in warden-googleapps-0.0.1 vs in warden-googleapps-0.0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,8 +1,61 @@
-A Warden middleware for google apps
+A Warden middleware for google apps. It needs a little work but definitely authenticates you just fine in Rack apps.
+ module DirectoryAdmin
+ class App < Sinatra::Default
+ disable :show_errors
+ disable :show_exceptions
+ use Warden::Manager do |manager|
+ manager.default_strategies :google_apps
+ manager.failure_app = BadAuthentication
+ manager.config[:google_apps_domain] = ''
+ end
+ helpers do
+ def ensure_authenticated
+ unless env['warden'].authenticate!
+ throw(:warden)
+ end
+ end
+ def user
+ env['warden'].user
+ end
+ end
+ get '/' do
+ ensure_authenticated
+ haml "%h2= 'Hello There, #{user.full_name}!'"
+ end
+ get '/logout' do
+ env['warden'].logout
+ haml "%h2= 'Peace!'"
+ end
+ end
+ class BadAuthentication < Sinatra::Default
+ get '/unauthenticated' do
+ status 403
+ haml "%h3= 'Unable to authenticate, sorry bud.'"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+Enabling on Google
+Be sure you have Federated Login using OpenID enabled under your Advanced Settings Tab
% gem install bundler
% gem bundle