vendor/assets/javascripts/webshims/shims/combos/15.js in webshims-rails- vs vendor/assets/javascripts/webshims/shims/combos/15.js in webshims-rails-1.11.6
- old
+ new
@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@
if($('<input type="email" />').attr('type') == 'text' || $('<form />').attr('novalidate') === "" || ('required' in $('<input />')[0].attributes)){
webshims.error("IE browser modes are busted in IE10+. Please test your HTML/CSS/JS with a real IE version or at least IETester or similiar tools");
- if(!$.parseHTML){
- webshims.error("Webshims needs jQuery 1.8+ to work properly. Please update your jQuery version or downgrade webshims.");
+ if('debug' in webshims){
+ webshims.error('Use webshims.setOptions("debug", true||false||"noCombo"); to debug flag');
if (!$Switch) {
var switch$ = function(){
if (window.jQuery && (!window.$ || window.jQuery == window.$) && !window.jQuery.webshims) {
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@
// '': 1,
// localhost: 1,
// '': 1
// };
-// if( webshims.debug && (hostNames[location.hostname] || location.protocol == 'file:') ){
+// if( webshims.cfg.debug && (hostNames[location.hostname] || location.protocol == 'file:') ){
// var list = $('<ul class="webshims-debug-list" />');
// webshims.errorLog.push = function(message){
// list.appendTo('body');
// $('<li style="display: none;">'+ message +'</li>')
// .appendTo(list)
@@ -477,11 +477,10 @@
descs.attr = {};
$.extend(webshims, {
getID: (function(){
var ID = new Date().getTime();
return function(elem){
elem = $(elem);
var id = elem.prop('id');
@@ -507,10 +506,55 @@
if( !(name in obj) ){
obj[name] = prop;
+ getOptions: (function(){
+ var regs = {};
+ var regFn = function(f, upper){
+ return upper.toLowerCase();
+ };
+ return function(elem, name, bases){
+ var data = elementData(elem, 'cfg'+name);
+ var dataName;
+ var cfg = {};
+ if(data){
+ return data;
+ }
+ data = $(elem).data();
+ if(!bases){
+ bases = [true, {}];
+ } else if(!Array.isArray(bases)){
+ bases = [true, {}, bases];
+ } else {
+ bases.unshift(true, {});
+ }
+ if(data && data[name]){
+ if(typeof data[name] == 'object'){
+ bases.push(data[name]);
+ } else {
+ webshims.error('data-'+ name +' attribute has to be a valid JSON, was: '+ data[name]);
+ }
+ }
+ if(!regs[name]){
+ regs[name] = new RegExp('^'+ name +'([A-Z])');
+ }
+ for(dataName in data){
+ if(regs[name].test(dataName)){
+ cfg[dataName.replace(regs[name], regFn)] = data[dataName];
+ }
+ }
+ bases.push(cfg);
+ return elementData(elem, 'cfg'+name, $.extend.apply($, bases));
+ };
+ })(),
createPropDefault: createPropDefault,
data: elementData,
moveToFirstEvent: function(elem, eventType, bindType){
var events = ($._data(elem, 'events') || {})[eventType];
@@ -594,11 +638,11 @@
this.height = docObserve.getHeight();
this.width = docObserve.getWidth();
setInterval(this.test, 600);
webshims.ready('WINDOWLOAD', this.test);
- $(document).on('updatelayout', this.handler);
+ $(document).on('updatelayout pageinit collapsibleexpand', this.handler);
$(window).on('resize', this.handler);
var oldAnimate = $.fn.animate;
var animationTimer;
@@ -952,113 +996,71 @@
} else {
elem.setAttribute(name, val);
-// set current Lang:
-// - webshims.activeLang(lang:string);
-// get current lang
-// - webshims.activeLang();
-// get current lang
-// webshims.activeLang({
-// register: moduleName:string,
-// callback: callback:function
-// });
-// get/set including remoteLang
-// - webshims.activeLang({
-// module: moduleName:string,
-// callback: callback:function,
