vendor/assets/javascripts/webshims/shims/combos/15.js in webshims-rails-0.4.5 vs vendor/assets/javascripts/webshims/shims/combos/15.js in webshims-rails-0.4.6
- old
+ new
@@ -1,317 +1,317 @@
- if(navigator.geolocation){return;}
- var domWrite = function(){
- setTimeout(function(){
- throw('document.write is overwritten by geolocation shim. This method is incompatible with this plugin');
- }, 1);
- },
- id = 0
- ;
- var geoOpts = $.webshims.cfg.geolocation.options || {};
- navigator.geolocation = (function(){
- var pos;
- var api = {
- getCurrentPosition: function(success, error, opts){
- var locationAPIs = 2,
- errorTimer,
- googleTimer,
- calledEnd,
- endCallback = function(){
- if(calledEnd){return;}
- if(pos){
- calledEnd = true;
- success($.extend({timestamp: new Date().getTime()}, pos));
- resetCallback();
- if(window.JSON && window.sessionStorage){
- try{
- sessionStorage.setItem('storedGeolocationData654321', JSON.stringify(pos));
- } catch(e){}
- }
- } else if(error && !locationAPIs) {
- calledEnd = true;
- resetCallback();
- error({ code: 2, message: "POSITION_UNAVAILABLE"});
- }
- },
- googleCallback = function(){
- locationAPIs--;
- getGoogleCoords();
- endCallback();
- },
- resetCallback = function(){
- $(document).unbind('google-loader', resetCallback);
- clearTimeout(googleTimer);
- clearTimeout(errorTimer);
- },
- getGoogleCoords = function(){
- if(pos || ! || !google.loader || !google.loader.ClientLocation){return false;}
- var cl = google.loader.ClientLocation;
- pos = {
- coords: {
- latitude: cl.latitude,
- longitude: cl.longitude,
- altitude: null,
- accuracy: 43000,
- altitudeAccuracy: null,
- heading: parseInt('NaN', 10),
- velocity: null
- },
- //extension similiar to FF implementation
- address: $.extend({streetNumber: '', street: '', premises: '', county: '', postalCode: ''}, cl.address)
- };
- return true;
- },
- getInitCoords = function(){
- if(pos){return;}
- getGoogleCoords();
- if(pos || !window.JSON || !window.sessionStorage){return;}
- try{
- pos = sessionStorage.getItem('storedGeolocationData654321');
- pos = (pos) ? JSON.parse(pos) : false;
- if(!pos.coords){pos = false;}
- } catch(e){
- pos = false;
- }
- }
- ;
- getInitCoords();
- if(!pos){
- if(geoOpts.confirmText && !confirm(geoOpts.confirmText.replace('{location}', location.hostname))){
- if(error){
- error({ code: 1, message: "PERMISSION_DENIED"});
- }
- return;
- }
- $.ajax({
- url: '',
- dataType: 'jsonp',
- cache: true,
- jsonp: 'callback',
- success: function(data){
- locationAPIs--;
- if(!data){return;}
- pos = pos || {
- coords: {
- latitude: data.latitude,
- longitude: data.longitude,
- altitude: null,
- accuracy: 43000,
- altitudeAccuracy: null,
- heading: parseInt('NaN', 10),
- velocity: null
- },
- //extension similiar to FF implementation
- address: {
- city:,
- country: data.country_name,
- countryCode: data.country_code,
- county: "",
- postalCode: data.zipcode,
- premises: "",
- region: data.region_name,
- street: "",
- streetNumber: ""
- }
- };
- endCallback();
- },
- error: function(){
- locationAPIs--;
- endCallback();
- }
- });
- clearTimeout(googleTimer);
- if (! || ! {
- googleTimer = setTimeout(function(){
- //destroys document.write!!!
