lib/voruby/votables/votable.rb in voruby-1.1 vs lib/voruby/votables/votable.rb in voruby-1.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -11,128 +11,128 @@
# wouldn't construct this object directly, but rather use something like
# VOTable::TreeParsedVOTable to do so from an XML file.
class VOTable
attr_accessor :description, :definitions, :coosys, :params, :info, :resources,
:id, :version
# [_id_:]
# The VOTable's ID attribute.
# [_version_:]
# The VOTable version.
# [_description_:]
- # The VOTable DESCRIPTION element (type: VOTABLE::META::Description).
+ # The VOTable DESCRIPTION element (type: Meta::Description).
# [_definitions_:]
- # The VOTable DEFINITIONS element (type: VOTABLE::META::Definitions).
+ # The VOTable DEFINITIONS element (type: Meta::Definitions).
# [_coosys_:]
# The coordinate system (COOSYS) definitions for the the VOTable
- # (type: VOTABLE::META::CooSys).
+ # (type: Meta::CooSys).
# [_params_:]
- # The PARAM elements for the VOTable (type: VOTABLE::META::Param).
+ # The PARAM elements for the VOTable (type: Meta::Param).
# [_info_:]
- # The INFO elements for the VOTable (type: VOTABLE::META::Info).
+ # The INFO elements for the VOTable (type: Meta::Info).
# [_resources_:]
- # The RESOURCE elements for the VOTable (type: VOTABLE::META::Resource).
+ # The RESOURCE elements for the VOTable (type: Meta::Resource).
def initialize(id=nil, version='1.1', description=nil,
definitions=nil, coosys=[],
params=[], info=[], resources=[])
@id = id
@version = version
+, Meta::Description).check()
@description = description
+, Meta::Definitions).check()
@definitions = definitions
coosys.each{ |sys|, Meta::CooSys).check()
@coosys = coosys
params.each{ |param|, Meta::Param).check()
@params = params
info.each{ |inf|, Meta::Info).check()
@info = info
resources.each{ |res|, Meta::Resource).check()
@resources = resources
# Get the compact string representation of the VOTable.
def to_s
coosys = @coosys.each{|x| x.to_s}.join('|')
params = @params.each{|x| x.to_s}.join('|')
info = @info.each{|x| x.to_s}.join('|')
resources = @resources.each{|x| x.to_s}.join('|')
return "{id=#{@id};version=#{@version};" +
"description=#{@description};definitions=#{@definitions};" +
"coosys=#{coosys};params=#{params};info=#{info};" +
# A convenience method for accessing the fields of a votable,
# rather than having to iterate through each resource and table
# manually.
- # Returns a list of VOTABLE::META::Field objects.
+ # Returns a list of Meta::Field objects.
# [_res_:]
# The resource from which to extract the table in question.
# [_tbl_:]
# The resource from which to extract the table in question.
def fields(res=0, tbl=0)
@resources[res].tables()[tbl].fields() if @resources[res]
# A convenience method for determining the number of columns in
# a votable.
# [_res_:]
# The resource from which to extract the table in question.
# [_tbl_:]
# The resource from which to extract the table in question.
def number_of_fields(res=0, tbl=0)
return fields(res, tbl).length() || []
# A convenience method for accessing the row data of a votable.
- # Returns a list of VOTABLE::DATA::TR objects.
+ # Returns a list of Data::TR objects.
