vendor/assets/javascripts/webshims/shims/combos/17.js in webshims-rails-0.4.7 vs vendor/assets/javascripts/webshims/shims/combos/17.js in webshims-rails-1.10.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,2368 +1,3120 @@
-//DOM-Extension helper
-jQuery.webshims.register('dom-extend', function($, webshims, window, document, undefined){
+jQuery.webshims.register('form-number-date-api', function($, webshims, window, document, undefined){
"use strict";
- //shortcus
- var modules = webshims.modules;
- var listReg = /\s*,\s*/;
- //proxying attribute
- var olds = {};
- var havePolyfill = {};
- var extendedProps = {};
- var extendQ = {};
- var modifyProps = {};
- var oldVal = $.fn.val;
- var singleVal = function(elem, name, val, pass, _argless){
- return (_argless) ?$(elem)) :$(elem), val);
- };
- $.fn.onTrigger = function(evt, fn){
- return this.on(evt, fn).each(fn);
- };
- $.fn.val = function(val){
- var elem = this[0];
- if(arguments.length && val == null){
- val = '';
- }
- if(!arguments.length){
- if(!elem || elem.nodeType !== 1){return;}
- return $.prop(elem, 'value', val, 'val', true);
- }
- if($.isArray(val)){
- return oldVal.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- var isFunction = $.isFunction(val);
- return this.each(function(i){
- elem = this;
- if(elem.nodeType === 1){
- if(isFunction){
- var genVal = elem, i, $.prop(elem, 'value', undefined, 'val', true));
- if(genVal == null){
- genVal = '';
- }
- $.prop(elem, 'value', genVal, 'val') ;
- } else {
- $.prop(elem, 'value', val, 'val');
- }
+ if(!webshims.getStep){
+ webshims.getStep = function(elem, type){
+ var step = $.attr(elem, 'step');
+ if(step === 'any'){
+ return step;
- });
- };
- var dataID = '_webshimsLib'+ (Math.round(Math.random() * 1000));
- var elementData = function(elem, key, val){
- elem = elem.jquery ? elem[0] : elem;
- if(!elem){return val || {};}
- var data = $.data(elem, dataID);
- if(val !== undefined){
- if(!data){
- data = $.data(elem, dataID, {});
+ type = type || getType(elem);
+ if(!typeModels[type] || !typeModels[type].step){
+ return step;
- if(key){
- data[key] = val;
+ step = typeProtos.number.asNumber(step);
+ return ((!isNaN(step) && step > 0) ? step : typeModels[type].step) * (typeModels[type].stepScaleFactor || 1);
+ };
+ }
+ if(!webshims.addMinMaxNumberToCache){
+ webshims.addMinMaxNumberToCache = function(attr, elem, cache){
+ if (!(attr+'AsNumber' in cache)) {
+ cache[attr+'AsNumber'] = typeModels[cache.type].asNumber(elem.attr(attr));
+ if(isNaN(cache[attr+'AsNumber']) && (attr+'Default' in typeModels[cache.type])){
+ cache[attr+'AsNumber'] = typeModels[cache.type][attr+'Default'];
+ }
- }
- return key ? data && data[key] : data;
- };
- [{name: 'getNativeElement', prop: 'nativeElement'}, {name: 'getShadowElement', prop: 'shadowElement'}, {name: 'getShadowFocusElement', prop: 'shadowFocusElement'}].forEach(function(data){
- $.fn[] = function(){
- return{
- var shadowData = elementData(this, 'shadowData');
- return shadowData && shadowData[data.prop] || this;
- });
- });
+ }
+ var nan = parseInt('NaN', 10),
+ doc = document,
+ typeModels = webshims.inputTypes,
+ isNumber = function(string){
+ return (typeof string == 'number' || (string && string == string * 1));
+ },
+ supportsType = function(type){
+ return ($('<input type="'+type+'" />').prop('type') === type);
+ },
+ getType = function(elem){
+ return (elem.getAttribute('type') || '').toLowerCase();
+ },
+ isDateTimePart = function(string){
+ return (string && !(isNaN(string * 1)));
+ },
+ addMinMaxNumberToCache = webshims.addMinMaxNumberToCache,
+ addleadingZero = function(val, len){
+ val = ''+val;
+ len = len - val.length;
+ for(var i = 0; i < len; i++){
+ val = '0'+val;
+ }
+ return val;
+ },
+ EPS = 1e-7,
+ typeBugs = webshims.bugs.bustedValidity
+ ;
- ['removeAttr', 'prop', 'attr'].forEach(function(type){
- olds[type] = $[type];
- $[type] = function(elem, name, value, pass, _argless){
- var isVal = (pass == 'val');
- var oldMethod = !isVal ? olds[type] : singleVal;
- if( !elem || !havePolyfill[name] || elem.nodeType !== 1 || (!isVal && pass && type == 'attr' && $.attrFn[name]) ){
- return oldMethod(elem, name, value, pass, _argless);
+ webshims.addValidityRule('stepMismatch', function(input, val, cache, validityState){
+ if(val === ''){return false;}
+ if(!('type' in cache)){
+ cache.type = getType(input[0]);
+ }
+ var ret = (validityState || {}).stepMismatch || false, base;
+ if(typeModels[cache.type] && typeModels[cache.type].step){
+ if( !('step' in cache) ){
+ cache.step = webshims.getStep(input[0], cache.type);
- var nodeName = (elem.nodeName || '').toLowerCase();
- var desc = extendedProps[nodeName];
- var curType = (type == 'attr' && (value === false || value === null)) ? 'removeAttr' : type;
- var propMethod;
- var oldValMethod;
- var ret;
+ if(cache.step == 'any'){return false;}
- if(!desc){
- desc = extendedProps['*'];
+ if(!('valueAsNumber' in cache)){
+ cache.valueAsNumber = typeModels[cache.type].asNumber( val );
- if(desc){
- desc = desc[name];
- }
+ if(isNaN(cache.valueAsNumber)){return false;}
- if(desc){
- propMethod = desc[curType];
+ addMinMaxNumberToCache('min', input, cache);
+ base = cache.minAsNumber;
+ if(isNaN(base)){
+ base = typeModels[cache.type].stepBase || 0;
- if(propMethod){
- if(name == 'value'){
- oldValMethod = propMethod.isVal;
- propMethod.isVal = isVal;
+ ret = Math.abs((cache.valueAsNumber - base) % cache.step);
+ ret = !( ret <= EPS || Math.abs(ret - cache.step) <= EPS );
+ }
+ return ret;
+ });
+ [{name: 'rangeOverflow', attr: 'max', factor: 1}, {name: 'rangeUnderflow', attr: 'min', factor: -1}].forEach(function(data, i){
+ webshims.addValidityRule(, function(input, val, cache, validityState) {
+ var ret = (validityState || {})[] || false;
+ if(val === ''){return ret;}
+ if (!('type' in cache)) {
+ cache.type = getType(input[0]);
+ }
+ if (typeModels[cache.type] && typeModels[cache.type].asNumber) {
+ if(!('valueAsNumber' in cache)){
+ cache.valueAsNumber = typeModels[cache.type].asNumber( val );
- if(curType === 'removeAttr'){
- return;
- } else if(value === undefined){
- return (propMethod.get) ?
- :
- propMethod.value
- ;
- } else if(propMethod.set) {
- if(type == 'attr' && value === true){
- value = name;
- }
- ret =, value);
+ if(isNaN(cache.valueAsNumber)){
+ return false;
- if(name == 'value'){
- propMethod.isVal = oldValMethod;
- }
- } else {
- ret = oldMethod(elem, name, value, pass, _argless);
- }
- if((value !== undefined || curType === 'removeAttr') && modifyProps[nodeName] && modifyProps[nodeName][name]){
- var boolValue;
- if(curType == 'removeAttr'){
- boolValue = false;
- } else if(curType == 'prop'){
- boolValue = !!(value);
- } else {
- boolValue = true;
- }
+ addMinMaxNumberToCache(data.attr, input, cache);
- modifyProps[nodeName][name].forEach(function(fn){
- if(!fn.only || (fn.only = 'prop' && type == 'prop') || (fn.only == 'attr' && type != 'prop')){
-, value, boolValue, (isVal) ? 'val' : curType, type);
- }
- });
+ if(isNaN(cache[data.attr+'AsNumber'])){
+ return ret;
+ }
+ ret = ( cache[data.attr+'AsNumber'] * data.factor < cache.valueAsNumber * data.factor - EPS );
return ret;
- };
- extendQ[type] = function(nodeName, prop, desc){
- if(!extendedProps[nodeName]){
- extendedProps[nodeName] = {};
- }
- if(!extendedProps[nodeName][prop]){
- extendedProps[nodeName][prop] = {};
- }
- var oldDesc = extendedProps[nodeName][prop][type];
- var getSup = function(propType, descriptor, oDesc){
- if(descriptor && descriptor[propType]){
- return descriptor[propType];
+ });
+ });
+ webshims.reflectProperties(['input'], ['max', 'min', 'step']);
+ //IDLs and methods, that aren't part of constrain validation, but strongly tight to it
+ var valueAsNumberDescriptor = webshims.defineNodeNameProperty('input', 'valueAsNumber', {
+ prop: {
+ get: function(){
+ var elem = this;
+ var type = getType(elem);
+ var ret = (typeModels[type] && typeModels[type].asNumber) ?
+ typeModels[type].asNumber($.prop(elem, 'value')) :
+ (valueAsNumberDescriptor.prop._supget && valueAsNumberDescriptor.prop._supget.apply(elem, arguments));
+ if(ret == null){
+ ret = nan;
- if(oDesc && oDesc[propType]){
- return oDesc[propType];
+ return ret;
+ },
+ set: function(val){
+ var elem = this;
+ var type = getType(elem);
+ if(typeModels[type] && typeModels[type].numberToString){
+ //is NaN a number?
+ if(isNaN(val)){
+ $.prop(elem, 'value', '');
+ return;
+ }
+ var set = typeModels[type].numberToString(val);
+ if(set !== false){
+ $.prop(elem, 'value', set);
+ } else {
+ webshims.error('INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11');
+ }
+ } else {
+ valueAsNumberDescriptor.prop._supset && valueAsNumberDescriptor.prop._supset.apply(elem, arguments);
- if(type == 'prop' && prop == 'value'){
- return function(value){
- var elem = this;
- return (desc.isVal) ?
- singleVal(elem, prop, value, false, (arguments.length === 0)) :
- olds[type](elem, prop, value)
- ;
- };
- }
- if(type == 'prop' && propType == 'value' && desc.value.apply){
- return function(value){
- var sup = olds[type](this, prop);
- if(sup && sup.apply){
- sup = sup.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- return sup;
- };
- }
- return function(value){
- return olds[type](this, prop, value);
- };
- };
- extendedProps[nodeName][prop][type] = desc;
- if(desc.value === undefined){
- if(!desc.set){
- desc.set = desc.writeable ?
- getSup('set', desc, oldDesc) :
- (webshims.cfg.useStrict && prop == 'prop') ?
- function(){throw(prop +' is readonly on '+ nodeName);} :
- $.noop
- ;
- }
- if(!desc.get){
- desc.get = getSup('get', desc, oldDesc);
- }
- ['value', 'get', 'set'].forEach(function(descProp){
- if(desc[descProp]){
- desc['_sup'+descProp] = getSup(descProp, oldDesc);
- }
- });
- };
+ }
- //see also: |
- var isExtendNativeSave = Modernizr.ES5;
- var extendNativeValue = (function(){
- var UNKNOWN = webshims.getPrototypeOf(document.createElement('foobar'));
- var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
- return function(nodeName, prop, desc){
- var elem;
- var elemProto;
- if( isExtendNativeSave && (elem = document.createElement(nodeName)) && (elemProto = webshims.getPrototypeOf(elem)) && UNKNOWN !== elemProto && ( !elem[prop] || !, prop) ) ){
- var sup = elem[prop];
- desc._supvalue = function(){
- if(sup && sup.apply){
- return sup.apply(this, arguments);
+ var valueAsDateDescriptor = webshims.defineNodeNameProperty('input', 'valueAsDate', {
+ prop: {
+ get: function(){
+ var elem = this;
+ var type = getType(elem);
+ return (typeModels[type] && typeModels[type].asDate && !typeModels[type].noAsDate) ?
+ typeModels[type].asDate($.prop(elem, 'value')) :
+ valueAsDateDescriptor.prop._supget && || null;
+ },
+ set: function(value){
+ var elem = this;
+ var type = getType(elem);
+ if(typeModels[type] && typeModels[type].dateToString && !typeModels[type].noAsDate){
+ if(value === null){
+ $.prop(elem, 'value', '');
+ return '';
- return sup;
- };
- elemProto[prop] = desc.value;
- } else {
- desc._supvalue = function(){
- var data = elementData(this, 'propValue');
- if(data && data[prop] && data[prop].apply){
- return data[prop].apply(this, arguments);
+ var set = typeModels[type].dateToString(value);
+ if(set !== false){
+ $.prop(elem, 'value', set);
+ return set;
+ } else {
+ webshims.error('INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11');
- return data && data[prop];
- };
- initProp.extendValue(nodeName, prop, desc.value);
+ } else {
+ return valueAsDateDescriptor.prop._supset && valueAsDateDescriptor.prop._supset.apply(elem, arguments) || null;
+ }
- desc.value._supvalue = desc._supvalue;
- };
- })();
- var initProp = (function(){
- var initProps = {};
- webshims.addReady(function(context, contextElem){
- var nodeNameCache = {};
- var getElementsByName = function(name){
- if(!nodeNameCache[name]){
- nodeNameCache[name] = $(context.getElementsByTagName(name));
- if(contextElem[0] && $.nodeName(contextElem[0], name)){
- nodeNameCache[name] = nodeNameCache[name].add(contextElem);
+ }
+ });
+ $.each({stepUp: 1, stepDown: -1}, function(name, stepFactor){
+ var stepDescriptor = webshims.defineNodeNameProperty('input', name, {
+ prop: {
+ value: function(factor){
+ var step, val, dateVal, valModStep, alignValue, cache;
+ var type = getType(this);
+ if(typeModels[type] && typeModels[type].asNumber){
+ cache = {type: type};
+ if(!factor){
+ factor = 1;
+"you should always use a factor for stepUp/stepDown");
+ }
+ factor *= stepFactor;
+ val = $.prop(this, 'valueAsNumber');
+ if(isNaN(val)){
+"valueAsNumber is NaN can't apply stepUp/stepDown ");
+ throw('invalid state error');
+ }
+ step = webshims.getStep(this, type);
+ if(step == 'any'){
+"step is 'any' can't apply stepUp/stepDown");
+ throw('invalid state error');
+ }
+ webshims.addMinMaxNumberToCache('min', $(this), cache);
+ webshims.addMinMaxNumberToCache('max', $(this), cache);
+ step *= factor;
+ val = (val + step).toFixed(5) * 1;
+ valModStep = (val - (cache.minAsNumber || 0)) % step;
+ if ( valModStep && (Math.abs(valModStep) > EPS) ) {
+ alignValue = val - valModStep;
+ alignValue += ( valModStep > 0 ) ? step : ( -step );
+ val = alignValue.toFixed(5) * 1;
+ }
+ if( (!isNaN(cache.maxAsNumber) && val > cache.maxAsNumber) || (!isNaN(cache.minAsNumber) && val < cache.minAsNumber) ){
+"max/min overflow can't apply stepUp/stepDown");
+ throw('invalid state error');
+ }
+ if(dateVal){
+ $.prop(this, 'valueAsDate', dateVal);
+ } else {
+ $.prop(this, 'valueAsNumber', val);
+ }
+ } else if(stepDescriptor.prop && stepDescriptor.prop.value){
+ return stepDescriptor.prop.value.apply(this, arguments);
+ } else {
+"no step method for type: "+ type);
+ throw('invalid state error');
- };
- $.each(initProps, function(name, fns){
- getElementsByName(name);
- if(!fns || !fns.forEach){
- webshims.warn('Error: with '+ name +'-property. methods: '+ fns);
- return;
- }
- fns.forEach(function(fn){
- nodeNameCache[name].each(fn);
- });
- });
- nodeNameCache = null;
+ }
+ });
+ var typeProtos = {
- var tempCache;
- var emptyQ = $([]);
- var createNodeNameInit = function(nodeName, fn){
- if(!initProps[nodeName]){
- initProps[nodeName] = [fn];
- } else {
- initProps[nodeName].push(fn);
- }
- if($.isDOMReady){
- (tempCache || $( document.getElementsByTagName(nodeName) )).each(fn);
- }
- };
- var elementExtends = {};
- return {
- createTmpCache: function(nodeName){
- if($.isDOMReady){
- tempCache = tempCache || $( document.getElementsByTagName(nodeName) );
- }
- return tempCache || emptyQ;
+ number: {
+ mismatch: function(val){
+ return !(isNumber(val));
- flushTmpCache: function(){
- tempCache = null;
+ step: 1,
+ //stepBase: 0, 0 = default
+ stepScaleFactor: 1,
+ asNumber: function(str){
+ return (isNumber(str)) ? str * 1 : nan;
- content: function(nodeName, prop){
- createNodeNameInit(nodeName, function(){
- var val = $.attr(this, prop);
- if(val != null){
- $.attr(this, prop, val);
- }
- });
- },
- createElement: function(nodeName, fn){
- createNodeNameInit(nodeName, fn);
- },
- extendValue: function(nodeName, prop, value){
- createNodeNameInit(nodeName, function(){
- $(this).each(function(){
- var data = elementData(this, 'propValue', {});
- data[prop] = this[prop];
- this[prop] = value;
- });
- });
+ numberToString: function(num){
+ return (isNumber(num)) ? num : false;
- };
- })();
+ },
- var createPropDefault = function(descs, removeType){
- if(descs.defaultValue === undefined){
- descs.defaultValue = '';
- }
- if(!descs.removeAttr){
- descs.removeAttr = {
- value: function(){
- descs[removeType || 'prop'], descs.defaultValue);
- }
- };
- }
- if(!descs.attr){
- descs.attr = {};
- }
- };
- $.extend(webshims, {
- getID: (function(){
- var ID = new Date().getTime();
- return function(elem){
- elem = $(elem);
- var id = elem.attr('id');
- if(!id){
- ID++;
- id = 'ID-'+ ID;
- elem.attr('id', id);
- }
- return id;
- };
- })(),
- extendUNDEFProp: function(obj, props){
- $.each(props, function(name, prop){
- if( !(name in obj) ){
- obj[name] = prop;
- }
- });
+ range: {
+ minDefault: 0,
+ maxDefault: 100
- //
- createPropDefault: createPropDefault,