-// langObj: languageObj:array/object
-// });
activeLang: (function(){
- var callbacks = [];
- var registeredCallbacks = {};
- var currentLang;
- var shortLang;
- var notLocal = /:\/\/|^\.*\//;
- var loadRemoteLang = function(data, lang, options){
- var langSrc;
- if(lang && options && $.inArray(lang, options.availableLangs || options.availabeLangs || []) !== -1){
- data.loading = true;
- langSrc = options.langSrc;
- if(!notLocal.test(langSrc)){
- langSrc = webshims.cfg.basePath+langSrc;
- }
- webshims.loader.loadScript(langSrc+lang+'.js', function(){
- if(data.langObj[lang]){
- data.loading = false;
- callLang(data, true);
- } else {
- $(function(){
- if(data.langObj[lang]){
- callLang(data, true);
- }
- data.loading = false;
+ var curLang = [];
+ var langDatas = [];
+ var loading = {};
+ var load = function(src, obj, loadingLang){
+ obj._isLoading = true;
+ if(loading[src]){
+ loading[src].push(obj);
+ } else {
+ loading[src] = [obj];
+ webshims.loader.loadScript(src, function(){
+ if(loadingLang == curLang.join()){
+ $.each(loading[src], function(i, obj){
+ select(obj);
+ delete loading[src];
- return true;
- return false;
- var callRegister = function(module){
- if(registeredCallbacks[module]){
- registeredCallbacks[module].forEach(function(data){
- data.callback(currentLang, shortLang, '');
- });
- }
- };
- var callLang = function(data, _noLoop){
- if(data.activeLang != currentLang && data.activeLang !== shortLang){
- var options = modules[data.module].options;
- if( data.langObj[currentLang] || (shortLang && data.langObj[shortLang]) ){
- data.activeLang = currentLang;
- data.callback(data.langObj[currentLang] || data.langObj[shortLang], currentLang);
- callRegister(data.module);
- } else if( !_noLoop &&
- !loadRemoteLang(data, currentLang, options) &&
- !loadRemoteLang(data, shortLang, options) &&
- data.langObj[''] && data.activeLang !== '' ) {
- data.activeLang = '';
- data.callback(data.langObj[''], currentLang);
- callRegister(data.module);
+ var select = function(obj){
+ var oldLang = obj.__active;
+ var selectLang = function(i, lang){
+ obj._isLoading = false;
+ if(obj[lang] || obj.availableLangs.indexOf(lang) != -1){
+ if(obj[lang]){
+ obj.__active = obj[lang];
+ } else {
+ load(obj.langSrc+lang, obj, curLang.join());
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ $.each(curLang, selectLang);
+ if(!obj.__active){
+ obj.__active = obj[''];
+ if(oldLang != obj.__active){
+ $(obj).trigger('change');
+ }
- var activeLang = function(lang){
- if(typeof lang == 'string' && lang !== currentLang){
- currentLang = lang;
- shortLang = currentLang.split('-')[0];
- if(currentLang == shortLang){
- shortLang = false;
+ return function(lang){
+ var shortLang;
+ if(typeof lang == 'string'){
+ if(curLang[0] != lang){
+ curLang = [lang];
+ shortLang = curLang[0].split('-')[0];
+ if(shortLang && shortLang != lang){
+ curLang.push(shortLang);
+ }
+ langDatas.forEach(select);
- $.each(callbacks, function(i, data){
- callLang(data);
- });
} else if(typeof lang == 'object'){
- if(lang.register){
- if(!registeredCallbacks[lang.register]){
- registeredCallbacks[lang.register] = [];
- }
- registeredCallbacks[lang.register].push(lang);
- lang.callback(currentLang, shortLang, '');
- } else {
- if(!lang.activeLang){
- lang.activeLang = '';
- }
- callbacks.push(lang);
- callLang(lang);
+ if(!lang.__active){
+ langDatas.push(lang);
+ select(lang);
+ return lang.__active;
- return currentLang;
+ return curLang[0];
- return activeLang;
defineNodeNamesProperty: 'defineNodeNameProperty',