# [_res_:]
# The resource from which to extract the table in question.
# [_tbl_:]
# The resource from which to extract the table in question.
def rows(res=0, tbl=0)
- @resources[res].tables()[tbl].data().format().trs()
+ @resources[res].tables()[tbl].data().format().trs() if @resources[res].tables()[tbl].data()
# A convenience method for determining the number of data rows
# in a votable.
# [_res_:]
# The resource from which to extract the table in question.
# [_tbl_:]
# The resource from which to extract the table in question.
def number_of_rows(res=0, tbl=0)
return rows(res, tbl).length()
# Find the main positional right ascension and declination
# fields in a votable using UCDs. This should work for both
# version 1 and 1+ UCDs.
# Returns a hash with the keys "ra" and "dec".
# [_res_:]
# The resource from which to extract the table in question.
# [_tbl_:]
# The resource from which to extract the table in question.
def main_positional_fields(res=0, tbl=0)
main_pos = {}
field_count = 0
fields(res, tbl).each do |field|
if field.ucd() != nil
ucd = field.ucd()
# Determine if the UCD is of intereset.
@@ -144,22 +144,22 @@
field_count = field_count + 1
return main_pos
# Find positional fields in a votable using UCDs. This should work
# for both version 1 and 1+ UCDs.
# Returns a hash of the positions of the fields and their
- # corresponding VOTABLE::META::Field object.
+ # corresponding Meta::Field object.
# [_res_:]
# The resource from which to extract the table in question.
# [_tbl_:]
# The resource from which to extract the table in question.
def positional_fields(res=0, tbl=0)
pos = {}
field_count = 0
fields(res, tbl).each do |field|
if field.ucd() != nil
ucd = field.ucd()
# Determine if the UCD is of interest
@@ -169,23 +169,23 @@
field_count = field_count + 1
return pos
# Find the date of observation fields in a votable using UCDs.
# This should work for both version 1 and 1+ UCDs, including
# experimental (e.g. VOX) ones.
# Returns a hash of the positions of the fields and their
- # corresponding VOTABLE::META::Field object.
+ # corresponding Meta::Field object.
# [_res_:]
# The resource from which to extract the table in question.
# [_tbl_:]
# The resource from which to extract the table in question.
def date_of_observation_fields(res=0, tbl=0)
date_obs = {}
field_count = 0
fields(res, tbl).each do |field|
if field.ucd() != nil
ucd = field.ucd()
dt = field.datatype()
@@ -197,15 +197,15 @@
field_count = field_count + 1
return date_obs
# Find time fields in a votable using UCDs. This should work
# for both version 1 and 1+ UCDs, including experimental (e.g. VOX) ones.
# Returns a hash of the positions of the fields and their
- # corresponding VOTABLE::META::Field object.
+ # corresponding Meta::Field object.
# [_res_:]
# The resource from which to extract the table in question.
# [_tbl_:]
# The resource from which to extract the table in question.
def time_fields(res=0, tbl=0)
@@ -220,20 +220,20 @@
field_count = field_count + 1
return times
# Find the column number(s) associated with a UCD.
# Returns a list of column positions.
# [_res_:]
# The resource from which to extract the table in question.
# [_tbl_:]
# The resource from which to extract the table in question.
def find_columns(ucd, res=0, tbl=0)
columns = []
col_count = 0
fields = fields(res, tbl)
if fields
fields.each do |field|
if field.ucd() != nil
@@ -243,11 +243,11 @@
col_count += 1
return columns
# Find the column number(s) associated with the
# VOX:imageAccessReference UCD.
# Returns a list of column positions.
def image_access_reference_columns
# The following is correct
@@ -257,374 +257,431 @@
def image_ra_columns
if find_columns('POS_EQ_RA_MAIN').first != nil
elsif find_columns('pos.eq.ra;meta.main').first != nil
def image_dec_columns
if find_columns('POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN').first != nil
elsif find_columns('pos.eq.dec;meta.main').first != nil
def image_filter_columns
if find_columns('VOX:BandPass_ID').first != nil
elsif find_columns('instr.filter').first != nil
def image_date_obs_columns
if find_columns('time.obs.start').first != nil
def image_telescope_columns
if find_columns('').first != nil
def image_survey_columns
if find_columns('VOX:Image_Title').first != nil
elsif find_columns('ID_SURVEY').first != nil
def image_instrument_columns
if find_columns('VOX:INST_ID').first != nil
elsif find_columns('INST_ID').first != nil
elsif find_columns('instr').first != nil
def image_sky_columns
if find_columns('instr.skyLevel').first != nil
def image_zeropoint_columns
if find_columns('arith.zp;phot').first != nil
def image_seeing_columns
if find_columns('instr.obsty.seeing').first != nil
def image_depth_columns
#if find_columns('').first != nil
# find_columns('').first
def image_exptime_columns
if find_columns('time.expo').first != nil
- # Create headers for HTML table
- # [_res_:]
- # The resource from which to extract the table in question.
