lib/wcc/contentful.rb in wcc-contentful-0.2.2 vs lib/wcc/contentful.rb in wcc-contentful-0.3.0.pre.rc
- old
+ new
@@ -6,202 +6,74 @@
require 'active_support/core_ext/object'
require 'wcc/contentful/configuration'
require 'wcc/contentful/exceptions'
require 'wcc/contentful/helpers'
+require 'wcc/contentful/services'
require 'wcc/contentful/simple_client'
require 'wcc/contentful/store'
require 'wcc/contentful/content_type_indexer'
-require 'wcc/contentful/model_validators'
require 'wcc/contentful/model'
+require 'wcc/contentful/model_methods'
+require 'wcc/contentful/model_singleton_methods'
require 'wcc/contentful/model_builder'
# The root namespace of the wcc-contentful gem
# Initialize the gem with the `configure` and `init` methods inside your
# initializer.
module WCC::Contentful
class << self
- ##
# Gets the current configuration, after calling WCC::Contentful.configure
attr_reader :configuration
- ##
- # Gets the sync token that was returned by the Contentful CDN after the most
- # recent invocation of WCC::Contentful.sync!
- attr_reader :next_sync_token
+ attr_reader :types
- ##
- # Gets a {CDN Client}[rdoc-ref:WCC::Contentful::SimpleClient::Cdn] which provides
- # methods for getting and paging raw JSON data from the Contentful CDN.
- def self.client(preview: false)
- if preview
- configuration&.preview_client
- else
- configuration&.client
- end
- end
- ##
- # Gets the data-store which executes the queries run against the dynamic
- # models in the WCC::Contentful::Model namespace.
- # This is one of the following based on the configured content_delivery method:
- #
- # [:direct] an instance of WCC::Contentful::Store::CDNAdapter with a
- # {CDN Client}[rdoc-ref:WCC::Contentful::SimpleClient::Cdn] to access the CDN.
- #
- # [:lazy_sync] an instance of WCC::Contentful::Store::LazyCacheStore
- # with the configured ActiveSupport::Cache implementation and a
- # {CDN Client}[rdoc-ref:WCC::Contentful::SimpleClient::Cdn] for when data
- # cannot be found in the cache.
- #
- # [:eager_sync] an instance of the configured Store type, defined by
- # WCC::Contentful::Configuration.sync_store
- #
- def
- end
- def self.preview_store
- WCC::Contentful::Model.preview_store
- end
- ##
# Configures the WCC::Contentful gem to talk to a Contentful space.
# This must be called first in your initializer, before #init! or accessing the
# client.
def self.configure
@configuration ||=
- @next_sync_token = nil
- configuration.configure_contentful
- ##
# Initializes the WCC::Contentful model-space and backing store.
# This populates the WCC::Contentful::Model namespace with Ruby classes
# that represent content types in the configured Contentful space.
# These content types can be queried directly:
# WCC::Contentful::Model::Page.find('1xab...')
# Or you can inherit from them in your own app:
- # class Page <; end
+ # class Page < WCC::Contentful::Model::Page; end
# Page.find_by(slug: 'about-us')
def self.init!
raise ArgumentError, 'Please first call WCC:Contentful.configure' if configuration.nil?
- @mutex ||=
- use_preview_client = false
- # we want as much as possible the raw JSON from the API
- content_types_resp =
- if configuration.management_client
- configuration.management_client.content_types(limit: 1000)
- else
- configuration.client.content_types(limit: 1000)
- end
+ # we want as much as possible the raw JSON from the API so use the management
+ # client if possible
+ client = Services.instance.management_client ||
+ Services.instance.client
- (use_preview_client = true) unless configuration.preview_client.nil?
+ @content_types = client.content_types(limit: 1000).items
- @content_types = content_types_resp.items
indexer = do |ixr|
@content_types.each { |type| ixr.index(type) }
@types = indexer.types
- if use_preview_client
- store = false)
- = store
- preview_store = use_preview_client)
- WCC::Contentful::Model.preview_store = preview_store
- else
- store = use_preview_client)
- = store
- end
+ store =
if store.respond_to?(:index)
- @next_sync_token = store.find("sync:#{}:token")
- sync!
+ # Drop an initial sync
+ WCC::Contentful::DelayedSyncJob.perform_later
- # Extend all model types w/ validation & extra fields
- @types.each_value do |t|
- file = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/contentful/model/#{}.rb"
- require file if File.exist?(file)
- end
+ require_relative 'contentful/client_ext' if defined?(::Contentful)
- ##
- # Runs validations over the content types returned from the Contentful API.
- # Validations are configured on predefined model classes using the
- # `validate_field` directive. Example:
- # validate_field :top_button, :Link, :optional, link_to: 'menuButton'
- # This results in a WCC::Contentful::ValidationError
- # if the 'topButton' field in the 'menu' content type is not a link.
- def self.validate_models!
- # Ensure application models are loaded before we validate
- Dir[Rails.root.join('app/models/**/*.rb')].each { |file| require file } if defined?(Rails)
- content_types = WCC::Contentful::ModelValidators.transform_content_types_for_validation(
- @content_types
- )
- errors =
- raise WCC::Contentful::ValidationError, errors.errors unless errors.success?
- end
- ##
- # Calls the Contentful Sync API and updates the configured store with the returned
- # data.
- #
- # up_to_id: An ID that we know has changed and should come back from the sync.
- # If we don't find this ID in the sync data, then drop a job to try
- # the sync again after a few minutes.
- #
- def self.sync!(up_to_id: nil)
- return unless store.respond_to?(:index)
- @mutex.synchronize do
- sync_resp = client.sync(sync_token: next_sync_token)
- id_found = up_to_id.nil?
- sync_resp.items.each do |item|
- id = item.dig('sys', 'id')
- id_found ||= id == up_to_id
- store.index(item)
- end
- store.set("sync:#{}:token", sync_resp.next_sync_token)
- @next_sync_token = sync_resp.next_sync_token
- unless id_found
- raise SyncError, "ID '#{up_to_id}' did not come back via sync." unless defined?(Rails)
- sync_later!(up_to_id: up_to_id)
- end
- next_sync_token
- end
- end
- ##
- # Drops an ActiveJob job to invoke WCC::Contentful.sync! after a given amount
- # of time.
- def self.sync_later!(up_to_id: nil, wait: 10.minutes)
- raise NotImplementedError, 'Cannot sync_later! outside of a Rails app' unless defined?(Rails)
- WCC::Contentful::DelayedSyncJob.set(wait: wait).perform_later(up_to_id)
- end
- # TODO: init graphql
- # def self.init_graphql!
- # require 'wcc/contentful/graphql'
- # etc...
- # end