spec/watirspec/capabilities_spec.rb in watir-7.2.0 vs spec/watirspec/capabilities_spec.rb in watir-7.2.1
- old
+ new
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@
$browser = BrowserDouble.new
- after(:each) { @browser&.close }
+ after { @browser&.close }
after(:all) { $browser = nil }
def browser_name
case browser_symbol
@@ -53,51 +53,51 @@
# :proxy (default nil; Selenium object, or Built from Hash and added to :options)
# :options (default nil; Selenium object, or Built from Hash)
# :capabilities (default Generated; Selenium object, or built from Hash; incompatible with options)
context 'when local', exclusive: {driver: :local_driver} do
- context 'all browsers' do
+ context 'when any browser' do
it 'accepts driver instance' do
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for browser_symbol
- @browser = Watir::Browser.new(driver)
+ @browser = described_class.new(driver)
expect(actual_http).not_to be_a(Watir::HttpClient)
it 'accepts watir capabilities object' do
service = Service.send(browser_symbol, port: 1234)
client = Remote::Http::Default.new
capabilities = Watir::Capabilities.new(browser_symbol, service: service, http_client: client)
- @browser = Browser.new(capabilities)
+ @browser = described_class.new(capabilities)
expect(actual_service.instance_variable_get(:@port)).to eq 1234
expect(actual_http).to eq client
it 'browser symbol uses designated options and watir client without service' do
- @browser = Browser.new(browser_symbol)
+ @browser = described_class.new(browser_symbol)
expect(generated_options).to be_a Options.send(browser_symbol).class
expect(selenium_args).not_to include(:service)
expect(actual_http).to be_a HttpClient
describe 'capabilities' do
it 'just options object has options and watir client without capabilities or service' do
- @browser = Browser.new(options: Options.send(browser_symbol))
+ @browser = described_class.new(options: Options.send(browser_symbol))
expect(generated_options).to be_a Options.send(browser_symbol).class
expect(selenium_args).not_to include(:service)
expect(actual_http).to be_a HttpClient
it 'without browser argument, just Hash with options service and client' do
service = Service.send(browser_symbol, port: 1234)
client = Remote::Http::Default.new
options = {browser_name: browser_name, unhandled_prompt_behavior: :accept_and_notify}
- @browser = Browser.new(options: options, service: service, http_client: client)
+ @browser = described_class.new(options: options, service: service, http_client: client)
expect(generated_options).to be_a Options.send(browser_symbol).class
expect(selenium_args[:service]).to eq service
expect(actual_capabilities.unhandled_prompt_behavior).to eq 'accept and notify'
expect(actual_http).to eq client
@@ -105,114 +105,114 @@
it 'just capabilities has capabilities and watir client without service' do
caps = Remote::Capabilities.new(browser_name: browser_name)
expect {
- @browser = Browser.new(capabilities: caps)
+ @browser = described_class.new(capabilities: caps)
}.to have_deprecated(:capabilities)
expect(selenium_args[:capabilities]).to eq(caps)
expect(selenium_args).not_to include(:service)
expect(actual_http).to be_a HttpClient
it 'accepts page load and script timeouts in seconds' do
options = {page_load_timeout: 11,
script_timeout: 12}
- @browser = Browser.new(browser_symbol, options: options)
+ @browser = described_class.new(browser_symbol, options: options)
expect(actual_capabilities.timeouts[:page_load]).to eq 11_000
expect(actual_capabilities.timeouts[:script]).to eq 12_000
it 'unhandled prompt behavior defaults to ignore' do
- @browser = Browser.new(browser_symbol)
+ @browser = described_class.new(browser_symbol)
expect(actual_capabilities.unhandled_prompt_behavior).to eq 'ignore'
it 'unhandled prompt behavior can be overridden' do
- @browser = Browser.new(browser_symbol, options: {unhandled_prompt_behavior: :accept_and_notify})