- data: elementData,
- moveToFirstEvent: function(elem, eventType, bindType){
- var events = ($._data(elem, 'events') || {})[eventType];
- var fn;
- if(events && events.length > 1){
- fn = events.pop();
- if(!bindType){
- bindType = 'bind';
- }
- if(bindType == 'bind' && events.delegateCount){
- events.splice( events.delegateCount, 0, fn);
- } else {
- events.unshift( fn );
- }
+ date: {
+ mismatch: function(val){
+ if(!val || !val.split || !(/\d$/.test(val))){return true;}
+ var i;
+ var valA = val.split(/\u002D/);
+ if(valA.length !== 3){return true;}
+ var ret = false;
- }
- elem = null;
- },
- addShadowDom: (function(){
- var resizeTimer;
- var lastHeight;
- var lastWidth;
- var docObserve = {
- init: false,
- runs: 0,
- test: function(){
- var height = docObserve.getHeight();
- var width = docObserve.getWidth();
- if(height != docObserve.height || width != docObserve.width){
- docObserve.height = height;
- docObserve.width = width;
- docObserve.handler({type: 'docresize'});
- docObserve.runs++;
- if(docObserve.runs < 9){
- setTimeout(docObserve.test, 90);
+ if(valA[0].length < 4 || valA[1].length != 2 || valA[1] > 12 || valA[2].length != 2 || valA[2] > 33){
+ ret = true;
+ } else {
+ for(i = 0; i < 3; i++){
+ if(!isDateTimePart(valA[i])){
+ ret = true;
+ break;
- } else {
- docObserve.runs = 0;
- },
- handler: function(e){
- clearTimeout(resizeTimer);
- resizeTimer = setTimeout(function(){
- if(e.type == 'resize'){
- var width = $(window).width();
- var height = $(window).width();
- if(height == lastHeight && width == lastWidth){
- return;
- }
- lastHeight = height;
- lastWidth = width;
- docObserve.height = docObserve.getHeight();
- docObserve.width = docObserve.getWidth();
- }
- $(document).triggerHandler('updateshadowdom');
- }, (e.type == 'resize') ? 50 : 9);
- },
- _create: function(){
- $.each({ Height: "getHeight", Width: "getWidth" }, function(name, type){
- var body = document.body;
- var doc = document.documentElement;
- docObserve[type] = function(){
- return Math.max(
- body[ "scroll" + name ], doc[ "scroll" + name ],
- body[ "offset" + name ], doc[ "offset" + name ],
- doc[ "client" + name ]
- );
- };
- });
- },
- start: function(){
- if(!this.init && document.body){
- this.init = true;
- this._create();
- this.height = docObserve.getHeight();
- this.width = docObserve.getWidth();
- setInterval(this.test, 600);
- $(this.test);
- webshims.ready('WINDOWLOAD', this.test);
- $(window).bind('resize', this.handler);
- (function(){
- var oldAnimate = $.fn.animate;
- var animationTimer;
- $.fn.animate = function(){
- clearTimeout(animationTimer);
- animationTimer = setTimeout(function(){
- docObserve.test();
- }, 99);
- return oldAnimate.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- })();
- }
- };
- webshims.docObserve = function(){
- webshims.ready('DOM', function(){
- docObserve.start();
- });
- };
- return function(nativeElem, shadowElem, opts){
- opts = opts || {};
- if(nativeElem.jquery){
- nativeElem = nativeElem[0];
+ return ret || (val !== this.dateToString( this.asDate(val, true) ) );
+ },
+ step: 1,
+ //stepBase: 0, 0 = default
+ stepScaleFactor: 86400000,
+ asDate: function(val, _noMismatch){
+ if(!_noMismatch && this.mismatch(val)){
+ return null;
- if(shadowElem.jquery){
- shadowElem = shadowElem[0];
+ return new Date(this.asNumber(val, true));
+ },
+ asNumber: function(str, _noMismatch){
+ var ret = nan;
+ if(_noMismatch || !this.mismatch(str)){
+ str = str.split(/\u002D/);
+ ret = Date.UTC(str[0], str[1] - 1, str[2]);
- var nativeData = $.data(nativeElem, dataID) || $.data(nativeElem, dataID, {});
- var shadowData = $.data(shadowElem, dataID) || $.data(shadowElem, dataID, {});
- var shadowFocusElementData = {};
- if(!opts.shadowFocusElement){
- opts.shadowFocusElement = shadowElem;
- } else if(opts.shadowFocusElement){
- if(opts.shadowFocusElement.jquery){
- opts.shadowFocusElement = opts.shadowFocusElement[0];
+ return ret;
+ },
+ numberToString: function(num){
+ return (isNumber(num)) ? this.dateToString(new Date( num * 1)) : false;
+ },
+ dateToString: function(date){
+ return (date && date.getFullYear) ? addleadingZero(date.getUTCFullYear(), 4) +'-'+ addleadingZero(date.getUTCMonth()+1, 2) +'-'+ addleadingZero(date.getUTCDate(), 2) : false;
+ }
+ },
+ time: {
+ mismatch: function(val, _getParsed){
+ if(!val || !val.split || !(/\d$/.test(val))){return true;}
+ val = val.split(/\u003A/);
+ if(val.length < 2 || val.length > 3){return true;}
+ var ret = false,
+ sFraction;
+ if(val[2]){
+ val[2] = val[2].split(/\u002E/);
+ sFraction = parseInt(val[2][1], 10);
+ val[2] = val[2][0];
+ }
+ $.each(val, function(i, part){
+ if(!isDateTimePart(part) || part.length !== 2){
+ ret = true;
+ return false;
- shadowFocusElementData = $.data(opts.shadowFocusElement, dataID) || $.data(opts.shadowFocusElement, dataID, shadowFocusElementData);
+ });
+ if(ret){return true;}
+ if(val[0] > 23 || val[0] < 0 || val[1] > 59 || val[1] < 0){
+ return true;
- nativeData.hasShadow = shadowElem;
- shadowFocusElementData.nativeElement = shadowData.nativeElement = nativeElem;
- shadowFocusElementData.shadowData = shadowData.shadowData = nativeData.shadowData = {
- nativeElement: nativeElem,
- shadowElement: shadowElem,
- shadowFocusElement: opts.shadowFocusElement
- };
- if(opts.shadowChilds){
- opts.shadowChilds.each(function(){
- elementData(this, 'shadowData', shadowData.shadowData);
- });
+ if(val[2] && (val[2] > 59 || val[2] < 0 )){
+ return true;
- if({
- = = =;
+ if(sFraction && isNaN(sFraction)){
+ return true;
- opts = null;
- webshims.docObserve();
- };
- })(),
- propTypes: {
- standard: function(descs, name){
- createPropDefault(descs);
- if(descs.prop){return;}
- descs.prop = {
- set: function(val){
-, ''+val);
- },
- get: function(){
- return || descs.defaultValue;
+ if(sFraction){
+ if(sFraction < 100){
+ sFraction *= 100;
+ } else if(sFraction < 10){
+ sFraction *= 10;
- };
+ }
+ return (_getParsed === true) ? [val, sFraction] : false;
- "boolean": function(descs, name){
- createPropDefault(descs);
- if(descs.prop){return;}
- descs.prop = {
- set: function(val){
- if(val){
-, "");
- } else {
- }
- },
- get: function(){
- return != null;
- }
- };
+ step: 60,
+ stepBase: 0,
+ stepScaleFactor: 1000,
+ asDate: function(val){
+ val = new Date(this.asNumber(val));
+ return (isNaN(val)) ? null : val;
- "src": (function(){
- var anchor = document.createElement('a');
- = "none";
- return function(descs, name){
- createPropDefault(descs);
- if(descs.prop){return;}
- descs.prop = {
- set: function(val){
-, val);
- },
- get: function(){
- var href = this.getAttribute(name);
- var ret;
- if(href == null){return '';}
- anchor.setAttribute('href', href+'' );
- if(!$.support.hrefNormalized){
- try {
- $(anchor).insertAfter(this);
- ret = anchor.getAttribute('href', 4);
- } catch(er){
- ret = anchor.getAttribute('href', 4);
- }
- $(anchor).detach();
- }
- return ret || anchor.href;
- }
- };
- };
- })(),
- enumarated: function(descs, name){
- createPropDefault(descs);
- if(descs.prop){return;}
- descs.prop = {
- set: function(val){
-, val);
- },
- get: function(){
- var val = ( || '').toLowerCase();
- if(!val || descs.limitedTo.indexOf(val) == -1){
- val = descs.defaultValue;
- }
- return val;
- }
- };
+ asNumber: function(val){
+ var ret = nan;
+ val = this.mismatch(val, true);
+ if(val !== true){
+ ret = Date.UTC('1970', 0, 1, val[0][0], val[0][1], val[0][2] || 0);
+ if(val[1]){
+ ret += val[1];
+ }
-// ,unsignedLong: $.noop
-// ,"doubble": $.noop
-// ,"long": $.noop
-// ,tokenlist: $.noop
-// ,settableTokenlist: $.noop
- },
- reflectProperties: function(nodeNames, props){
- if(typeof props == 'string'){
- props = props.split(listReg);
- }
- props.forEach(function(prop){
- webshims.defineNodeNamesProperty(nodeNames, prop, {
- prop: {
- set: function(val){
- $.attr(this, prop, val);
- },
- get: function(){
- return $.attr(this, prop) || '';
- }
+ return ret;
+ },
+ dateToString: function(date){
+ if(date && date.getUTCHours){
+ var str = addleadingZero(date.getUTCHours(), 2) +':'+ addleadingZero(date.getUTCMinutes(), 2),
+ tmp = date.getSeconds()
+ ;
+ if(tmp != "0"){
+ str += ':'+ addleadingZero(tmp, 2);
- });
- });
- },
- defineNodeNameProperty: function(nodeName, prop, descs){
- havePolyfill[prop] = true;
- if(descs.reflect){
- webshims.propTypes[descs.propType || 'standard'](descs, prop);
- }
- ['prop', 'attr', 'removeAttr'].forEach(function(type){
- var desc = descs[type];
- if(desc){
- if(type === 'prop'){
- desc = $.extend({writeable: true}, desc);
- } else {
- desc = $.extend({}, desc, {writeable: true});
+ tmp = date.getUTCMilliseconds();
+ if(tmp != "0"){
+ str += '.'+ addleadingZero(tmp, 3);
- extendQ[type](nodeName, prop, desc);
- if(nodeName != '*' && webshims.cfg.extendNative && type == 'prop' && desc.value && $.isFunction(desc.value)){
- extendNativeValue(nodeName, prop, desc);
- }
- descs[type] = desc;
+ return str;
+ } else {
+ return false;
- });
- if(descs.initAttr){
- initProp.content(nodeName, prop);
- return descs;
- defineNodeNameProperties: function(name, descs, propType, _noTmpCache){
- var olddesc;
- for(var prop in descs){
- if(!_noTmpCache && descs[prop].initAttr){
- initProp.createTmpCache(name);
+ month: {
+ mismatch: function(val){
+ return'-01');
+ },
+ step: 1,
+ stepScaleFactor: false,
+ //stepBase: 0, 0 = default
+ asDate: function(val){
+ return new Date('-01'));
+ },
+ asNumber: function(val){
+ //1970-01
+ var ret = nan;
+ if(val && !this.mismatch(val)){
+ val = val.split(/\u002D/);
+ val[0] = (val[0] * 1) - 1970;
+ val[1] = (val[1] * 1) - 1;
+ ret = (val[0] * 12) + val[1];
- if(propType){
- if(descs[prop][propType]){
- //webshims.log('override: '+ name +'['+prop +'] for '+ propType);
- } else {
- descs[prop][propType] = {};
- ['value', 'set', 'get'].forEach(function(copyProp){
- if(copyProp in descs[prop]){
- descs[prop][propType][copyProp] = descs[prop][copyProp];
- delete descs[prop][copyProp];
- }
- });
+ return ret;
+ },
+ numberToString: function(num){
+ var mod;
+ var ret = false;
+ if(isNumber(num)){
+ mod = (num % 12);
+ num = ((num - mod) / 12) + 1970;
+ mod += 1;
+ if(mod < 1){
+ num -= 1;
+ mod += 12;
+ ret = addleadingZero(num, 4)+'-'+addleadingZero(mod, 2);
- descs[prop] = webshims.defineNodeNameProperty(name, prop, descs[prop]);
+ return ret;
+ },
+ dateToString: function(date){
+ if(date && date.getUTCHours){
+ var str =;
+ return (str.split && (str = str.split(/\u002D/))) ? str[0]+'-'+str[1] : false;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
- if(!_noTmpCache){
- initProp.flushTmpCache();
+ }
+// ,'datetime-local': {
+// mismatch: function(val, _getParsed){
+// if(!val || !val.split || (val+'special').split(/\u0054/).length !== 2){return true;}
+// val = val.split(/\u0054/);
+// return ([0]) || typeProtos.time.mismatch(val[1], _getParsed) );
+// },
+// noAsDate: true,
+// asDate: function(val){
+// val = new Date(this.asNumber(val));
+// return (isNaN(val)) ? null : val;
+// },
+// asNumber: function(val){
+// var ret = nan;
+// var time = this.mismatch(val, true);
+// if(time !== true){
+// val = val.split(/\u0054/)[0].split(/\u002D/);
+// ret = Date.UTC(val[0], val[1] - 1, val[2], time[0][0], time[0][1], time[0][2] || 0);
+// if(time[1]){
+// ret += time[1];
+// }
+// }
+// return ret;
+// },
+// dateToString: function(date, _getParsed){
+// return +'T'+ typeProtos.time.dateToString(date, _getParsed);
+// }
+// }
+ };
+ if(typeBugs || !supportsType('range') || !supportsType('time')){
+ typeProtos.range = $.extend({}, typeProtos.number, typeProtos.range);
+ typeProtos.time = $.extend({},, typeProtos.time);
+ typeProtos.month = $.extend({},, typeProtos.month);
+// typeProtos['datetime-local'] = $.extend({},, typeProtos.time, typeProtos['datetime-local']);
+ }
+ //'datetime-local'
+ ['number', 'month', 'range', 'date', 'time'].forEach(function(type){
+ if(typeBugs || !supportsType(type)){
+ webshims.addInputType(type, typeProtos[type]);
+ }
+ });
+ if($('<input />').prop('labels') == null){
+ webshims.defineNodeNamesProperty('button, input, keygen, meter, output, progress, select, textarea', 'labels', {
+ prop: {
+ get: function(){
+ if(this.type == 'hidden'){return null;}
+ var id =;
+ var labels = $(this)
+ .closest('label')
+ .filter(function(){
+ var hFor = (this.attributes['for'] || {});
+ return (!hFor.specified || hFor.value == id);
+ })
+ ;
+ if(id) {
+ labels = labels.add('label[for="'+ id +'"]');
+ }
+ return labels.get();
+ },
+ writeable: false
- return descs;
- },
- createElement: function(nodeName, create, descs){
- var ret;
- if($.isFunction(create)){
- create = {
- after: create
- };
+ });
+ }
+ var id = 0;
+ var isNumber = function(string){
+ return (typeof string == 'number' || (string && string == string * 1));
+ };
+ var retDefault = function(val, def){
+ if(!(typeof val == 'number' || (val && val == val * 1))){
+ return def;
+ }
+ return val * 1;
+ };
+ var createOpts = ['step', 'min', 'max', 'readonly', 'title', 'disabled', 'tabindex'];
+ var rangeProto = {
+ _create: function(){
+ var i;
+ this.element.addClass('ws-range').attr({role: 'slider'}).append('<span class="ws-range-min" /><span class="ws-range-rail"><span class="ws-range-thumb" /></span>');
+ this.trail = $('.ws-range-rail', this.element);
+ this.range = $('.ws-range-min', this.element);
+ this.thumb = $('.ws-range-thumb', this.trail);
+ this.updateMetrics();
+ this.orig = this.options.orig;
+ for(i = 0; i < createOpts.length; i++){
+ this[createOpts[i]](this.options[createOpts[i]]);
- initProp.createTmpCache(nodeName);
- if(create.before){
- initProp.createElement(nodeName, create.before);
- }
- if(descs){
- ret = webshims.defineNodeNameProperties(nodeName, descs, false, true);
- }
- if(create.after){
- initProp.createElement(nodeName, create.after);
- }
- initProp.flushTmpCache();
- return ret;
+ this.value = this._value;
+ this.value(this.options.value);
+ this.initDataList();
+'rangeUi', this);
+ this.addBindings();
+ this._init = true;
- onNodeNamesPropertyModify: function(nodeNames, props, desc, only){
- if(typeof nodeNames == 'string'){
- nodeNames = nodeNames.split(listReg);
+ value: $.noop,
+ _value: function(val, _noNormalize, animate){
+ var left, posDif;
+ var o = this.options;
+ var oVal = val;
+ var thumbStyle = {};
+ var rangeStyle = {};
+ if(!_noNormalize && parseFloat(val, 10) != val){
+ val = o.min + ((o.max - o.min) / 2);
- if($.isFunction(desc)){
- desc = {set: desc};
+ if(!_noNormalize){
+ val = this.normalizeVal(val);
+ left = 100 * ((val - o.min) / (o.max - o.min));
- nodeNames.forEach(function(name){
- if(!modifyProps[name]){
- modifyProps[name] = {};
+ this.options.value = val;
+ this.thumb.stop();
+ this.range.stop();
+ rangeStyle[this.dirs.width] = left+'%';
+ if(this.vertical){
+ left = Math.abs(left - 100);
+ }
+ thumbStyle[this.dirs.left] = left+'%';
+ if(!animate){
+ this.thumb.css(thumbStyle);
+ this.range.css(rangeStyle);
+ } else {
+ if(typeof animate != 'object'){
+ animate = {};
+ } else {
+ animate = $.extend({}, animate);
- if(typeof props == 'string'){
- props = props.split(listReg);
+ if(!animate.duration){
+ posDif = Math.abs(left - parseInt(this.thumb[0].style[this.dirs.left] || 50, 10));
+ animate.duration = Math.max(Math.min(999, posDif * 5), 99);
- if(desc.initAttr){
- initProp.createTmpCache(name);
- }
- props.forEach(function(prop){
- if(!modifyProps[name][prop]){
- modifyProps[name][prop] = [];
- havePolyfill[prop] = true;
- }
- if(desc.set){
- if(only){
- desc.set.only = only;
+ this.thumb.animate(thumbStyle, animate);
+ this.range.animate(rangeStyle, animate);
+ }
+ if(this.orig && (oVal != val || (!this._init && this.orig.value != val)) ){
+ this.options._change(val);
+ }
+ this.element.attr({
+ 'aria-valuenow': this.options.value,
+ 'aria-valuetext': this.options.textValue ? this.options.textValue(this.options.value) : this.options.options[this.options.value] || this.options.value
+ });
+ },
+ initDataList: function(){
+ if(this.orig){
+ var listTimer;
+ var that = this;
+ var updateList = function(){
+ $(that.orig)
+ .jProp('list')
+ .off('updateDatalist', updateList)