- # [_tbl_:]
- # The table inside the resource from which to extract the rows in question.
- # [_infer_add_to_cart_ref_:]
- #
- # [_add_to_cart_header_value_:]
+ # Creates the header for the cart links
+ # [_options_:]
- # [_infer_access_ref_:]
- # Link the access reference URL associated with a row.
- # [_access_ref_header_value_:]
- # For the access reference column, place this value in the header.
- # [_access_ref_col_:]
- # A valid SIA VOTable will only ever have one VOX:Image_AccessReference.
- # [_header_class_:]
- # The class to assign the header of the HTML table.
- def create_headers(res, tbl,
- infer_add_to_cart_ref, add_to_cart_header_value,
- infer_access_ref, access_ref_header_value, access_ref_col,
- header_class, id=nil)
- headers =
- thead = "<thead class=\"#{header_class}\">\n"
+ def create_header_cart_links(options)
+ thead_2row =
+ thead = "<thead class=\"#{options[:header_class]}\">\n"
thead << "<tr>\n"
- if infer_add_to_cart_ref
- thead << "<th>#{add_to_cart_header_value}</th>\n"
- headers.push("<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"siap.addAllRowsToCart('#{id}');\">*</a>")
+ if options[:infer_add_to_cart_ref]
+ js = "function addSelectedRowsToCart(){" +
+ " tbody = $$('#' + '#{options[:id]}' + ' tbody').first();" +
+ " $A(tbody.rows).each(function(row){" +
+ " checkbox = row.cells[0].childNodes[0];" +
+ " if(checkbox.checked){" +
+ " new Ajax.Request(" +
+ " '#{options[:add_to_cart_url]}?' + checkbox.value," +
+ " {method: 'post', " +
+ " onLoading: function(request){" +
+ " $('#{options[:throbber_id]}').style.display = 'inline';" +
+ " $('#{options[:flash_notice_id]}').innerHTML = 'Adding selected rows to cart...';" +
+ " }.bind(this), " +
+ " onComplete: function(request){" +
+ " $('#{options[:throbber_id]}').style.display = 'none';" +
+ " $('#{options[:flash_notice_id]}').innerHTML = 'Selected rows added to cart.';" +
+ " }.bind(this)" +
+ " });" +
+ " }" +
+ " });"
+ js << " new #{options[:on_complete]};" if options[:on_complete]
+ js << "}"
+ thead << "<th><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"new #{js};return false;\">#{options[:add_to_cart_header_label]}</a></th>\n"
+ js = "function selectAllRows(){" +
+ " tbody = $$('#' + '#{options[:id]}' + ' tbody').first();" +
+ " $A(tbody.rows).each(function(row){" +
+ " checkbox = row.cells[0].childNodes[0];" +
+ " if(!checkbox.checked){" +
+ " checkbox.checked = true;" +
+ " }" +
+ " });" +
+ "}"
+ buttons_text = " <a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" title=\"Select all rows\" onclick=\"new #{js};return false;\">+</a> "
+ js = "function deselectAllRows(){" +
+ " tbody = $$('#' + '#{options[:id]}' + ' tbody').first();" +
+ " $A(tbody.rows).each(function(row){" +
+ " checkbox = row.cells[0].childNodes[0];" +
+ " if(checkbox.checked){" +
+ " checkbox.checked = false;" +
+ " }" +
+ " });" +
+ "}"
+ buttons_text << " <a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" title=\"Deselect all rows\" onclick=\"new #{js};return false;\">-</a> "
+ thead_2row.push(buttons_text)
- if infer_access_ref
- thead << "<th>#{access_ref_header_value}</th>\n"
- headers.push(' ')
+ return [thead, thead_2row]
+ end
+ # Create the headers for HTML table
+ # [_access_ref_index_:]
+ # A valid SIA VOTable will only ever have one VOX:Image_AccessReference.