+ @browser = described_class.new(browser_symbol, options: {unhandled_prompt_behavior: :accept_and_notify})
expect(actual_capabilities.unhandled_prompt_behavior).to eq 'accept and notify'
it 'generates options from Hash', except: {browser: :safari,
reason: 'Does not accept unrecognized args'} do
options = {page_load_strategy: 'eager', args: %w[--foo --bar]}
- @browser = Browser.new(browser_symbol, options: options)
+ @browser = described_class.new(browser_symbol, options: options)
expect(generated_options).to be_a Options.send(browser_symbol).class
expect(generated_options.page_load_strategy).to eq 'eager'
expect(generated_options.args).to include '--foo', '--bar'
describe 'service' do
it 'uses provided service' do
service = Service.send(browser_symbol, port: 1234)
- @browser = Browser.new(browser_symbol, service: service)
+ @browser = described_class.new(browser_symbol, service: service)
expect(selenium_browser).to eq browser_symbol
expect(selenium_args[:service]).to eq service
expect(actual_service.instance_variable_get(:@port)).to eq 1234
it 'builds service from a Hash' do
@service = {port: 1234}
- @browser = Browser.new(browser_symbol, service: @service)
+ @browser = described_class.new(browser_symbol, service: @service)
expect(selenium_browser).to eq browser_symbol
expect(selenium_args[:service]).to be_a Service
expect(actual_service.instance_variable_get(:@port)).to eq 1234
describe 'http_client' do
it 'uses default HTTP Client' do
- @browser = Browser.new(browser_symbol)
+ @browser = described_class.new(browser_symbol)
expect(actual_http).to be_a HttpClient
it 'accepts an HTTP Client object' do
client = Remote::Http::Default.new
- @browser = Browser.new(browser_symbol, http_client: client)
+ @browser = described_class.new(browser_symbol, http_client: client)
expect(actual_http).to eq client
it 'builds an HTTP Client from Hash' do
client_opts = {open_timeout: 9, read_timeout: 11}
- @browser = Browser.new(browser_symbol, http_client: client_opts)
+ @browser = described_class.new(browser_symbol, http_client: client_opts)
expect(actual_http).to be_a HttpClient
expect(actual_http.instance_variable_get(:@open_timeout)).to eq 9
expect(actual_http.instance_variable_get(:@read_timeout)).to eq 11
it 'uses a listener' do
listener = Selenium::WebDriver::Support::AbstractEventListener.new
- @browser = Browser.new(browser_symbol, listener: listener)
+ @browser = described_class.new(browser_symbol, listener: listener)
expect(actual_listener).to eq listener
describe 'proxy' do
it 'adds Selenium Proxy to empty Options', except: {browser: :safari,
reason: 'Safari does not like proxies'} do
proxy = Selenium::WebDriver::Proxy.new(http: '', ssl: '')
- @browser = Browser.new(browser_symbol, proxy: proxy)
+ @browser = described_class.new(browser_symbol, proxy: proxy)
expect(actual_capabilities.proxy).to eq proxy
it 'builds a Proxy from Hash for Options', except: {browser: :safari,
reason: 'Safari does not like proxies'} do
proxy = {http: '', ssl: ''}
- @browser = Browser.new(browser_symbol, proxy: proxy)
+ @browser = described_class.new(browser_symbol, proxy: proxy)
expect(actual_capabilities.proxy).to be_a Selenium::WebDriver::Proxy
expect(actual_capabilities.proxy.type).to eq(:manual)
expect(actual_capabilities.proxy.http).to eq('')
expect(actual_capabilities.proxy.ssl).to eq('')
@@ -222,11 +222,11 @@
reason: 'Safari does not like proxies'} do
proxy = {http: '', ssl: ''}
options = {unhandled_prompt_behavior: :accept,
page_load_strategy: :eager}
- @browser = Browser.new(browser_symbol, options: options, proxy: proxy)
+ @browser = described_class.new(browser_symbol, options: options, proxy: proxy)
expect(actual_capabilities.proxy).to be_a Selenium::WebDriver::Proxy
expect(actual_capabilities.proxy.type).to eq(:manual)
expect(actual_capabilities.proxy.http).to eq('')
expect(actual_capabilities.proxy.ssl).to eq('')
@@ -237,11 +237,11 @@
