unittests/html/checkboxes1.html in watir-1.6.5 vs unittests/html/checkboxes1.html in watir-1.6.6.rc1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,90 +1,90 @@
-Test page for Check Boxes
-function setButtonState( )
- var button = document.getElementById('foo');
- if (button.disabled ){
- button.disabled = false
- } else {
- button.disabled = true
- }
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="watir_unit_tests.css">
-CVS Revision: $Revision $
-CheckBox 1 <input type = checkbox name = box1 class=check_box_style >
-Disabled<input type = checkbox name = box2 disabled>
-Set<input type = checkbox name = box3 checked>
-These 2 have ids
-id= box4 value=1 <input type ='checkbox' id='box4' name='verify1' value='1' checked>
-id = box4a value=2 <input type = 'checkbox' id = 'box4a' name= 'verify2' value = '2' checked>
-These boxes have the same name, but different values
-Name = box4 value=1 <input type = checkbox name = box4 value = 1 checked>
-Name = box4 value=2 <input type = checkbox name = box4 value = 2>
-Name = box4 value=3 <input type = checkbox name = box4 value = 3>
-Name = box4 value=4 <input type = checkbox name = box4 value = 4>
-Name = box4 value=5 <input type = checkbox name = box4 value = 5 disabled title="box4-value5">
-Name = box5 value=1 <input type = checkbox name = box5 value = 1 onClick='javascript:setButtonState( )'>
-<input type = button id = foo value = foo disabled=disabled ><td> This button is used with checkbox box5. This button is enabled if the checkbox is enabled
-Milk<input type = checkbox name = "box6" value ="Milk">
-Tea<input type = checkbox name = "box6" value ="Tea">
+Test page for Check Boxes
+function setButtonState( )
+ var button = document.getElementById('foo');
+ if (button.disabled ){
+ button.disabled = false
+ } else {
+ button.disabled = true
+ }
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="watir_unit_tests.css">
+CVS Revision: $Revision $
+CheckBox 1 <input type = checkbox name = box1 class=check_box_style >
+Disabled<input type = checkbox name = box2 disabled>
+Set<input type = checkbox name = box3 checked>
+These 2 have ids
+id= box4 value=1 <input type ='checkbox' id='box4' name='verify1' value='1' checked>
+id = box4a value=2 <input type = 'checkbox' id = 'box4a' name= 'verify2' value = '2' checked>
+These boxes have the same name, but different values
+Name = box4 value=1 <input type = checkbox name = box4 value = 1 checked>
+Name = box4 value=2 <input type = checkbox name = box4 value = 2>
+Name = box4 value=3 <input type = checkbox name = box4 value = 3>
+Name = box4 value=4 <input type = checkbox name = box4 value = 4>
+Name = box4 value=5 <input type = checkbox name = box4 value = 5 disabled title="box4-value5">
+Name = box5 value=1 <input type = checkbox name = box5 value = 1 onClick='javascript:setButtonState( )'>
+<input type = button id = foo value = foo disabled=disabled ><td> This button is used with checkbox box5. This button is enabled if the checkbox is enabled
+Milk<input type = checkbox name = "box6" value ="Milk">
+Tea<input type = checkbox name = "box6" value ="Tea">
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