+ # [_options_:]
+ #
+ def create_headers(access_ref_index, options)
+ thead, thead_2row = create_header_cart_links(options)
+ if options[:infer_access_ref] and access_ref_index
+ thead << "<th>#{options[:access_ref_header_label]}</th>\n"
+ thead_2row.push(' ')
col_count = 0
- fields(res, tbl).each do |field|
- if infer_access_ref and col_count == access_ref_col
- headers[1] = field.ucd.value
+ fields(options[:res], options[:tbl]).each do |field|
+ ucd_value = ' '
+ ucd_value = field.ucd.value if field.ucd
+ if options[:infer_access_ref] and access_ref_index and col_count == access_ref_index
+ thead_2row[1] = ucd_value
thead << "<th>#{}</th>\n"
- headers.push(field.ucd.value)
+ thead_2row.push(ucd_value)
col_count += 1
thead << " </tr>\n"
thead << "<tr>\n"
- headers.each do |h|
+ thead_2row.each do |h|
thead << "<th>#{h}</th>\n"
thead << "</tr>\n"
thead << "</thead>"
return thead
- def create_add_to_cart_link(link_ref, columns)
- access_ref_col = image_access_reference_columns()
- link_ref << '&resource=' + CGI.escape(columns[access_ref_col].value).to_s if access_ref_col
- ra_col = image_ra_columns()
- link_ref << '&rac=' + columns[ra_col].value.to_s if ra_col
- dec_col = image_dec_columns()
- link_ref << '&decc=' + columns[dec_col].value.to_s if dec_col
- filter_col = image_filter_columns()
- link_ref << '&filter=' + columns[filter_col].value.to_s if filter_col
- date_obs_col = image_date_obs_columns()
- link_ref << '&date_obs=' + columns[date_obs_col].value.to_s if date_obs_col
- teles_col = image_telescope_columns()
- link_ref << '&telescop=' + columns[teles_col].value.to_s if teles_col
- survey_col = image_survey_columns()
- link_ref << '&survey=' + columns[survey_col].value.to_s if survey_col
- instrum_col = image_instrument_columns()
- link_ref << '&instrument=' + columns[instrum_col].value.to_s if instrum_col
- sky_col = image_sky_columns()
- link_ref << '&sky=' + columns[sky_col].value.to_s if sky_col
- zerop_col = image_zeropoint_columns()
- link_ref << '&zeropoint=' + columns[zerop_col].value.to_s if zerop_col
- seeing_col = image_seeing_columns()
- link_ref << '&seeing=' + columns[seeing_col].value.to_s if seeing_col
- depth_col = image_depth_columns()
- link_ref << '&depth=' + columns[depth_col].value.to_s if depth_col
- exptime_col = image_exptime_columns()
- link_ref << '&exptime=' + columns[exptime_col].value.to_s if exptime_col
- return link_ref
+ # Convert hms of right ascension to decimal degrees.
+ # [_ra:_]
+ #
+ def convert_ra_to_degrees(ra)
+ hours, min, sec = ra.split(':')
+ degrees = (hours.to_f() * 15.0) +
+ (min.to_f() * 15.0 / 60.0) +
+ (sec.to_f() * 15.0 / (60.0 * 60.0))
- # Create body for HTML table
- # [_res_:]
- # The resource from which to extract the table in question.