- if (geoOpts.destroyWrite) {
- document.write = domWrite;
- document.writeln = domWrite;
- }
- $(document).one('google-loader', googleCallback);
- $.webshims.loader.loadScript('', false, 'google-loader');
- }, 800);
- } else {
- locationAPIs--;
- }
- } else {
- setTimeout(endCallback, 1);
- return;
- }
- if(opts && opts.timeout){
- errorTimer = setTimeout(function(){
- resetCallback();
- if(error) {
- error({ code: 3, message: "TIMEOUT"});
- }
- }, opts.timeout);
- } else {
- errorTimer = setTimeout(function(){
- locationAPIs = 0;
- endCallback();
- }, 10000);
- }
- },
- clearWatch: $.noop
- };
- api.watchPosition = function(a, b, c){
- api.getCurrentPosition(a, b, c);
- id++;
- return id;
- };
- return api;
- })();
- $.webshims.isReady('geolocation', true);
-jQuery.webshims.register('details', function($, webshims, window, doc, undefined, options){
- var isInterActiveSummary = function(summary){
- var details = $(summary).parent('details');
- if(details[0] && details.children(':first').get(0) === summary){
- return details;
- }
- };
- var bindDetailsSummary = function(summary, details){
- summary = $(summary);
- details = $(details);
- var oldSummary = $.data(details[0], 'summaryElement');
- $.data(summary[0], 'detailsElement', details);
- if(!oldSummary || summary[0] !== oldSummary[0]){
- if(oldSummary){
- if(oldSummary.hasClass('fallback-summary')){
- oldSummary.remove();
- } else {
- oldSummary
- .unbind('.summaryPolyfill')
- .removeData('detailsElement')
- .removeAttr('role')
- .removeAttr('tabindex')
- .removeAttr('aria-expanded')
- .removeClass('summary-button')
- .find('span.details-open-indicator')
- .remove()
- ;
- }
- }
- $.data(details[0], 'summaryElement', summary);
- details.prop('open', details.prop('open'));
- }
- };
- var getSummary = function(details){
- var summary = $.data(details, 'summaryElement');
- if(!summary){
- summary = $('> summary:first-child', details);
- if(!summary[0]){
- $(details).prependPolyfill('<summary class="fallback-summary">'+ options.text +'</summary>');
- summary = $.data(details, 'summaryElement');
- } else {
- bindDetailsSummary(summary, details);
- }
- }
- return summary;
- };
-// var isOriginalPrevented = function(e){
-// var src = e.originalEvent;
-// if(!src){return e.isDefaultPrevented();}
-// return src.defaultPrevented || src.returnValue === false ||
-// src.getPreventDefault && src.getPreventDefault();
-// };
- webshims.createElement('summary', function(){
- var details = isInterActiveSummary(this);
- if(!details || $.data(this, 'detailsElement')){return;}
- var timer;
- var stopNativeClickTest;
- var tabindex = $.attr(this, 'tabIndex') || '0';
- bindDetailsSummary(this, details);
- $(this)
- .on({
- 'focus.summaryPolyfill': function(){
- $(this).addClass('summary-has-focus');
- },
- 'blur.summaryPolyfill': function(){
- $(this).removeClass('summary-has-focus');
- },
- 'mouseenter.summaryPolyfill': function(){
- $(this).addClass('summary-has-hover');
- },
- 'mouseleave.summaryPolyfill': function(){
- $(this).removeClass('summary-has-hover');
- },
- 'click.summaryPolyfill': function(e){
- var details = isInterActiveSummary(this);
- if(details){
- if(!stopNativeClickTest && e.originalEvent){
- stopNativeClickTest = true;
- e.stopImmediatePropagation();
- e.preventDefault();
- $(this).trigger('click');
- stopNativeClickTest = false;
- return false;
- } else {
- clearTimeout(timer);
- timer = setTimeout(function(){
- if(!e.isDefaultPrevented()){
- details.prop('open', !details.prop('open'));
- }
- }, 0);
- }
- }
- },
- 'keydown.summaryPolyfill': function(e){
- if( (e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 32) && !e.isDefaultPrevented()){
- stopNativeClickTest = true;
- e.preventDefault();
- $(this).trigger('click');
- stopNativeClickTest = false;
- }
- }
- })
- .attr({tabindex: tabindex, role: 'button'})
- .prepend('<span class="details-open-indicator" />')
- ;
- webshims.moveToFirstEvent(this, 'click');
- });
- var initDetails;
- webshims.defineNodeNamesBooleanProperty('details', 'open', function(val){