it 'builds a Proxy from Hash and adds to Options Class', except: {browser: :safari,
reason: 'Safari does not like proxies'} do
proxy = {http: '', ssl: ''}
options = Options.send(browser_symbol, unhandled_prompt_behavior: :accept, page_load_strategy: :eager)
- @browser = Browser.new(browser_symbol, options: options, proxy: proxy)
+ @browser = described_class.new(browser_symbol, options: options, proxy: proxy)
expect(actual_capabilities.proxy).to be_a Selenium::WebDriver::Proxy
expect(actual_capabilities.proxy.type).to eq(:manual)
expect(actual_capabilities.proxy.http).to eq('')
expect(actual_capabilities.proxy.ssl).to eq('')
@@ -249,130 +249,120 @@
expect(actual_capabilities.page_load_strategy).to eq 'eager'
- context 'chrome', exclusive: {browser: :chrome} do
+ context 'when chrome', exclusive: {browser: :chrome} do
it 'by default uses chrome, has client, options, but not capabilities' do
- @browser = Browser.new
+ @browser = described_class.new
expect(generated_options).to be_a Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Options
expect(actual_http).to be_a HttpClient
expect(selenium_args).not_to include(:service)
it 'sets headless by creating options' do
- @browser = Browser.new(:chrome, headless: true)
+ @browser = described_class.new(:chrome, headless: true)
expect(generated_options.args).to include '--headless'
it 'sets headless in existing options class' do
- @browser = Browser.new(:chrome,
- options: Options.chrome,
- headless: true)
+ @browser = described_class.new(:chrome,
+ options: Options.chrome,
+ headless: true)
expect(generated_options.args).to include '--headless'
it 'sets headless when existing options is a Hash' do
options = {args: ['--foo']}
- @browser = Browser.new(:chrome,
- options: options,
- headless: true)
+ @browser = described_class.new(:chrome,
+ options: options,
+ headless: true)
expect(generated_options.args).to include '--headless'
- context 'edge', exclusive: {browser: :edge} do
+ context 'when edge', exclusive: {browser: :edge} do
it 'sets headless by creating options' do
- @browser = Browser.new(:edge, headless: true)
+ @browser = described_class.new(:edge, headless: true)
expect(generated_options.args).to include '--headless'
it 'sets headless in existing options class' do
- @browser = Browser.new(:edge,
- options: Options.edge,
- headless: true)
+ @browser = described_class.new(:edge,
+ options: Options.edge,
+ headless: true)
expect(generated_options.args).to include '--headless'
it 'sets headless when existing options is a Hash' do
options = {args: ['--foo']}
- @browser = Browser.new(:edge,
- options: options,
- headless: true)
+ @browser = described_class.new(:edge,
+ options: options,
+ headless: true)
expect(generated_options.args).to include '--headless'
- context 'firefox', exclusive: {browser: :firefox} do
+ context 'when firefox', exclusive: {browser: :firefox} do
it 'puts Profile inside Options as Hash' do
profile = Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Profile.new
options = {args: ['--foo'], profile: profile}
- @browser = Browser.new(:firefox, options: options)
+ @browser = described_class.new(:firefox, options: options)
expect(generated_options.args).to include '--foo'
expect(generated_options.profile).to eq profile
- it 'puts Profile inside Hash options' do
- profile = Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Profile.new
- options = {args: ['--foo'], profile: profile}
- @browser = Browser.new(:firefox, options: options)
- expect(generated_options.args).to include '--foo'
- expect(generated_options.profile).to eq profile
- end
it 'sets headless by creating options' do
- @browser = Browser.new(:firefox, headless: true)
+ @browser = described_class.new(:firefox, headless: true)
expect(generated_options.args).to include '-headless'
it 'sets headless in existing options class' do
- @browser = Browser.new(:firefox,
- options: Options.firefox,
