scripts/rvm-utility in wayneeseguin-rvm-0.0.37 vs scripts/rvm-utility in wayneeseguin-rvm-0.0.38
- old
+ new
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
function __rvm_meta {
rvm_meta_author="Wayne E. Seguin"
- rvm_meta_version="0.0.37"
- rvm_meta_updated="2009.09.09"
+ rvm_meta_version="`cat $rvm_path/VERSION.yml | tail -n 3 | sed 's/^.*: //g' | tr "\n" '.' | sed 's/\.$//'`"
+ rvm_meta_updated="2009.09.14"
function __rvm_version { __rvm_meta ; echo "rvm $rvm_meta_version ($rvm_meta_updated) [$rvm_meta_website]" ; }
function __rvm_usage {
@@ -58,34 +58,34 @@
-v|--version - Ruby Package Version, defaults to 'latest'
-l|--level - Patch level for the specified Ruby version
-p|--prefix - Package and source directory prefix, with trailing slash!
Default is a users home directory and /usr/local/ for root
-a|--archives - Directory to place downladed files into (~/.rvm/archives/)
- -n|--nice - Niceness level (default: 0)
+ -n|--nice - Specify a process niceness (for slow computers, default 0)
-m|--gem-set - Named gem set for switching between different gem sets
--rm-gem-set - Removes a named gemset.
-l|--level - Specify a patch level to use
-t|--tag -
-r|--rev - Specify the repository revision # to use or 'head' for
-P|--prefix - Sets the prefix path for installs to be installed to
- -B|--bin - Specify path for binaries to be placed
- -S|--source - Specify src directory to use
- -A|--archive - Specify archive directory to use (tabralls / zips)
+ --bin - Specify path for binaries to be placed
+ --source - Specify src directory to use
+ --archive - Specify archive directory to use (tabralls / zips)
-G|--gems - Specify root gem path to use
-C|--configure - Specify custom configure options, comma separated
default: --enable-shared=true
--re-configure - Force installer to re-run configure if already run
-M|--make - Specify a custom make command
-I|--make-install - " a custom make install command
- -n|--nice - Specify a process niceness (for slow computers)
-f|--file - Specify a ruby file to run with 'rubydo' command
-h|--help - Emit this output and exit
-d|--default - Set the default Ruby to a specified version
-m|--gem-set - Use a named gem set instead of the default set.
+ -S|--script - Specify a script file to attempt to load and run (rubydo)
--all - Used with 'rvm list' to list "most" installable versions.
--rm-gem-set - Remove a named gem set
--jit - Enable JIT for the Rubinius build
--force - Force install, removes old install & source directories.
--set-prompt - Set prompt to have the selected ruby prepended.
@@ -153,10 +153,11 @@
case "$1" in
debug) shift ; echo -e "\n\033[0;35m <d> \033[0m $*" ;;
info) shift ; echo -e "\n\033[0;32m <i> \033[0m $*" ;;
warn) shift ; echo -e "\n\033[0;33m <w> \033[0m $*" ;;
+ error) shift ; echo -e "\n\033[0;31m <e> \033[0m $*" ;;
fail) shift ; echo -e "\n\033[0;31m <e> \033[0m $*" ; popd 2> /dev/null ; return 1 ;;
*) echo -e "$*"
@@ -173,60 +174,77 @@
function __rvm_gi { gem install -q --no-rdoc --no-ri $* ; }
function __rvm_run {
log_file_name="$1" ; shift
+ rvm_ruby_log_path=${rvm_ruby_log_path:-$rvm_path/log}
mkdir -p $rvm_ruby_log_path
if [ $rvm_debug ] ; then __rvm_log "debug" "Executing: $command" ; fi
touch $rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.log $rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.error.log # for zsh :(
- eval "nice -n $rvm_niceness $command" >> $rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.log 2>> $rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.error.log
- if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then __rvm_log "error" "There was an error, please check $rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.error.log" ; popd 2> /dev/null ; return 1 ; fi
+ echo "[$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')] $command" | tee $rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.log > $rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.error.log