@@ -1198,43 +1200,69 @@
return ret;
- $.extend($.expr[":"], {
- "valid-element": function(elem){
- return rElementsGroup.test(elem.nodeName || '') ? !hasInvalid(elem) :!!($.prop(elem, 'willValidate') && isValid(elem));
- },
- "invalid-element": function(elem){
- return rElementsGroup.test(elem.nodeName || '') ? hasInvalid(elem) : !!($.prop(elem, 'willValidate') && !isValid(elem));
- },
- "required-element": function(elem){
- return !!($.prop(elem, 'willValidate') && $.prop(elem, 'required'));
- },
- "user-error": function(elem){
- return ($.prop(elem, 'willValidate') && $(elem).hasClass('user-error'));
- },
- "optional-element": function(elem){
- return !!($.prop(elem, 'willValidate') && $.prop(elem, 'required') === false);
+ var extendSels = function(){
+ var exp = $.expr[":"];
+ $.extend(exp, {
+ "valid-element": function(elem){
+ return rElementsGroup.test(elem.nodeName || '') ? !hasInvalid(elem) :!!($.prop(elem, 'willValidate') && isValid(elem));
+ },
+ "invalid-element": function(elem){
+ return rElementsGroup.test(elem.nodeName || '') ? hasInvalid(elem) : !!($.prop(elem, 'willValidate') && !isValid(elem));
+ },
+ "required-element": function(elem){
+ return !!($.prop(elem, 'willValidate') && $.prop(elem, 'required'));
+ },
+ "user-error": function(elem){
+ return ($.prop(elem, 'willValidate') && $(elem).hasClass('user-error'));
+ },
+ "optional-element": function(elem){
+ return !!($.prop(elem, 'willValidate') && $.prop(elem, 'required') === false);
+ }
+ });
+ ['valid', 'invalid', 'required', 'optional'].forEach(function(name){
+ exp[name] = $.expr[":"][name+"-element"];
+ });
+ // sizzle/jQuery has a bug with :disabled/:enabled selectors
+ if(Modernizr.fieldsetdisabled && !$('<fieldset disabled=""><input /><fieldset>').find('input').is(':disabled')){
+ $.extend(exp, {
+ "enabled": function( elem ) {
+ return elem.disabled === false && !$(elem).is('fieldset[disabled] *');
+ },
+ "disabled": function( elem ) {
+ return elem.disabled === true || ('disabled' in elem && $(elem).is('fieldset[disabled] *'));
+ }
+ });
- });
- ['valid', 'invalid', 'required', 'optional'].forEach(function(name){
- $.expr[":"][name] = $.expr.filters[name+"-element"];
- });
- //bug was partially fixed in 1.10.0 for IE9, but not IE8 (move to es5 as soon as 1.10.2 is used)
- var pseudoFocus = $.expr[":"].focus;
- $.expr[":"].focus = function(){
- try {
- return pseudoFocus.apply(this, arguments);
- } catch(e){
- webshims.error(e);
+ //bug was partially fixed in 1.10.0 for IE9, but not IE8 (move to es5 as soon as 1.10.2 is used)
+ if(typeof document.activeElement == 'unknown'){
+ var pseudoFocus = exp.focus;
+ exp.focus = function(){
+ try {
+ return pseudoFocus.apply(this, arguments);
+ } catch(e){
+ webshims.error(e);
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
- return false;
+ if($.expr.filters){
+ extendSels();
+ } else {
+ webshims.ready('sizzle', extendSels);
+ }
webshims.triggerInlineForm = function(elem, event){
var lazyLoadProxy = function(obj, fn, args){
@@ -1298,11 +1326,14 @@
webshims.getContentValidationMessage = function(elem, validity, key){
- var message = $(elem).data('errormessage') || elem.getAttribute('x-moz-errormessage') || '';
+ if(webshims.errorbox && webshims.errorbox.initIvalContentMessage){
+ webshims.errorbox.initIvalContentMessage(elem);
+ }
+ var message = (webshims.getOptions && webshims.errorbox ? webshims.getOptions(elem, 'errormessage') : $(elem).data('errormessage')) || elem.getAttribute('x-moz-errormessage') || '';
if(key && message[key]){