- # [_tbl_:]
- # The table inside the resource from which to extract the rows in question.
- # [_infer_add_to_cart_ref_:]
+ # Convert dms of declination to degrees
+ # [_dec:_]
- # [_add_to_cart_link_value_:]
+ def convert_dec_to_degrees(dec)
+ degree, arcmin, arcsec = dec.split(':')
+ degree_f = degree.to_f()
+ arcmin_f = (arcmin.to_f() / 60.0)
+ arcsec_f = (arcsec.to_f() / (60.0 * 60.0))
+ return (degree_f - arcmin_f - arcsec_f) if degree_f < 0
+ return degree_f + arcmin_f + arcsec_f
+ end
+ # Creates the cart parameters
+ # [_cart_params:_]
+ #
+ # [_columns:_]
- # [_add_to_cart_link_ref_:]
- #
- # [_infer_access_ref_:]
- # Link the access reference URL associated with a row.
- # [_access_ref_link_value_:]
- # For the access reference column, link this word.
- # [_access_ref_col_:]
+ def create_item_cart_params(cart_params, columns)
+ link_ref_array = []
+ cart_params.each do |key, value|
+ link_ref_array.push("#{key}=#{value}")
+ end
+ access_ref_index = image_access_reference_columns()
+ link_ref_array.push("resource=#{CGI.escape(columns[access_ref_index].value).to_s}") if access_ref_index
+ ra_index = image_ra_columns()
+ link_ref_array.push("rac=#{columns[ra_index].value.to_s}") if ra_index
+ dec_index = image_dec_columns()
+ link_ref_array.push("decc=#{columns[dec_index].value.to_s}") if dec_index
+ filter_index = image_filter_columns()
+ link_ref_array.push("filter=#{columns[filter_index].value.to_s}") if filter_index
+ date_obs_index = image_date_obs_columns()
+ link_ref_array.push("date_obs=#{columns[date_obs_index].value.to_s}") if date_obs_index
+ teles_index = image_telescope_columns()
+ link_ref_array.push("telescop=#{columns[teles_index].value.to_s}") if teles_index
+ survey_index = image_survey_columns()
+ link_ref_array.push("survey=#{columns[survey_index].value.to_s}") if survey_index
+ instrum_index = image_instrument_columns()
+ link_ref_array.push("instrument=#{columns[instrum_index].value.to_s}") if instrum_index
+ sky_index = image_sky_columns()
+ link_ref_array.push("sky=#{columns[sky_index].value.to_s}") if sky_index
+ zerop_index = image_zeropoint_columns()
+ link_ref_array.push("zeropoint=#{columns[zerop_index].value.to_s}") if zerop_index
+ seeing_index = image_seeing_columns()
+ link_ref_array.push("seeing=#{columns[seeing_index].value.to_s}") if seeing_index
+ depth_index = image_depth_columns()
+ link_ref_array.push("depth=#{columns[depth_index].value.to_s}") if depth_index
+ exptime_index = image_exptime_columns()
+ link_ref_array.push("exptime=#{columns[exptime_index].value.to_s}") if exptime_index
+ return link_ref_array.join('&')
+ end
+ # Create body for HTML table
+ # [_access_ref_index_:]
# A valid SIA VOTable will only ever have one VOX:Image_AccessReference.
- # [_body_class_:]
- # The class to assign the body of the HTML table.
- # [_row_classes_:]
- # The class to assign the HTML table body rows.
- def create_body(res, tbl,
- infer_add_to_cart_ref, add_to_cart_link_value, add_to_cart_link_ref,
- infer_access_ref, access_ref_link_value, access_ref_col,
- body_class, row_classes)
- tbody = "<tbody class=\"#{body_class}\">\n"
+ # [_options_:]
+ #
+ def create_body(access_ref_index, options)
+ tbody = "<tbody class=\"#{options[:body_class]}\" align=\"center\">\n"
row_count = 0
- rows(res, tbl).each do |tr|
- tbody << "<tr class=\"#{row_classes[row_count % 2]}\">\n"
- # Specially mark up the first column to link to the image.