+ if [ -z "$rvm_niceness" ] ; then
+ eval "$command" >> $rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.log 2>> $rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.error.log
+ else
+ eval "nice -n $rvm_niceness /bin/bash -l -c '$command'" >> $rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.log 2>> $rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.error.log
+ fi
+ if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then __rvm_log "error" "Error running '$command', please check $rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.error.log" ; popd 2> /dev/null ; return 1 ; fi
unset log_file command
function __rvm_cleanup-variables {
- unset rvm_selected rvm_action rvm_ruby_interpreter rvm_ruby_patch_level rvm_ruby_version rvm_irbrc_file rvm_ruby_irbrc rvm_source_path rvm_path rvm_debug rvm_prefix_path rvm_ruby_package_name rvm_gem_path rvm_command rvm_error_message rvm_ruby_home rvm_ruby_binary rvm_gem_set_name rvm_delete_flag rvm_ruby_tag rvm_ruby_rev rvm_url rvm_ruby_make rvm_ruby_make_install rvm_config_path rvm_bin_path rvm_force rvm_all rvm_re_configure
+ unset rvm_selected rvm_action rvm_ruby_interpreter rvm_ruby_patch_level rvm_ruby_version rvm_irbrc_file rvm_ruby_irbrc rvm_source_path rvm_path rvm_debug rvm_prefix_path rvm_ruby_package_name rvm_gem_path rvm_command rvm_error_message rvm_ruby_home rvm_ruby_binary rvm_gem_set_name rvm_delete_flag rvm_ruby_tag rvm_ruby_rev rvm_url rvm_ruby_make rvm_ruby_make_install rvm_config_path rvm_bin_path rvm_force rvm_all rvm_re_configure rvm_summary rvm_ruby_string rvm_make_flags rvm_bin_flag
# TODO: root user loadng of /etc/rvmrc
function __rvm_load-rvmrc {
if [ -s ~/.rvmrc ] ; then source ~/.rvmrc ; fi
function __rvm_bin_scripts {
- if [ -z "$rvm_selected" ] ; then __rvm_select $* ; fi
+ # NOTE: This depends on the forthcoming ruby_string select functionality.
+ rvm_ruby_binaries=`/bin/ls $rvm_path/*/bin/ruby`
+ for rvm_ruby_binary in $rvm_ruby_binaries ; do
+ if [ -x $rvm_ruby_binary ] ; then
+ rvm_ruby_string=`dirname $rvm_ruby_binary | xargs dirname | xargs basename`
+ __rvm_select
+ __rvm_bin_script
+ fi
+ done
-ruby_wrapper=$(cat <<-RubyWrapper
+function __rvm_bin_script {
+ if [ -z "$rvm_selected" ] ; then __rvm_select $* ; fi
+ruby_wrapper=$(cat <<RubyWrapper
-puts "rvm installed ruby binaries should *not* be run as the root user (yet):" if (`whoami`.strip == "root")
+if [ "`whoami`" = "root" ] ; then
+ echo "rvm installed ruby binaries should *not* be run as the root user, yet:"
GEM_HOME=$rvm_gem_home ; export GEM_HOME
+GEM_PATH=$rvm_gem_home ; export GEM_PATH
MY_RUBY_HOME=$rvm_ruby_home ; export MY_RUBY_HOME
PATH=$rvm_ruby_home/bin:$rvm_gem_home/bin:\$PATH ; export PATH
exec "$rvm_ruby_binary" "\$@"
echo "$ruby_wrapper" > $rvm_bin_path/$rvm_ruby_package_name
unset ruby_wrapper
chmod +x $rvm_bin_path/$rvm_ruby_package_name
function __rvm_fetch {
pushd $rvm_archives_path > /dev/null
eval $rvm_fetch "$1"
- if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then __rvm_log "error" "There was an error, please check $rvm_ruby_log_path/*.error.log" ; popd 2> /dev/null ; return 1 ; fi
+ if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then __rvm_log "error" "There was an error, please check $rvm_ruby_log_path/*.error.log" ; popd > /dev/null ; return 1 ; fi
popd 2> /dev/null
function __rvm_load-defaults {
if [ ! -s $rvm_path/system ] ; then
eval value=\$${variable}
if [ -z "$value" ] ; then
echo "unset ${variable}" >> $rvm_path/system
eval "export $variable"
@@ -234,75 +252,79 @@
echo "${variable}='$value' ; export ${variable}" >> $rvm_path/system
- rvm_default_path=`__rvm_db "rvm_default_path"`
- if [ -z "$rvm_default_path" ] ; then
- __rvm_clean-path # Clean the path the first time we compute default path.