- var summary = $($.data(this, 'summaryElement'));
- if(!summary){return;}
- var action = (val) ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass';
- var details = $(this);
- if (!initDetails && options.animate){
- details.stop().css({width: '', height: ''});
- var start = {
- width: details.width(),
- height: details.height()
- };
- }
- summary.attr('aria-expanded', ''+val);
- details[action]('closed-details-summary').children().not(summary[0])[action]('closed-details-child');
- if(!initDetails && options.animate){
- var end = {
- width: details.width(),
- height: details.height()
- };
- details.css(start).animate(end, {
- complete: function(){
- $(this).css({width: '', height: ''});
- }
- });
- }
- });
- webshims.createElement('details', function(){
- initDetails = true;
- var summary = getSummary(this);
- $.prop(this, 'open', $.prop(this, 'open'));
- initDetails = false;
- });
+ if(navigator.geolocation){return;}
+ var domWrite = function(){
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ throw('document.write is overwritten by geolocation shim. This method is incompatible with this plugin');
+ }, 1);
+ },
+ id = 0
+ ;
+ var geoOpts = $.webshims.cfg.geolocation.options || {};
+ navigator.geolocation = (function(){
+ var pos;
+ var api = {
+ getCurrentPosition: function(success, error, opts){
+ var locationAPIs = 2,
+ errorTimer,
+ googleTimer,
+ calledEnd,
+ endCallback = function(){
+ if(calledEnd){return;}
+ if(pos){
+ calledEnd = true;
+ success($.extend({timestamp: new Date().getTime()}, pos));
+ resetCallback();
+ if(window.JSON && window.sessionStorage){
+ try{
+ sessionStorage.setItem('storedGeolocationData654321', JSON.stringify(pos));
+ } catch(e){}
+ }
+ } else if(error && !locationAPIs) {
+ calledEnd = true;
+ resetCallback();
+ error({ code: 2, message: "POSITION_UNAVAILABLE"});
+ }
+ },
+ googleCallback = function(){
+ locationAPIs--;
+ getGoogleCoords();
+ endCallback();
+ },
+ resetCallback = function(){
+ $(document).unbind('google-loader', resetCallback);
+ clearTimeout(googleTimer);
+ clearTimeout(errorTimer);
+ },
+ getGoogleCoords = function(){
+ if(pos || ! || !google.loader || !google.loader.ClientLocation){return false;}
+ var cl = google.loader.ClientLocation;
+ pos = {
+ coords: {
+ latitude: cl.latitude,
+ longitude: cl.longitude,
+ altitude: null,
+ accuracy: 43000,
+ altitudeAccuracy: null,
+ heading: parseInt('NaN', 10),
+ velocity: null
+ },
+ //extension similiar to FF implementation
+ address: $.extend({streetNumber: '', street: '', premises: '', county: '', postalCode: ''}, cl.address)
+ };
+ return true;
+ },
+ getInitCoords = function(){
+ if(pos){return;}
+ getGoogleCoords();
+ if(pos || !window.JSON || !window.sessionStorage){return;}
+ try{
+ pos = sessionStorage.getItem('storedGeolocationData654321');
+ pos = (pos) ? JSON.parse(pos) : false;
+ if(!pos.coords){pos = false;}
+ } catch(e){
+ pos = false;
+ }
+ }
+ ;
+ getInitCoords();
+ if(!pos){
+ if(geoOpts.confirmText && !confirm(geoOpts.confirmText.replace('{location}', location.hostname))){
+ if(error){
+ error({ code: 1, message: "PERMISSION_DENIED"});
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ $.ajax({
+ url: '',
+ dataType: 'jsonp',
+ cache: true,
+ jsonp: 'callback',
+ success: function(data){
+ locationAPIs--;
+ if(!data){return;}
+ pos = pos || {
+ coords: {
+ latitude: data.latitude,
+ longitude: data.longitude,
+ altitude: null,
+ accuracy: 43000,
+ altitudeAccuracy: null,
+ heading: parseInt('NaN', 10),
+ velocity: null
+ },
+ //extension similiar to FF implementation
+ address: {
+ city:,
+ country: data.country_name,
+ countryCode: data.country_code,
+ county: "",
+ postalCode: data.zipcode,
+ premises: "",
+ region: data.region_name,
+ street: "",
+ streetNumber: ""
+ }
+ };
+ endCallback();
+ },
+ error: function(){
+ locationAPIs--;
+ endCallback();
+ }
+ });
+ clearTimeout(googleTimer);
+ if (! || ! {
+ googleTimer = setTimeout(function(){
+ //destroys document.write!!!