+ .on('updateDatalist', updateList)
+ ;
+ clearTimeout(listTimer);
+ listTimer = setTimeout(function(){
+ if(that.list){
+ that.list();
- modifyProps[name][prop].push(desc.set);
- }
+ }, 9);
- if(desc.initAttr){
- initProp.content(name, prop);
- }
- });
- initProp.flushTmpCache();
+ };
+ $(this.orig).on('listdatalistchange', updateList);
+ this.list();
+ }
+ },
+ list: function(opts){
+ var o = this.options;
+ var min = o.min;
+ var max = o.max;
+ var trail = this.trail;
+ var that = this;
+ this.element.attr({'aria-valuetext': o.options[o.value] || o.value});
+ $('.ws-range-ticks', trail).remove();
+ $(this.orig).jProp('list').find('option').each(function(){
+ o.options[$.prop(this, 'value')] = $.prop(this, 'label');
+ $.each(o.options, function(val, label){
+ if(!isNumber(val) || val < min || val > max){return;}
+ var left = 100 * ((val - min) / (max - min));
+ var title = o.showLabels ? ' title="'+ label +'"' : '';
+ if(that.vertical){
+ left = Math.abs(left - 100);
+ }
+ trail.append('<span class="ws-range-ticks"'+ title +' style="'+(that.dirs.left)+': '+left+'%;" />');
+ });
- defineNodeNamesBooleanProperty: function(elementNames, prop, descs){
- if(!descs){
- descs = {};
+ readonly: function(val){
+ val = !!val;
+ this.options.readonly = val;
+ this.element.attr('aria-readonly', ''+val);
+ },
+ disabled: function(val){
+ val = !!val;
+ this.options.disabled = val;
+ if(val){
+ this.element.attr({tabindex: -1, 'aria-disabled': 'true'});
+ } else {
+ this.element.attr({tabindex: this.options.tabindex, 'aria-disabled': 'false'});
- if($.isFunction(descs)){
- descs.set = descs;
- }
- webshims.defineNodeNamesProperty(elementNames, prop, {
- attr: {
- set: function(val){
- this.setAttribute(prop, val);
- if(descs.set){
-, true);
- }
- },
- get: function(){
- var ret = this.getAttribute(prop);
- return (ret == null) ? undefined : prop;
- }
- },
- removeAttr: {
- value: function(){
- this.removeAttribute(prop);
- if(descs.set){
-, false);
- }
- }
- },
- reflect: true,
- propType: 'boolean',
- initAttr: descs.initAttr || false
- });
- contentAttr: function(elem, name, val){
- if(!elem.nodeName){return;}
- var attr;
- if(val === undefined){
- attr = (elem.attributes[name] || {});
- val = attr.specified ? attr.value : null;
- return (val == null) ? undefined : val;
+ tabindex: function(val){
+ this.options.tabindex = val;
+ if(!this.options.disabled){
+ this.element.attr({tabindex: val});
+ },
+ title: function(val){
+ this.element.prop('title', val);
+ },
+ min: function(val){
+ this.options.min = retDefault(val, 0);
+ this.value(this.options.value, true);
+ },
+ max: function(val){
+ this.options.max = retDefault(val, 100);
+ this.value(this.options.value, true);
+ },
+ step: function(val){
+ this.options.step = val == 'any' ? 'any' : retDefault(val, 1);
+ this.value(this.options.value);
+ },
+ normalizeVal: function(val){
+ var valModStep, alignValue, step;
+ var o = this.options;
- if(typeof val == 'boolean'){
- if(!val){
- elem.removeAttribute(name);
- } else {
- elem.setAttribute(name, name);
+ if(val <= o.min){
+ val = o.min;
+ } else if(val >= o.max) {
+ val = o.max;
+ } else if(o.step != 'any'){
+ step = o.step;
+ valModStep = (val - o.min) % step;
+ alignValue = val - valModStep;
+ if ( Math.abs(valModStep) * 2 >= step ) {
+ alignValue += ( valModStep > 0 ) ? step : ( -step );
- } else {
- elem.setAttribute(name, val);
+ val = alignValue.toFixed(5) * 1;
+ return val;
-// set current Lang:
-// - webshims.activeLang(lang:string);
-// get current lang
-// - webshims.activeLang();
-// get current lang
-// webshims.activeLang({
-// register: moduleName:string,
-// callback: callback:function
-// });
-// get/set including removeLang
-// - webshims.activeLang({
-// module: moduleName:string,
-// callback: callback:function,
-// langObj: languageObj:array/object
-// });
- activeLang: (function(){
- var callbacks = [];
- var registeredCallbacks = {};
- var currentLang;
- var shortLang;
- var notLocal = /:\/\/|^\.*\//;
- var loadRemoteLang = function(data, lang, options){
- var langSrc;
- if(lang && options && $.inArray(lang, options.availabeLangs || []) !== -1){
- data.loading = true;
- langSrc = options.langSrc;
- if(!notLocal.test(langSrc)){
- langSrc = webshims.cfg.basePath+langSrc;
+ doStep: function(factor, animate){
+ var step = retDefault(this.options.step, 1);
+ if(this.options.step == 'any'){
+ step = Math.min(step, (this.options.max - this.options.min) / 10);
+ }
+ this.value( this.options.value + (step * factor), false, animate );
+ },
+ getStepedValueFromPos: function(pos){
+ var val, valModStep, alignValue, step;
+ if(pos <= 0){
+ val = this.options[this.dirs.min];
+ } else if(pos > 100) {
+ val = this.options[this.dirs.max];
+ } else {
+ if(this.vertical){
+ pos = Math.abs(pos - 100);
+ }
+ val = ((this.options.max - this.options.min) * (pos / 100)) + this.options.min;
+ step = this.options.step;
+ if(step != 'any'){
+ valModStep = (val - this.options.min) % step;
+ alignValue = val - valModStep;
+ if ( Math.abs(valModStep) * 2 >= step ) {
+ alignValue += ( valModStep > 0 ) ? step : ( -step );
- webshims.loader.loadScript(langSrc+lang+'.js', function(){
- if(data.langObj[lang]){
- data.loading = false;
- callLang(data, true);
- } else {
- $(function(){
- if(data.langObj[lang]){
- callLang(data, true);
- }
- data.loading = false;
- });
+ val = ((alignValue).toFixed(5)) * 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return val;
+ },
+ addBindings: function(){
+ var leftOffset, widgetUnits, hasFocus;
+ var that = this;
+ var o = this.options;
+ var eventTimer = (function(){
+ var events = {};
+ return {
+ init: function(name, curVal, fn){
+ if(!events[name]){
+ events[name] = {fn: fn};
+ if(that.orig){
+ $(that.orig).on(name, function(){
+ events[name].val = $.prop(that.orig, 'value');
+ });
+ }
- });
- return true;
+ events[name].val = curVal;
+ },
+ call: function(name, val){
+ if(events[name].val != val){
+ clearTimeout(events[name].timer);
+ events[name].val = val;
+ events[name].timer = setTimeout(function(){
+ events[name].fn(val, that);
+ }, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ })();
+ var setValueFromPos = function(e, animate){
+ var val = that.getStepedValueFromPos((e[that.dirs.mouse] - leftOffset) * widgetUnits);
+ if(val != o.value){
+ that.value(val, false, animate);
+'input', val);
- return false;
- var callRegister = function(module){
- if(registeredCallbacks[module]){
- registeredCallbacks[module].forEach(function(data){
- data.callback();
- });
+ var remove = function(e){
+ if(e && e.type == 'mouseup'){
+'input', o.value);
+'change', o.value);
+ that.element.removeClass('ws-active');
+ $(document).off('mousemove', setValueFromPos).off('mouseup', remove);
- var callLang = function(data, _noLoop){
- if(data.activeLang != currentLang && data.activeLang !== shortLang){
- var options = modules[data.module].options;
- if( data.langObj[currentLang] || (shortLang && data.langObj[shortLang]) ){
- data.activeLang = currentLang;
- data.callback(data.langObj[currentLang] || data.langObj[shortLang], currentLang);
- callRegister(data.module);
- } else if( !_noLoop &&
- !loadRemoteLang(data, currentLang, options) &&
- !loadRemoteLang(data, shortLang, options) &&
- data.langObj[''] && data.activeLang !== '' ) {
- data.activeLang = '';
- data.callback(data.langObj[''], currentLang);
- callRegister(data.module);
- }
+ var add = function(e){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ $(document).off('mousemove', setValueFromPos).off('mouseup', remove);
+ if(!o.readonly && !o.disabled){
+ leftOffset = that.element.focus().addClass('ws-active').offset();
+ widgetUnits = that.element[that.dirs.width]();
+ if(!widgetUnits || !leftOffset){return;}
+ leftOffset = leftOffset[that.dirs.pos];
+ widgetUnits = 100 / (widgetUnits - ((that.thumb[that.dirs.outerWidth]() || 2) / 2));
+ setValueFromPos(e, o.animate);
+ $(document)
+ .on({
+ mouseup: remove,
+ mousemove: setValueFromPos
+ })
+ ;
+ e.stopPropagation();
- var activeLang = function(lang){
- if(typeof lang == 'string' && lang !== currentLang){
- currentLang = lang;
- shortLang = currentLang.split('-')[0];
- if(currentLang == shortLang){
- shortLang = false;
+ var elementEvts = {
+ mousedown: add,
+ focus: function(e){
+ if(!o.disabled){
+ eventTimer.init('input', o.value);
+ eventTimer.init('change', o.value);
+ that.element.addClass('ws-focus');
- $.each(callbacks, function(i, data){
- callLang(data);
- });
- } else if(typeof lang == 'object'){
- if(lang.register){
- if(!registeredCallbacks[lang.register]){
- registeredCallbacks[lang.register] = [];
+ hasFocus = true;
+ },
+ blur: function(e){
+ that.element.removeClass('ws-focus ws-active');
+ hasFocus = false;
+ eventTimer.init('input', o.value);
+'change', o.value);
+ },
+ keyup: function(){
+ that.element.removeClass('ws-active');
+'input', o.value);
+'change', o.value);
+ },
+ keydown: function(e){
+ var step = true;
+ var code = e.keyCode;
+ if(!o.readonly && !o.disabled){
+ if (code == 39 || code == 38) {
+ that.doStep(1);
+ } else if (code == 37 || code == 40) {
+ that.doStep(-1);
+ } else if (code == 33) {
+ that.doStep(10, o.animate);
+ } else if (code == 34) {
+ that.doStep(-10, o.animate);
+ } else if (code == 36) {
+ that.value(that.options.max, false, o.animate);
+ } else if (code == 35) {
+ that.value(that.options.min, false, o.animate);
+ } else {
+ step = false;
- registeredCallbacks[lang.register].push(lang);
- lang.callback();
- } else {
- if(!lang.activeLang){
- lang.activeLang = '';
+ if (step) {
+ that.element.addClass('ws-active');
+'input', o.value);
+ e.preventDefault();
- callbacks.push(lang);
- callLang(lang);
- return currentLang;
- return activeLang;
- })()
- });
- $.each({
- defineNodeNamesProperty: 'defineNodeNameProperty',
- defineNodeNamesProperties: 'defineNodeNameProperties',
- createElements: 'createElement'
- }, function(name, baseMethod){
- webshims[name] = function(names, a, b, c){
- if(typeof names == 'string'){
- names = names.split(listReg);
- }
- var retDesc = {};
- names.forEach(function(nodeName){
- retDesc[nodeName] = webshims[baseMethod](nodeName, a, b, c);
+ eventTimer.init('input', o.value, this.options.input);
+ eventTimer.init('change', o.value, this.options.change);
+ elementEvts[$.fn.mwheelIntent ? 'mwheelIntent' : 'mousewheel'] = function(e, delta){
+ if(delta && hasFocus && !o.readonly && !o.disabled){
+ that.doStep(delta);
+ e.preventDefault();
+'input', o.value);
+ }
+ };
+ this.element.on(elementEvts);
+ this.thumb.on({
+ mousedown: add
- return retDesc;
- };
- });
- webshims.isReady('webshimLocalization', true);
-(function($, document){
- //if we support basic styleing or do not support ARIA (assumed) abort
- if(!Modernizr.localstorage || ('hidden' in document.createElement('a'))){return;}
- var elemMappings = {
- article: "article",
- aside: "complementary",
- section: "region",
- nav: "navigation",
- address: "contentinfo"
- };
- var addRole = function(elem, role){
- var hasRole = elem.getAttribute('role');
- if (!hasRole) {
- elem.setAttribute('role', role);
+ },
+ updateMetrics: function(){
+ var width = this.element.innerWidth();
+ this.vertical = (width && this.element.innerHeight() - width > 10);
+ this.dirs = this.vertical ?
+ {mouse: 'pageY', pos: 'top', min: 'max', max: 'min', left: 'top', width: 'height', outerWidth: 'outerHeight'} :
+ {mouse: 'pageX', pos: 'left', min: 'min', max: 'max', left: 'left', width: 'width', outerWidth: 'outerWidth'}
+ ;
+ this.element
+ [this.vertical ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('vertical-range')
+ [this.vertical ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('horizontal-range')
+ ;
- $.webshims.addReady(function(context, contextElem){
- $.each(elemMappings, function(name, role){
- var elems = $(name, context).add(contextElem.filter(name));
- for (var i = 0, len = elems.length; i < len; i++) {
- addRole(elems[i], role);
- }
+ $.fn.rangeUI = function(opts){
+ opts = $.extend({readonly: false, disabled: false, tabindex: 0, min: 0, step: 1, max: 100, value: 50, input: $.noop, change: $.noop, _change: $.noop, showLabels: true, options: {}}, opts);
+ return this.each(function(){
+ $.webshims.objectCreate(rangeProto, {
+ element: {
+ value: $(this)
+ }
+ }, opts);
- if (context === document) {
- var header = document.getElementsByTagName('header')[0];
- var footers = document.getElementsByTagName('footer');
- var footerLen = footers.length;
- if (header && !$(header).closest('section, article')[0]) {
- addRole(header, 'banner');
- }
- if (!footerLen) {
- return;
- }
- var footer = footers[footerLen - 1];
- if (!$(footer).closest('section, article')[0]) {
- addRole(footer, 'contentinfo');
- }
- }
- });
-})(jQuery, document);
-//additional tests for partial implementation of forms features
- "use strict";
- var isWebkit = /webkit/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
- var Modernizr = window.Modernizr;
- var webshims = $.webshims;
- var bugs = webshims.bugs;
- var form = $('<form action="#" style="width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden;"><select name="b" required="" /><input required="" name="a" /></form>');
- var testRequiredFind = function(){
- if(form[0].querySelector){
- try {
- bugs.findRequired = !(form[0].querySelector('select:required'));
- } catch(er){
- bugs.findRequired = false;
- }
- }
- var inputElem = $('input', form).eq(0);
- var onDomextend = function(fn){
- webshims.loader.loadList(['dom-extend']);
- webshims.ready('dom-extend', fn);
- };
+ jQuery.webshims.isReady('range-ui', true);
+jQuery.webshims.register('form-number-date-ui', function($, webshims, window, document, undefined, options){
+ "use strict";
+ var curCfg;
+ var formcfg = $.webshims.formcfg;
- bugs.findRequired = false;
- bugs.validationMessage = false;
- webshims.capturingEventPrevented = function(e){
- if(!e._isPolyfilled){
- var isDefaultPrevented = e.isDefaultPrevented;
- var preventDefault = e.preventDefault;
- e.preventDefault = function(){
- clearTimeout($.data(, e.type + 'DefaultPrevented'));
- $.data(, e.type + 'DefaultPrevented', setTimeout(function(){
- $.removeData(, e.type + 'DefaultPrevented');
- }, 30));
- return preventDefault.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- e.isDefaultPrevented = function(){
- return !!(isDefaultPrevented.apply(this, arguments) || $.data(, e.type + 'DefaultPrevented') || false);
- };
- e._isPolyfilled = true;
- }
+ var stopPropagation = function(e){
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation(e);
- if(!Modernizr.formvalidation || bugs.bustedValidity){
- testRequiredFind();
- } else {
- //create delegatable events
- webshims.capturingEvents(['input']);
- webshims.capturingEvents(['invalid'], true);
- if(window.opera || window.testGoodWithFix){
- form.appendTo('head');
- testRequiredFind();
- bugs.validationMessage = !(inputElem.prop('validationMessage'));
- webshims.reTest(['form-native-extend', 'form-message']);
- form.remove();
- $(function(){
- onDomextend(function(){
- //Opera shows native validation bubbles in case of input.checkValidity()
- // Opera 11.6/12 hasn't fixed this issue right, it's buggy
- var preventDefault = function(e){
- e.preventDefault();
- };
- ['form', 'input', 'textarea', 'select'].forEach(function(name){
- var desc = webshims.defineNodeNameProperty(name, 'checkValidity', {
- prop: {
- value: function(){
- if (!webshims.fromSubmit) {
- $(this).on('invalid.checkvalidity', preventDefault);
- }
- webshims.fromCheckValidity = true;
- var ret = desc.prop._supvalue.apply(this, arguments);
- if (!webshims.fromSubmit) {
- $(this).unbind('invalid.checkvalidity', preventDefault);
- }
- webshims.fromCheckValidity = false;
- return ret;
- }
- }
- });
- });
- });
+ var createFormat = function(name){
+ if(!curCfg.patterns[name+'Obj']){
+ var obj = {};
+ $.each(curCfg.patterns[name].split(curCfg[name+'Format']), function(i, name){
+ obj[name] = i;
+ curCfg.patterns[name+'Obj'] = obj;
- if(isWebkit && !webshims.bugs.bustedValidity){
- (function(){
- var elems = /^(?:textarea|input)$/i;
- var form = false;