+ rvm_system_path=`__rvm_db "system_path"`
+ if [ -z "$rvm_system_path" ] ; then
+ __rvm_clean-path # Clean the path the first time we compute system path.
- rvm_default_path="$PATH"
- __rvm_db "rvm_default_path" "$rvm_default_path"
+ rvm_system_path="$PATH"
+ __rvm_db "system_path" "$rvm_system_path"
- rvm_default_ps1=`__rvm_db "rvm_default_ps1"`
- if [ -z "$rvm_default_ps1" ] ; then
- rvm_default_ps1=$PS1
- __rvm_db "rvm_default_ps1" "$rvm_default_ps1"
+ rvm_system_ps1=`__rvm_db "system_ps1"`
+ if [ -z "$rvm_system_ps1" ] ; then
+ rvm_system_ps1=$PS1
+ __rvm_db "system_ps1" "$rvm_system_ps1"
- rvm_default_system_ruby=`__rvm_db "default_system_ruby"`
- if [ -z "$rvm_default_system_ruby" ] ; then
- rvm_default_system_ruby=`which ruby`
+ rvm_system_ruby=`__rvm_db "system_ruby"`
+ if [ -z "$rvm_system_ruby" ] ; then
+ rvm_system_ruby=`which ruby`
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
__rvm_log "info" "System ruby not found, no db will be stored."
- __rvm_db "default_system_ruby" "$rvm_default_system_ruby"
+ __rvm_db "system_ruby" "$rvm_system_ruby"
- # Now store default system & user gem paths
- rvm_default_user_gem_path=`__rvm_db "default_user_gem_path"`
- if [ -z "$rvm_default_user_gem_path" ] ; then
- rvm_default_user_gem_path=`ruby -r rubygems -e "puts Gem::default_path.compact.first"`
- __rvm_db "default_user_gem_path" "$rvm_default_user_gem_path"
+ # Now store system system & user gem paths
+ rvm_system_user_gem_path=`__rvm_db "system_user_gem_path"`
+ if [ -z "$rvm_system_user_gem_path" ] ; then
+ rvm_system_user_gem_path=`ruby -r rubygems -e "puts Gem::default_path.compact.first"`
+ __rvm_db "system_user_gem_path" "$rvm_system_user_gem_path"
- rvm_default_system_gem_path=`__rvm_db "default_system_gem_path"`
- if [ -z "$rvm_default_system_gem_path" ] ; then
- rvm_default_system_gem_path=`ruby -r rubygems -e "puts Gem::default_path.compact[1] || Gem::default_path.compact.first"`
- __rvm_db "default_system_gem_path" "$rvm_default_system_gem_path"
+ rvm_system_gem_path=`__rvm_db "system_gem_path"`
+ if [ -z "$rvm_system_gem_path" ] ; then
+ rvm_system_gem_path=`ruby -r rubygems -e "puts Gem::default_path.compact[1] || Gem::default_path.compact.first"`
+ __rvm_db "system_gem_path" "$rvm_system_gem_path"
function __rvm_reset {
- PATH="$rvm_path/bin:$rvm_default_path" ; export PATH
+ PATH="$rvm_path/bin:$rvm_system_path" ; export PATH
for variable in RUBY_VERSION GEM_HOME MY_RUBY_HOME ; do unset $variable ; done
- if [ -f $rvm_path/system ] ; then rm -f $rvm_path/system ; fi
- rm -f $rvm_path/default*
- # TODO: Remove this after a few releases:
- rm -f $rvm_path/current*
+ for file in system default ; do
+ if [ -f $rvm_path/$file ] ; then rm -f $rvm_path/file ; fi
+ done