- headless: true)
+ @browser = described_class.new(:firefox,
+ options: Options.firefox,
+ headless: true)
expect(generated_options.args).to include '-headless'
it 'sets headless when existing options is a Hash' do
options = {args: ['-foo']}
- @browser = Browser.new(:firefox,
- options: options,
- headless: true)
+ @browser = described_class.new(:firefox,
+ options: options,
+ headless: true)
expect(generated_options.args).to include '-headless', '-foo'
- context 'safari', exclusive: {browser: :safari} do
- after(:each) { Selenium::WebDriver::Safari.use_technology_preview = false }
+ context 'when safari', exclusive: {browser: :safari} do
+ after { Selenium::WebDriver::Safari.use_technology_preview = false }
it 'sets Technology Preview', exclude: {browser: :safari,
reason: 'Broken in Selenium'} do
- @browser = Browser.new(:safari, technology_preview: true)
+ @browser = described_class.new(:safari, technology_preview: true)
- expect(Selenium::WebDriver::Safari.technology_preview?).to eq true
+ expect(Selenium::WebDriver::Safari.technology_preview?).to be true
it 'generates options from Hash with custom option' do
options = {page_load_strategy: 'eager', automatic_inspection: true}
- @browser = Browser.new(browser_symbol, options: options)
+ @browser = described_class.new(browser_symbol, options: options)
expect(generated_options).to be_a Options.send(browser_symbol).class
expect(actual_capabilities.page_load_strategy).to eq 'eager'
- expect(actual_capabilities['safari:automaticInspection']).to eq true
+ expect(actual_capabilities['safari:automaticInspection']).to be true
# Options:
@@ -386,22 +376,22 @@
context 'when remote', exclusive: {driver: :remote_driver} do
let(:url) { "#{WatirSpec.implementation.browser_args.last[:url]}/" }
it 'with just url' do
- @browser = Browser.new(url: url)
+ @browser = described_class.new(url: url)
expect(selenium_browser).to eq :remote
expect(selenium_args).not_to include(:service)
expect(generated_options).to be_a Options.send(browser_symbol).class
expect(actual_capabilities.browser_name).to eq browser_name
expect(actual_http).to be_a HttpClient
expect(actual_http.instance_variable_get(:@server_url).to_s).to eq url
it 'just url & browser name has options and client but not service' do
- @browser = Browser.new(browser_symbol, url: url)
+ @browser = described_class.new(browser_symbol, url: url)
expect(selenium_browser).to eq :remote
expect(selenium_args).not_to include(:service)
expect(generated_options).to be_a Options.send(browser_symbol).class
expect(actual_capabilities.browser_name).to eq browser_name
@@ -409,13 +399,13 @@
expect(actual_http.instance_variable_get(:@server_url).to_s).to eq url
it 'accepts a listener' do
listener = Selenium::WebDriver::Support::AbstractEventListener.new
- @browser = Browser.new(browser_symbol,
- url: url,
- listener: listener)
+ @browser = described_class.new(browser_symbol,
+ url: url,
+ listener: listener)
expect(actual_listener).to eq listener
expect(selenium_browser).to eq :remote
expect(selenium_args).not_to include(:service)
@@ -423,13 +413,13 @@
expect(actual_capabilities.browser_name).to eq browser_name
it 'accepts http client object' do
client = HttpClient.new
- @browser = Browser.new(browser_symbol,
- url: url,
- http_client: client)
+ @browser = described_class.new(browser_symbol,
+ url: url,
+ http_client: client)
expect(actual_http).to eq client
expect(selenium_browser).to eq :remote
expect(selenium_args).not_to include(:service)
@@ -437,13 +427,13 @@
expect(actual_capabilities.browser_name).to eq browser_name
expect(actual_http.instance_variable_get(:@server_url).to_s).to eq url
it 'accepts http client Hash' do
- @browser = Watir::Browser.new(browser_symbol,
- url: url,
- http_client: {read_timeout: 30})
+ @browser = described_class.new(browser_symbol,
+ url: url,
+ http_client: {read_timeout: 30})
expect(actual_http.instance_variable_get(:@read_timeout)).to eq 30
