ext/wankel/wankel_parser.c in wankel-0.1.0 vs ext/wankel/wankel_parser.c in wankel-0.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -43,29 +43,28 @@
* Document-method: new
* call-seq: new([options])
* +:symbolize_keys+ will turn hash keys into Ruby symbols, defaults to false.
- * Default `false`.
+ * Default `false`.
* +:allow_comments+ will ignore javascript style comments in JSON input.
- * Default `false`.
+ * Default `false`.
- * +:validate_strings+ will verify that all strings in JSON input are valid UTF8
- * and will emit a parse error if this is not so. This option
- * makes parsing slightly more expensive (~7% depending on
- * processor and compiler in use). Default `false`.
+ * +:validate_utf8+ will verify that all strings in JSON input are valid UTF8
+ * and will emit a parse error if this is not so. This option
+ * makes parsing slightly more expensive (~7% depending on
+ * processor and compiler in use). Default `false`.
* +:allow_trailing_garbage+ will ensure the entire input text was consumed and
- * will raise an error otherwise. Default `false`.
+ * will raise an error otherwise. Default `false`.
* +:multiple_values+ allow multiple values to be parsed by a single parser. The
- * entire text must be valid JSON, and values can be seperated
- * by any kind of whitespace. Default `false`.
+ * entire text must be valid JSON, and values can be seperated
+ * by any kind of whitespace. Default `false`.
- * +:allow_partial_values+ check that the top level value was completely consumed/
- * Default `false`.
- *
+ * +:allow_partial_values+ check that the top level value was completely consumed
+ * Default `false`.
* +:read_buffer_size+ is the size of chunk that will be parsed off the input
* (if it's an IO) for each loop of the parsing process.
* 8092 is a good balance between the different types of
* streams (off disk, off a socket, etc...), but this option
\ No newline at end of file