message = message[key];
} else if(message) {
validity = validity || $.prop(elem, 'validity') || {valid: 1};
@@ -1344,11 +1375,11 @@
return message;
$(document).on('focusin.lazyloadvalidation', function(e){
- if('form' in && ( || $(':invalid'))){
+ if('form' in{
webshims.ready('WINDOWLOAD', lazyLoad);
@@ -1358,11 +1389,10 @@
"use strict";
webshims.inputTypes = webshims.inputTypes || {};
//some helper-functions
var cfg = webshims.cfg.forms;
var bugs = webshims.bugs;
-var isSubmit;
var isNumber = function(string){
return (typeof string == 'number' || (string && string == string * 1));
typeModels = webshims.inputTypes,
@@ -1433,10 +1463,11 @@
badInput: false,
rangeUnderflow: false,
rangeOverflow: false,
stepMismatch: false,
tooLong: false,
+ tooShort: false,
patternMismatch: false,
valueMissing: false,
valid: true
@@ -1469,10 +1500,13 @@
ret = ret.filter('[type="radio"]');
return ret;
+var patternTypes = {url: 1, email: 1, text: 1, search: 1, tel: 1, password: 1};
+var lengthTypes = $.extend({textarea: 1}, patternTypes);
var validityRules = {
valueMissing: function(input, val, cache){
if(!input.prop('required')){return false;}
var ret = false;
if(!('type' in cache)){
@@ -1485,15 +1519,16 @@
} else {
ret = !(val);
return ret;
- tooLong: function(){
- return false;
- },
patternMismatch: function(input, val, cache) {
if(val === '' || cache.nodeName == 'select'){return false;}
+ if(!('type' in cache)){
+ cache.type = getType(input[0]);
+ }
+ if(!patternTypes[cache.type]){return false;}
var pattern = input.attr('pattern');
if(!pattern){return false;}
try {
pattern = new RegExp('^(?:' + pattern + ')$');
} catch(er){
@@ -1504,10 +1539,24 @@
return !(pattern.test(val));
+$.each({tooShort: ['minLength', -1], tooLong: ['maxLength', 1]}, function(name, props){
+ validityRules[name] = function(input, val, cache){
+ //defaultValue is not the same as dirty flag, but very similiar
+ if(cache.nodeName == 'select' || input.prop('defaultValue') == val){return false;}
+ if(!('type' in cache)){
+ cache.type = getType(input[0]);
+ }
+ if(!lengthTypes[cache.type]){return false;}
+ var prop = input.prop(props[0]);
+ return ( prop > 0 && prop * props[1] < val.length * props[1] );
+ };
$.each({typeMismatch: 'mismatch', badInput: 'bad'}, function(name, fn){
validityRules[name] = function (input, val, cache){
if(val === '' || cache.nodeName == 'select'){return false;}
var ret = false;
if(!('type' in cache)){
@@ -1554,19 +1603,16 @@
teardown: $.noop,
handler: function(e, d){
if( e.type != 'submit' || e.testedValidity || !e.originalEvent || !$.nodeName(, 'form') || $.prop(, 'noValidate') ){return;}
- isSubmit = true;
e.testedValidity = true;
- var notValid = !($(;
+ var notValid = !($('reportValidity'));
- isSubmit = false;
return false;
- isSubmit = false;
$.event.special.submit = $.event.special.submit || {setup: function(){return false;}};
var submitSetup = $.event.special.submit.setup;
@@ -1629,10 +1675,13 @@
//ToDo: add object to this list
webshims.defineNodeNamesProperties(['button', 'fieldset', 'output'], {
checkValidity: {
value: function(){return true;}
+ reportValidity: {
+ value: function(){return true;}
+ },
willValidate: {
value: false
setCustomValidity: {
value: $.noop
@@ -1643,11 +1692,11 @@
return $.extend({}, validityPrototype);
}, 'prop');
-var baseCheckValidity = function(elem){
+var baseCheckValidity = function(elem, type){
var e,
v = $.prop(elem, 'validity')
$.data(elem, 'cachedValidity', v);
@@ -1655,118 +1704,134 @@
return true;
if( !v.valid ){
e = $.Event('invalid');
