
- 365 => {'Length'=>[31,28] + [31,30,31,30,31]*2}
- },
- 'note' => 'Roman'
- }]
- #
- # Julian Calendar C : CE8-
- #
- JulianC = [Julian, {
- 'indices' => _Indices12,
- 'note' => 'Roman'
- }]
- # From Chris Bennett,
- #
- # Roman Calendar BCE262-(CE60)-CE480
- #
- # _ID_N = '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12'
- _ID_L = '1,2,2=,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12'
- _ID_J = '1,2,2=,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,11<,11>,12'
- _Branch = {
- 1=>When.Resource('_m:Roman::IntercalaryMonth::*')[0],
- 0.5=>When.Resource('_m:Roman::IntercalaryMonth::*')[1],
- 1.5=>When.Resource('_m:Roman::IntercalaryMonth::*')[2]
- }
- _IndicesA = [When.Index('Roman::MonthA', {:branch=>_Branch}), _Index0]
- _IndicesB = [When.Index('Roman::MonthB', {:branch=>_Branch}), _Index0]
- _Indices = [When.Index('Roman::Month', {:branch=>_Branch}), _Index0]
- _IndicesD = [When.Index('Roman::MonthD', {:branch=>_Branch}), _Index0]
- _remarks = When.M17n('Roman::based on Chris Bennett "Roman Dates" (Retrieved 2013-05-13)')
- # @private
- Options = {
- 'origin_of_LSC' => 1625698,
- 'origin_of_MSC' => -261,
- 'indices' => _Indices,
- 'rule_table' => {
- 'T' => {'Rule' => %w( A C A B A C A B A C A B
- A C A B A C A B A C A B A C A B A C A B A C A B A C A B A C A B A A C B A A A A C A A A B A C A A B
- A A A A A A A A A A C A C A B C A C A B C A C A C A B C A C A C A A B C A B C A B C A B C A C A C A
- C A C A C A C A C A C A A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A A C A A C A A C A A C A A
- C A C A C A C A C A C A C A A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A A C A A C A A C A A B A A C A
- A A A A J N L N N L N N L N N L N N L N N L N N L N N L N N L N N L N N L N N L N N L N N N N N N N) +
- %w(N N N L) * 120
- },
- 'A' => {'Length'=>[29, 28, 31, 29, 31, 29, 31, 29, 29, 31, 29, 29]},
- 'B' => {'Length'=>[29, 23, 27, 31, 29, 31, 29, 31, 29, 29, 31, 29, 29], 'IDs'=>_ID_L},
- 'C' => {'Length'=>[29, 24, 27, 31, 29, 31, 29, 31, 29, 29, 31, 29, 29], 'IDs'=>_ID_L},
- 'J' => {'Length'=>[29, 24, 27, 31, 29, 31, 29, 31, 29, 29, 31, 34, 31, 31, 29], 'IDs'=>_ID_J},
- 'N' => {'Length'=>[31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]},
- 'L' => {'Length'=>[31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]},
- },
- 'note' => 'Roman'
- }
- # @private
- RomanA = [CyclicTableBased, Options.merge({'remarks'=>_remarks, 'indices' => _IndicesA})]
- # @private
- RomanB = [CyclicTableBased, Options.merge({'remarks'=>_remarks, 'indices' => _IndicesB})]
- # @private
- RomanC = [CyclicTableBased, Options.merge({'remarks'=>_remarks })]
- # @private
- RomanD = [CyclicTableBased, Options.merge({'remarks'=>_remarks, 'indices' => _IndicesD})]
- # @private
- Roman = [CyclicTableBased, Options]
- end
- #
- # 古代ローマの暦注
- #
- class CalendarNote::Roman < CalendarNote
- Notes = [When::BasicTypes::M17n, [
- "locale:[=en:, ja=ja:, alias]",
- "names:[Roman]",
- # 年の暦注 ----------------------------
- [When::BasicTypes::M17n,
- "names:[year]",
- [When::Coordinates::Residue,
- "label:[Solar=en:Solar_cycle_(calendar), 太陽章=]", "divisor:28", "year:-8",
- ],
- [When::Coordinates::Residue,
- "label:[Metonic=en:Metonic_cycle, 太陰章=]", "divisor:19", "year:0",
- ],
- [When::Coordinates::Residue,
- "label:[Indiction, インディクション]", "divisor:15", "year:-2", "format:[%s=]",
- [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[I= ]", "remainder: 0"],
- [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[II= ]", "remainder: 1"],
- [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[III= ]", "remainder: 2"],
- [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[IV= ]", "remainder: 3"],
- [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[V= ]", "remainder: 4"],
- [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[VI= ]", "remainder: 5"],
