spec/box_spec.rb in vos-0.0.4 vs spec/box_spec.rb in vos-0.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,109 +1,56 @@
require 'spec_helper'
-describe Rsh::Box do
- with_tmp_spec_dir before: :each
+describe Vos::Box do
before :each do
- @box = Rsh::Box.new
- @local_dir = spec_dir
- @remote_dir = @box.generate_tmp_dir_name
- @box.remove_directory @remote_dir if @box.directory_exist? @remote_dir
- @box.create_directory @remote_dir
+ @box = Vos::Box.new
+ @box.stub :puts
- after :each do
- @box.remove_directory @remote_dir if @box.directory_exist? @remote_dir
- end
- describe "io" do
- describe "files" do
- before :each do
- @local_file = "#{@local_dir}/local_file"
- @check_file = "#{@local_dir}/check_file"
- @remote_file = "#{@remote_dir}/remote_file"
- end
- it "file_exist?" do
- @box.file_exist?(@remote_file).should be_false
- @box.upload_file(@local_file, @remote_file)
- @box.file_exist?(@remote_file).should be_true
- end
- it "upload_file" do
- @box.upload_file(@local_file, @remote_file)
- @box.file_exist?(@remote_file).should be_true
- lambda{@box.upload_file(@local_file, @remote_file)}.should raise_error(/exists/)
- # upload with override
- @box.upload_file(@local_file, @remote_file, override: true)
- @box.file_exist?(@remote_file).should be_true
- end
- it "download_file" do
- lambda{@box.download_file(@remote_file, @check_file)}.should raise_error(/not exists/)
- @box.upload_file(@local_file, @remote_file)
- @box.download_file(@remote_file, @check_file)
- File.read(@local_file).should == File.read(@check_file)
- end
- it "remove_file" do
- lambda{@box.remove_file(@remote_file)}.should raise_error(/not exists/)
- @box.upload_file(@local_file, @remote_file)
- @box.file_exist?(@remote_file).should be_true
- @box.remove_file(@remote_file)
- @box.file_exist?(@remote_file).should be_false
- end
+ describe 'vfs integration' do
+ it 'smoke test' do
+ @box['/'].exist?.should be_true
- describe 'directories' do
- before :each do
- @from_local, @remote_path, @to_local = "#{@local_dir}/dir", "#{@remote_dir}/upload", "#{@local_dir}/download"
- end
- it "directory_exist?" do
- @box.file_exist?(@remote_path).should be_false
- @box.upload_directory(@from_local, @remote_path)
- @box.file_exist?(@remote_path).should be_true
- end
- it "upload_directory" do
- @box.upload_directory(@from_local, @remote_path)
- @box.directory_exist?(@remote_path).should be_true
- lambda{@box.upload_directory(@from_local, @remote_path)}.should raise_error(/exists/)
- # upload with override
- @box.upload_directory(@from_local, @remote_path, override: true)
- @box.directory_exist?(@remote_path).should be_true
- end
- it "download_directory" do
- lambda{@box.download_directory(@remote_path, @to_local)}.should raise_error(/not exists/)
- @box.upload_directory(@from_local, @remote_path)
- @box.download_directory(@remote_path, @to_local)
- File.exist?("#{@to_local}/dir2/file").should be_true
- end
- it "remove_directory" do
- lambda{@box.remove_directory(@remote_path)}.should raise_error(/not exists/)
- @box.upload_directory(@from_local, @remote_path)
- @box.directory_exist?(@remote_path).should be_true
- @box.remove_directory(@remote_path)
- @box.directory_exist?(@remote_path).should be_false
- end
+ it 'vfs integration' do
+ @box['/'].bash("echo 'ok'").should == "ok\n"
describe "shell" do
it 'bash' do
@box.bash("echo 'ok'").should == "ok\n"
- end
+ end
+ it 'bash working dir should be /' do
+ @box.bash('pwd').should == "/\n"
+ end
+ it 'check with regex' do
+ @box.bash "echo 'ok'", /ok/
+ -> {@box.bash "echo 'ok'", /no/}.should raise_error(/not match/)
+ end
it "exec" do
@box.exec("echo 'ok'").should == [0, "ok\n", ""]
+ end
+ it 'home' do
+ @box.home.should_not be_nil
+ end
+ it 'env' do
+ @box.env.should == {}
+ @box.env = {a: 'b'}
+ @box.env c: 'd' do
+ @box.env.should == {a: 'b', c: 'd'}
+ end
+ @box.env.should == {a: 'b'}
+ @box.env(c: 'd')
+ @box.env.should == {a: 'b', c: 'd'}
+ @box.env('ls').should == "a=b c=d && ls"
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