lib/when_exe/ephemeris.rb in when_exe-0.4.4 vs lib/when_exe/ephemeris.rb in when_exe-0.4.5
- old
+ new
@@ -640,11 +640,11 @@
# @param [When::Coordinates::Spatial] loc 観測地
# @return [When::Ephemeris::Coords]
def rh_to_h(t, loc)
- rotate_y( / (360.0*When::Coordinates::Spatial::DEGREE) - 0.25)
+ rotate_y( / (360.0* - 0.25)
# 赤道座標 -> 地平座標
# @param [Numeric] t ユリウス日(Terrestrial Time)
@@ -653,11 +653,11 @@
# @return [When::Ephemeris::Coords]
def r_to_h(t, loc)
rotate_z(-loc.local_sidereal_time(t) / 24).
- rotate_y( / (360.0*When::Coordinates::Spatial::DEGREE) - 0.25)
+ rotate_y( / (360.0* - 0.25)
# 球面の余弦 spherical law of cosines
# @param [When::Ephemeris::Coords] other
@@ -1340,11 +1340,11 @@
# [ t が ユリウス日(Terrestrial Time) => ユリウス日(Terrestrial Time) ]
# [ t が その他 => When::TM::DateAndTime ]
def day_event(t, event, target=When.Resource('_ep:Sun'), height=nil)
# 時刻の初期値
- dl = @location.long / (360.0 * When::Coordinates::Spatial::DEGREE)
+ dl = @location.long / (360.0 *
t0 = (+t + dl).round - dl
dt = _coords(t0, When::Coordinates::Spatial::EQUATORIAL, target).phi -
@location.local_sidereal_time(t0) / 24.0 + 0.25 * (event||0)
t0 += dt - dt.round
@@ -1524,12 +1524,12 @@
def year_event(t, event, target, hs= @location.datum.zeros['A'], bs=nil)
# difference of ecliptic longitude between zenith and target star
# when the event happens
pos = _coords(+t, When::Coordinates::Spatial::EQUATORIAL, target)
- long = @location.long / When::Coordinates::Spatial::DEGREE
- lat = / When::Coordinates::Spatial::DEGREE
+ long = @location.long /
+ lat = /
dp = (sind(hs) - sind(lat) * sinc(pos.theta)) /
(cosd(lat) * cosc(pos.theta))
return nil if dp.abs >= 1
dp = acos(dp) / CIRCLE
@@ -1593,11 +1593,11 @@
# @lunation_1m = t = CYCLE_1M日 までの朔望月番号の比例定数
# @sun_0m = t = CYCLE_0M日 での太陽年番号
# @sun_1m = t = CYCLE_1M日 までの太陽年番号の比例定数
def _normalize(args=[], options={})
@location = When.Resource(@location, '_l:') if @location.kind_of?(String)
- @long, @lat, @alt = [@location.long / When::Coordinates::Spatial::DEGREE,
- / When::Coordinates::Spatial::DEGREE,
+ @long, @lat, @alt = [@location.long /,
+ /,
@location.alt] if @location
@formula ||= '1L'
@time_standard ||= 'dynamical'
@is_dynamical = (@time_standard[0..0].downcase == 'd')