- [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[VII= ]", "remainder: 6"],
- [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[VIII=]", "remainder: 7"],
- [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[IX= ]", "remainder: 8"],
- [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[X= ]", "remainder: 9"],
- [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[XI= ]", "remainder: 10"],
- [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[XII= ]", "remainder: 11"],
- [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[XIII=]", "remainder: 12"],
- [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[XIV= ]", "remainder: 13"],
- [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[XV= ]", "remainder: 14"],
- ]
- ],
- # 月の暦注 ----------------------------
- [When::BasicTypes::M17n,
- "names:[month]",
- [When::BasicTypes::M17n,
- "names:[Month]"
- ]
- ],
- # 日の暦注 ----------------------------
- [When::BasicTypes::M17n,
- "names:[day]",
- [When::BasicTypes::M17n,
- "names:[Nomen]"
- ]
- ]
- ]]
- Order = [
- 'a.d. bis VI',
- 'prid.', 'a.d. III', 'a.d. IV', 'a.d. V', 'a.d. VI', 'a.d. VII', 'a.d. VIII',
- 'a.d. IX', 'a.d. X', 'a.d. XI', 'a.d. XII', 'a.d. XIII', 'a.d. XIV', 'a.d. XV',
- 'a.d. XVI', 'a.d. XVII', 'a.d. XVIII', 'a.d. XIX', 'a.d. XX', 'a.d. XXI', 'a.d. XXII'
- ]
- LongMonths = [3, 5, 7, 10, When.Pair(11,0.5), When.Pair(11,1.5)]
- LongType = [1, 2..6, 7, 8..14, 15]
- ShortType = [1, 2..4, 5, 6..12, 13]
- # 暦注 - 日の名前
- #
- # @param [When::TM::CalDate] date
- #
- # @return [String]
- #
- def nomen(date)
- y, m, d = date.cal_date
- month_name = _abbr_of_month(date)
- kal, to_nonae, nonae, to_idus, idus = LongMonths.include?(m) ? LongType : ShortType
- case d
- when kal ; return 'Kal. ' + month_name
- when to_nonae ; return Order[nonae - d] + ' Non. ' + month_name
- when nonae ; return 'Non. ' + month_name
- when to_idus ; return Order[idus - d] + ' Id. ' + month_name
- when idus ; return 'Id. ' + month_name
- end
- this_month = date.floor(When::MONTH)
- next_month = this_month.succ
- month_name = _abbr_of_month(next_month)
- rest = next_month.to_i - date.to_i
- if m == 2 && next_month.to_i - this_month.to_i == 29
- return Order[0] + ' Kal. ' + month_name if rest == 5
- rest -= 1 if rest > 5
- end
- return Order[rest] + ' Kal. ' + month_name
- end
- private
- # オブジェクトの正規化
- def _normalize(args=[], options={})
- @event = 'nomen'
- super
- end
- # 日の省略名
- def _abbr_of_month(month)
- name ='month').to_s
- return name.sub(/ (..).*/, ' \1.') if name.sub!(/Intercalaris(.*)?/, 'Int.\1')
- name.size <= 3 ? name : name[/\A...[^caeiou]*/] + '.'
- end
- end
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Takashi SUGA
+ You may use and/or modify this file according to the license described in the LICENSE.txt file included in this archive.
+module When
+ class BasicTypes::M17n
+ Roman = [self, [
+ "locale:[=en:, ja=ja:, alias]",
+ "names:[Roman=]",
+ # Remarks
+ '[based on Chris Bennett "Roman Dates" (Retrieved 2013-05-13)=,' +
+ '典拠 - Chris Bennett "Roman Dates" (2013-05-13 閲覧)=]',
+ [self, # ..CE-44 / ..BCE45
+ "names:[MonthA=en:Month, 月=ja:%%<月_(暦)>]",
+ "[Ianuarius, 1月]",
+ "[Februarius, 2月]",
+ "[Martius, 3月]",
+ "[Aprilis, 4月]",
+ "[Maius, 5月]",
+ "[Iunius, 6月]",
+ "[Quintilis, 旧7月=]",
+ "[Sextilis, 旧8月=]",
+ "[September, 9月]",
+ "[October, 10月]",
+ "[November, 11月]",
+ "[December, 12月]"
+ ],
+ [self, # CE-43..CE-8 / BCE44..BCE9
+ "names:[MonthB=en:Month, 月=ja:%%<月_(暦)>]",
+ "[Ianuarius, 1月]",
+ "[Februarius, 2月]",
+ "[Martius, 3月]",
+ "[Aprilis, 4月]",
+ "[Maius, 5月]",
+ "[Iunius, 6月]",
+ "[Iulius, 7月]",
+ "[Sextilis, 旧8月=]",
+ "[September, 9月]",
+ "[October, 10月]",
+ "[November, 11月]",
+ "[December, 12月]"
+ ],
+ [self, # CE-7..CE36, CE41.. / BCE8..CE36, CE41..