__rvm_select "system"
- for default in default_ps1 default_path default_system_ruby default_system_gem_path default_user_gem_path ; do
- __rvm_db "$default" "delete"
- done ; unset default variable
+ for system_config in system_ps1 system_path system_ruby system_gem_path system_user_gem_path ; do
+ __rvm_db "$system_config" "delete"
+ done ; unset system_config variable
function __rvm_implode {
while : ; do
__rvm_log "warn" "Are you SURE you wish for rvm to implode? This will remove $rvm_path ? (type 'yes' or 'no')"
read response
if [ "$response" = "yes" ] ; then
- if [ -d $rvm_path ] ; then
- __rvm_log "info" "Hai! Removing $rvm_path"
- rm -rf $rvm_path/
+ if [ "$rvm_path" = "/" ] ; then
+ __rvm_log "error" "remove '/' ?!... NO!"
- __rvm_log "info" "It appears that $rvm_path is already non existant."
+ if [ -d $rvm_path ] ; then
+ __rvm_log "info" "Hai! Removing $rvm_path"
+ rm -rf $rvm_path/
+ __rvm_log "info" "$rvm_path has been removed."
+ else
+ __rvm_log "info" "It appears that $rvm_path is already non existant."
+ fi
elif [ "$response" = "no" ] ; then
__rvm_log "info" "Cancelling implosion, no harm done :)"
@@ -332,15 +354,15 @@
# clones from source implementation/version to default
function __rvm_gem-dup {
if [ "$1" = "default" ] ; then
- rvm_source_gem_dir="$rvm_default_user_gem_path"
+ rvm_source_gem_dir="$rvm_system_user_gem_path"
elif [ "$1" = "system" ] ; then
- rvm_source_gem_dir="$rvm_default_system_gem_path"
+ rvm_source_gem_dir="$rvm_system_gem_path"
- rvm_source_gem_dir=${1:-$rvm_default_user_gem_path} # TODO: check for and remove trailing /gems
+ rvm_source_gem_dir=${1:-$rvm_system_user_gem_path} # TODO: check for and remove trailing /gems
if [ ! -z "$rvm_source_gem_dir" ] ; then
for rvm_gem_name_version in `/bin/ls $rvm_source_gem_dir/gems` ; do
@@ -364,21 +386,21 @@
key="$1" ; shift
if [ -z "$key" ] ; then
__rvm_log "fail" "__rvm_db must be called with at least one argument: __rvm_db key [value]"
- if [ "$key" = "unset" -o "$key" = "delete" ] ; then
- sed -i# "s/^$2=.*$//" $rvm_hash_file
+ value="$*"
+ if [ "$value" = "unset" -o "$value" = "delete" ] ; then
+ sed -i.tmp "s/^$key=.*$//" $rvm_hash_file
- value="$*"
if [ -z "$value" ] ; then # get
grep "^$key=" $rvm_hash_file | head -n 1 | awk -F'=' '{print $2}'
else # set
if [ -z "$(grep "^$key=" $rvm_hash_file)" ] ; then # append
echo "$key=$value" >> $rvm_hash_file
else # overwrite
- sed -i# "s/^$key=.*$/$key=$value/" $rvm_hash_file
+ sed -i.tmp "s/^$key=.*$/$key=$value/" $rvm_hash_file
@@ -413,45 +435,62 @@
echo "ree 20090610"
current=`which ruby | xargs dirname | xargs dirname | xargs basename`
echo -e "\nruby:\n"
for version in `/bin/ls -l $rvm_path/ | awk '/ ruby-[1-2].*/ { print $NF }'` ; do
+ string=`$rvm_bin_path/$version -v`