- document.addEventListener('contextmenu', function(e){
- if(elems.test( || '') && (form ={
- setTimeout(function(){
- form = false;
- }, 1);
+ };
+ var splitInputs = {
+ date: {
+ _create: function(){
+ var obj = {
+ splits: [$('<input type="text" class="yy" size="4" maxlength />')[0], $('<input type="text" class="mm" maxlength="2" size="2" />')[0], $('<input type="text" class="dd ws-spin" maxlength="2" size="2" />')[0]]
+ };
+ obj.elements = [obj.splits[0], $('<span class="ws-input-seperator" />')[0], obj.splits[1], $('<span class="ws-input-seperator" />')[0], obj.splits[2]];
+ return obj;
+ },
+ sort: function(element){
+ createFormat('d');
+ var i = 0;
+ var seperators = $('.ws-input-seperator', element).html(curCfg.dFormat);
+ var inputs = $('input', element);
+ $.each(curCfg.patterns.dObj, function(name, value){
+ var input = inputs.filter('.'+ name);
+ if(input[0]){
+ input.appendTo(element);
+ if(i < seperators.length){
+ seperators.eq(i).insertAfter(input);
+ }
+ i++;
- }, false);
- $(window).on('invalid', function(e){
- if(e.originalEvent && form && form =={
- e.wrongWebkitInvalid = true;
- e.stopImmediatePropagation();
- }
- })();
- }
- }
-jQuery.webshims.register('form-core', function($, webshims, window, document, undefined, options){
- "use strict";
- var checkTypes = {checkbox: 1, radio: 1};
- var emptyJ = $([]);
- var bugs = webshims.bugs;
- var groupTypes = {radio: 1};
- var getGroupElements = function(elem){
- elem = $(elem);
- var name;
- var form;
- var ret = emptyJ;
- if(groupTypes[elem[0].type]){
- form = elem.prop('form');
- name = elem[0].name;
- if(!name){
- ret = elem;
- } else if(form){
- ret = $(form[name]);
- } else {
- ret = $(document.getElementsByName(name)).filter(function(){
- return !$.prop(this, 'form');
- });
- ret = ret.filter('[type="radio"]');
+ },
+ month: {
+ _create: function(){
+ var obj = {
+ splits: [$('<input type="text" class="yy" size="4" />')[0], $('<input type="text" class="mm ws-spin" />')[0]]
+ };
+ obj.elements = [obj.splits[0], $('<span class="ws-input-seperator" />')[0], obj.splits[1]];
+ return obj;
+ },
+ sort: function(element){
+ var seperator = $('.ws-input-seperator', element).html(curCfg.dFormat);
+ var mm = $('', element);
+ var action;
+ if({
+ mm.appendTo(element);
+ action = 'insertBefore';
+ } else {
+ mm.prependTo(element);
+ action = 'insertAfter';
+ }
+ seperator[action](mm);
+ }
- return ret;
- var getContentValidationMessage = webshims.getContentValidationMessage = function(elem, validity, key){
- var message = $(elem).data('errormessage') || elem.getAttribute('x-moz-errormessage') || '';
- if(key && message[key]){
- message = message[key];
- }
- if(typeof message == 'object'){
- validity = validity || $.prop(elem, 'validity') || {valid: 1};
- if(!validity.valid){
- $.each(validity, function(name, prop){
- if(prop && name != 'valid' && message[name]){
- message = message[name];
- return false;
- }
+ var labelWidth = (function(){
+ var getId = function(){
+ return webshims.getID(this);
+ };
+ return function(element, labels, noFocus){
+ $(element).attr({'aria-labelledby':' ')});
+ if(!noFocus){
+ labels.on('click', function(e){
+ element.getShadowFocusElement().focus();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ return false;
- }
- if(typeof message == 'object'){
- message = message.defaultMessage;
- }
- return message || '';
+ };
+ })();
+ var addZero = function(val){
+ if(!val){return "";}
+ val = val+'';
+ return val.length == 1 ? '0'+val : val;
- /*
- * Selectors for all browsers
- */
- var rangeTypes = {number: 1, range: 1, date: 1/*, time: 1, 'datetime-local': 1, datetime: 1, month: 1, week: 1*/};
- var hasInvalid = function(elem){
- var ret = false;
- $($.prop(elem, 'elements')).each(function(){
- ret = $(this).is(':invalid');
- if(ret){
- return false;
+ (function(){
+ var monthDigits = ['01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12'];
+ = {
+ numberFormat: {
+ ",": ".",
+ ".": ","
+ },
+ timeSigns: ":. ",
+ numberSigns: ',',
+ dateSigns: '.',
+ dFormat: ".",
+ patterns: {
+ d: ""
+ },
+ month: {
+ currentText: 'Aktueller Monat'
+ },
+ date: {
+ close: 'schließen',
+ clear: 'Löschen',
+ prevText: 'Zurück',
+ nextText: 'Vor',
+ currentText: 'Heute',
+ monthNames: ['Januar','Februar','März','April','Mai','Juni',
+ 'Juli','August','September','Oktober','November','Dezember'],
+ monthNamesShort: ['Jan','Feb','Mär','Apr','Mai','Jun',
+ 'Jul','Aug','Sep','Okt','Nov','Dez'],
+ dayNames: ['Sonntag','Montag','Dienstag','Mittwoch','Donnerstag','Freitag','Samstag'],
+ dayNamesShort: ['So','Mo','Di','Mi','Do','Fr','Sa'],
+ dayNamesMin: ['So','Mo','Di','Mi','Do','Fr','Sa'],
+ weekHeader: 'KW',
+ firstDay: 1,
+ isRTL: false,
+ showMonthAfterYear: false,
+ yearSuffix: ''
- });
- return ret;
- };
- $.extend($.expr[":"], {
- "valid-element": function(elem){
- return $.nodeName(elem, 'form') ? !hasInvalid(elem) :!!($.prop(elem, 'willValidate') && isValid(elem));
- },
- "invalid-element": function(elem){
- return $.nodeName(elem, 'form') ? hasInvalid(elem) : !!($.prop(elem, 'willValidate') && !isValid(elem));
- },
- "required-element": function(elem){
- return !!($.prop(elem, 'willValidate') && $.prop(elem, 'required'));
- },
- "user-error": function(elem){
- return ($.prop(elem, 'willValidate') && $(elem).hasClass('user-error'));
- },
- "optional-element": function(elem){
- return !!($.prop(elem, 'willValidate') && $.prop(elem, 'required') === false);
- },
- "in-range": function(elem){
- if(!rangeTypes[$.prop(elem, 'type')] || !$.prop(elem, 'willValidate')){
- return false;
+ };
+ formcfg.en = {
+ numberFormat: {
+ ".": ".",
+ ",": ","
+ },
+ numberSigns: '.',
+ dateSigns: '/',
+ timeSigns: ":. ",
+ dFormat: "/",
+ patterns: {
+ d: "mm/dd/yy"
+ },
+ month: {
+ currentText: 'This month'
+ },
+ date: {
+ "closeText": "Done",
+ clear: 'Clear',
+ "prevText": "Prev",
+ "nextText": "Next",
+ "currentText": "Today",
+ "monthNames": ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"],
+ "monthNamesShort": ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"],
+ "dayNames": ["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"],
+ "dayNamesShort": ["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"],
+ "dayNamesMin": ["Su","Mo","Tu","We","Th","Fr","Sa"],
+ "weekHeader": "Wk",
+ "firstDay": 0,
+ "isRTL": false,
+ "showMonthAfterYear": false,
+ "yearSuffix": ""
- var val = $.prop(elem, 'validity');
- return !!(val && !val.rangeOverflow && !val.rangeUnderflow);
- },
- "out-of-range": function(elem){
- if(!rangeTypes[$.prop(elem, 'type')] || !$.prop(elem, 'willValidate')){
- return false;
+ };
+ formcfg['en-US'] = formcfg['en-US'] || formcfg['en'];
+ formcfg[''] = formcfg[''] || formcfg['en-US'];
+ curCfg = formcfg[''];
+ var createMonthKeys = function(langCfg){
+ if(!{
+ var create = function(i, name){
+ var strNum;
+ var num = i + 1;
+ strNum = (num < 10) ? '0'+num : ''+num;
+[num] = strNum;
+[name] = strNum;
+[name.toLowerCase()] = strNum;
+ };
+ = {};
+ = monthDigits;
+ langCfg.numberSigns += '-';
+ $.each(, create);
+ $.each(, create);
- var val = $.prop(elem, 'validity');
- return !!(val && (val.rangeOverflow || val.rangeUnderflow));
- }
+ };
- });
- ['valid', 'invalid', 'required', 'optional'].forEach(function(name){
- $.expr[":"][name] = $.expr.filters[name+"-element"];
- });
- $.expr[":"].focus = function( elem ) {
- try {
- var doc = elem.ownerDocument;
- return elem === doc.activeElement && (!doc.hasFocus || doc.hasFocus());
- } catch(e){}
- return false;
- };
- if(Modernizr.formvalidation && isWebkit && !webshims.bugs.bustedValidity){
- (function(){
- var retriggerRadioValidity = function(){
- var validity;
- if((validity = this.validity) && !validity.customError){
- this.setCustomValidity('');
+ createMonthKeys(curCfg);
+ $.webshims.ready('dom-extend', function(){
+ $.webshims.activeLang({
+ register: 'form-core',
+ callback: function(){
+ $.each(arguments, function(i, val){
+ if(formcfg[val]){
+ curCfg = formcfg[val];
+ createMonthKeys(curCfg);
+ $(document).triggerHandler('wslocalechange');
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
- };
- webshims.addReady(function(context, insertedElement){
- if(context !== document){
- $('input[type="radio"]:invalid', context)
- .add(insertedElement.filter('input[type="radio"]:invalid'))
- .each(retriggerRadioValidity)
- ;
- }
- })();
- }
+ });
+ })();
- var customEvents = $.event.customEvent || {};
- var isValid = function(elem){
- return ($.prop(elem, 'validity') || {valid: 1}).valid;
- };
- if (bugs.bustedValidity || bugs.findRequired) {
- (function(){
- var find = $.find;
- var matchesSelector = $.find.matchesSelector;
- var regExp = /(\:valid|\:invalid|\:optional|\:required|\:in-range|\:out-of-range)(?=[\s\[\~\.\+\>\:\#*]|$)/ig;
- var regFn = function(sel){
- return sel + '-element';
- };
- $.find = (function(){
- var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
- var fn = function(sel){
- var ar = arguments;
- ar =, 1, ar.length);
- ar.unshift(sel.replace(regExp, regFn));
- return find.apply(this, ar);
- };
- for (var i in find) {
- if(find.hasOwnProperty(i)){
- fn[i] = find[i];
+ (function(){
+ var mousePress = function(e){
+ $(this)[e.type == 'mousepressstart' ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('mousepress-ui');
+ };
+ var retDefault = function(val, def){
+ if(!(typeof val == 'number' || (val && val == val * 1))){
+ return def;
+ }
+ return val * 1;
+ };
+ var createOpts = ['step', 'min', 'max', 'readonly', 'title', 'disabled', 'tabindex', 'placeholder', 'value'];
+ var formatVal = {
+ number: function(val){
+ return (val+'').replace(/\,/g, '').replace(/\./, curCfg.numberFormat['.']);
+ },
+ time: function(val){
+ return val;
+ },
+ //todo empty val for month/split
+ month: function(val, options){
+ var names;
+ var p = val.split('-');
+ if(p[0] && p[1]){
+ names =[options.formatMonthNames] ||[options.monthNames] ||;
+ p[1] = names[(p[1] * 1) - 1];
+ if(options && options.splitInput){
+ val = [p[0] || '', p[1] || ''];
+ } else if(p[1]){
+ val = ? p.join(' ') : p[1]+' '+p[0];
- return fn;
- })();
- if(!Modernizr.prefixed || Modernizr.prefixed("matchesSelector", document.documentElement)){
- $.find.matchesSelector = function(node, expr){
- expr = expr.replace(regExp, regFn);
- return, node, expr);
- };
- }
- })();
- }
- //ToDo needs testing
- var oldAttr = $.prop;
- var changeVals = {selectedIndex: 1, value: 1, checked: 1, disabled: 1, readonly: 1};
- $.prop = function(elem, name, val){
- var ret = oldAttr.apply(this, arguments);
- if(elem && 'form' in elem && changeVals[name] && val !== undefined && $(elem).hasClass(invalidClass)){
- if(isValid(elem)){
- $(elem).getShadowElement().removeClass(invalidClasses);
- if(name == 'checked' && val) {
- getGroupElements(elem).not(elem).removeClass(invalidClasses).removeAttr('aria-invalid');
+ return val;
+ },
+ date: function(val, opts){
+ var p = (val+'').split('-');
+ if(p[2] && p[1] && p[0]){
+ if(opts && opts.splitInput){
+ val = p;
+ } else {
+ val = curCfg.patterns.d.replace('yy', p[0] || '');
+ val = val.replace('mm', p[1] || '');
+ val = val.replace('dd', p[2] || '');
+ }
+ } else if(opts && opts.splitInput){
+ val = [p[0] || '', p[1] || '', p[2] || ''];
+ return val;
- }
- return ret;
- };
- var returnValidityCause = function(validity, elem){
- var ret;
- $.each(validity, function(name, value){
- if(value){
- ret = (name == 'customError') ? $.prop(elem, 'validationMessage') : name;
- return false;
- }
- });
- return ret;
- };
- var isInGroup = function(name){
- var ret;
- try {
- ret = === name;
- } catch(e){}
- return ret;
- };
- /* form-ui-invalid/form-ui-valid are deprecated. use user-error/user-success instead */
- var invalidClass = 'user-error';
- var invalidClasses = 'user-error form-ui-invalid';
- var validClass = 'user-success';
- var validClasses = 'user-success form-ui-valid';
- var switchValidityClass = function(e){
- var elem, timer;
- if(!{return;}
- elem = $([0];
- if(elem.type == 'submit' || !$.prop(elem, 'willValidate')){return;}
- timer = $.data(elem, 'webshimsswitchvalidityclass');
- var switchClass = function(){
- if(e.type == 'focusout' && elem.type == 'radio' && isInGroup({return;}
- var validity = $.prop(elem, 'validity');
- var shadowElem = $(elem).getShadowElement();
- var addClass, removeClass, trigger, generaltrigger, validityCause;
- $(elem).trigger('refreshCustomValidityRules');
- if(validity.valid){
- if(!shadowElem.hasClass(validClass)){
- addClass = validClasses;
- removeClass = invalidClasses;
- generaltrigger = 'changedvaliditystate';
- trigger = 'changedvalid';
- if(checkTypes[elem.type] && elem.checked){
- getGroupElements(elem).not(elem).removeClass(removeClass).addClass(addClass).removeAttr('aria-invalid');
+ };
+ var parseVal = {
+ number: function(val){
+ return (val+'').replace(curCfg.numberFormat[','], '').replace(curCfg.numberFormat['.'], '.');
+ },
+ time: function(val){
+ return val;
+ },
+ month: function(val, opts){
+ var p = (!opts.splitInput) ? val.trim().split(/[\.\s-\/\\]+/) : val;
+ if(p.length == 2){
+ p[0] =[p[0]] || p[0];
+ p[1] =[p[1]] || p[1];
+ if(p[1].length == 2){
+ val = p[0]+'-'+p[1];
+ } else if(p[0].length == 2){
+ val = p[1]+'-'+p[0];
+ } else {
+ val = '';
- $.removeData(elem, 'webshimsinvalidcause');
+ } else if(opts.splitInput) {
+ val = '';
- } else {
- validityCause = returnValidityCause(validity, elem);
- if($.data(elem, 'webshimsinvalidcause') != validityCause){
- $.data(elem, 'webshimsinvalidcause', validityCause);
- generaltrigger = 'changedvaliditystate';
+ return val;
+ },
+ date: function(val, opts){
+ createFormat('d');
+ var i;
+ var obj;
+ if(opts.splitInput){
+ obj = {yy: 0, mm: 1, dd: 2};
+ } else {
+ obj = curCfg.patterns.dObj;
+ val = val.split(curCfg.dFormat);
- if(!shadowElem.hasClass(invalidClass)){
- addClass = invalidClasses;
- removeClass = validClasses;
- if (checkTypes[elem.type] && !elem.checked) {
- getGroupElements(elem).not(elem).removeClass(removeClass).addClass(addClass);
- }
- trigger = 'changedinvalid';
- }
+ return (val.length == 3 && val[0] && val[1] && val[2]) ?
+ ([addZero(val[obj.yy]), addZero(val[]), addZero(val[obj.dd])]).join('-') :
+ ''
+ ;
- if(addClass){
- shadowElem.addClass(addClass).removeClass(removeClass);
- //jQuery 1.6.1 IE9 bug (doubble trigger bug)
- setTimeout(function(){
- $(elem).trigger(trigger);
- }, 0);
+ };
+ var steps = {
+ number: {
+ step: 1
+ },
+ time: {
+ step: 60
+ },
+ month: {
+ step: 1,
+ start: new Date()
+ },
+ date: {
+ step: 1,
+ start: new Date()
- if(generaltrigger){
- setTimeout(function(){
- $(elem).trigger(generaltrigger);
- }, 0);
+ };
+ var placeholderFormat = {
+ date: function(val, opts){
+ var hintValue = (val || '').split('-');
+ if(hintValue.length == 3){
+ hintValue = opts.splitInput ?
+ hintValue :
+ curCfg.patterns.d.replace('yy', hintValue[0]).replace('mm', hintValue[1]).replace('dd', hintValue[2]);
+ } else {
+ hintValue = opts.splitInput ?
+ [val, val, val] :
+ val;
+ }
+ return hintValue;
+ },
+ month: function(val, opts){
+ var hintValue = (val || '').split('-');
+ if(hintValue.length == 2){
+ hintValue = opts.splitInput ?
+ hintValue :
+ curCfg.patterns.d.replace('yy', hintValue[0]).replace('mm', hintValue[1]);
+ } else {
+ hintValue = opts.splitInput ?
+ [val, val] :
+ val;
+ }
+ return hintValue;
- $.removeData(, 'webshimsswitchvalidityclass');
- if(timer){
- clearTimeout(timer);
- }
- if(e.type == 'refreshvalidityui'){
- switchClass();
- } else {
- $.data(elem, 'webshimsswitchvalidityclass', setTimeout(switchClass, 9));
- }
- };
- $(document).on(options.validityUIEvents || 'focusout change refreshvalidityui', switchValidityClass);
- customEvents.changedvaliditystate = true;
- customEvents.refreshCustomValidityRules = true;
- customEvents.changedvalid = true;
- customEvents.changedinvalid = true;
- customEvents.refreshvalidityui = true;
- webshims.triggerInlineForm = function(elem, event){
- $(elem).trigger(event);
- };
- webshims.modules["form-core"].getGroupElements = getGroupElements;
- var setRoot = function(){
- webshims.scrollRoot = (isWebkit || document.compatMode == 'BackCompat') ?