var jElm = $(elem).trigger(e);
- if(isSubmit && !baseCheckValidity.unhandledInvalids && !e.isDefaultPrevented()){
+ if(type == 'reportValidity' && !baseCheckValidity.unhandledInvalids && !e.isDefaultPrevented()){
baseCheckValidity.unhandledInvalids = true;
$.removeData(elem, 'cachedValidity');
return v.valid;
var rsubmittable = /^(?:select|textarea|input)/i;
-webshims.defineNodeNameProperty('form', 'checkValidity', {
- prop: {
- value: function(){
- var ret = true,
- elems = $($.prop(this, 'elements')).filter(function(){
- if(!rsubmittable.test(this.nodeName)){return false;}
- var shadowData =, 'shadowData');
- return !shadowData || !shadowData.nativeElement || shadowData.nativeElement === this;
- })
- ;
- baseCheckValidity.unhandledInvalids = false;
- for(var i = 0, len = elems.length; i < len; i++){
- if( !baseCheckValidity(elems[i]) ){
- ret = false;
+['checkValidity', 'reportValidity'].forEach(function(name){
+ webshims.defineNodeNameProperty('form', name, {
+ prop: {
+ value: function(){
+ var ret = true,
+ elems = $($.prop(this, 'elements')).filter(function(){
+ if(!rsubmittable.test(this.nodeName)){return false;}
+ var shadowData =, 'shadowData');
+ return !shadowData || !shadowData.nativeElement || shadowData.nativeElement === this;
+ })
+ ;
+ baseCheckValidity.unhandledInvalids = false;
+ for(var i = 0, len = elems.length; i < len; i++){
+ if( !baseCheckValidity(elems[i], name) ){
+ ret = false;
+ }
+ return ret;
- return ret;
- }
+ });
-webshims.defineNodeNamesProperties(['input', 'textarea', 'select'], {
- checkValidity: {
- value: function(){
- baseCheckValidity.unhandledInvalids = false;
- return baseCheckValidity($(this).getNativeElement()[0]);
- }
- },
- setCustomValidity: {
- value: function(error){
- $.removeData(this, 'cachedValidity');
-, 'customvalidationMessage', ''+error);
- }
- },
- willValidate: {
- writeable: false,
- get: (function(){
- var types = {
- button: 1,
- reset: 1,
- hidden: 1,
- image: 1
+['input', 'textarea', 'select'].forEach(function(nodeName){
+ var inputValidationAPI = {
+ setCustomValidity: {
+ value: function(error){
+ $.removeData(this, 'cachedValidity');
+, 'customvalidationMessage', ''+error);
+ if(bugs.bustedValidity && inputValidationAPI.setCustomValidity.prop._supvalue){
+ inputValidationAPI.setCustomValidity.prop._supvalue.apply(this, arguments);
- ;
- return function(){
- var elem = $(this).getNativeElement()[0];
- // && <- we don't use to make it easier for developers
- return !!(!elem.disabled && !elem.readOnly && !types[elem.type] );
- };
- })()
- },
- validity: {
- writeable: false,
- get: function(){
- var jElm = $(this).getNativeElement();
- var elem = jElm[0];
- var validityState = $.data(elem, 'cachedValidity');
- if(validityState){
- return validityState;
- validityState = $.extend({}, validityPrototype);
- if( !$.prop(elem, 'willValidate') || elem.type == 'submit' ){
+ },
+ willValidate: {
+ writeable: false,
+ get: (function(){
+ var types = {
+ button: 1,
+ reset: 1,
+ hidden: 1,
+ image: 1
+ }
+ ;
+ return function(){
+ var elem = $(this).getNativeElement()[0];
+ return !!(!elem.readOnly && !types[elem.type] && !$(elem).is(':disabled') );
+ };
+ })()
+ },
+ validity: {
+ writeable: false,
+ get: function(){
+ var jElm = $(this).getNativeElement();
+ var elem = jElm[0];
+ var validityState = $.data(elem, 'cachedValidity');
+ if(validityState){
+ return validityState;
+ }
+ validityState = $.extend({}, validityPrototype);
+ if( !$.prop(elem, 'willValidate') || elem.type == 'submit' ){
+ return validityState;
+ }
