scripts/rvm-utility in wayneeseguin-rvm-0.0.35 vs scripts/rvm-utility in wayneeseguin-rvm-0.0.36
- old
+ new
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
function __rvm_meta {
rvm_meta_author="Wayne E. Seguin"
- rvm_meta_version="0.0.35"
- rvm_meta_updated="2009.09.05"
+ rvm_meta_version="0.0.36"
+ rvm_meta_updated="2009.09.06"
function __rvm_version { __rvm_meta ; echo "rvm $rvm_meta_version ($rvm_meta_updated) [$rvm_meta_website]" ; }
function __rvm_usage {
@@ -167,18 +167,20 @@
function __rvm_gi { gem install -q --no-rdoc --no-ri $* ; }
function __rvm_run {
log_file_name="$1" ; shift
+ mkdir -p $rvm_ruby_log_path
if [ $rvm_debug ] ; then __rvm_log "debug" "Executing: $command" ; fi
+ touch $rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.log $rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.error.log # for zsh :(
eval "nice -n $rvm_niceness $command" >> $rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.log 2>> $rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.error.log
if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then __rvm_log "error" "There was an error, please check $rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.error.log" ; popd 2> /dev/null ; return 1 ; fi
unset log_file command
function __rvm_cleanup-variables {
- unset rvm_selected rvm_action rvm_ruby_interpreter rvm_ruby_patch_level rvm_ruby_version rvm_irbrc_file rvm_ruby_irbrc rvm_source_path rvm_path rvm_debug rvm_prefix_path rvm_ruby_package_name rvm_gem_path rvm_command rvm_error_message IRBRC rvm_ruby_home rvm_ruby_binary rvm_gem_set_name rvm_delete_flag rvm_ruby_tag rvm_ruby_rev rvm_url rvm_ruby_make rvm_ruby_make_install rvm_config_path rvm_bin_path rvm_force rvm_set_prompt rvm_all rvm_re_configure
+ unset rvm_selected rvm_action rvm_ruby_interpreter rvm_ruby_patch_level rvm_ruby_version rvm_irbrc_file rvm_ruby_irbrc rvm_source_path rvm_path rvm_debug rvm_prefix_path rvm_ruby_package_name rvm_gem_path rvm_command rvm_error_message rvm_ruby_home rvm_ruby_binary rvm_gem_set_name rvm_delete_flag rvm_ruby_tag rvm_ruby_rev rvm_url rvm_ruby_make rvm_ruby_make_install rvm_config_path rvm_bin_path rvm_force rvm_set_prompt rvm_all rvm_re_configure
# TODO: root user loadng of /etc/rvmrc
function __rvm_load-rvmrc {
if [ -s ~/.rvmrc ] ; then source ~/.rvmrc ; fi
@@ -189,11 +191,11 @@
ruby_wrapper=$(cat <<-RubyWrapper
GEM_HOME=$rvm_gem_home ; export GEM_HOME
MY_RUBY_HOME=$rvm_ruby_home ; export MY_RUBY_HOME
-PATH=$rvm_ruby_home/bin:$rvm_gem_home/bin:$rvm_default_path ; export PATH
+PATH=$rvm_ruby_home/bin:$rvm_gem_home/bin:\$PATH ; export PATH
exec "$rvm_ruby_binary" "\$@"
@@ -273,10 +275,14 @@
rm -f $rvm_path/default*
rm -f $rvm_path/current
__rvm_select "system"
+ for default in default_ps1 default_path default_system_ruby default_system_gem_path default_user_gem_path ; do
+ __rvm_db "$default" "delete"
+ done ; unset default variable
function __rvm_implode {
while : ; do
__rvm_log "warn" "Are you SURE you wish for rvm to implode? This will remove $rvm_path ? (type 'yes' or 'no')"
@@ -355,11 +361,11 @@
if [ "$key" = "unset" -o "$key" = "delete" ] ; then
sed -i# "s/^$2=.*$//" $rvm_hash_file
if [ -z "$value" ] ; then # get
- grep "^$key=" $rvm_hash_file | awk -F'=' '{print $2}'
+ grep "^$key=" $rvm_hash_file | head -n 1 | awk -F'=' '{print $2}'
else # set
if [ -z "$(grep "^$key=" $rvm_hash_file)" ] ; then # append
echo "$key=$value" >> $rvm_hash_file
else # overwrite
sed -i# "s/^$key=.*$/$key=$value/" $rvm_hash_file
@@ -393,9 +399,10 @@
echo "jruby 1.3.0"
echo "jruby 1.3.1"
echo "jruby head"
echo "rubinius head"
echo "rbx head"
+ echo "rbx head --jit"
echo "ree 20090610"
echo -e "\nruby:\n$(/bin/ls -l $rvm_path/ | awk '/ ruby-[1-2].*/ { print " - " $NF }')\n"
echo -e "jruby:\n$(/bin/ls -l $rvm_path/ | awk '/jruby-.*/ { print " - " $NF }')\n"
echo -e "ree:\n$(/bin/ls $rvm_path/ | awk '/ruby-enterprise-.*/ { print " - " $NF }')\n"