if [ "$current" = "$version" ] ; then
- echo -e "=> $version"
+ echo -e "=> $version : $string"
- echo -e " $version"
+ echo -e " $version : $string"
unset version
echo -e "\njruby:\n"
for version in `/bin/ls -l $rvm_path/ | awk '/jruby-.*/ { print $NF }'` ; do
+ string=`$rvm_bin_path/$version -v`
if [ "$current" = "$version" ] ; then
- echo -e "=> $version"
+ echo -e "=> $version : $string"
- echo -e " $version"
+ echo -e " $version : $string"
unset version
echo -e "\nree:\n"
for version in `/bin/ls $rvm_path/ | awk '/ruby-enterprise-.*/ { print $NF }'` ; do
+ string=`$rvm_bin_path/$version -v | tr "\n" ' ' `
if [ "$current" = "$version" ] ; then
- echo -e "=> $version"
+ echo -e "=> $version : $string"
- echo -e " $version"
+ echo -e " $version : $string"
+ if [ -f $rvm_path/default -a -s $rvm_path/default ] ; then
+ version=`grep '^MY_RUBY_HOME' ~/.rvm/default | awk -F"'" '{print $2}' | xargs basename`
+ if [ ! -z "$version" ] ; then
+ echo -e "\ndefault:\n"
+ string=`$rvm_bin_path/$version -v`
+ if [ "$current" = "$version" ] ; then
+ echo -e "=> $version : $string"
+ selected="1"
+ else
+ echo -e " $version : $string"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
echo -e "\nsystem:\n"
if [ "$selected" = "1" ] ; then
- echo -e " $($rvm_default_system_ruby -v)\n"
+ echo -e " $($rvm_system_ruby -v)\n"
- echo -e "=> $($rvm_default_system_ruby -v)\n"
+ echo -e "=> $($rvm_system_ruby -v)\n"
unset current version selected
@@ -495,15 +534,304 @@
# Rubinius sha1's will be available after RC1.
+ rvm_ruby_load_path="."
+ rvm_ruby_require=""
rvm_result=$(echo $PATH | grep 'rvm\/bin:')
if [ -z $rvm_result ] ; then
PATH=$rvm_bin_path:$PATH ; export PATH
mkdir -p $rvm_source_path $rvm_bin_path $rvm_archives_path
+function __rvm_update {
+ if [ "$rvm_ruby_rev" = "head" -o "$rvm_update_flag" ] ; then
+ __rvm_version
+ __rvm_update_rvm
+ __rvm_version
+ fi
+ __rvm_reload
+ if [ "$rvm_bin_flag" ] ; then __rvm_bin_scripts ; fi
+ if [ "$rvm_rubygems_flag" ] ; then __rvm_rubygems_install ; fi
+function __rvm_update_rvm {
+ mkdir -p $rvm_source_path
+ if [ "$rvm_ruby_rev" = "head" ] ; then
+ if [ -d $rvm_source_path/rvm/.git ] ; then
+ cd $rvm_source_path/rvm/ && git pull origin master && ./scripts/rvm-install
+ else
+ cd $rvm_source_path && git clone git:// && cd rvm/ && ./scripts/rvm-install
+ fi
+ else
+ # TODO: rvm_install_path:
+ gem install rvm --no-rdoc --no-ri -q && rvm-install && source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
+ fi
+function __rvm_reboot {
+ __rvm_log "warn" "Do you wish to reset rvm? ('yes', or 'no')"
+ read response
+ if [ "$response" = "yes" ] ; then
+ cd
+ __rvm_reset
+ mv ~/.rvm/archives ~/.archives
+ if [ "$rvm_path" = "/" ] ; then
+ __rvm_log "error" "remove '/' ?!... NO!"