- $(document.body) :
- $(document.documentElement)
- ;
- };
- setRoot();
- webshims.ready('DOM', setRoot);
- webshims.getRelOffset = function(posElem, relElem){
- posElem = $(posElem);
- var offset = $(relElem).offset();
- var bodyOffset;
- $.swap($(posElem)[0], {visibility: 'hidden', display: 'inline-block', left: 0, top: 0}, function(){
- bodyOffset = posElem.offset();
- });
- -=;
- offset.left -= bodyOffset.left;
- return offset;
- };
- /* some extra validation UI */
- webshims.validityAlert = (function(){
- var alertElem = 'span';
- var errorBubble;
- var hideTimer = false;
- var focusTimer = false;
- var resizeTimer = false;
- var boundHide;
+ var createHelper = (function(){
+ var types = {};
+ return function(type){
+ var input;
+ if(!types[type]){
+ input = $('<input type="'+type+'" />');
+ types[type] = {
+ asNumber: function(val){
+ var type = (typeof val == 'object') ? 'valueAsDate' : 'value';
+ return input.prop(type, val).prop('valueAsNumber');
+ },
+ asValue: function(val){
+ var type = (typeof val == 'object') ? 'valueAsDate' : 'valueAsNumber';
+ return input.prop(type, val).prop('value');
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ return types[type];
+ };
+ })();
- var api = {
- hideDelay: 5000,
- showFor: function(elem, message, noFocusElem, noBubble){
- api._create();
- elem = $(elem);
- var visual = $(elem).getShadowElement();
- var offset = api.getOffsetFromBody(visual);
- api.clear();
- if(noBubble){
- this.hide();
+ steps.range = steps.number;
+ var spinBtnProto = {
+ _create: function(){
+ var i;
+ var o = this.options;
+ var helper = createHelper(o.type);
+ this.type = o.type;
+ this.orig = o.orig;
+ this.elemHelper = $('<input type="'+ this.type+'" />');
+ this.asNumber = helper.asNumber;
+ this.asValue = helper.asValue;
+ this.buttonWrapper = $('<span class="input-buttons '+this.type+'-input-buttons"><span unselectable="on" class="step-controls"><span class="step-up"></span><span class="step-down"></span></span></span>')
+ .insertAfter(this.element)
+ ;
+ if(o.splitInput){
+ this._addSplitInputs();
} else {
- this.getMessage(elem, message);
- this.position(visual, offset);
- if(this.hideDelay){
- hideTimer = setTimeout(boundHide, this.hideDelay);
- }
- $(window)
- .on('resize.validityalert reposoverlay.validityalert', function(){
- clearTimeout(resizeTimer);
- resizeTimer = setTimeout(function(){
- api.position(visual);
- }, 9);
- })
- ;
+ this.inputElements = this.element;
- if(!noFocusElem){
- this.setFocus(visual, offset);
+ this.options.containerElements.push(this.buttonWrapper[0]);
+ if(typeof steps[this.type].start == 'object'){
+ steps[this.type].start = this.asNumber(steps[this.type].start);
+ for(i = 0; i < createOpts.length; i++){
+ this[createOpts[i]](o[createOpts[i]]);
+ }
+'wsspinner', this);
+ this.addBindings();
+ if(!o.min && typeof o.relMin == 'number'){
+ o.min = this.asValue(this.getRelNumber(o.relMin));
+ $.prop(this.orig, 'min', o.min);
+ }
+ if(!o.max && typeof o.relMax == 'number'){
+ o.max = this.asValue(this.getRelNumber(o.relMax));
+ $.prop(this.orig, 'max', o.max);
+ }
+ this._init = true;
- getOffsetFromBody: function(elem){
- return webshims.getRelOffset(errorBubble, elem);
+ _addSplitInputs: function(){
+ if(!this.inputElements){
+ var create = splitInputs[this.type]._create();
+ this.splits = create.splits;
+ this.inputElements = $(create.elements).prependTo(this.element).filter('input');
+ }
- setFocus: function(visual, offset){
- var focusElem = $(visual).getShadowFocusElement();
- var scrollTop = webshims.scrollRoot.scrollTop();
- var elemTop = ((offset || focusElem.offset()).top) - 30;
- var smooth;
- if(webshims.getID && alertElem == 'label'){
- errorBubble.attr('for', webshims.getID(focusElem));
+ parseValue: function(){
+ var value ={
+ return $.prop(this, 'value');
+ }).get();
+ if(!this.options.splitInput){
+ value = value[0];
+ return parseVal[this.type](value, this.options);
+ },
+ formatValue: function(val, noSplit){
+ return formatVal[this.type](val, noSplit === false ? false : this.options);
+ },
+ placeholder: function(val){
+ var options = this.options;
+ options.placeholder = val;
+ var placeholder = val;
+ if(placeholderFormat[this.type]){
+ placeholder = placeholderFormat[this.type](val, this.options);
+ }
+ if(options.splitInput && typeof placeholder == 'object'){
+ $.each(this.splits, function(i, elem){
+ $.prop(elem, 'placeholder', placeholder[i]);
+ });
+ } else {
+ this.element.prop('placeholder', placeholder);
+ }
+ },
+ getRelNumber: function(rel){
+ var start = steps[this.type].start || 0;
+ if(rel){
+ start += rel;
+ }
+ return start;
+ },
+ addZero: addZero,
+ _setStartInRange: function(){
+ var start = this.getRelNumber(this.options.relDefaultValue);
+ if(!isNaN(this.minAsNumber) && start < this.minAsNumber){
+ start = this.minAsNumber;
+ } else if(!isNaN(this.maxAsNumber) && start > this.maxAsNumber){
+ start = this.maxAsNumber;
+ }
+ this.elemHelper.prop('valueAsNumber', start);
+ this.options.defValue = this.elemHelper.prop('value');
- if(scrollTop > elemTop){
- webshims.scrollRoot.animate(
- {scrollTop: elemTop - 5},
- {
- queue: false,
- duration: Math.max( Math.min( 600, (scrollTop - elemTop) * 1.5 ), 80 )
+ },
+ reorderInputs: function(){
+ if(splitInputs[this.type]){
+ var element = this.element;
+ splitInputs[this.type].sort(element);
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ var data =;
+ if(data && data.shadowData){
+ data.shadowData.shadowFocusElement = element.find('input')[0] || element[0];
- );
- smooth = true;
+ }, 9);
- try {
- focusElem[0].focus();
- } catch(e){}
- if(smooth){
- webshims.scrollRoot.scrollTop(scrollTop);
- setTimeout(function(){
- webshims.scrollRoot.scrollTop(scrollTop);
- }, 0);
- }
- setTimeout(function(){
- $(document).on('focusout.validityalert', boundHide);
- }, 10);
- $(window).triggerHandler('reposoverlay');
- getMessage: function(elem, message){
- if (!message) {
- message = getContentValidationMessage(elem[0]) || elem.prop('customValidationMessage') || elem.prop('validationMessage');
+ value: function(val){
+ this.valueAsNumber = this.asNumber(val);
+ this.options.value = val;
+ if(isNaN(this.valueAsNumber) || (!isNaN(this.minAsNumber) && this.valueAsNumber < this.minAsNumber) || (!isNaN(this.maxAsNumber) && this.valueAsNumber > this.maxAsNumber)){
+ this._setStartInRange();
+ } else {
+ this.elemHelper.prop('value', val);
+ this.options.defValue = "";
- if (message) {
- $('', errorBubble).text(message);
+ val = formatVal[this.type](val, this.options);
+ if(this.options.splitInput){
+ $.each(this.splits, function(i, elem){
+ $.prop(elem, 'value', val[i]);
+ });
+ } else {
+ this.element.prop('value', val);
- else {
- this.hide();
+ this._propertyChange('value');
+ },
+ initDataList: function(){
+ var listTimer;
+ var that = this;
+ var updateList = function(){
+ $(that.orig)
+ .jProp('list')
+ .off('updateDatalist', updateList)
+ .on('updateDatalist', updateList)
+ ;
+ clearTimeout(listTimer);
+ listTimer = setTimeout(function(){
+ if(that.list){
+ that.list();
+ }
+ }, 9);
+ };
+ $(this.orig).onTrigger('listdatalistchange', updateList);
+ },
+ getOptions: function(){
+ var options = {};
+ var datalist = $(this.orig).jProp('list');
+ datalist.find('option').each(function(){
+ options[$.prop(this, 'value')] = $.prop(this, 'label');
+ });
+ return [options,'label')];
+ },
+ list: function(val){
+ if(this.type == 'number' || this.type == 'time'){
+ this.element.attr('list', $.attr(this.orig, 'list'));
+ this.options.list = val;
+ this._propertyChange('list');
- position: function(elem, offset){
- offset = offset ? $.extend({}, offset) : api.getOffsetFromBody(elem);
- += elem.outerHeight();
- errorBubble.css(offset);
+ _propertyChange: $.noop,
+ tabindex: function(val){
+ this.options.tabindex = val;
+ this.inputElements.prop('tabindex', this.options.tabindex);
- show: function(){
- if(errorBubble.css('display') === 'none'){
- errorBubble.css({opacity: 0}).show();
+ title: function(val){
+ this.options.title = val;
+ this.element.prop('title', this.options.title);
+ },
+ min: function(val){
+ this.elemHelper.prop('min', val);
+ this.minAsNumber = this.asNumber(val);
+ if(this.valueAsNumber != null && isNaN(this.valueAsNumber)){
+ this._setStartInRange();
- errorBubble.addClass('va-visible').fadeTo(400, 1);
+ this.options.min = val;
+ this._propertyChange('min');
- hide: function(){
- errorBubble.removeClass('va-visible').fadeOut();
+ max: function(val){
+ this.elemHelper.prop('max', val);
+ this.maxAsNumber = this.asNumber(val);
+ if(this.valueAsNumber != null && isNaN(this.valueAsNumber)){
+ this._setStartInRange();
+ }
+ this.options.max = val;
+ this._propertyChange('max');
- clear: function(){
- clearTimeout(focusTimer);
- clearTimeout(hideTimer);
- $(document).unbind('.validityalert');
- $(window).unbind('.validityalert');
- errorBubble.stop().removeAttr('for');
+ step: function(val){
+ var defStep = steps[this.type];
+ this.options.step = val;
+ this.elemHelper.prop('step', retDefault(val, defStep.step));
- _create: function(){
- if(errorBubble){return;}
- errorBubble = api.errorBubble = $('<'+alertElem+' class="validity-alert-wrapper" role="alert"><span class="validity-alert"><span class="va-arrow"><span class="va-arrow-box"></span></span><span class="va-box"></span></span></'+alertElem+'>').css({position: 'absolute', display: 'none'});
- webshims.ready('DOM', function(){
- errorBubble.appendTo('body');
- if($.fn.bgIframe){
- errorBubble.bgIframe();
+ addBindings: function(){
+ var isFocused;
+ var that = this;
+ var o = this.options;
+ var eventTimer = (function(){
+ var events = {};
+ return {
+ init: function(name, curVal, fn){
+ if(!events[name]){
+ events[name] = {fn: fn};
+ $(that.orig).on(name, function(){
+ events[name].val = $.prop(that.orig, 'value');
+ });
+ }
+ events[name].val = curVal;
+ },
+ call: function(name, val){
+ if(events[name] && events[name].val != val){
+ clearTimeout(events[name].timer);
+ events[name].val = val;
+ events[name].timer = setTimeout(function(){
+ events[name].fn(val, that);
+ }, 9);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ })();
+ var initChangeEvents = function(){
+ eventTimer.init('input', $.prop(that.orig, 'value'), that.options.input);
+ eventTimer.init('change', $.prop(that.orig, 'value'), that.options.change);
+ };
+ var step = {};
+ var preventBlur = function(e){
+ if(preventBlur.prevent){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ (isFocused || that.element.getShadowFocusElement()).focus();
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ return true;
+ };
+ var callSplitChange = (function(){
+ var timer;
+ var call = function(e){
+ var val;
+ clearTimeout(timer);
+ val = that.parseValue();
+ $.prop(that.orig, 'value', val);
+'input', val);
+ if(!e || e.type != 'wsupdatevalue'){
+'change', val);
+ }
+ };
+ var onFocus = function(){
+ clearTimeout(timer);
+ };
+ var onBlur = function(e){
+ clearTimeout(timer);
+ timer = setTimeout(call, 0);
+ if(e.type == 'change'){
+ stopPropagation(e);
+ if(!o.splitInput){
+ call();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ that.element.on('wsupdatevalue', call);
+ that.inputElements
+ .add(that.buttonWrapper)
+ .add(that.element)
+ .on(
+ {
+ 'focus focusin': onFocus,
+ 'blur focusout change': onBlur
+ }
+ )
+ ;
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ if(that.popover){
+ $('> *', that.popover.element)
+ .on({
+ 'focusin': onFocus,
+ 'focusout': onBlur
+ })
+ ;
+ }
+ }, 0);
+ })();
+ var spinEvents = {};
+ var spinElement = o.splitInput ? this.inputElements.filter('.ws-spin') : this.inputElements.eq(0);
+ var elementEvts = {
+ blur: function(e){
+ if(!preventBlur(e) && !o.disabled && !o.readonly){
+ if(!preventBlur.prevent){
+ isFocused = false;
+ }
+ }
+ stopPropagation(e);
+ },
+ focus: function(e){
+ if(!isFocused){
+ initChangeEvents();
+ isFocused = this;
+ }
+ },
+ keypress: function(e){
+ if(e.isDefaultPrevented()){return;}
+ var chr;
+ var stepped = true;
+ var code = e.keyCode;
+ if(!e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey && curCfg[that.type+'Signs']){
+ chr = String.fromCharCode(e.charCode == null ? code : e.charCode);
+ stepped = !(chr < " " || (curCfg[that.type+'Signs']+'0123456789').indexOf(chr) > -1);
+ } else {
+ stepped = false;
+ }
+ if(stepped){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ },
+ 'input keydown keypress': (function(){
+ var timer;
+ var isStopped = false;
+ var releaseTab = function(){
+ if(isStopped === true){
+ isStopped = 'semi';
+ timer = setTimeout(releaseTab, 250);
+ } else {
+ isStopped = false;
+ }
+ };
+ var stopTab = function(){
+ isStopped = true;
+ clearTimeout(timer);
+ timer = setTimeout(releaseTab, 300);
+ };
+ var select = function(){
+ this.focus();
+ stopTab();
+ };
+ return function(e){
+ if(o.splitInput && o.jumpInputs){
+ if(e.type == 'input'){
+ if($.prop(this, 'value').length === $.prop(this, 'maxLength')){
+ try {
+ $(this)
+ .next()
+ .next('input')
+ .each(select)
+ ;
+ } catch(er){}
+ }
+ } else if(!e.shiftKey && !e.crtlKey && e.keyCode == 9 && (isStopped === true || (isStopped && !$.prop(this, 'value')))){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ })()
+ };
+ var mouseDownInit = function(){
+ if(!o.disabled && !isFocused){
+ that.element.getShadowFocusElement().focus();
+ }
+ preventBlur.set();
+ return false;
+ };
+ preventBlur.set = (function(){
+ var timer;
+ var reset = function(){
+ preventBlur.prevent = false;
+ };
+ return function(){
+ clearTimeout(timer);
+ preventBlur.prevent = true;
+ setTimeout(reset, 9);
+ };
+ })();
+ ['stepUp', 'stepDown'].forEach(function(name){
+ step[name] = function(factor){
+ if(!o.disabled && !o.readonly){
+ if(!isFocused){
+ mouseDownInit();
+ }
+ var ret = false;
+ if (!factor) {
+ factor = 1;
+ }
+ try {
+ that.elemHelper[name](factor);
+ ret = that.elemHelper.prop('value');
+ that.value(ret);
+'input', ret);
+ } catch (er) {}
+ return ret;
+ }
+ };
+ this.buttonWrapper.on('mousedown', mouseDownInit);
+ this.setInput = function(value){
+ that.value(value);
+'input', value);
+ };
+ this.setChange = function(value){
+ that.setInput(value);
+'change', value);
+ };
+ this.inputElements.on(elementEvts);
+ if(!o.noSpinbtn){
+ spinEvents[$.fn.mwheelIntent ? 'mwheelIntent' : 'mousewheel'] = function(e, delta){
+ if(delta && isFocused && !o.disabled){
+ step[delta > 0 ? 'stepUp' : 'stepDown']();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ };
+ spinEvents.keydown = function(e){
+ if(o.list || e.isDefaultPrevented() || $.attr(this, 'list')){return;}
+ var stepped = true;
+ var code = e.keyCode;
+ if (code == 38) {
+ step.stepUp();
+ } else if (code == 40) {
+ step.stepDown();
+ } else {
+ stepped = false;
+ }
+ if(stepped){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ };
+ spinElement.attr({'autocomplete': 'off', role: 'spinbutton'}).on(spinEvents);
+ }
+ if(!o.splitInput){
+ $(document).on('wslocalechange',function(){
+ if(o.value){
+ that.value(o.value);
+ }
+ if(placeholderFormat[that.type] && o.placeholder){
+ that.placeholder(o.placeholder);
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ $(document).onTrigger('wslocalechange',function(){
+ that.reorderInputs();
+ });
+ }
+ $('.step-up', this.buttonWrapper)
+ .on({
+ 'mousepressstart mousepressend': mousePress,
+ 'mousedown mousepress': function(e){
+ step.stepUp();
+ }
+ })
+ ;
+ $('.step-down', this.buttonWrapper)
+ .on({
+ 'mousepressstart mousepressend': mousePress,
+ 'mousedown mousepress': function(e){
+ step.stepDown();
+ }
+ })
+ ;
+ initChangeEvents();
+ ['readonly', 'disabled'].forEach(function(name){
+ spinBtnProto[name] = function(val){
+ if(this.options[name] != val || !this._init){
+ this.options[name] = !!val;
+ if(name == 'readonly' && this.options.noInput){
+ this.element
+ .prop(name, true)
+ .attr({'aria-readonly': this.options[name]})
+ ;
+ } else {
+ this.element.prop(name, this.options[name]);
+ }
+ this.buttonWrapper[this.options[name] ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('ws-'+name);
+ }
+ };
+ });
- boundHide = $.proxy(api, 'hide');
- return api;
+ $.fn.spinbtnUI = function(opts){
+ opts = $.extend({
+ monthNames: 'monthNames',
+ size: 1,
+ startView: 0
+ }, opts);
+ return this.each(function(){
+ $.webshims.objectCreate(spinBtnProto, {
+ element: {
+ value: $(this)
+ }
+ }, opts);
+ });
+ };
- /* extension, but also used to fix native implementation workaround/bugfixes */
- var firstEvent,
- invalids = [],
- stopSubmitTimer,
- form
- ;
+ var picker = {};
+ var disable = {
+ };
- $(document).on('invalid', function(e){
- if(e.wrongWebkitInvalid){return;}
- var jElm = $(;
- var shadowElem = jElm.getShadowElement();
- if(!shadowElem.hasClass(invalidClass)){
- shadowElem.addClass(invalidClasses).removeClass(validClasses);
- setTimeout(function(){
- $('changedinvalid').trigger('changedvaliditystate');
- }, 0);
+ var getDateArray = function(date){
+ var ret = [date.getFullYear(), addZero(date.getMonth() + 1), addZero(date.getDate())];
+ ret.month = ret[0]+'-'+ret[1];
+ = ret[0]+'-'+ret[1]+'-'+ret[2];
+ return ret;
+ };
+ var today = getDateArray(new Date());
+ var _setFocus = function(element, _noFocus){
+ var setFocus, that;
+ element = $(element || this.activeButton);
+ this.activeButton.attr({tabindex: '-1', 'aria-selected': 'false'});
+ this.activeButton = element.attr({tabindex: '0', 'aria-selected': 'true'});
+ this.index = this.buttons.index(this.activeButton[0]);
+ clearTimeout(this.timer);
+ if(!this.popover.openedByFocus && !_noFocus){
+ that = this;
+ setFocus = function(noTrigger){
+ clearTimeout(that.timer);
+ that.timer = setTimeout(function(){
+ if(element[0]){
+ element[0].focus();
+ if(noTrigger !== true && !':focus')){
+ setFocus(true);
+ }
+ }
+ }, that.popover.isVisible ? 99 : 360);
+ };
+ this.popover.activateElement(element);
+ setFocus();
- if(!firstEvent){
- //trigger firstinvalid
- firstEvent = $.Event('firstinvalid');
- firstEvent.isInvalidUIPrevented = e.isDefaultPrevented;
- var firstSystemInvalid = $.Event('firstinvalidsystem');
- $(document).triggerHandler(firstSystemInvalid, {element:, form:, isInvalidUIPrevented: e.isDefaultPrevented});
- jElm.trigger(firstEvent);
+ };
+ var _initialFocus = function(){
+ var sel;
+ if(this.popover.navedInitFocus){
+ sel = this.popover.navedInitFocus.sel || this.popover.navedInitFocus;
+ if((!this.activeButton || !this.activeButton[0]) && this.buttons[sel]){
+ this.activeButton = this.buttons[sel]();
+ } else if(sel){
+ this.activeButton = $(sel, this.element);
+ }
+ if(!this.activeButton[0] && this.popover.navedInitFocus.alt){
+ this.activeButton = this.buttons[this.popover.navedInitFocus.alt]();
+ }
- //if firstinvalid was prevented all invalids will be also prevented
- if( firstEvent && firstEvent.isDefaultPrevented() ){
- e.preventDefault();
+ if(!this.activeButton || !this.activeButton[0]){
+ this.activeButton = this.buttons.filter('.checked-value');
- invalids.push(;
- e.extraData = 'fix';
- clearTimeout(stopSubmitTimer);
- stopSubmitTimer = setTimeout(function(){
- var lastEvent = {type: 'lastinvalid', cancelable: false, invalidlist: $(invalids)};
- //reset firstinvalid
- firstEvent = false;
- invalids = [];
- $(, lastEvent);
- }, 9);
- jElm = null;
- shadowElem = null;
- });
- })();
- $.fn.getErrorMessage = function(){
- var message = '';
- var elem = this[0];
- if(elem){
- message = getContentValidationMessage(elem) || $.prop(elem, 'customValidationMessage') || $.prop(elem, 'validationMessage');
- }
- return message;
- };
- if(options.replaceValidationUI){
- webshims.ready('DOM forms', function(){
- $(document).on('firstinvalid', function(e){
- if(!e.isInvalidUIPrevented()){
- e.preventDefault();
- $.webshims.validityAlert.showFor( );
- }
- });
- });
- }
-jQuery.webshims.register('form-message', function($, webshims, window, document, undefined, options){
- "use strict";
- var validityMessages = webshims.validityMessages;
- var implementProperties = (options.overrideMessages || options.customMessages) ? ['customValidationMessage'] : [];
- validityMessages['en'] = $.extend(true, {
- typeMismatch: {
- email: 'Please enter an email address.',
- url: 'Please enter a URL.',
- number: 'Please enter a number.',
- date: 'Please enter a date.',
- time: 'Please enter a time.',
- range: 'Invalid input.',
- "datetime-local": 'Please enter a datetime.'
- },
- rangeUnderflow: {
- defaultMessage: 'Value must be greater than or equal to {%min}.'
- },
- rangeOverflow: {
- defaultMessage: 'Value must be less than or equal to {%max}.'
- },
- stepMismatch: 'Invalid input.',
- tooLong: 'Please enter at most {%maxlength} character(s). You entered {%valueLen}.',
+ if(!this.activeButton[0]){
+ this.activeButton = this.buttons.filter('.this-value');
+ }
+ if(!this.activeButton[0]){
+ this.activeButton = this.buttons.eq(0);
+ }
+ this.setFocus(this.activeButton, this.opts.noFocus);
+ };
- patternMismatch: 'Invalid input. {%title}',
- valueMissing: {
- defaultMessage: 'Please fill out this field.',
- checkbox: 'Please check this box if you want to proceed.'
- }
- }, (validityMessages['en'] || validityMessages['en-US'] || {}));
- ['select', 'radio'].forEach(function(type){
- if(typeof validityMessages['en'].valueMissing == 'object'){
- validityMessages['en'].valueMissing[type] = 'Please select an option.';
- }
- });
- ['date', 'time', 'datetime-local'].forEach(function(type){
- if(typeof validityMessages['en'].rangeUnderflow == 'object'){
- validityMessages.en.rangeUnderflow[type] = 'Value must be at or after {%min}.';
- }
- });
- ['date', 'time', 'datetime-local'].forEach(function(type){
- if(typeof validityMessages['en'].rangeOverflow == 'object'){
- validityMessages.en.rangeOverflow[type] = 'Value must be at or before {%max}.';
- }
- });
- validityMessages['en-US'] = validityMessages['en-US'] || validityMessages['en'];
- validityMessages[''] = validityMessages[''] || validityMessages['en-US'];
- validityMessages['de'] = $.extend(true, {
- typeMismatch: {
- email: '{%value} ist keine zulässige E-Mail-Adresse',
- url: '{%value} ist keine zulässige Webadresse',
- number: '{%value} ist keine Nummer!',
- date: '{%value} ist kein Datum',
- time: '{%value} ist keine Uhrzeit',
- range: '{%value} ist keine Nummer!',
- "datetime-local": '{%value} ist kein Datum-Uhrzeit Format.'