- columns = tr.tds()
- if infer_add_to_cart_ref
- archive = add_to_cart_link_ref.slice(add_to_cart_link_ref.index('&archive='), add_to_cart_link_ref.length)
- archive = archive.slice('&archive='.length, archive.length)
- archive = archive.slice(0, archive.index('&')) if archive.index('&')
- link_id = 'add_' + archive.to_s + '_' + row_count.to_s
- url = create_add_to_cart_link(add_to_cart_link_ref, columns)
- js = "new Ajax.Request('#{url}', " +
- " {method: 'post', " +
- " onComplete: function(request){Element.hide('#{link_id}');}});"
- tbody << "<td><a id=\"#{link_id}\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\" " +
- "onclick=\"#{js};return false;\"" +
- ">#{add_to_cart_link_value}</a></td>\n"
+ rows_data = rows(options[:res], options[:tbl])
+ if rows_data
+ rows_data.each do |tr|
+ tbody << "<tr class=\"#{options[:row_classes][row_count % 2]}\">\n"
+ # Specially mark up the first column to link to the image.
+ columns = tr.tds()
+ if options[:infer_add_to_cart_ref] and access_ref_index
+ tbody << "<td><input type=\"checkbox\" " +
+ "id=\"checkbox_add_#{options[:cart_params][:archive]}_#{row_count.to_s}\" " +
+ "value=\"#{create_item_cart_params(options[:cart_params], columns)}\"/></td>\n"
+ end
+ if options[:infer_access_ref] and access_ref_index
+ tbody << "<td><a href=\"#{columns[access_ref_index].value}\">#{options[:access_ref_link_label]}</a></td>\n"
+ end
+ col_count = 0
+ #ra_index = image_ra_columns()
+ #dec_index = image_dec_columns()
+ columns.each do |td|
+ if col_count != access_ref_index
+ #if ra_index and col_count == ra_index
+ # tbody << "<td>#{convert_ra_to_degrees(td.value)}</td>\n"
+ #elsif dec_index and col_count == dec_index
+ # tbody << "<td>#{convert_dec_to_degrees(td.value)}</td>\n"
+ #else
+ tbody << "<td>#{td.value}</td>\n"
+ #end
+ end
+ col_count += 1
+ end
+ tbody << "</tr>\n"
+ row_count += 1
- if infer_access_ref
- link_ref = columns[access_ref_col].value
- tbody << "<td><a href=\"#{link_ref}\">#{access_ref_link_value}</a></td>\n"
- end
- col_count = 0
- columns.each do |td|
- tbody << "<td>#{td.value}</td>\n" if infer_access_ref and col_count != access_ref_col
- col_count += 1
- end
- tbody << "</tr>\n"
- row_count += 1
tbody << "</tbody>"
return tbody
# Create table for HTML VOTable
- # [_id_:]
- # The ID to assign to the HTML table as a whole.
- # [_show_border_:]
- # The boolean value to show HTML table border.
- # [_table_class_:]
- # The class to assign the HTML table as a whole.
# [_thead_:]
# The class to assign the HTML table thead.
# [_tbody_:]
# The class to assign the HTML table tbody.
- def create_table(id, show_border, table_class, thead, tbody)
- table = "<table class=\"#{table_class}\""
- table << " id=\"#{id}\"" if id
- table << " border=\"1\"" if show_border
- table << " width=\"100%\">\n"
- table << "#{thead}\n#{tbody}\n</table>"
- return table
+ # [_options_:]
+ # The options for this VOTable.
