unittests/windows/modal_dialog_test.rb in watir-1.6.5 vs unittests/windows/modal_dialog_test.rb in watir-1.6.6.rc1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,128 +1,128 @@
-# feature tests for modal web dialog support
-# revision: $Revision$
-$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..') unless $SETUP_LOADED
-require 'unittests/setup'
-require 'watir/close_all'
-class TC_ModalDialog < Watir::TestCase
- include Watir
- def setup
- @original_timeout = IE.attach_timeout
- goto_page 'modal_dialog_launcher.html'
- IE.attach_timeout = 10.0
- end
- def teardown
- if browser
- while browser.close_modal do; end
- end
- sleep 0.1
- IE.attach_timeout = @original_timeout
- end
- def assert_no_modals
- IE.attach_timeout = 0.2
- begin
- assert_raises(NoMatchingWindowFoundException) do
- browser.modal_dialog
- end
- ensure
- IE.attach_timeout = @original_timeout
- end
- end
- def test_modal_simple_use_case
- browser.button(:value, 'Launch Dialog').click_no_wait
- modal = browser.modal_dialog(:title, 'Modal Dialog')
- assert(modal.text.include?('Enter some text:'))
- modal.text_field(:name, 'modal_text').set('hello')
- modal.button(:value, 'Close').click
- assert_equal('hello', browser.text_field(:name, 'modaloutput').value)
- end
- def test_wait_should_not_block
- browser.button(:value, 'Launch Dialog').click_no_wait
- modal = browser.modal_dialog(:title, 'Modal Dialog')
- modal.text_field(:name, 'modal_text').set('hello')
- modal.wait
- modal.button(:value, 'Close').click
- end
- def test_modal_dialog_use_case_default
- browser.button(:value, 'Launch Dialog').click_no_wait
- modal = browser.modal_dialog
- assert_not_nil modal
- # Make sure that we have attached to modal and that the hwnd method
- # is working properly to show the HWND of our parent.
- assert_not_equal(browser.hwnd, modal.hwnd)
- # Once attached just treat the modal_dialog like any IE or Frame
- # object.
- assert(modal.text.include?('Enter some text:'))
- modal.text_field(:name, 'modal_text').set('hello')
- modal.button(:value, 'Close').click
- assert_no_modals
- assert_equal('hello', browser.text_field(:name, 'modaloutput').value)
- end
- # Now explicitly supply the :title parameter.
- def test_modal_dialog_use_case_title
- browser.button(:value, 'Launch Dialog').click_no_wait
- modal = browser.modal_dialog(:title, 'Modal Dialog')
- assert_not_equal(browser.hwnd, modal.hwnd)
- assert_equal('Modal Dialog', modal.title)
- assert(modal.text.include?('Enter some text:'))
- modal.button(:value, 'Close').click
- end
- # Now explicitly supply the :title parameter with regexp match
- def test_modal_dialog_use_case_title_regexp
- assert_raises(ArgumentError){browser.modal_dialog(:title, /dal Dia/)}
- end
- # Now explicitly supply an invalid "how" value
- def test_modal_dialog_use_case_invalid
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { browser.modal_dialog(:esp) }
- end
- def test_double_modal
- browser.button(:value, 'Launch Dialog').click_no_wait
- modal1 = browser.modal_dialog
- modal1.button(:text, 'Another Modal').click_no_wait
- modal2 = modal1.modal_dialog
- assert_equal modal2.title, 'Pass Page'
- modal2.close
- modal1.close
- end
- def xtest_modal_with_frames
- browser.button(:value, 'Launch Dialog').click_no_wait
- modal1 = browser.modal_dialog
- modal1.button(:value, 'Modal with Frames').click_no_wait
- modal2 = browser.modal_dialog
- modal2.frame('buttonFrame').button(:value, 'Click Me').click
- assert(modal2.frame('buttonFrame').text.include?('PASS'))
- modal2.frame('buttonFrame').button(:value, 'Close Window').click
- modal1.close
- end
- def test_modal_exists
- browser.button(:value, 'Launch Dialog').click_no_wait
- modal = browser.modal_dialog(:title, 'Modal Dialog')
- assert(modal.exists?)
- modal.button(:value, 'Close').click
- assert_false(modal.exists?)