- },
- rangeUnderflow: {
- defaultMessage: '{%value} ist zu niedrig. {%min} ist der unterste Wert, den Sie benutzen können.'
- },
- rangeOverflow: {
- defaultMessage: '{%value} ist zu hoch. {%max} ist der oberste Wert, den Sie benutzen können.'
- },
- stepMismatch: 'Der Wert {%value} ist in diesem Feld nicht zulässig. Hier sind nur bestimmte Werte zulässig. {%title}',
- tooLong: 'Der eingegebene Text ist zu lang! Sie haben {%valueLen} Zeichen eingegeben, dabei sind {%maxlength} das Maximum.',
- patternMismatch: '{%value} hat für dieses Eingabefeld ein falsches Format! {%title}',
- valueMissing: {
- defaultMessage: 'Bitte geben Sie einen Wert ein',
- checkbox: 'Bitte aktivieren Sie das Kästchen'
- }
- }, (validityMessages['de'] || {}));
- ['select', 'radio'].forEach(function(type){
- if(typeof validityMessages['de'].valueMissing == 'object'){
- validityMessages['de'].valueMissing[type] = 'Bitte wählen Sie eine Option aus';
- }
- });
- ['date', 'time', 'datetime-local'].forEach(function(type){
- if(typeof validityMessages['de'].rangeUnderflow == 'object'){
-[type] = '{%value} ist zu früh. {%min} ist die früheste Zeit, die Sie benutzen können.';
- }
- });
- ['date', 'time', 'datetime-local'].forEach(function(type){
- if(typeof validityMessages['de'].rangeOverflow == 'object'){
-[type] = '{%value} ist zu spät. {%max} ist die späteste Zeit, die Sie benutzen können.';
- }
- });
- var currentValidationMessage = validityMessages[''];
- webshims.createValidationMessage = function(elem, name){
- var message = currentValidationMessage[name];
- if(message && typeof message !== 'string'){
- message = message[ $.prop(elem, 'type') ] || message[ (elem.nodeName || '').toLowerCase() ] || message[ 'defaultMessage' ];
- }
- if(message){
- ['value', 'min', 'max', 'title', 'maxlength', 'label'].forEach(function(attr){
- if(message.indexOf('{%'+attr) === -1){return;}
- var val = ((attr == 'label') ? $.trim($('label[for="'+ +'"]', elem.form).text()).replace(/\*$|:$/, '') : $.attr(elem, attr)) || '';
- if(name == 'patternMismatch' && attr == 'title' && !val){
- webshims.error('no title for patternMismatch provided. Always add a title attribute.');
+ webshims.ListBox = function (element, popover, opts){
+ this.element = $('ul', element);
+ this.popover = popover;
+ this.opts = opts || {};
+ this.buttons = $('button:not(:disabled)', this.element);
+ this.ons(this);
+ this._initialFocus();
+ };
+ webshims.ListBox.prototype = {
+ setFocus: _setFocus,
+ _initialFocus: _initialFocus,
+ prev: function(){
+ var index = this.index - 1;
+ if(index < 0){
+ if(this.opts.prev){
+ this.popover.navedInitFocus = 'last';
+ this.popover.actionFn(this.opts.prev);
+ this.popover.navedInitFocus = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.setFocus(this.buttons.eq(index));
- message = message.replace('{%'+ attr +'}', val);
- if('value' == attr){
- message = message.replace('{%valueLen}', val.length);
+ },
+ next: function(){
+ var index = this.index + 1;
+ if(index >= this.buttons.length){
+ if({
+ this.popover.navedInitFocus = 'first';
+ this.popover.actionFn(;
+ this.popover.navedInitFocus = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.setFocus(this.buttons.eq(index));
- });
- }
- return message || '';
- };
- if(webshims.bugs.validationMessage || !Modernizr.formvalidation || webshims.bugs.bustedValidity){
- implementProperties.push('validationMessage');
- }
- webshims.activeLang({
- langObj: validityMessages,
- module: 'form-core',
- callback: function(langObj){
- currentValidationMessage = langObj;
- }
- });
- implementProperties.forEach(function(messageProp){
- webshims.defineNodeNamesProperty(['fieldset', 'output', 'button'], messageProp, {
- prop: {
- value: '',
- writeable: false
- }
- });
- ['input', 'select', 'textarea'].forEach(function(nodeName){
- var desc = webshims.defineNodeNameProperty(nodeName, messageProp, {
- prop: {
- get: function(){
- var elem = this;
- var message = '';
- if(!$.prop(elem, 'willValidate')){
- return message;
- }
- var validity = $.prop(elem, 'validity') || {valid: 1};
- if(validity.valid){return message;}
- message = webshims.getContentValidationMessage(elem, validity);
- if(message){return message;}
- if(validity.customError && elem.nodeName){
- message = (Modernizr.formvalidation && !webshims.bugs.bustedValidity && desc.prop._supget) ? :, 'customvalidationMessage');
- if(message){return message;}
- }
- $.each(validity, function(name, prop){
- if(name == 'valid' || !prop){return;}
- message = webshims.createValidationMessage(elem, name);
- if(message){
+ },
+ ons: function(that){
+ this.element
+ .on({
+ 'keydown': function(e){
+ var handled;
+ var key = e.keyCode;
+ if(e.ctrlKey){return;}
+ if(key == 36 || key == 33){
+ that.setFocus(that.buttons.eq(0));
+ handled = true;
+ } else if(key == 34 || key == 35){
+ that.setFocus(that.buttons.eq(that.buttons.length - 1));
+ handled = true;
+ } else if(key == 38 || key == 37){
+ that.prev();
+ handled = true;
+ } else if(key == 40 || key == 39){
+ handled = true;
+ }
+ if(handled){
return false;
- });
- return message || '';
- },
- writeable: false
- }
- });
- });
+ }
+ })
+ ;
+ }
+ };
- });
-(function($, Modernizr, webshims){
- "use strict";
- var hasNative = &&;
- var supportsLoop = false;
- var bugs = webshims.bugs;
- var loadSwf = function(){
- webshims.ready(swfType, function(){
- if(!webshims.mediaelement.createSWF){
- webshims.mediaelement.loadSwf = true;
- webshims.reTest([swfType], hasNative);
+ webshims.Grid = function (element, popover, opts){
+ this.element = $('tbody', element);
+ this.popover = popover;
+ this.opts = opts || {};
+ this.buttons = $('button:not(:disabled,.othermonth)', this.element);
+ this.ons(this);
+ this._initialFocus();
+ if(this.popover.openedByFocus){
+ this.popover.activeElement = this.activeButton;
- });
- };
- var options = webshims.cfg.mediaelement;
- var swfType = options && options.player == 'jwplayer' ? 'mediaelement-swf' : 'mediaelement-jaris';
- var hasSwf;
- if(!options){
- webshims.error("mediaelement wasn't implemented but loaded");
- return;
- }
- if(hasNative){
- var videoElem = document.createElement('video');
- Modernizr.videoBuffered = ('buffered' in videoElem);
- supportsLoop = ('loop' in videoElem);
+ };
- webshims.capturingEvents(['play', 'playing', 'waiting', 'paused', 'ended', 'durationchange', 'loadedmetadata', 'canplay', 'volumechange']);
- if(!Modernizr.videoBuffered){
- webshims.addPolyfill('mediaelement-native-fix', {
- f: 'mediaelement',
- test: Modernizr.videoBuffered,
- d: ['dom-support']
- });
+ webshims.Grid.prototype = {
+ setFocus: _setFocus,
+ _initialFocus: _initialFocus,
- webshims.reTest('mediaelement-native-fix');
- }
- }
- if(hasNative && !options.preferFlash){
- var switchOptions = function(e){
- var parent =;
- if(!options.preferFlash && ($('audio, video') || (parent && $('source:last', parent)[0] == ){
- webshims.ready('DOM mediaelement', function(){
- if(hasSwf){
- loadSwf();
- }
- webshims.ready('WINDOWLOAD '+swfType, function(){
- setTimeout(function(){
- if(hasSwf && !options.preferFlash && webshims.mediaelement.createSWF && !$('audio, video').is('.nonnative-api-active')){
- options.preferFlash = true;
- document.removeEventListener('error', switchOptions, true);
- $('audio, video').each(function(){
- webshims.mediaelement.selectSource(this);
- });
-"switching mediaelements option to 'preferFlash', due to an error with native player: ";
- } else if(!hasSwf){
- document.removeEventListener('error', switchOptions, true);
+ first: function(){
+ this.setFocus(this.buttons.eq(0));
+ },
+ last: function(){
+ this.setFocus(this.buttons.eq(this.buttons.length - 1));
+ },
+ upPage: function(){
+ $('.ws-picker-header > button:not(:disabled)', this.popover.element).trigger('click');
+ },
+ downPage: function(){
+ this.activeButton.filter(':not([data-action="changeInput"])').trigger('click');
+ },
+ ons: function(that){
+ this.element
+ .on({
+ 'keydown': function(e){
+ var handled;
+ var key = e.keyCode;
+ if(e.shiftKey){return;}
+ if((e.ctrlKey && key == 40)){
+ handled = 'downPage';
+ } else if((e.ctrlKey && key == 38)){
+ handled = 'upPage';
+ } else if(key == 33 || (e.ctrlKey && key == 37)){
+ handled = 'prevPage';
+ } else if(key == 34 || (e.ctrlKey && key == 39)){
+ handled = 'nextPage';
+ } else if(e.keyCode == 36 || e.keyCode == 33){
+ handled = 'first';
+ } else if(e.keyCode == 35){
+ handled = 'last';
+ } else if(e.keyCode == 38){
+ handled = 'up';
+ } else if(e.keyCode == 37){
+ handled = 'prev';
+ } else if(e.keyCode == 40){
+ handled = 'down';
+ } else if(e.keyCode == 39){
+ handled = 'next';
- }, 20);
- });
- });
+ if(handled){
+ that[handled]();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ ;
- document.addEventListener('error', switchOptions, true);
- $('audio, video').each(function(){
- if(this.error){
- switchOptions({target: this});
- }
+ $.each({
+ prevPage: {get: 'last', action: 'prev'},
+ nextPage: {get: 'first', action: 'next'}
+ }, function(name, val){
+ webshims.Grid.prototype[name] = function(){
+ if(this.opts[val.action]){
+ this.popover.navedInitFocus = {
+ sel: 'button[data-id="'+ this.activeButton.attr('data-id') +'"]:not(:disabled,.othermonth)',
+ alt: val.get
+ };
+ this.popover.actionFn(this.opts[val.action]);
+ this.popover.navedInitFocus = false;
+ }
+ };
- }
- if(Modernizr.track && !bugs.track){
- (function(){
+ $.each({
+ up: {traverse: 'prevAll', get: 'last', action: 'prev', reverse: true},
+ down: {traverse: 'nextAll', get: 'first', action: 'next'}
+ }, function(name, val){
+ webshims.Grid.prototype[name] = function(){
+ var cellIndex = this.activeButton.closest('td').prop('cellIndex');
+ var sel = 'td:nth-child('+(cellIndex + 1)+') button:not(:disabled,.othermonth)';
+ var button = this.activeButton.closest('tr')[val.traverse]();
+ if(val.reverse){
+ button = $(button.get().reverse());
+ }
+ button = button.find(sel)[val.get]();
+ if(!button[0]){
+ if(this.opts[val.action]){
+ this.popover.navedInitFocus = sel+':'+val.get;
+ this.popover.actionFn(this.opts[val.action]);
+ this.popover.navedInitFocus = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.setFocus(button.eq(0));
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ $.each({
+ prev: {traverse: 'prevAll',get: 'last', reverse: true},
+ next: {traverse: 'nextAll', get: 'first'}
+ }, function(name, val){
+ webshims.Grid.prototype[name] = function(){
+ var sel = 'button:not(:disabled,.othermonth)';
+ var button = this.activeButton.closest('td')[val.traverse]('td');
+ if(val.reverse){
+ button = $(button.get().reverse());
+ }
+ button = button.find(sel)[val.get]();
+ if(!button[0]){
+ button = this.activeButton.closest('tr')[val.traverse]('tr');
+ if(val.reverse){
+ button = $(button.get().reverse());
+ }
+ button = button.find(sel)[val.get]();
+ }
+ if(!button[0]){
+ if(this.opts[name]){
+ this.popover.navedInitFocus = val.get;
+ this.popover.actionFn(this.opts[name]);
+ this.popover.navedInitFocus = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.setFocus(button.eq(0));
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ picker.getWeek = function(date){
+ var onejan = new Date(date.getFullYear(),0,1);
+ return Math.ceil((((date - onejan) / 86400000) + onejan.getDay()+1)/7);
+ };
+ picker.getYearList = function(value, data){
+ var j, i, val, disabled, lis, prevDisabled, nextDisabled, classStr, classArray, start;
- if(!bugs.track){
- bugs.track = typeof $('<track />')[0].readyState != 'number';
- }
- if(!bugs.track){
- try {
- new TextTrackCue(2, 3, '');
- } catch(e){
- bugs.track = true;
- }
+ var size = data.options.size;
+ var max = data.options.max.split('-');
+ var min = data.options.min.split('-');
+ var currentValue = data.options.value.split('-');
+ var xthCorrect = 0;
+ var enabled = 0;
+ var str = '';
+ var rowNum = 0;
+ if(data.options.useDecadeBase == 'max' && max[0]){
+ xthCorrect = 11 - (max[0] % 12);
+ } else if(data.options.useDecadeBase == 'min' && min[0]){
+ xthCorrect = 11 - (min[0] % 12);
- var trackOptions = webshims.cfg.track;
- var trackListener = function(e){
- $('track').each(changeApi);
- };
- var changeApi = function(){
- if(bugs.track || (!trackOptions.override && $.prop(this, 'readyState') == 3)){
- trackOptions.override = true;
- webshims.reTest('track');
- document.removeEventListener('error', trackListener, true);
- if(this && $.nodeName(this, 'track')){
- webshims.error("track support was overwritten. Please check your vtt including your vtt mime-type");
+ value = value[0] * 1;
+ start = value - ((value + xthCorrect) % (12 * size));
+ for(j = 0; j < size; j++){
+ if(j){
+ start += 12;
+ } else {
+ prevDisabled = picker.isInRange([start-1], max, min) ? {'data-action': 'setYearList','value': start-1} : false;
+ }
+ str += '<div class="year-list picker-list ws-index-'+ j +'"><div class="ws-picker-header"><button disabled="disabled">'+ start +' – '+(start + 11)+'</button></div>';
+ lis = [];
+ for(i = 0; i < 12; i++){
+ val = start + i ;
+ classArray = [];
+ if( !picker.isInRange([val], max, min) ){
+ disabled = ' disabled=""';
} else {
-"track support was overwritten. due to bad browser support");
+ disabled = '';
+ enabled++;
+ if(val == today[0]){
+ classArray.push('this-value');
+ }
+ if(currentValue[0] == val){
+ classArray.push('checked-value');
+ }
+ classStr = classArray.length ? ' class="'+ (classArray.join(' ')) +'"' : '';
+ if(i && !(i % 3)){
+ rowNum++;
+ lis.push('</tr><tr class="ws-row-'+ rowNum +'">');
+ }
+ lis.push('<td class="ws-item-'+ i +'" role="presentation"><button data-id="year-'+ i +'" type="button"'+ disabled + classStr +' data-action="setMonthList" value="'+val+'" tabindex="-1" role="gridcell">'+val+'</button></td>');
+ if(j == size - 1){
+ nextDisabled = picker.isInRange([val+1], max, min) ? {'data-action': 'setYearList','value': val+1} : false;
+ }
+ str += '<div class="picker-grid"><table role="grid" aria-label="'+ start +' – '+(start + 11)+'"><tbody><tr class="ws-row-0">'+ (lis.join(''))+ '</tr></tbody></table></div></div>';
+ }
+ return {
+ enabled: enabled,
+ main: str,
+ next: nextDisabled,
+ prev: prevDisabled,
+ type: 'Grid'
- var detectTrackError = function(){
- document.addEventListener('error', trackListener, true);
- if(bugs.track){
- changeApi();
+ };
+ picker.getMonthList = function(value, data){
+ var j, i, name, val, disabled, lis, fullyDisabled, prevDisabled, nextDisabled, classStr, classArray;
+ var o = data.options;
+ var size = o.size;
+ var max = o.max.split('-');
+ var min = o.min.split('-');
+ var currentValue = o.value.split('-');
+ var enabled = 0;
+ var rowNum = 0;
+ var str = '';
+ value = value[0] - Math.floor((size - 1) / 2);
+ for(j = 0; j < size; j++){
+ if(j){
+ value++;
} else {
- $('track').each(changeApi);
+ prevDisabled = picker.isInRange([value-1], max, min) ? {'data-action': 'setMonthList','value': value-1} : false;
- };
- if(!trackOptions.override){
- if(webshims.isReady('track')){
- detectTrackError();
+ if(j == size - 1){
+ nextDisabled = picker.isInRange([value+1], max, min) ? {'data-action': 'setMonthList','value': value+1} : false;
+ }
+ lis = [];
+ if( !picker.isInRange([value, '01'], max, min) && !picker.isInRange([value, '12'], max, min)){
+ disabled = ' disabled=""';
+ fullyDisabled = true;
} else {
- $(detectTrackError);
+ fullyDisabled = false;
+ disabled = '';
- }
- })();
- }
+ if(o.minView >= 1){
+ disabled = ' disabled=""';
+ }
+ str += '<div class="month-list picker-list ws-index-'+ j +'"><div class="ws-picker-header">';
+ str += o.selectNav ?