+ def create_votable(thead, tbody, options)
+ votable = "<img class=\"#{options[:throbber_class]}\" " +
+ " id=\"#{options[:throbber_id]}\" " +
+ " src=\"#{options[:throbber_src]}\" " +
+ " size=\"#{options[:throbber_size]}\"/> " +
+ "<span class=\"#{options[:flash_notice_class]}\" " +
+ " id=\"#{options[:flash_notice_id]}\"></span><br>\n"
+ votable << "<table class=\"#{options[:table_class]}\""
+ votable << " id=\"#{options[:id]}\"" if options[:id]
+ votable << " border=\"1\"" if options[:show_border]
+ votable << " width=\"100%\">\n"
+ votable << "#{thead}\n#{tbody}\n</table>"
+ return votable
# Convert the specified table in the specified resource into an HTML
# table.
- # [_id_:]
- # The ID to assign to the HTML table as a whole.
- # [_add_to_cart_link_ref_:]
- #
- # [_res_:]
- # The resource from which to extract the table in question.
- # [_tbl_:]
- # The table inside the resource from which to extract the rows in question.
- # [_infer_add_to_cart_ref_:]
- #
- # [_add_to_cart_header_value_:]
- #
- # [_add_to_cart_link_value_:]
- #
- # [_infer_access_ref_:]
- # Link the access reference URL associated with a row.
- # [_access_ref_header_value_:]
- # For the access reference column, place this value in the header.
- # [_access_ref_link_value_:]
- # For the access reference column, link this word.
- # [_show_border_:]
- # The boolean value to show HTML table border
- # [_table_class_:]
- # The class to assign the HTML table as a whole.
- # [_header_class_:]
- # The class to assign the header of the HTML table.
- # [_body_class_:]
- # The class to assign the body of the HTML table.
- # [_row_classes_:]
- # The class to assign the HTML table body rows.
- def to_html(id=nil, add_to_cart_link_ref=nil, res=0, tbl=0,
- infer_add_to_cart_ref=true,
- add_to_cart_header_value='Add to Cart',
- add_to_cart_link_value='Add',
- infer_access_ref=true,
- access_ref_header_value='URL',
- access_ref_link_value='Retrieve',
- show_border=false,
- table_class='votable',
- header_class='header',
- body_class='body',
- row_classes=['row1', 'row2'])
- begin
- # A valid SIA VOTable will only ever have one VOX:Image_AccessReference.
- access_ref_col = image_access_reference_columns()
- if access_ref_col
- # Create headers
- thead = create_headers(res, tbl,
- infer_add_to_cart_ref, add_to_cart_header_value,
- infer_access_ref, access_ref_header_value, access_ref_col,
- header_class, id)
+ # [_options_:]
+ # The options for this VOTable.
+ def to_html(options={})
+ # The ID to assign to the HTML table as a whole.
+ options[:id] = options[:id] || "#{votable}_#{}_#{rand(10000)}"
- # Create body
- tbody = create_body(res, tbl,
- infer_add_to_cart_ref, add_to_cart_link_value, add_to_cart_link_ref,
- infer_access_ref, access_ref_link_value, access_ref_col,
- body_class, row_classes)
+ options[:infer_add_to_cart_ref] = true if options[:infer_add_to_cart_ref] == nil
+ options[:add_to_cart_header_label] = options[:add_to_cart_header_label] || 'Add to Cart'
+ options[:cart_params] = {} if options[:cart_params] == nil
+ #options[:add_to_cart_url] = options[:add_to_cart_url] || nil
- return create_table(id, show_border, table_class, thead, tbody)
- else
- title = 'No Data'
- message = 'VOTable not contains data.'
- return create_message_table(table_class, header_class,
- body_class, row_classes, title, message)
- end
+ options[:throbber_src] = options[:throbber_src] || '/images/general/indicator.gif'
+ options[:throbber_size] = options[:throbber_size] || '16x16'
+ options[:throbber_class] = options[:throbber_class] || 'throbber'
+ options[:throbber_id] = options[:throbber_id] || "#{options[:id]}_throbber_id"
+ options[:flash_notice_class] = options[:flash_notice_class] || 'flash_notice'
+ options[:flash_notice_id] = options[:flash_notice_id] || "#{options[:id]}_flash_notice_id"
+ # Link the access reference URL associated with a row.