- end
+# feature tests for modal web dialog support
+# revision: $Revision$
+$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..') unless $SETUP_LOADED
+require 'unittests/setup'
+require 'watir/close_all'
+class TC_ModalDialog < Watir::TestCase
+ include Watir
+ def setup
+ @original_timeout = IE.attach_timeout
+ goto_page 'modal_dialog_launcher.html'
+ IE.attach_timeout = 10.0
+ end
+ def teardown
+ if browser
+ while browser.close_modal do; end
+ end
+ sleep 0.1
+ IE.attach_timeout = @original_timeout
+ end
+ def assert_no_modals
+ IE.attach_timeout = 0.2
+ begin
+ assert_raises(NoMatchingWindowFoundException) do
+ browser.modal_dialog
+ end
+ ensure
+ IE.attach_timeout = @original_timeout
+ end
+ end
+ def test_modal_simple_use_case
+ browser.button(:value, 'Launch Dialog').click_no_wait
+ modal = browser.modal_dialog(:title, 'Modal Dialog')
+ assert(modal.text.include?('Enter some text:'))
+ modal.text_field(:name, 'modal_text').set('hello')
+ modal.button(:value, 'Close').click
+ assert_equal('hello', browser.text_field(:name, 'modaloutput').value)
+ end
+ def test_wait_should_not_block
+ browser.button(:value, 'Launch Dialog').click_no_wait
+ modal = browser.modal_dialog(:title, 'Modal Dialog')
+ modal.text_field(:name, 'modal_text').set('hello')
+ modal.wait
+ modal.button(:value, 'Close').click
+ end
+ def test_modal_dialog_use_case_default
+ browser.button(:value, 'Launch Dialog').click_no_wait
+ modal = browser.modal_dialog
+ assert_not_nil modal
+ # Make sure that we have attached to modal and that the hwnd method
+ # is working properly to show the HWND of our parent.
+ assert_not_equal(browser.hwnd, modal.hwnd)
+ # Once attached just treat the modal_dialog like any IE or Frame
+ # object.
+ assert(modal.text.include?('Enter some text:'))
+ modal.text_field(:name, 'modal_text').set('hello')
+ modal.button(:value, 'Close').click
+ assert_no_modals
+ assert_equal('hello', browser.text_field(:name, 'modaloutput').value)
+ end
+ # Now explicitly supply the :title parameter.
+ def test_modal_dialog_use_case_title
+ browser.button(:value, 'Launch Dialog').click_no_wait
+ modal = browser.modal_dialog(:title, 'Modal Dialog')
+ assert_not_equal(browser.hwnd, modal.hwnd)
+ assert_equal('Modal Dialog', modal.title)
+ assert(modal.text.include?('Enter some text:'))
+ modal.button(:value, 'Close').click
+ end
+ # Now explicitly supply the :title parameter with regexp match
+ def test_modal_dialog_use_case_title_regexp
+ assert_raises(ArgumentError){browser.modal_dialog(:title, /dal Dia/)}
+ end
+ # Now explicitly supply an invalid "how" value
+ def test_modal_dialog_use_case_invalid
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { browser.modal_dialog(:esp) }
+ end
+ def test_double_modal
+ browser.button(:value, 'Launch Dialog').click_no_wait
+ modal1 = browser.modal_dialog
+ modal1.button(:text, 'Another Modal').click_no_wait
+ modal2 = modal1.modal_dialog
+ assert_equal modal2.title, 'Pass Page'
+ modal2.close
+ modal1.close
+ end
+ def xtest_modal_with_frames
+ browser.button(:value, 'Launch Dialog').click_no_wait
+ modal1 = browser.modal_dialog
+ modal1.button(:value, 'Modal with Frames').click_no_wait
+ modal2 = browser.modal_dialog
+ modal2.frame('buttonFrame').button(:value, 'Click Me').click
+ assert(modal2.frame('buttonFrame').text.include?('PASS'))
+ modal2.frame('buttonFrame').button(:value, 'Close Window').click
+ modal1.close
+ end
+ def test_modal_exists
+ browser.button(:value, 'Launch Dialog').click_no_wait
+ modal = browser.modal_dialog(:title, 'Modal Dialog')
+ assert(modal.exists?)
+ modal.button(:value, 'Close').click
+ assert_false(modal.exists?)
+ end