+ var val = jElm.val(),
+ cache = {nodeName: elem.nodeName.toLowerCase()}
+ ;
+ validityState.customError = !!(, 'customvalidationMessage'));
+ if( validityState.customError ){
+ validityState.valid = false;
+ }
+ $.each(validityRules, function(rule, fn){
+ if (fn(jElm, val, cache)) {
+ validityState[rule] = true;
+ validityState.valid = false;
+ }
+ });
+ $(this).getShadowFocusElement().attr('aria-invalid', validityState.valid ? 'false' : 'true');
+ jElm = null;
+ elem = null;
return validityState;
- var val = jElm.val(),
- cache = {nodeName: elem.nodeName.toLowerCase()}
- ;
- validityState.customError = !!(, 'customvalidationMessage'));
- if( validityState.customError ){
- validityState.valid = false;
+ }
+ };
+ ['checkValidity', 'reportValidity'].forEach(function(name){
+ inputValidationAPI[name] = {
+ value: function(){
+ baseCheckValidity.unhandledInvalids = false;
+ return baseCheckValidity($(this).getNativeElement()[0], name);
- $.each(validityRules, function(rule, fn){
- if (fn(jElm, val, cache)) {
- validityState[rule] = true;
- validityState.valid = false;
- }
- });
- $(this).getShadowFocusElement().attr('aria-invalid', validityState.valid ? 'false' : 'true');
- jElm = null;
- elem = null;
- return validityState;
- }
-}, 'prop');
+ });
+ webshims.defineNodeNameProperties(nodeName, inputValidationAPI, 'prop');
webshims.defineNodeNamesBooleanProperty(['input', 'textarea', 'select'], 'required', {
set: function(value){
$(this).getShadowFocusElement().attr('aria-required', !!(value)+'');
initAttr: Modernizr.localstorage //only if we have aria-support
webshims.defineNodeNamesBooleanProperty(['input'], 'multiple');
webshims.defineNodeNameProperty('form', 'novalidate', {
attr: {
set: function(val){, 'bustedNoValidate', ''+val);
@@ -1805,10 +1870,26 @@
return $.attr(this, 'novalidate') != null;
+webshims.defineNodeNamesProperty(['input', 'textarea'], 'minLength', {
+ prop: {
+ set: function(val){
+ val *= 1;
+ if(val < 0){
+ throw('INDEX_SIZE_ERR');
+ }
+ this.setAttribute('minlength', val || 0);
+ },
+ get: function(){
+ var val = this.getAttribute('minlength');
+ return val == null ? -1 : (val * 1) || 0;
+ }
+ }
if( && /webkit/i.test(navigator.userAgent)){
var noInputTriggerEvts = {updateInput: 1, input: 1},
fixInputTypes = {
@@ -1859,11 +1940,11 @@
if(e && noFocusEvents[e.type]){
focusedin = false;
- input.unbind('focusout blur', unbind).unbind('input change updateInput', trigger);
+'focusout blur', unbind).off('input change updateInput', trigger);
input = null;
}, 1);
@@ -1902,11 +1983,11 @@
webshims.addReady(function(context, contextElem){
//start constrain-validation
var focusElem;
$('form', context)
- .bind('invalid', $.noop)
+ .on('invalid', $.noop)
try {
if(context == document && !('form' in (document.activeElement || {}))) {
focusElem = $('input[autofocus], select[autofocus], textarea[autofocus]', context).eq(0).getShadowFocusElement()[0];
@@ -2078,20 +2159,20 @@
formSubmitterDescriptors[attrName] = {};
formSubmitterDescriptors[attrName].attr = {
set: function(value){
formSubmitterDescriptors[attrName], value);
- $(this).unbind(eventName).on(eventName, changeSubmitter);
+ $(this).off(eventName).on(eventName, changeSubmitter);
get: function(){
return formSubmitterDescriptors[attrName];
formSubmitterDescriptors[attrName].initAttr = true;
formSubmitterDescriptors[attrName].removeAttr = {
value: function(){
- $(this).unbind(eventName);
+ $(this).off(eventName);
@@ -2129,10 +2210,11 @@
rangeOverflow: {
defaultMessage: 'Value must be less than or equal to {%max}.'