+ options[:infer_access_ref] = true if options[:infer_access_ref] == nil
+ #options[:retrieve_link_ref] = options[:retrieve_link_ref] || nil
+ # For the access reference column, place this value in the header.
+ options[:access_ref_header_label] = options[:access_ref_header_label] || 'URL'
+ # For the access reference column, link this word.
+ options[:access_ref_link_label] = options[:access_ref_link_label] || 'Retrieve'
+ options[:ssl] = false if options[:ssl] == nil
+ #options[:resource_link] = options[:resource_link]
+ # The resource from which to extract the table in question.
+ options[:res] = options[:res] || 0
+ # The table inside the resource from which to extract the rows in question.
+ options[:tbl] = options[:tbl] || 0
+ # The boolean value to show HTML table border
+ options[:show_border] = false if options[:show_border] == nil
+ # The class to assign the HTML table as a whole.
+ options[:table_class] = options[:table_class] || 'votable'
+ # The class to assign the header of the HTML table.
+ options[:header_class] = options[:header_class] || 'header'
+ # The class to assign the body of the HTML table.
+ options[:body_class] = options[:body_class] || 'body'
+ # The class to assign the HTML table body rows.
+ options[:row_classes] = options[:row_classes] || ['row1', 'row2']
+ begin
+ # A valid SIA VOTable will only ever have one VOX:Image_AccessReference.
+ access_ref_index = image_access_reference_columns()
+ return create_votable(create_headers(access_ref_index, options),
+ create_body(access_ref_index, options),
+ options)
rescue Exception => e
- title = 'Error'
- message = e.backtrace#@resources[0].info[0].text().to_s()
- table = create_message_table(table_class, header_class,
- body_class, row_classes, title, message)
+ title = 'Error...'
+ message = "VORuby error: #{e.message}<br>#{e.backtrace}"
+ message << "<br>#{@resources[0].info[0].text().to_s()}" if @resources[0].info[0]
+ create_message(title, message, options)
- def create_message_table(table_class, header_class, body_class,
- row_classes, title, message)
- table = "<table class=\"#{table_class}\" width=\"100%\">\n"
- table << " <thead class=\"#{header_class}\">\n"
- table << " <tr>\n"
- table << " <th>#{title}</th>\n"
- table << " </tr>\n"
- table << " </thead>\n"
- table << " <tbody class=\"#{body_class}\">\n"
- table << " <tr class=\"#{row_classes[0]}\">\n"
- table << " <td align=\"center\"><label>VOTable message: #{message}" +
- "</label></td>\n"
- table << " </tr>\n"
- table << " </tbody>\n"
- table << "</table>"
+ # Creates a message
+ # [_title_:]
+ #
+ # [_message_:]
+ #
+ # [_options_:]
+ # The options for this VOTable.
+ def create_message(title, message, options)
+ table = "<table class=\"#{options[:table_class]}\" width=\"100%\">\n" +
+ " <thead class=\"#{options[:header_class]}\">\n" +
+ " <tr>\n" +
+ " <th>#{title}</th>\n" +
+ " </tr>\n" +
+ " </thead>\n" +
+ " <tbody class=\"#{options[:body_class]}\">\n" +
+ " <tr class=\"#{options[:row_classes][0]}\">\n" +
+ " <td align=\"center\"><label>VOTable message: #{message}</label></td>\n" +
+ " </tr>\n" +
+ " </tbody>\n" +
+ "</table>"
return table
+ #
+ # [_attributes_:]
+ #
+ # [_name_:]
+ #
def self._find_attr_value(attributes, name)
attributes.each do |qname, value|
return value if == name
return nil
\ No newline at end of file