expect(selenium_browser).to eq :remote
expect(selenium_args).not_to include(:service)
@@ -452,13 +442,13 @@
expect(actual_http.instance_variable_get(:@server_url).to_s).to eq url
it 'accepts proxy object' do
proxy = Selenium::WebDriver::Proxy.new(http: '', ssl: '')
- @browser = Watir::Browser.new(browser_symbol,
- url: url,
- proxy: proxy)
+ @browser = described_class.new(browser_symbol,
+ url: url,
+ proxy: proxy)
expect(actual_capabilities.proxy).to eq proxy
expect(selenium_browser).to eq :remote
expect(selenium_args).not_to include(:service)
@@ -468,13 +458,13 @@
expect(actual_http.instance_variable_get(:@server_url).to_s).to eq url
it 'accepts proxy Hash' do
proxy = {http: '', ssl: ''}
- @browser = Browser.new(browser_symbol,
- url: url,
- proxy: proxy)
+ @browser = described_class.new(browser_symbol,
+ url: url,
+ proxy: proxy)
expect(actual_capabilities.proxy).to be_a Selenium::WebDriver::Proxy
expect(actual_capabilities.proxy.type).to eq(:manual)
expect(actual_capabilities.proxy.http).to eq('')
expect(actual_capabilities.proxy.ssl).to eq('')
@@ -486,13 +476,13 @@
expect(actual_http).to be_a HttpClient
expect(actual_http.instance_variable_get(:@server_url).to_s).to eq url
it 'accepts options object' do
- @browser = Browser.new(browser_symbol,
- url: url,
- options: Options.send(browser_symbol, args: ['--foo']))
+ @browser = described_class.new(browser_symbol,
+ url: url,
+ options: Options.send(browser_symbol, args: ['--foo']))
expect(generated_options.args).to include('--foo')
expect(selenium_browser).to eq :remote
expect(selenium_args).not_to include(:service)
@@ -502,13 +492,13 @@
expect(actual_http.instance_variable_get(:@server_url).to_s).to eq url
it 'accepts options hash' do
options = {prefs: {foo: 'bar'}}
- @browser = Browser.new(browser_symbol,
- url: url,
- options: options)
+ @browser = described_class.new(browser_symbol,
+ url: url,
+ options: options)
expect(selenium_browser).to eq :remote
expect(selenium_args).not_to include(:service)
expect(generated_options).to be_a Options.send(browser_symbol).class
expect(generated_options.prefs).to eq(foo: 'bar')
@@ -517,13 +507,13 @@
expect(actual_http.instance_variable_get(:@server_url).to_s).to eq url
it 'accepts capabilities object' do
capabilities = Remote::Capabilities.send(browser_symbol)
- @browser = Browser.new(browser_symbol,
- url: url,
- capabilities: capabilities)
+ @browser = described_class.new(browser_symbol,
+ url: url,
+ capabilities: capabilities)
expect(selenium_browser).to eq :remote
expect(selenium_args).not_to include(:service)
expect(selenium_args[:capabilities]).to eq(capabilities)
expect(actual_capabilities.browser_name).to eq browser_name
@@ -532,14 +522,14 @@
it 'accepts http client & capabilities objects' do
client = HttpClient.new
capabilities = Remote::Capabilities.send(browser_symbol)
- @browser = Browser.new(browser_symbol,
- url: url,
- capabilities: capabilities,
- http_client: client)
+ @browser = described_class.new(browser_symbol,
+ url: url,
+ capabilities: capabilities,
+ http_client: client)
expect(selenium_browser).to eq :remote
expect(selenium_args).not_to include(:service)
expect(selenium_args[:capabilities]).to eq capabilities
expect(actual_capabilities.browser_name).to eq browser_name
@@ -549,14 +539,14 @@
it 'accepts http client & proxy & options objects' do
client = HttpClient.new
proxy = Selenium::WebDriver::Proxy.new(http: '', ssl: '')
options = Options.send(browser_symbol, prefs: {foo: 'bar'})
- @browser = Browser.new(browser_symbol,
- url: url,
- proxy: proxy,
- options: options,
- http_client: client)
+ @browser = described_class.new(browser_symbol,
+ url: url,
+ proxy: proxy,
+ options: options,
+ http_client: client)
expect(selenium_browser).to eq :remote
expect(selenium_args).not_to include :service
expect(generated_options).to eq options
expect(actual_capabilities.browser_name).to eq browser_name