+ else
+ if [ -d $rvm_path ] ; then
+ rm -rf $rvm_path/
+ fi
+ fi
+ gem install rvm --no-rdoc --no-ri -q
+ which rvm-install > /dev/null
+ if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then
+ if [ -e ~/.gem/ruby/1.8/bin/rvm-install ] ; then
+ ~/.gem/ruby/1.8/bin/rvm-install
+ else
+ __rvm_log "error" "Could not find rvm-install in your path :("
+ fi
+ else
+ rvm-install
+ fi
+ source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
+ else
+ __rvm_log "info" "Carry on then..."
+ fi
+ unset response
+function __rvm_reload {
+ source $rvm_path/scripts/rvm
+function __rvm_do {
+ all=() ; successes=() ; errors=() ; statuses=()
+ # TODO: Extract the common functionality out of the if below
+ if [ ! -z "$rvm_ruby_version" ] ; then
+ rvm_ruby_selectors=$(echo $rvm_ruby_version | tr ',' ' ')
+ for rvm_ruby_selector in $rvm_ruby_selectors ; do
+ temp=$(echo $rvm_ruby_selector | awk '{print substr($1, 0, 1)}')
+ if [ ! -z "$(echo $temp | grep '[0-9]')" ] ; then
+ rvm_ruby_interpreter="ruby"
+ rvm_ruby_version="$rvm_ruby_selector"
+ else
+ rvm_ruby_interpreter="$rvm_ruby_selector"
+ unset rvm_ruby_version
+ fi
+ unset temp
+ __rvm_select
+ __rvm_use
+ binary=`echo $rvm_action | sed 's/do$//'`
+ lp="$rvm_ruby_home/bin:$rvm_ruby_load_path"
+ if [ "$binary" = "ruby" ] ; then
+ rvm_command="$rvm_ruby_home/bin/$binary $rvm_ruby_require -I$lp -S $rvm_ruby_args"
+ else
+ rvm_command="$rvm_ruby_home/bin/$binary $rvm_ruby_args"
+ fi
+ echo "$rvm_ruby_string: $($rvm_ruby_home/bin/$binary -v)"
+ eval $rvm_command
+ status=$?
+ if [ $status -eq 0 ]; then
+ successes[${#successes[*]}]=$rvm_ruby_string
+ else
+ errors[${#errors[*]}]=$rvm_ruby_string
+ fi
+ all[${#all[*]}]=$rvm_ruby_string
+ statuses[${#statuses[*]}]=$status
+ # TODO: keep track of and re-set the previous selected ruby ;)
+ unset rvm_ruby_interpreter rvm_ruby_patch_level rvm_ruby_version rvm_ruby_package_name rvm_ruby_home rvm_ruby_irbrc rvm_ruby_binary rvm_ruby_string lp
+ done
+ else # all
+ rvm_ruby_binaries=`/bin/ls $rvm_path/*/bin/ruby`
+ for rvm_ruby_binary in $rvm_ruby_binaries ; do
+ if [ -x $rvm_ruby_binary ] ; then
+ rvm_ruby_string=`dirname $rvm_ruby_binary | xargs dirname | xargs basename`
+ __rvm_select
+ __rvm_use
+ rvm_ruby_string="$(dirname $rvm_ruby_home/bin/$binary | xargs dirname | xargs basename)"
+ lp="$rvm_ruby_home/bin:$rvm_ruby_load_path"
+ if [ "$binary" = "ruby" ] ; then
+ rvm_command="$rvm_ruby_binary $rvm_ruby_require -I$lp -S $rvm_ruby_args"
+ else
+ rvm_command="$rvm_ruby_binary $rvm_ruby_args"
+ fi
+ echo "$(basename $rvm_ruby_binary):"
+ eval $rvm_command
+ status=$?
