test/web_console/slave_test.rb in web-console-0.4.0 vs test/web_console/slave_test.rb in web-console-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,53 +1,71 @@
require 'stringio'
require 'test_helper'
-class SlaveTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- setup do
- PTY.stubs(:spawn).returns([StringIO.new, StringIO.new, Random.rand(20000)])
- @slave = WebConsole::Slave.new
- end
+module WebConsole
+ class SlaveTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ setup do
+ PTY.stubs(:spawn).returns([StringIO.new, StringIO.new, Random.rand(20000)])
+ @slave = Slave.new
+ end
- test '#send_input raises ArgumentError on bad input' do
- assert_raises(ArgumentError) { @slave.send_input(nil) }
- assert_raises(ArgumentError) { @slave.send_input('') }
- end
+ test '#send_input raises ArgumentError on bad input' do
+ assert_raises(ArgumentError) { @slave.send_input(nil) }
+ assert_raises(ArgumentError) { @slave.send_input('') }
+ end
- test '#pending_output returns nil on no pending output' do
- @slave.stubs(:pending_output?).returns(false)
- assert_nil @slave.pending_output
- end
+ test '#pending_output returns nil on no pending output' do
+ @slave.stubs(:pending_output?).returns(false)
+ assert_nil @slave.pending_output
+ end
- test '#pending_output returns a string with the current output' do
- @slave.stubs(:pending_output?).returns(true)
- @slave.instance_variable_get(:@output).stubs(:read_nonblock).returns('foo', nil)
- assert_equal 'foo', @slave.pending_output
- end
+ test '#pending_output returns a string with the current output' do
+ @slave.stubs(:pending_output?).returns(true)
+ @slave.instance_variable_get(:@output).stubs(:read_nonblock).returns('foo', nil)
+ assert_equal 'foo', @slave.pending_output
+ end
- test '#pending_output always encodes output in UTF-8' do
- @slave.stubs(:pending_output?).returns(true)
- @slave.instance_variable_get(:@output).stubs(:read_nonblock).returns('foo', nil)
- assert_equal Encoding::UTF_8, @slave.pending_output.encoding
- end
+ test '#pending_output always encodes output in UTF-8' do
+ @slave.stubs(:pending_output?).returns(true)
+ @slave.instance_variable_get(:@output).stubs(:read_nonblock).returns('foo', nil)
+ assert_equal Encoding::UTF_8, @slave.pending_output.encoding
+ end
- test '#configure changes @input dimentions' do
- @slave.instance_variable_get(:@input).expects(:winsize=).with([32, 64])
- @slave.configure(height: 32, width: 64)
- end
+ Slave::READING_ON_CLOSED_END_ERRORS.each do |exception|
+ test "#pending_output raises Slave::Closed when the end raises #{exception}" do
+ @slave.stubs(:pending_output?).returns(true)
+ @slave.instance_variable_get(:@output).stubs(:read_nonblock).raises(exception)
- test '#configure only changes the @input dimentions if width is zero' do
- @slave.instance_variable_get(:@input).expects(:winsize=).never
- @slave.configure(height: 32, width: 0)
- end
+ assert_raises(Slave::Closed) { @slave.pending_output }
+ end
+ end
- test '#configure only changes the @input dimentions if height is zero' do
- @slave.instance_variable_get(:@input).expects(:winsize=).never
- @slave.configure(height: 0, width: 64)
- end
+ test '#configure changes @input dimentions' do
+ @slave.instance_variable_get(:@input).expects(:winsize=).with([32, 64])
+ @slave.configure(height: 32, width: 64)
+ end
- { dispose: :SIGTERM, dispose!: :SIGKILL }.each do |method, signal|
- test "##{method} sends #{signal} to the process and detaches it" do
- Process.expects(:kill).with(signal, @slave.pid)
- @slave.send(method)
+ test '#configure only changes the @input dimentions if width is zero' do
+ @slave.instance_variable_get(:@input).expects(:winsize=).never
+ @slave.configure(height: 32, width: 0)
+ end
+ test '#configure only changes the @input dimentions if height is zero' do
+ @slave.instance_variable_get(:@input).expects(:winsize=).never
+ @slave.configure(height: 0, width: 64)
+ end
+ { dispose: :SIGTERM, dispose!: :SIGKILL }.each do |method, signal|
+ test "##{method} sends #{signal} to the process and detaches it" do
+ Process.expects(:kill).with(signal, @slave.pid)
+ @slave.send(method)
+ end
+ test "##{method} can reraise Errno::ESRCH if requested" do
+ Process.expects(:kill).with(signal, @slave.pid)
+ Process.stubs(:detach).raises(Errno::ESRCH)
+ assert_raises(Errno::ESRCH) { @slave.send(method, raise: true) }
+ end