+ "names:[Month, 月=ja:%%<月_(暦)>]",
+ "[Ianuarius, 1月]",
+ "[Februarius, 2月]",
+ "[Martius, 3月]",
+ "[Aprilis, 4月]",
+ "[Maius, 5月]",
+ "[Iunius, 6月]",
+ "[Iulius, 7月]",
+ "[Augustus, 8月]",
+ "[September, 9月]",
+ "[October, 10月]",
+ "[November, 11月]",
+ "[December, 12月]"
+ ],
+ [self, # CE37..CE40
+ "names:[MonthD=en:Month, 月=ja:%%<月_(暦)>]",
+ "[Ianuarius, 1月]",
+ "[Februarius, 2月]",
+ "[Martius, 3月]",
+ "[Aprilis, 4月]",
+ "[Maius, 5月]",
+ "[Iunius, 6月]",
+ "[Iulius, 7月]",
+ "[Augustus, 8月]",
+ "[Germanicus, 新9月=]",
+ "[October, 10月]",
+ "[November, 11月]",
+ "[December, 12月]"
+ ],
+ # %0s は“閏”の表記を抑制する指定となっている
+ [self, # Intercalary Months
+ "names:[IntercalaryMonth=en:Intercalation, 閏月]",
+ "[%0sIntercalaris=en:Roman_calendar#Calendar_of_Numa," +
+ "閏月%0s=ja:%%<ローマ暦>#%.<末期のローマ暦>]",
+ "[%0sIntercalaris Prior=en:Julian_calendar#Realignment_of_the_year," +
+ "第1閏月%0s=ja:%%<ローマ暦>#%.<末期のローマ暦>]",
+ "[%0sIntercalaris Posterior=en:Julian_calendar#Realignment_of_the_year," +
+ "第2閏月%0s=ja:%%<ローマ暦>#%.<末期のローマ暦>]",
+ ]
+ ]]
+ end
+ class TM::CalendarEra
+ # From
+ Julian = [self, [
+ "locale:[=en:, ja=ja:, alias]",
+ "period:[Roman=en:Roman_calendar, ローマ暦]",
+ ["[AUC=en:Ab_urbe_condita, 建国紀元=ja:%%<ローマ建国紀元>, alias:Ab_urbe_condita]709.1.1",
+ '@CE', "-44-01-01^JulianA",
+ "-7-03-01^JulianB",
+ "8-01-01^JulianC", "476-09-04"]
+ ]]
+ # From Chris Bennett,
+ Roman = [self, [
+ "locale:[=en:, ja=ja:, alias]",
+ "period:[Roman=en:Roman_calendar, ローマ暦]",
+ ["[AUC=en:Ab_urbe_condita, 建国紀元=ja:%%<ローマ建国紀元>, alias:Ab_urbe_condita]492.5.1",
+ '@CE', "-261-05-01^RomanA?border=0-5-1",
+ "-221-03-01^RomanA?border=0-3-1",
+ "-152-01-01^RomanA",
+ "-43-01-01^RomanB",
+ "-7-01-01^RomanC",
+ "37-01-01^RomanD",
+ "41-01-01^Roman", "476-09-04"]
+ ]]
+ end
+ module CalendarTypes
+ # From
+ _Index0 = When::Coordinates::DefaultDayIndex
+ _IndicesB12 = [When.Index('Roman::MonthB', {:unit=>12}), _Index0]
+ _Indices12 = [When.Index('Roman::Month', {:unit=>12}), _Index0]
+ #
+ # Julian Calendar A : BCE45-BCE8
+ #
+ JulianA = [CyclicTableBased, {
+ 'origin_of_LSC' => 1704987,
+ 'origin_of_MSC' => -44,
+ 'indices' => _IndicesB12,
+ 'rule_table' => {
+ 'T' => {'Rule' =>[365,366,365]},
+ 365 => {'Length'=>[31,29] + [31,30]*5},
+ 366 => {'Length'=>[31,30] + [31,30]*5}
+ },
+ 'note' => 'Roman'
+ }]
+ #
+ # Julian Calendar B : BCE8-CE7
+ #
+ JulianB = [CyclicTableBased, {
+ 'origin_of_LSC' => 1704987+13,
+ 'origin_of_MSC' => -44,
+ 'indices' => _IndicesB12,
+ 'rule_table' => {
+ 'T' => {'Rule' =>[365]},
+ 365 => {'Length'=>[31,28] + [31,30,31,30,31]*2}
+ },
+ 'note' => 'Roman'
+ }]
+ #
+ # Julian Calendar C : CE8-
+ #
+ JulianC = [Julian, {
+ 'indices' => _Indices12,
+ 'note' => 'Roman'
+ }]
+ # From Chris Bennett,
+ #
+ # Roman Calendar BCE262-(CE60)-CE480
+ #
+ # _ID_N = '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12'
+ _ID_L = '1,2,2=,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12'
+ _ID_J = '1,2,2=,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,11<,11>,12'