+ '<select data-action="setMonthList" class="year-select">'+ picker.createYearSelect(value, max, min).join('') +'</select>' :
+ '<button data-action="setYearList"'+disabled+' value="'+ value +'" tabindex="-1">'+ value +'</button>';
+ str += '</div>';
+ for(i = 0; i < 12; i++){
+ val =[i+1];
+ name = ([o.monthNames] ||[i];
+ classArray = [];
+ if(fullyDisabled || !picker.isInRange([value, val], max, min) ){
+ disabled = ' disabled=""';
+ } else {
+ disabled = '';
+ enabled++;
+ }
+ if(value == today[0] && today[1] == val){
+ classArray.push('this-value');
+ }
+ if(currentValue[0] == value && currentValue[1] == val){
+ classArray.push('checked-value');
+ }
+ classStr = (classArray.length) ? ' class="'+ (classArray.join(' ')) +'"' : '';
+ if(i && !(i % 3)){
+ rowNum++;
+ lis.push('</tr><tr class="ws-row-'+ rowNum +'">');
+ }
-webshims.register('mediaelement-core', function($, webshims, window, document, undefined){
- hasSwf = swfobject.hasFlashPlayerVersion('9.0.115');
- $('html').addClass(hasSwf ? 'swf' : 'no-swf');
- var mediaelement = webshims.mediaelement;
- mediaelement.parseRtmp = function(data){
- var src = data.src.split('://');
- var paths = src[1].split('/');
- var i, len, found;
- data.server = src[0]+'://'+paths[0]+'/';
- data.streamId = [];
- for(i = 1, len = paths.length; i < len; i++){
- if(!found && paths[i].indexOf(':') !== -1){
- paths[i] = paths[i].split(':')[1];
- found = true;
+ lis.push('<td class="ws-item-'+ i +'" role="presentation"><button data-id="month-'+ i +'" type="button"'+ disabled + classStr +' data-action="'+ (data.type == 'month' ? 'changeInput' : 'setDayList' ) +'" value="'+value+'-'+val+'" tabindex="-1" role="gridcell" aria-label="'+[i] +'">'+name+'</button></td>');
+ }
+ str += '<div class="picker-grid"><table role="grid" aria-label="'+value+'"><tbody><tr class="ws-row-0">'+ (lis.join(''))+ '</tr></tbody></table></div></div>';
- if(!found){
- data.server += paths[i]+'/';
- } else {
- data.streamId.push(paths[i]);
- }
- }
- if(!data.streamId.length){
- webshims.error('Could not parse rtmp url');
- }
- data.streamId = data.streamId.join('/');
- };
- var getSrcObj = function(elem, nodeName){
- elem = $(elem);
- var src = {src: elem.attr('src') || '', elem: elem, srcProp: elem.prop('src')};
- var tmp;
+ return {
+ enabled: enabled,
+ main: str,
+ prev: prevDisabled,
+ next: nextDisabled,
+ type: 'Grid'
+ };
+ };
- if(!src.src){return src;}
- tmp = elem.attr('data-server');
- if(tmp != null){
- src.server = tmp;
- }
- tmp = elem.attr('type');
- if(tmp){
- src.type = tmp;
- src.container = $.trim(tmp.split(';')[0]);
- } else {
- if(!nodeName){
- nodeName = elem[0].nodeName.toLowerCase();
- if(nodeName == 'source'){
- nodeName = (elem.closest('video, audio')[0] || {nodeName: 'video'}).nodeName.toLowerCase();
+ picker.getDayList = function(value, data){
+ var j, i, k, day, nDay, name, val, disabled, lis, prevDisabled, nextDisabled, addTr, week, rowNum;
+ var lastMotnh, curMonth, otherMonth, dateArray, monthName, fullMonthName, buttonStr, date2, classArray;
+ var o = data.options;
+ var size = o.size;
+ var max = o.max.split('-');
+ var min = o.min.split('-');
+ var currentValue = o.value.split('-');
+ var monthNames =[o.monthNamesHead] ||[o.monthNames] ||;
+ var enabled = 0;
+ var str = [];
+ var date = new Date(value[0], value[1] - 1, 1);
+ date.setMonth(date.getMonth() - Math.floor((size - 1) / 2));
+ for(j = 0; j < size; j++){
+ date.setDate(1);
+ lastMotnh = date.getMonth();
+ rowNum = 0;
+ if(!j){
+ date2 = new Date(date.getTime());
+ date2.setDate(-1);
+ dateArray = getDateArray(date2);
+ prevDisabled = picker.isInRange(dateArray, max, min) ? {'data-action': 'setDayList','value': dateArray[0]+'-'+dateArray[1]} : false;
- }
- if(src.server){
- src.type = nodeName+'/rtmp';
- src.container = nodeName+'/rtmp';
- } else {
- tmp = mediaelement.getTypeForSrc( src.src, nodeName, src );
+ dateArray = getDateArray(date);
- if(tmp){
- src.type = tmp;
- src.container = tmp;
+ str.push('<div class="day-list picker-list ws-index-'+ j +'"><div class="ws-picker-header">');
+ if( o.selectNav ){
+ monthName = ['<select data-action="setDayList" class="month-select" tabindex="0">'+ picker.createMonthSelect(dateArray, max, min, monthNames).join('') +'</select>', '<select data-action="setDayList" class="year-select" tabindex="0">'+ picker.createYearSelect(dateArray[0], max, min, '-'+dateArray[1]).join('') +'</select>'];
+ if({
+ monthName.reverse();
+ }
+ str.push( monthName.join(' ') );
+ }
+ fullMonthName = [[(dateArray[1] * 1) - 1], dateArray[0]];
+ monthName = [monthNames[(dateArray[1] * 1) - 1], dateArray[0]];
+ if({
+ monthName.reverse();
+ fullMonthName.reverse();
+ if(!data.options.selectNav) {
+ str.push(
+ '<button data-action="setMonthList"'+ (o.minView >= 2 ? ' disabled="" ' : '') +' value="'+ +'" tabindex="-1">'+ monthName.join(' ') +'</button>'
+ );
+ }
+ str.push('</div><div class="picker-grid"><table role="grid" aria-label="'+ fullMonthName.join(' ') +'"><thead><tr>');
+ if(data.options.showWeek){
+ str.push('<th class="week-header">'+ +'</th>');
+ }
+ for(k =; k <; k++){
+ str.push('<th class="day-'+ k +'"><abbr title="'+[k] +'">'+[k] +'</abbr></th>');
+ }
+ k =;
+ while(k--){
+ str.push('<th class="day-'+ k +'"><abbr title="'+[k] +'">'+[k] +'</abbr></th>');
+ }
+ str.push('</tr></thead><tbody><tr class="ws-row-0">');
+ if(data.options.showWeek) {
+ week = picker.getWeek(date);
+ str.push('<td class="week-cell">'+ week +'</td>');
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 99; i++) {
+ addTr = (i && !(i % 7));
+ curMonth = date.getMonth();
+ otherMonth = lastMotnh != curMonth;
+ day = date.getDay();
+ classArray = [];
+ if(addTr && otherMonth ){
+ str.push('</tr>');
+ break;
+ }
+ if(addTr){
+ rowNum++;
+ str.push('</tr><tr class="ws-row-'+ rowNum +'">');
+ if(data.options.showWeek) {
+ week++;
+ str.push('<td class="week-cell">'+ week +'</td>');
+ }
+ }
+ if(!i){
+ if(day !={
+ nDay = day -;
+ if(nDay < 0){
+ nDay += 7;
+ }
+ date.setDate(date.getDate() - nDay);
+ day = date.getDay();
+ curMonth = date.getMonth();
+ otherMonth = lastMotnh != curMonth;
+ }
+ }
+ dateArray = getDateArray(date);
+ buttonStr = '<td role="presentation" class="day-'+ day +'"><button data-id="day-'+ date.getDate() +'" role="gridcell" data-action="changeInput" value="'+ (dateArray.join('-')) +'"';
+ if(otherMonth){
+ classArray.push('othermonth');
+ } else {
+ classArray.push('day-'+date.getDate());
+ }
+ if(dateArray[0] == today[0] && today[1] == dateArray[1] && today[2] == dateArray[2]){
+ classArray.push('this-value');
+ }
+ if(currentValue[0] == dateArray[0] && dateArray[1] == currentValue[1] && dateArray[2] == currentValue[2]){
+ classArray.push('checked-value');
+ }
+ if(classArray.length){
+ buttonStr += ' class="'+ classArray.join(' ') +'"';
+ }
+ if(!picker.isInRange(dateArray, max, min) || (data.options.disableDays && $.inArray(day, data.options.disableDays) != -1)){
+ buttonStr += ' disabled=""';
+ }
+ str.push(buttonStr+' tabindex="-1">'+ date.getDate() +'</button></td>');
+ date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1);
+ }
+ str.push('</tbody></table></div></div>');
+ if(j == size - 1){
+ dateArray = getDateArray(date);
+ dateArray[2] = 1;
+ nextDisabled = picker.isInRange(dateArray, max, min) ? {'data-action': 'setDayList','value':} : false;
+ }
- }
- tmp = elem.attr('media');
- if(tmp){
- = tmp;
- }
- if(src.type == 'audio/rtmp' || src.type == 'video/rtmp'){
- if(src.server){
- src.streamId = src.src;
- } else {
- mediaelement.parseRtmp(src);
- }
- }
- return src;
- };
- var hasYt = !hasSwf && ('postMessage' in window) && hasNative;
- var loadTrackUi = function(){
- if(loadTrackUi.loaded){return;}
- loadTrackUi.loaded = true;
- $(function(){
- webshims.loader.loadList(['track-ui']);
- });
- };
- var loadYt = (function(){
- var loaded;
- return function(){
- if(loaded || !hasYt){return;}
- loaded = true;
- webshims.loader.loadScript("");
- $(function(){
- webshims.polyfill("mediaelement-yt");
- });
+ return {
+ enabled: 9,
+ main: str.join(''),
+ prev: prevDisabled,
+ next: nextDisabled,
+ type: 'Grid'
+ };
- })();
- var loadThird = function(){
- if(hasSwf){
- loadSwf();
- } else {
- loadYt();
- }
- };
- webshims.addPolyfill('mediaelement-yt', {
- test: !hasYt,
- d: ['dom-support']
- });
- mediaelement.mimeTypes = {
- audio: {
- //ogm shouldn´t be used!
- 'audio/ogg': ['ogg','oga', 'ogm'],
- 'audio/ogg;codecs="opus"': 'opus',
- 'audio/mpeg': ['mp2','mp3','mpga','mpega'],
- 'audio/mp4': ['mp4','mpg4', 'm4r', 'm4a', 'm4p', 'm4b', 'aac'],
- 'audio/wav': ['wav'],
- 'audio/3gpp': ['3gp','3gpp'],
- 'audio/webm': ['webm'],
- 'audio/fla': ['flv', 'f4a', 'fla'],
- 'application/x-mpegURL': ['m3u8', 'm3u']
- },
- video: {
- //ogm shouldn´t be used!
- 'video/ogg': ['ogg','ogv', 'ogm'],
- 'video/mpeg': ['mpg','mpeg','mpe'],
- 'video/mp4': ['mp4','mpg4', 'm4v'],
- 'video/quicktime': ['mov','qt'],
- 'video/x-msvideo': ['avi'],
- 'video/x-ms-asf': ['asf', 'asx'],
- 'video/flv': ['flv', 'f4v'],
- 'video/3gpp': ['3gp','3gpp'],
- 'video/webm': ['webm'],
- 'application/x-mpegURL': ['m3u8', 'm3u'],
- 'video/MP2T': ['ts']
+ picker.isInRange = function(values, max, min){
+ var i;
+ var ret = true;
+ for(i = 0; i < values.length; i++){
+ if(min[i] && min[i] > values[i]){
+ ret = false;
+ break;
+ } else if( !(min[i] && min[i] == values[i]) ){
+ break;
+ }
- }
- ;
- mediaelement.mimeTypes.source = $.extend({},,;
- mediaelement.getTypeForSrc = function(src, nodeName, data){
- if(src.indexOf('') != -1 || src.indexOf('') != -1){
- return 'video/youtube';
- }
- if(src.indexOf('rtmp') === 0){
- return nodeName+'/rtmp';
- }
- src = src.split('?')[0].split('.');
- src = src[src.length - 1];
- var mt;
+ if(ret){
+ for(i = 0; i < values.length; i++){
+ if((max[i] && max[i] < values[i])){
+ ret = false;
+ break;
+ } else if( !(max[i] && max[i] == values[i]) ){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
- $.each(mediaelement.mimeTypes[nodeName], function(mimeType, exts){
- if(exts.indexOf(src) !== -1){
- mt = mimeType;
- return false;
+ picker.createMonthSelect = function(value, max, min, monthNames){
+ if(!monthNames){
+ monthNames =;
- });
- return mt;
- };
- mediaelement.srces = function(mediaElem, srces){
- mediaElem = $(mediaElem);
- if(!srces){
- srces = [];
- var nodeName = mediaElem[0].nodeName.toLowerCase();
- var src = getSrcObj(mediaElem, nodeName);
- if(!src.src){
- $('source', mediaElem).each(function(){
- src = getSrcObj(this, nodeName);
- if(src.src){srces.push(src);}
- });
- } else {
- srces.push(src);
+ var selected;
+ var i = 0;
+ var options = [];
+ var tempVal = value[1]-1;
+ for(; i < monthNames.length; i++){
+ selected = tempVal == i ? ' selected=""' : '';
+ if(selected || picker.isInRange([value[0], i+1], max, min)){
+ options.push('<option value="'+ value[0]+'-'+addZero(i+1) + '"'+selected+'>'+ monthNames[i] +'</option>');
+ }
- return srces;
- } else {
- mediaElem.removeAttr('src').removeAttr('type').find('source').remove();
- if(!$.isArray(srces)){
- srces = [srces];
+ return options;
+ };
+ picker.createYearSelect = function(value, max, min, valueAdd){
+ var temp;
+ var goUp = true;
+ var goDown = true;
+ var options = ['<option selected="">'+ value + '</option>'];
+ var i = 0;
+ if(!valueAdd){
+ valueAdd = '';
- srces.forEach(function(src){
- var source = document.createElement('source');
- if(typeof src == 'string'){
- src = {src: src};
- }
- source.setAttribute('src', src.src);
- if(src.type){
- source.setAttribute('type', src.type);
+ while(i < 8 && (goUp || goDown)){
+ i++;
+ temp = value-i;
+ if(goUp && picker.isInRange([temp], max, min)){
+ options.unshift('<option value="'+ (temp+valueAdd) +'">'+ temp +'</option>');
+ } else {
+ goUp = false;
- if({
- source.setAttribute('media',;
+ temp = value + i;
+ if(goDown && picker.isInRange([temp], max, min)){
+ options.push('<option value="'+ (temp+valueAdd) +'">'+ temp +'</option>');
+ } else {
+ goDown = false;
- mediaElem.append(source);
+ }
+ return options;
+ };
+ var actions = {
+ changeInput: function(val, popover, data){
+ popover.stopOpen = true;
+ data.element.getShadowFocusElement().focus();
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ popover.stopOpen = false;
+ }, 9);
+ popover.hide();
+ data.setChange(val);
+ }
+ };
+ (function(){
+ var retNames = function(name){
+ return 'get'+name+'List';
+ };
+ var retSetNames = function(name){
+ return 'set'+name+'List';
+ };
+ var stops = {
+ date: 'Day',
+ week: 'Day',
+ month: 'Month'
+ };
+ $.each({'setYearList' : ['Year', 'Month', 'Day'], 'setMonthList': ['Month', 'Day'], 'setDayList': ['Day']}, function(setName, names){
+ var getNames =;
+ var setNames =;
+ actions[setName] = function(val, popover, data, startAt){
+ val = ''+val;
+ var o = data.options;
+ var values = val.split('-');
+ if(!startAt){
+ startAt = 0;
+ }
+ $.each(getNames, function(i, item){
+ if(i >= startAt){
+ var content = picker[item](values, data);
+ if( values.length < 2 || content.enabled > 1 || stops[data.type] === names[i]){
+ popover.element
+ .attr({'data-currentview': setNames[i]})
+ .addClass('ws-size-'+o.size)
+ .data('pickercontent', {
+ data: data,
+ content: content,
+ values: values
+ })
+ ;
+ popover.bodyElement.html(content.main);
+ if(content.prev){
+ popover.prevElement
+ .attr(content.prev)
+ .prop({disabled: false})
+ ;
+ } else {
+ popover.prevElement
+ .removeAttr('data-action')
+ .prop({disabled: true})
+ ;
+ }
+ if({
+ popover.nextElement
+ .attr(
+ .prop({disabled: false})
+ ;
+ } else {
+ popover.nextElement
+ .removeAttr('data-action')
+ .prop({disabled: true})
+ ;
+ }
+ if(webshims[content.type]){
+ new webshims[content.type](popover.bodyElement.children(), popover, content);
+ }
+ popover.element.trigger('pickerchange');
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ })();
+ picker.commonInit = function(data, popover){
+ var actionfn = function(e){
+ if(!$(this).is('.othermonth') || $(this).css('cursor') == 'pointer'){
+ popover.actionFn({
+ 'data-action': $.attr(this, 'data-action'),
+ value: $(this).val() || $.attr(this, 'value')
+ });
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ var id = new Date().getTime();
+ var generateList = function(o, max, min){
+ var options = [];
+ var label = '';
+ var labelId = '';
+ o.options = data.getOptions() || {};
+ $('', popover.contentElement).remove();
+ $.each(o.options[0], function(val, label){
+ var disabled = picker.isInRange(val.split('-'), o.maxS, o.minS) ?
