examples/webby/content/tutorial.txt in webby-0.7.1 vs examples/webby/content/tutorial.txt in webby-0.7.2
- old
+ new
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
<pre class="code">
webby my_site
-This command creates a new folder named _my_site_, and the new Webby based website resides there. Change directories to the _my_site_ folder and do a listing. You will see the following files and folder:
+This command creates a new folder named _my_site_, and the new Webby based website resides there. Change directories to the _my_site_ folder and do a listing. You will see the following files and folders:
<pre class="code">
@@ -43,11 +43,11 @@
Point your web browser to *my_site/output/index.html* to see what your new website looks like.
h2. Making Changes
-Of course _Lorem Ipsum_ is some great content, but if everyone posted their site in such a state the web would be a monochromatic smurf blue. Let's change that into something more creative, more us. Open the *content/index.rhtml* file in your favorite editor.
+Of course "Lorem Ipsum" is some great content, but if everyone posted their site in such a state the web would be a monochromatic smurf blue. Let's change that into something more creative, more us. Open the *content/index.txt* file in your favorite editor.
<pre class="code">
title: Home Page
@@ -67,13 +67,13 @@
This is not the entire contents of the file, just to enough to get a feel for how Webby operates. The text between the dashed lines "@---@" is information about the page, referred to as _meta-data_. Obviously one piece of information is the *title* of the page, "Home Page". The other is a little more cryptic and bears some explaining.
The content of this page is not HTML, but it ends up that way. How? Webby uses _filters_ on the page to transform the text into HTML. The *filter* item in the meta-data tells Webby which filters to apply to the page. Two filters will be applied, "erb" and "textile" - in that order. Each filter operates on the page text (everything after the meta-data).
-The erb filter (erb stands for "embedded Ruby") allows Webby to process Ruby statements found in the page text and to substitute the output of those Ruby statements back into the page text. The Ruby statements appear between @<%= ruby_code %>@ delimiters. The meta-data found at the top of the page is made available through the @@page@ object. You can see from the index.rhtml file that the page title, "Home Page", will be substituted on the first line.
+The erb filter (erb stands for "embedded Ruby") allows Webby to process Ruby statements found in the page text and to substitute the output of those Ruby statements back into the page text. The Ruby statements appear between @<%= ruby_code %>@ delimiters. The meta-data found at the top of the page is made available through the @@page@ object. You can see from the index.txt file that the page title, "Home Page", will be substituted on the first line.
-The textile filter operates on all page text. It is a human readable markup that gets converted into HTML. For example, the line @h3. Litora Sociis@ will be converted into @<h3>Litora Sociis</h3>@ by the textile filter. It is a powerful markup language that simplifies web publishing.
+The textile filter operates on all page text. It is a human readable markup that gets converted into HTML. For example, the line <notextile><code>h3. Litora Sociis</code></notextile> will be converted into @<h3>Litora Sociis</h3>@ by the textile filter. It is a powerful markup language that simplifies web publishing.
Okay, back to our regularly scheduled page changes. Go ahead and change the title of the page in the meta-data. Then run rake again.
<pre class="code">
@@ -81,10 +81,10 @@
You'll notice much less output than before. The rake task only builds those pages that you have modified. You'll also notice, after reloading the page in your browser, that the title has now changed.
Play around with making changes, running rake, and seeing your changes show up in the web browser. Done? All right! Let's go on to the next section.
-bq. *TIP* You can simplify this whole process - modify content, rake, view in browser - by running @rake autobuild@ on the command line. This starts a build loop that compiles the content of your website as files change. All you need to do now is - modify content, view in browser.
+bq. *TIP* You can simplify this whole process - modify content, rake, view in browser - by running <notextile><code>rake autobuild</code></notextile> on the command line. This starts a build loop that compiles the content of your website as files change. All you need to do now is - modify content, view in browser.
h2. Creating a Page
Let's tell the world all about your new website. We'll create a new _about_ page that describes what this website is all about, who you are, and the answer to life, the universe, and everything.