+ if (geoOpts.destroyWrite) {
+ document.write = domWrite;
+ document.writeln = domWrite;
+ }
+ $(document).one('google-loader', googleCallback);
+ $.webshims.loader.loadScript('', false, 'google-loader');
+ }, 800);
+ } else {
+ locationAPIs--;
+ }
+ } else {
+ setTimeout(endCallback, 1);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(opts && opts.timeout){
+ errorTimer = setTimeout(function(){
+ resetCallback();
+ if(error) {
+ error({ code: 3, message: "TIMEOUT"});
+ }
+ }, opts.timeout);
+ } else {
+ errorTimer = setTimeout(function(){
+ locationAPIs = 0;
+ endCallback();
+ }, 10000);
+ }
+ },
+ clearWatch: $.noop
+ };
+ api.watchPosition = function(a, b, c){
+ api.getCurrentPosition(a, b, c);
+ id++;
+ return id;
+ };
+ return api;
+ })();
+ $.webshims.isReady('geolocation', true);
+jQuery.webshims.register('details', function($, webshims, window, doc, undefined, options){
+ var isInterActiveSummary = function(summary){
+ var details = $(summary).parent('details');
+ if(details[0] && details.children(':first').get(0) === summary){
+ return details;
+ }
+ };
+ var bindDetailsSummary = function(summary, details){
+ summary = $(summary);
+ details = $(details);
+ var oldSummary = $.data(details[0], 'summaryElement');
+ $.data(summary[0], 'detailsElement', details);
+ if(!oldSummary || summary[0] !== oldSummary[0]){
+ if(oldSummary){
+ if(oldSummary.hasClass('fallback-summary')){
+ oldSummary.remove();
+ } else {
+ oldSummary
+ .unbind('.summaryPolyfill')
+ .removeData('detailsElement')
+ .removeAttr('role')
+ .removeAttr('tabindex')
+ .removeAttr('aria-expanded')
+ .removeClass('summary-button')
+ .find('span.details-open-indicator')
+ .remove()
+ ;
+ }
+ }
+ $.data(details[0], 'summaryElement', summary);
+ details.prop('open', details.prop('open'));
+ }
+ };
+ var getSummary = function(details){
+ var summary = $.data(details, 'summaryElement');
+ if(!summary){
+ summary = $('> summary:first-child', details);
+ if(!summary[0]){
+ $(details).prependPolyfill('<summary class="fallback-summary">'+ options.text +'</summary>');
+ summary = $.data(details, 'summaryElement');
+ } else {
+ bindDetailsSummary(summary, details);
+ }
+ }
+ return summary;
+ };
+// var isOriginalPrevented = function(e){
+// var src = e.originalEvent;
+// if(!src){return e.isDefaultPrevented();}
+// return src.defaultPrevented || src.returnValue === false ||
+// src.getPreventDefault && src.getPreventDefault();
+// };
+ webshims.createElement('summary', function(){
+ var details = isInterActiveSummary(this);
+ if(!details || $.data(this, 'detailsElement')){return;}
+ var timer;
+ var stopNativeClickTest;
+ var tabindex = $.attr(this, 'tabIndex') || '0';
+ bindDetailsSummary(this, details);
+ $(this)
+ .on({
+ 'focus.summaryPolyfill': function(){
+ $(this).addClass('summary-has-focus');
+ },
+ 'blur.summaryPolyfill': function(){
+ $(this).removeClass('summary-has-focus');
+ },
+ 'mouseenter.summaryPolyfill': function(){
+ $(this).addClass('summary-has-hover');
+ },
+ 'mouseleave.summaryPolyfill': function(){
+ $(this).removeClass('summary-has-hover');
+ },
+ 'click.summaryPolyfill': function(e){
+ var details = isInterActiveSummary(this);
+ if(details){
+ if(!stopNativeClickTest && e.originalEvent){
+ stopNativeClickTest = true;
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ $(this).trigger('click');
+ stopNativeClickTest = false;
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ clearTimeout(timer);
+ timer = setTimeout(function(){
+ if(!e.isDefaultPrevented()){
+ details.prop('open', !details.prop('open'));
+ }
+ }, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ 'keydown.summaryPolyfill': function(e){
+ if( (e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 32) && !e.isDefaultPrevented()){
+ stopNativeClickTest = true;
+ e.preventDefault();
+ $(this).trigger('click');
+ stopNativeClickTest = false;
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ .attr({tabindex: tabindex, role: 'button'})
+ .prepend('<span class="details-open-indicator" />')
+ ;
+ webshims.moveToFirstEvent(this, 'click');
+ });
+ var initDetails;
+ webshims.defineNodeNamesBooleanProperty('details', 'open', function(val){
+ var summary = $($.data(this, 'summaryElement'));
+ if(!summary){return;}
+ var action = (val) ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass';
+ var details = $(this);
+ if (!initDetails && options.animate){
+ details.stop().css({width: '', height: ''});
+ var start = {
+ width: details.width(),
+ height: details.height()
+ };
+ }
+ summary.attr('aria-expanded', ''+val);
+ details[action]('closed-details-summary').children().not(summary[0])[action]('closed-details-child');
+ if(!initDetails && options.animate){
+ var end = {
+ width: details.width(),
+ height: details.height()
+ };
+ details.css(start).animate(end, {
+ complete: function(){
+ $(this).css({width: '', height: ''});
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ webshims.createElement('details', function(){
+ initDetails = true;
+ var summary = getSummary(this);
+ $.prop(this, 'open', $.prop(this, 'open'));
+ initDetails = false;
+ });