stepMismatch: 'Invalid input.',
tooLong: 'Please enter at most {%maxlength} character(s). You entered {%valueLen}.',
+ tooShort: 'Please enter at least {%minlength} character(s). You entered {%valueLen}.',
patternMismatch: 'Invalid input. {%title}',
valueMissing: {
defaultMessage: 'Please fill out this field.',
checkbox: 'Please check this box if you want to proceed.'
@@ -2185,10 +2267,11 @@
rangeOverflow: {
defaultMessage: '{%value} ist zu hoch. {%max} ist der oberste Wert, den Sie benutzen können.'
stepMismatch: 'Der Wert {%value} ist in diesem Feld nicht zulässig. Hier sind nur bestimmte Werte zulässig. {%title}',
tooLong: 'Der eingegebene Text ist zu lang! Sie haben {%valueLen} Zeichen eingegeben, dabei sind {%maxlength} das Maximum.',
+ tooShort: 'Der eingegebene Text ist zu kurz! Sie haben {%valueLen} Zeichen eingegeben, dabei sind {%minlength} das Minimum.',
patternMismatch: '{%value} hat für dieses Eingabefeld ein falsches Format. {%title}',
valueMissing: {
defaultMessage: 'Bitte geben Sie einen Wert ein.',
checkbox: 'Bitte aktivieren Sie das Kästchen.'
@@ -2236,11 +2319,11 @@
message = getMessageFromObj(validityMessages[''][name], elem) || $.prop(elem, 'validationMessage');'could not find errormessage for: '+ name +' / '+ type +'. in language: '+webshims.activeLang());
- ['value', 'min', 'max', 'title', 'maxlength', 'label'].forEach(function(attr){
+ ['value', 'min', 'max', 'title', 'maxlength', 'minlength', 'label'].forEach(function(attr){
if(message.indexOf('{%'+attr) === -1){return;}
var val = ((attr == 'label') ? $.trim($('label[for="'+ +'"]', elem.form).text()).replace(/\*$|:$/, '') : $.prop(elem, attr)) || '';
if(name == 'patternMismatch' && attr == 'title' && !val){
webshims.error('no title for patternMismatch provided. Always add a title attribute.');
@@ -2266,25 +2349,15 @@
if(!Modernizr.formvalidation || webshims.bugs.bustedValidity){
- webshims.activeLang({
- langObj: validityMessages,
- module: 'form-core',
- callback: function(langObj){
- currentValidationMessage = langObj;
- }
+ currentValidationMessage = webshims.activeLang(validityMessages);
+ $(validityMessages).on('change', function(e, data){
+ currentValidationMessage = validityMessages.__active;
- webshims.activeLang({
- register: 'form-core',
- callback: function(val){
- if(validityMessages[val]){
- currentValidationMessage = validityMessages[val];
- }
- }
- });
webshims.defineNodeNamesProperty(['fieldset', 'output', 'button'], messageProp, {
prop: {
@@ -2614,10 +2687,12 @@
webshims.loader.addModule('form-datalist-lazy', {
noAutoCallback: true,
options: $.extend(options, {shadowListProto: shadowListProto})
+ if(!options.list){
+ options.list = {};
+ }
//init datalist update
\ No newline at end of file