+ '' :
+ ' disabled="" '
+ ;
+ options.push('<li role="presentation"><button value="'+ val +'" '+disabled+' data-action="changeInput" tabindex="-1" role="option">'+ (label || data.formatValue(val, false)) +'</button></li>');
+ });
+ if(options.length){
+ id++;
+ if(o.options[1]){
+ labelId = 'datalist-'+id;
+ label = '<h5 id="'+labelId+'">'+ o.options[1] +'</h5>';
+ labelId = ' aria-labelledbyid="'+ labelId +'" ';
+ }
+ new webshims.ListBox($('<div class="ws-options">'+label+'<ul role="listbox" '+ labelId +'>'+ options.join('') +'</div>').insertAfter(popover.bodyElement)[0], popover, {noFocus: true});
+ }
+ };
+ var updateContent = function(){
+ if(popover.isDirty){
+ var o = data.options;
+ o.maxS = o.max.split('-');
+ o.minS = o.min.split('-');
+ $('button', popover.buttonRow).each(function(){
+ var text;
+ if($(this).is('.ws-empty')){
+ text =;
+ if(!text){
+ text = formcfg[''].date.clear || 'clear';
+ webshims.warn("could not get clear text from form cfg");
+ }
+ } else if($(this).is('.ws-current')){
+ text = (curCfg[data.type] || {}).currentText;
+ if(!text){
+ text = (formcfg[''][[data.type]] || {}).currentText || 'current';
+ webshims.warn("could not get currentText from form cfg");
+ }
+ $.prop(this, 'disabled', !picker.isInRange(today[data.type].split('-'), o.maxS, o.minS));
+ }
+ if(text){
+ $(this).text(text).attr({'aria-label': text});
+ if(webshims.assumeARIA){
+ $.attr(this, 'aria-label', text);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ popover.nextElement.attr({'aria-label':});
+ $('> span', popover.nextElement).html(;
+ popover.prevElement.attr({'aria-label':});
+ $('> span', popover.prevElement).html(;
+ generateList(o, o.maxS, o.minS);
+ }
+ $('', popover.buttonRow).prop('disabled', $.prop(data.orig, 'required'));
+ popover.isDirty = false;
+ };
- }
- };
- $.fn.loadMediaSrc = function(srces, poster){
- return this.each(function(){
- if(poster !== undefined){
- $(this).removeAttr('poster');
- if(poster){
- $.attr(this, 'poster', poster);
+ popover.actionFn = function(obj){
+ if(actions[obj['data-action']]){
+ actions[obj['data-action']](obj.value, popover, data, 0);
+ } else {
+ webshims.warn('no action for '+ obj['data-action']);
- }
- mediaelement.srces(this, srces);
- $(this).mediaLoad();
- });
- };
- mediaelement.swfMimeTypes = ['video/3gpp', 'video/x-msvideo', 'video/quicktime', 'video/x-m4v', 'video/mp4', 'video/m4p', 'video/x-flv', 'video/flv', 'audio/mpeg', 'audio/aac', 'audio/mp4', 'audio/x-m4a', 'audio/m4a', 'audio/mp3', 'audio/x-fla', 'audio/fla', 'youtube/flv', 'jwplayer/jwplayer', 'video/youtube', 'video/rtmp', 'audio/rtmp'];
- mediaelement.canThirdPlaySrces = function(mediaElem, srces){
- var ret = '';
- if(hasSwf || hasYt){
- mediaElem = $(mediaElem);
- srces = srces || mediaelement.srces(mediaElem);
- $.each(srces, function(i, src){
- if(src.container && src.src && ((hasSwf && mediaelement.swfMimeTypes.indexOf(src.container) != -1) || (hasYt && src.container == 'video/youtube'))){
- ret = src;
- return false;
+ };
+ popover.contentElement.html('<button class="ws-prev" tabindex="0"><span></span></button> <button class="ws-next" tabindex="0"><span></span></button><div class="ws-picker-body"></div><div class="ws-button-row"><button type="button" class="ws-current" data-action="changeInput" value="'+today[data.type]+'" tabindex="0"></button> <button type="button" data-action="changeInput" value="" class="ws-empty" tabindex="0"></button></div>');
+ popover.nextElement = $('', popover.contentElement);
+ popover.prevElement = $('', popover.contentElement);
+ popover.bodyElement = $('', popover.contentElement);
+ popover.buttonRow = $('', popover.contentElement);
+ popover.isDirty = true;
+ popover.contentElement
+ .on('click', 'button[data-action]', actionfn)
+ .on('change', 'select[data-action]', actionfn)
+ ;
+ popover.contentElement.on({
+ keydown: function(e){
+ if(e.keyCode == 9){
+ var tabbable = $('[tabindex="0"]:not(:disabled)', this).filter(':visible');
+ var index = tabbable.index(;
+ if(e.shiftKey && index <= 0){
+ tabbable.last().focus();
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(!e.shiftKey && index >= tabbable.length - 1){
+ tabbable.first().focus();
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if(e.keyCode == 27){
+ data.element.getShadowFocusElement().focus();
+ popover.hide();
+ return false;
+ }
- }
- return ret;
- };
- var nativeCanPlayType = {};
- mediaelement.canNativePlaySrces = function(mediaElem, srces){
- var ret = '';
- if(hasNative){
- mediaElem = $(mediaElem);
- var nodeName = (mediaElem[0].nodeName || '').toLowerCase();
- if(!nativeCanPlayType[nodeName]){return ret;}
- srces = srces || mediaelement.srces(mediaElem);
+ $(data.options.orig).on('input', function(){
+ var currentView;
+ if(data.options.updateOnInput && popover.isVisible && data.options.value && (currentView = popover.element.attr('data-currentview'))){
+ actions[currentView]( data.options.value , popover, data, 0);
+ }
+ });
- $.each(srces, function(i, src){
- if(src.type && nativeCanPlayType[nodeName][0], src.type) ){
- ret = src;
- return false;
+ data._propertyChange = (function(){
+ var timer;
+ var update = function(){
+ if(popover.isVisible){
+ updateContent();
+ }
+ };
+ return function(prop){
+ if(prop == 'value'){return;}
+ popover.isDirty = true;
+ if(popover.isVisible){
+ clearTimeout(timer);
+ timer = setTimeout(update, 9);
+ }
+ };
+ })();
+ popover.activeElement = $([]);
+ popover.activateElement = function(element){
+ element = $(element);
+ if(element[0] != popover.activeElement[0]){
+ popover.activeElement.removeClass('ws-focus');
+ element.addClass('ws-focus');
+ popover.activeElement = element;
+ };
+ popover.element.on({
+ wspopoverbeforeshow: function(){
+ data.element.triggerHandler('wsupdatevalue');
+ updateContent();
+ }
- }
- return ret;
- };
- mediaelement.setError = function(elem, message){
- if(!message){
- message = "can't play sources";
- }
+ $(document).onTrigger('wslocalechange', data._propertyChange);
+ };
- $(elem).pause().data('mediaerror', message);
- webshims.warn('mediaelementError: '+ message);
- setTimeout(function(){
- if($(elem).data('mediaerror')){
- $(elem).trigger('mediaerror');
+ picker._common = function(data){
+ var popover = webshims.objectCreate(webshims.wsPopover, {}, {prepareFor: data.element});
+ var opener = $('<button type="button" class="ws-popover-opener"><span /></button>').appendTo(data.buttonWrapper);
+ var options = data.options;
+ var init = false;
+ var show = function(){
+ if(!options.disabled && !options.readonly && !popover.isVisible){
+ if(!init){
+ picker.commonInit(data, popover);
+ }
+ if(!init || data.options.restartView) {
+ actions.setYearList( options.defValue || options.value, popover, data, data.options.startView);
+ } else {
+ actions[popover.element.attr('data-currentview') || 'setYearList']( options.defValue || options.value, popover, data, 0);
+ }
+ init = true;
+ }
+ };
+ options.containerElements.push(popover.element[0]);
+ if(!options.startView){
+ options.startView = 0;
- }, 1);
- };
- var handleThird = (function(){
- var requested;
- return function( mediaElem, ret, data ){
- if(!requested){
- loadTrackUi();
+ if(!options.minView){
+ options.minView = 0;
- webshims.ready(hasSwf ? swfType : 'mediaelement-yt', function(){
- if(mediaelement.createSWF){
- mediaelement.createSWF( mediaElem, ret, data );
- } else if(!requested) {
- requested = true;
- loadThird();
- //readd to ready
- handleThird( mediaElem, ret, data );
- }
- });
- if(!requested && hasYt && !mediaelement.createSWF){
- loadYt();
+ if(options.startView < options.minView){
+ options.minView = options.startView;
+ webshims.warn("wrong config for minView/startView.");
- };
- })();
- var stepSources = function(elem, data, useSwf, _srces, _noLoop){
- var ret;
- if(useSwf || (useSwf !== false && data && data.isActive == 'third')){
- ret = mediaelement.canThirdPlaySrces(elem, _srces);
- if(!ret){
- if(_noLoop){
- mediaelement.setError(elem, false);
- } else {
- stepSources(elem, data, false, _srces, true);
- }
- } else {
- handleThird(elem, ret, data);
+ if(!options.size){
+ options.size = 1;
- } else {
- ret = mediaelement.canNativePlaySrces(elem, _srces);
- if(!ret){
- if(_noLoop){
- mediaelement.setError(elem, false);
- if(data && data.isActive == 'third') {
- mediaelement.setActive(elem, 'html5', data);
+ popover.element
+ .addClass(data.type+'-popover input-picker')
+ .attr({role: 'application'})
+ .on({
+ wspopoverhide: function(){
+ popover.openedByFocus = false;
+ },
+ focusin: function(e){
+ if(popover.activateElement){
+ popover.openedByFocus = false;
+ popover.activateElement(;
+ }
+ },
+ focusout: function(){
+ if(popover.activeElement){
+ popover.activeElement.removeClass('ws-focus');
+ }
- } else {
- stepSources(elem, data, true, _srces, true);
- }
- } else if(data && data.isActive == 'third') {
- mediaelement.setActive(elem, 'html5', data);
- }
- }
- };
- var stopParent = /^(?:embed|object|datalist)$/i;
- var selectSource = function(elem, data){
- var baseData =, 'mediaelementBase') ||, 'mediaelementBase', {});
- var _srces = mediaelement.srces(elem);
- var parent = elem.parentNode;
+ })
+ ;
+ labelWidth(popover.element.children('').attr({role: 'group'}), options.labels, true);
+ labelWidth(opener, options.labels, true);
+ opener
+ .attr({
+ 'tabindex': options.labels.length ? 0 : '-1'
+ })
+ .on({
+ mousedown: function(){
+ stopPropagation.apply(this, arguments);
+ popover.preventBlur();
+ },
+ click: function(){
+ if(popover.isVisible && popover.activeElement){
+ popover.openedByFocus = false;
+ popover.activeElement.focus();
+ }
+ show();
+ },
+ focus: function(){
+ popover.preventBlur();
+ }
+ })
+ ;
+ (function(){
+ var mouseFocus = false;
+ var resetMouseFocus = function(){
+ mouseFocus = false;
+ };
+ data.inputElements.on({
+ focus: function(){
+ if(!popover.stopOpen && (data.options.openOnFocus || (mouseFocus && options.openOnMouseFocus))){
+ popover.openedByFocus = !options.noInput;
+ show();
+ } else {
+ popover.preventBlur();
+ }
+ },
+ mousedown: function(){
+ mouseFocus = true;
+ setTimeout(resetMouseFocus, 9);
+ if(':focus')){
+ popover.openedByFocus = !options.noInput;
+ show();
+ }
+ popover.preventBlur();
+ }
+ });
+ })();
+ data.popover = popover;
+ };
- clearTimeout(baseData.loadTimer);
- $.data(elem, 'mediaerror', false);
+ picker.month = picker._common;
+ = picker.month;
- if(!_srces.length || !parent || parent.nodeType != 1 || stopParent.test(parent.nodeName || '')){return;}
- data = data ||, 'mediaelement');
- stepSources(elem, data, options.preferFlash || undefined, _srces);
- };
- mediaelement.selectSource = selectSource;
+ webshims.picker = picker;
+ })();
- $(document).on('ended', function(e){
- var data =, 'mediaelement');
- if( supportsLoop && (!data || data.isActive == 'html5') && !$.prop(, 'loop')){return;}
- setTimeout(function(){
- if( $.prop(, 'paused') || !$.prop(, 'loop') ){return;}
- $('currentTime', 0).play();
- }, 1);
+ (function(){
- });
- if(!supportsLoop){
- webshims.defineNodeNamesBooleanProperty(['audio', 'video'], 'loop');
- }
- ['audio', 'video'].forEach(function(nodeName){
- var supLoad = webshims.defineNodeNameProperty(nodeName, 'load', {
- prop: {
- value: function(){
- var data =, 'mediaelement');
- selectSource(this, data);
- if(hasNative && (!data || data.isActive == 'html5') && supLoad.prop._supvalue){
- supLoad.prop._supvalue.apply(this, arguments);
+ var stopCircular, isCheckValidity;
+ var modernizrInputTypes = Modernizr.inputtypes;
+ var inputTypes = {
+ };
+ var copyProps = [
+ 'disabled',
+ 'readonly',
+ 'value',
+ 'min',
+ 'max',
+ 'step',
+ 'title',
+ 'placeholder'
+ ];
+ //
+ var copyAttrs = ['data-placeholder', 'tabindex'];
+ $.each(copyProps.concat(copyAttrs), function(i, name){
+ var fnName = name.replace(/^data\-/, '');
+ webshims.onNodeNamesPropertyModify('input', name, function(val){
+ if(!stopCircular){
+ var shadowData =, 'shadowData');
+ if(shadowData && && shadowData.nativeElement === this &&[fnName]){
- }
+ });
- nativeCanPlayType[nodeName] = webshims.defineNodeNameProperty(nodeName, 'canPlayType', {
- prop: {
- value: function(type){
- var ret = '';
- if(hasNative && nativeCanPlayType[nodeName].prop._supvalue){
- ret = nativeCanPlayType[nodeName], type);
- if(ret == 'no'){
- ret = '';
+ if(options.replaceUI && 'valueAsNumber' in document.createElement('input')){
+ var reflectFn = function(val){
+ if(, 'hasShadow')){
+ $.prop(this, 'value', $.prop(this, 'value'));
+ }
+ };
+ webshims.onNodeNamesPropertyModify('input', 'valueAsNumber', reflectFn);
+ webshims.onNodeNamesPropertyModify('input', 'valueAsDate', reflectFn);
+ }
+ var extendType = (function(){
+ return function(name, data){
+ inputTypes[name] = data;
+ data.attrs = $.merge([], copyAttrs, data.attrs);
+ data.props = $.merge([], copyProps, data.props);
+ };
+ })();
+ var isVisible = function(){
+ return $.css(this, 'display') != 'none';
+ };
+ var sizeInput = function(data){
+ var init;
+ var updateStyles = function(){
+ $.style( data.orig, 'display', '' );
+ var hasButtons, marginR, marginL;
+ var correctWidth = 0.6;
+ if(!init || data.orig.offsetWidth){
+ hasButtons = data.buttonWrapper && data.buttonWrapper.filter(isVisible).length;
+ marginR = $.css( data.orig, 'marginRight');
+ data.element.css({
+ marginLeft: $.css( data.orig, 'marginLeft'),
+ marginRight: hasButtons ? 0 : marginR
+ });
+ if(hasButtons){
+ marginL = (parseInt(data.buttonWrapper.css('marginLeft'), 10) || 0);
+ data.element.css({paddingRight: ''});
+ if(marginL < 0){
+ marginR = (parseInt(marginR, 10) || 0) + ((data.buttonWrapper.outerWidth() + marginL) * -1);
+ data.buttonWrapper.css('marginRight', marginR);
+ data.element
+ .css({paddingRight: ''})
+ .css({
+ paddingRight: (parseInt( data.element.css('paddingRight'), 10) || 0) + data.buttonWrapper.outerWidth()
+ })
+ ;
+ } else {
+ data.buttonWrapper.css('marginRight', marginR);
+ correctWidth = data.buttonWrapper.outerWidth(true) + 0.6;
- if(!ret && hasSwf){
- type = $.trim((type || '').split(';')[0]);
- if(mediaelement.swfMimeTypes.indexOf(type) != -1){
- ret = 'maybe';
+ data.element.outerWidth( $(data.orig).outerWidth() - correctWidth );
+ }
+ init = true;
+ $.style( data.orig, 'display', 'none' );
+ };
+ $(document).onTrigger('updateshadowdom', updateStyles);
+ };
+ var implementType = function(){
+ var type = $.prop(this, 'type');
+ var i, opts, data, optsName, labels;
+ if(inputTypes[type] && webshims.implement(this, 'inputwidgets')){
+ data = {};
+ optsName = type;
+ //todo: do we need deep extend?
+ labels = $(this).jProp('labels');
+ opts = $.extend({}, options.widgets, options[type], $($.prop(this, 'form')).data(type) || {}, $(this).data(type) || {}, {
+ orig: this,
+ type: type,
+ labels: labels,
+ options: {},
+ input: function(val){
+ opts._change(val, 'input');
+ },
+ change: function(val){
+ opts._change(val, 'change');
+ },
+ _change: function(val, trigger){
+ stopCircular = true;
+ $.prop(opts.orig, 'value', val);
+ stopCircular = false;
+ if(trigger){
+ $(opts.orig).trigger(trigger);
+ },
+ containerElements: []
+ });
+ for(i = 0; i < copyProps.length; i++){
+ opts[copyProps[i]] = $.prop(this, copyProps[i]);
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < copyAttrs.length; i++){
+ optsName = copyAttrs[i].replace(/^data\-/, '');
+ if(optsName == 'placeholder' || !opts[optsName]){
+ opts[optsName] = $.attr(this, copyAttrs[i]) || opts[optsName];
- return ret;
+ data.shim = inputTypes[type]._create(opts);
+ webshims.addShadowDom(this, data.shim.element, {
+ data: data.shim || {}
+ });
+ data.shim.options.containerElements.push(data.shim.element[0]);
+ labelWidth($(this).getShadowFocusElement(), labels);
+ $.attr(this, 'required', $.attr(this, 'required'));
+ $(this).on('change', function(e){
+ if(!stopCircular){
+ data.shim.value($.prop(this, 'value'));
+ }
+ });
+ (function(){
+ var has = {
+ focusin: true,
+ focus: true
+ };
+ var timer;
+ var hasFocusTriggered = false;
+ var hasFocus = false;
+ $(data.shim.options.containerElements)
+ .on({
+ 'focusin focus focusout blur': function(e){
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ hasFocus = has[e.type];
+ clearTimeout(timer);
+ timer = setTimeout(function(){
+ if(hasFocus != hasFocusTriggered){
+ hasFocusTriggered = hasFocus;
+ $(opts.orig).triggerHandler(hasFocus ? 'focus' : 'blur');
+ $(opts.orig).trigger(hasFocus ? 'focusin' : 'focusout');
+ }
+ hasFocusTriggered = hasFocus;
+ }, 0);
+ }
+ })
+ ;
+ })();
+ data.shim.element.on('change input', stopPropagation);
+ if(Modernizr.formvalidation){
+ $(opts.orig).on('firstinvalid', function(e){
+ if(!webshims.fromSubmit && isCheckValidity){return;}
+ $(opts.orig).off('invalid.replacedwidgetbubble').on('invalid.replacedwidgetbubble', function(evt){
+ if(!e.isInvalidUIPrevented() && !evt.isDefaultPrevented()){
+ webshims.validityAlert.showFor( );
+ e.preventDefault();
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ }
+ $(opts.orig).off('invalid.replacedwidgetbubble');
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ if(data.shim.buttonWrapper && data.shim.buttonWrapper.filter(isVisible).length){
+ data.shim.element.addClass('has-input-buttons');
+ }
+ if(opts.calculateWidth){
+ sizeInput(data.shim);
+ }
+ $(this).css({display: 'none'});
- });
- });
- webshims.onNodeNamesPropertyModify(['audio', 'video'], ['src', 'poster'], {
- set: function(){
- var elem = this;
- var baseData =, 'mediaelementBase') ||, 'mediaelementBase', {});
- clearTimeout(baseData.loadTimer);
- baseData.loadTimer = setTimeout(function(){
- selectSource(elem);
- elem = null;
- }, 9);
+ };
+ if(!modernizrInputTypes.range || options.replaceUI){
+ extendType('range', {
+ _create: function(opts, set){
+ return $('<span />').insertAfter(opts.orig).rangeUI(opts).data('rangeUi');
+ }
+ });
- });
- var initMediaElements = function(){
- webshims.addReady(function(context, insertedElement){
- var media = $('video, audio', context)
- .add(insertedElement.filter('video, audio'))
- .each(function(){
- var data =, 'mediaelement');
- if(hasNative && $.prop(this, 'paused') && !$.prop(this, 'readyState') && $(this).is('audio[preload="none"][controls]:not([autoplay])') && (!data || data.isActive == 'html5')){
- //IE controls not visible bug
- $(this).prop('preload', 'metadata').mediaLoad();
- } else {
- selectSource(this, data);
+ if(Modernizr.formvalidation){
+ ['input', 'form'].forEach(function(name){
+ var desc = webshims.defineNodeNameProperty(name, 'checkValidity', {
+ prop: {
+ value: function(){
+ isCheckValidity = true;
+ var ret = desc.prop._supvalue.apply(this, arguments);
+ isCheckValidity = false;
+ return ret;
+ }
- if(hasNative){
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ ['number', 'time', 'month', 'date'].forEach(function(name){
+ if(!modernizrInputTypes[name] || options.replaceUI){
+ extendType(name, {
+ _create: function(opts, set){
- //FF progress bug
- (function(){
- var bufferTimer;
- var lastBuffered;
- var elem = this;
- var getBufferedString = function(){
- var buffered = $.prop(elem, 'buffered');
- if(!buffered){return;}
- var bufferString = "";
- for(var i = 0, len = buffered.length; i < len;i++){
- bufferString += buffered.end(i);
- }
- return bufferString;
- };
- var testBuffer = function(){
- var buffered = getBufferedString();
- if(buffered != lastBuffered){
- lastBuffered = buffered;
- $(elem).triggerHandler('progress');
- }
- };
- $(this)
- .on({
- 'play loadstart progress': function(e){
- if(e.type == 'progress'){
- lastBuffered = getBufferedString();
- }
- clearTimeout(bufferTimer);
- bufferTimer = setTimeout(testBuffer, 999);
- },
- 'emptied stalled mediaerror abort suspend': function(e){
- if(e.type == 'emptied'){
- lastBuffered = false;
- }
- clearTimeout(bufferTimer);
- }
- })
- ;
- })();
+ if(opts.splitInput && !splitInputs[name]){
+ webshims.warn('splitInput not supported for '+ name);
+ opts.splitInput = false;
+ }
+ var markup = opts.splitInput ?
+ '<span class="ws-'+name+' ws-input" role="group"></span>' :
+ '<input class="ws-'+name+'" type="text" />';
+ var data = $(markup) //role="spinbutton"???
+ .insertAfter(opts.orig)
+ .spinbtnUI(opts)
+ .data('wsspinner')
+ ;
+ if(webshims.picker && webshims.picker[name]){
+ webshims.picker[name](data);
+ }
+ data.buttonWrapper.addClass('input-button-size-'+(data.buttonWrapper.children().filter(isVisible).length));
+ return data;
- })
- ;
- if(!loadTrackUi.loaded && $('track', media).length){
- loadTrackUi();
+ });
- media = null;
- };
- if(Modernizr.track && !bugs.track){
- webshims.defineProperty(TextTrack.prototype, 'shimActiveCues', {
- get: function(){
- return this._shimActiveCues || this.activeCues;
- }
+ webshims.addReady(function(context, contextElem){
+ $('input', context)
+ .add(contextElem.filter('input'))
+ .each(implementType)
+ ;
- }
- //set native implementation ready, before swf api is retested
- if(hasNative){
- webshims.isReady('mediaelement-core', true);
- initMediaElements();
- webshims.ready('WINDOWLOAD mediaelement', loadThird);
- } else {
- webshims.ready(swfType, initMediaElements);
- }
- webshims.ready('WINDOWLOAD mediaelement', loadTrackUi);
+ })();
-})(jQuery, Modernizr, jQuery.webshims);
\ No newline at end of file