+ _Branch = {
+ 1=>When.Resource('_m:Roman::IntercalaryMonth::*')[0],
+ 0.5=>When.Resource('_m:Roman::IntercalaryMonth::*')[1],
+ 1.5=>When.Resource('_m:Roman::IntercalaryMonth::*')[2]
+ }
+ _IndicesA = [When.Index('Roman::MonthA', {:branch=>_Branch}), _Index0]
+ _IndicesB = [When.Index('Roman::MonthB', {:branch=>_Branch}), _Index0]
+ _Indices = [When.Index('Roman::Month', {:branch=>_Branch}), _Index0]
+ _IndicesD = [When.Index('Roman::MonthD', {:branch=>_Branch}), _Index0]
+ _remarks = When.M17n('Roman::based on Chris Bennett "Roman Dates" (Retrieved 2013-05-13)')
+ _options = {
+ 'origin_of_LSC' => 1625698,
+ 'origin_of_MSC' => -261,
+ 'indices' => _Indices,
+ 'rule_table' => {
+ 'T' => {'Rule' => %w( A C A B A C A B A C A B
+ A C A B A C A B A C A B A C A B A C A B A C A B A C A B A C A B A A C B A A A A C A A A B A C A A B
+ A A A A A A A A A A C A C A B C A C A B C A C A C A B C A C A C A A B C A B C A B C A B C A C A C A
+ C A C A C A C A C A C A A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A A C A A C A A C A A C A A
+ C A C A C A C A C A C A C A A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A C A A C A A C A A C A A B A A C A
+ A A A A J N L N N L N N L N N L N N L N N L N N L N N L N N L N N L N N L N N L N N L N N N N N N N) +
+ %w(N N N L) * 120
+ },
+ 'A' => {'Length'=>[29, 28, 31, 29, 31, 29, 31, 29, 29, 31, 29, 29]},
+ 'B' => {'Length'=>[29, 23, 27, 31, 29, 31, 29, 31, 29, 29, 31, 29, 29], 'IDs'=>_ID_L},
+ 'C' => {'Length'=>[29, 24, 27, 31, 29, 31, 29, 31, 29, 29, 31, 29, 29], 'IDs'=>_ID_L},
+ 'J' => {'Length'=>[29, 24, 27, 31, 29, 31, 29, 31, 29, 29, 31, 34, 31, 31, 29], 'IDs'=>_ID_J},
+ 'N' => {'Length'=>[31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]},
+ 'L' => {'Length'=>[31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]},
+ },
+ 'note' => 'Roman'
+ }
+ # @private
+ RomanA = [CyclicTableBased, _options.merge({'remarks'=>_remarks, 'indices' => _IndicesA})]
+ # @private
+ RomanB = [CyclicTableBased, _options.merge({'remarks'=>_remarks, 'indices' => _IndicesB})]
+ # @private
+ RomanC = [CyclicTableBased, _options.merge({'remarks'=>_remarks })]
+ # @private
+ RomanD = [CyclicTableBased, _options.merge({'remarks'=>_remarks, 'indices' => _IndicesD})]
+ # @private
+ Roman = [CyclicTableBased, _options]
+ end
+ #
+ # 古代ローマの暦注
+ #
+ class CalendarNote::Roman < CalendarNote
+ Notes = [When::BasicTypes::M17n, [
+ "locale:[=en:, ja=ja:, alias]",
+ "names:[Roman]",
+ # 年の暦注 ----------------------------
+ [When::BasicTypes::M17n,
+ "names:[year]",
+ [When::Coordinates::Residue,
+ "label:[Solar=en:Solar_cycle_(calendar), 太陽章=]", "divisor:28", "year:-8",
+ ],
+ [When::Coordinates::Residue,
+ "label:[Metonic=en:Metonic_cycle, 太陰章=]", "divisor:19", "year:0",
+ ],
+ [When::Coordinates::Residue,
+ "label:[Indiction, インディクション]", "divisor:15", "year:-2", "format:[%s=]",
+ [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[I= ]", "remainder: 0"],
+ [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[II= ]", "remainder: 1"],