+ if [ $status -eq 0 ]; then
+ successes[${#successes[*]}]=$rvm_ruby_string
+ else
+ errors[${#errors[*]}]=$rvm_ruby_string
+ fi
+ all[${#all[*]}]=$rvm_ruby_string
+ statuses[${#statuses[*]}]=$status
+ unset rvm_ruby_interpreter rvm_ruby_patch_level rvm_ruby_version rvm_ruby_package_name rvm_ruby_home rvm_ruby_irbrc rvm_ruby_binary rvm_ruby_string lp
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ export successes errors statuses
+ if [ ! -z "$rvm_summary" ] ; then
+ echo -e "\n\033[0;32msuccessful (${#successes[*]}) : [ $(echo "${successes[*]}" | sed 's/ /, /g') ]\033[0m"
+ echo -e "\n\033[0;31merrors (${#errors[*]}) : [ $(echo "${errors[*]}" | sed 's/ /, /g') ]\033[0m"
+ echo -e "all (${#all[*]}) : [ $(echo "${all[*]}" | sed 's/ /, /g') ]"
+ echo -e "exit statuses: [ $(echo "${statuses[*]}" | sed 's/ /, /g') ]\n"
+ # unset binary successes errors rvm_summary
+ else
+ unset binary successes errors rvm_summary
+ fi
+ return ${#errors[*]}
+function __rvm_irbrc {
+ if [ ! -s "$rvm_ruby_irbrc" ] ; then
+ rvm_irbrc_file=`cat <<-Config
+load '$HOME/.irbrc' if File.exists?('$HOME/.irbrc') rescue nil
+require "irb/completion" rescue nil
+@prompt = {
+ :PROMPT_I => "${rvm_ruby_package_name} > ", # default prompt
+ :PROMPT_S => "${rvm_ruby_package_name}%l> ", # known continuation
+ :PROMPT_C => "${rvm_ruby_package_name} > ",
+ :PROMPT_N => "${rvm_ruby_package_name} ?> ", # unknown continuation
+ :RETURN => " => %s \n",
+ :AUTO_INDENT => true
+@prompt_mode = :DEFAULT
+IRB.conf[:PROMPT][@prompt_mode] = @prompt
+IRB.conf[:PROMPT_MODE] = @prompt_mode
+ touch $rvm_ruby_home/.irbrc
+ echo -e "\n$rvm_irbrc_file" > $rvm_ruby_home/.irbrc
+ fi
+function __rvm_ruby_string {
+ if [ "$rvm_ruby_interpreter" = "system" ] ; then
+ rvm_ruby_string=""
+ elif [ ! -z "$rvm_ruby_string" ] ; then
+ echo $rvm_ruby_string | grep "enterprise" > /dev/null
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
+ rvm_ruby_interpreter="ruby-enterprise"
+ else
+ rvm_ruby_interpreter=`echo $rvm_ruby_string | tr '-' ' ' | awk '{print $1}'`
+ fi
+ rvm_ruby_vesion=`echo $rvm_ruby_string | awk -F'-' '{print $(NF-1)}'`
+ revision=`echo $rvm_ruby_string | awk '{print $NF}'`
+ if [ "$revision" = "head" -o "$revision" = "preview" ] ; then
+ rvm_ruby_revision="$revision"
+ else
+ echo $revision | grep 'p[0-9]\+' > /dev/null
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
+ rvm_ruby_patch_level=`echo $revision | awk -F'p' '{print $2}'`
+ else
+ echo $revision | grep '[0-9]\+' > /dev/null
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
+ rvm_ruby_rev="$revision"
+ else
+ unset rvm_ruby_patch_level rvm_ruby_rev
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ return 0
+function __rvm_gemset_dump {
+ if [ -z "$rvm_gem_set_name" ] ; then
+ file_name="default"
+ else
+ file_name="$rvm_gem_set_name"
+ fi
+ echo "# $rvm_gem_set_name.gemset generated gem dump file. Note that any env variable settings will be missing. Append these after using a ';' field separator" > $rvm_gem_set_name.gemset
+ gems="`gem list | sed 's/[\(|\)]//g' | sed 's/, /,/g' | tr ' ' ';'`"
+ for gem in $gems ; do
+ name=`echo $gem | awk -F';' '{print $1}'`
+ if [ -z "$rvm_gem_latest" ] ; then
+ versions=`echo $gem | awk -F';' '{print $2}' | sed 's/,/ /g'`
+ for version in $versions ; do
+ echo "$name -v$version" >> $file_name.gemset
+ done
+ unset version
+ else
+ echo "$name" >> $file_name.gemset
+ fi
+ unset name
+ done
+ unset file_name gems versions
+function __rvm_gemset_load {
+ echo "Loading $rvm_load_file file..."