+ [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[III= ]", "remainder: 2"],
+ [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[IV= ]", "remainder: 3"],
+ [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[V= ]", "remainder: 4"],
+ [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[VI= ]", "remainder: 5"],
+ [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[VII= ]", "remainder: 6"],
+ [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[VIII=]", "remainder: 7"],
+ [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[IX= ]", "remainder: 8"],
+ [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[X= ]", "remainder: 9"],
+ [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[XI= ]", "remainder: 10"],
+ [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[XII= ]", "remainder: 11"],
+ [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[XIII=]", "remainder: 12"],
+ [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[XIV= ]", "remainder: 13"],
+ [When::Coordinates::Residue, "label:[XV= ]", "remainder: 14"],
+ ]
+ ],
+ # 月の暦注 ----------------------------
+ [When::BasicTypes::M17n,
+ "names:[month]",
+ [When::BasicTypes::M17n,
+ "names:[Month]"
+ ]
+ ],
+ # 日の暦注 ----------------------------
+ [When::BasicTypes::M17n,
+ "names:[day]",
+ [When::BasicTypes::M17n,
+ "names:[Nomen]"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]]
+ Order = [
+ 'a.d. bis VI',
+ 'prid.', 'a.d. III', 'a.d. IV', 'a.d. V', 'a.d. VI', 'a.d. VII', 'a.d. VIII',
+ 'a.d. IX', 'a.d. X', 'a.d. XI', 'a.d. XII', 'a.d. XIII', 'a.d. XIV', 'a.d. XV',
+ 'a.d. XVI', 'a.d. XVII', 'a.d. XVIII', 'a.d. XIX', 'a.d. XX', 'a.d. XXI', 'a.d. XXII'
+ ]
+ LongMonths = [3, 5, 7, 10, When.Pair(11,0.5), When.Pair(11,1.5)]
+ LongType = [1, 2..6, 7, 8..14, 15]
+ ShortType = [1, 2..4, 5, 6..12, 13]
+ # 暦注 - 日の名前
+ #
+ # @param [When::TM::CalDate] date
+ #
+ # @return [String]
+ #
+ def nomen(date)
+ y, m, d = date.cal_date
+ month_name = _abbr_of_month(date)
+ kal, to_nonae, nonae, to_idus, idus = LongMonths.include?(m) ? LongType : ShortType
+ case d
+ when kal ; return 'Kal. ' + month_name
+ when to_nonae ; return Order[nonae - d] + ' Non. ' + month_name
+ when nonae ; return 'Non. ' + month_name
+ when to_idus ; return Order[idus - d] + ' Id. ' + month_name
+ when idus ; return 'Id. ' + month_name
+ end
+ this_month = date.floor(When::MONTH)
+ next_month = this_month.succ
+ month_name = _abbr_of_month(next_month)
+ rest = next_month.to_i - date.to_i
+ if m == 2 && next_month.to_i - this_month.to_i == 29
+ return Order[0] + ' Kal. ' + month_name if rest == 5
+ rest -= 1 if rest > 5
+ end
+ return Order[rest] + ' Kal. ' + month_name
+ end
+ private
+ # オブジェクトの正規化
+ def _normalize(args=[], options={})
+ @event = 'nomen'
+ super
+ end
+ # 日の省略名
+ def _abbr_of_month(month)
+ name ='month').to_s
+ return name.sub(/ (..).*/, ' \1.') if name.sub!(/Intercalaris(.*)?/, 'Int.\1')
+ name.size <= 3 ? name : name[/\A...[^caeiou]*/] + '.'
+ end
+ end