+ while read line < `cat "$rvm_load_file" | awk '/^[a-zA-Z]/{print}'` ; do
+ # TODO: Switch to a different field separator than ; to allow for evals
+ gem=`echo $line | awk -F';' '{print $1}'`
+ gem_prefix=`echo $line | awk -F';' '{print $2}'`
+ gem_name=`echo $gem | awk '{print $1}'`
+ gem_version=`echo $gem | sed 's/^.*-v[=]*[ ]*//' | awk '{print $1}'`
+ gem_postfix=`echo $gem | sed "s/$gem_name//" | sed "s/-v[=]*[ ]*$gem_version//"`
+ gem_file="$gem_name-$gem_version.gem"
+ if [ -z "$gem_version" ] ; then # no version
+ file=`/bin/ls -t $rvm_gem_home/cache/${gem_name}* | head -n 1`
+ else # version
+ file=`/bin/ls $rvm_gem_home/cache/$gem_file`
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$file" ] ; then # not cached
+ gem="$gem_name-$gem_version"
+ else # cached
+ gem="$file -l" # install as a named local gem
+ fi
+ # TODO: Set vars if fourth field is non-empty (means that there are conditional statements to execute in the gem install line.
+ if [ -z "$vars" ] ; then
+ GEM_HOME="$rvm_gem_home" GEM_PATH="$rvm_gem_home" $gem_prefix $rvm_ruby_home/bin/gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri -q $gem $gem_postfix
+ else
+ eval "GEM_HOME='$rvm_gem_home' GEM_PATH='$rvm_gem_home' $gem_prefix $rvm_ruby_home/bin/gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri -q $gem $gem_postfix"
+ fi
+ unset gem gem_prefix gem_name gem_version gem_file gem_postfix file
+ done
+# -C --with-readline-dir=$rvm_path/usr
+function __rvm_readline_install {
+ pushd $rvm_path/src > /dev/null
+ package=readline
+ version=5.2
+ # TODO: Figure out how to list, grab and apply the patches
+ __rvm_fetch "$package-$version.tar.gz"
+ __rvm_run "extract" tar zxf $rvm_archives_path/$package-$version.tar.gz -C $rvm_path/src/
+ cd $rvm_path/src/$package-$version
+ __rvm_run "configure" ./configure --prefix=$rvm_path/usr --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-static --enable-shared
+ __rvm_run "$package.make" make
+ __rvm_run "$package.make.install" make install
+ popd > /dev/null
+# -C --with-iconv-dir=$rvm_path/usr
+function __rvm_iconv_install {
+ pushd $rvm_path/src > /dev/null
+ package=libiconv
+ version=1.13.1
+ __rvm_fetch "$package-$version.tar.gz"
+ __rvm_run "$package.extract" tar zxf $rvm_archives_path/$package-$version.tar.gz -C $rvm_dir/src/
+ cd $rvm_path/src/$package-$version
+ __rvm_run "$package.configure" ./configure --prefix=$rvm_path/usr --disable-shared
+ __rvm_run "$package.make" make
+ __rvm_run "$package.make.install" make install
+ popd > /dev/null