views/mdc/components/table.erb in voom-presenters-0.2.0 vs views/mdc/components/table.erb in voom-presenters-2.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,15 +1,28 @@
-<table class="mdl-data-table mdl-js-data-table mdl-shadow--2dp">
- <% if comp.header %>
- <thead>
- <%= erb :"components/table/header", :locals => {:row=> comp.header} %>
- </thead>
- <% end %>
- <tbody>
- <% comp.rows.each do |row| %>
- <%= erb :"components/table/row", :locals => {:row=> row} %>
- <% end %>
- </tbody>
+<div class="v-data-table mdc-data-table <%= 'v-no-border' unless comp.border %>" style="<%= "width:#{comp.width};" if comp.width %>">
+ <table class="mdc-data-table__table"
+ <%= erb :"components/event", :locals => {comp: comp, events:, parent_id:} %>>
+ <% if comp.header %>
+ <thead>
+ <%= erb :"components/table/header", :locals => {:row => comp.header} %>
+ </thead>
+ <% else
+ # This is a workaround for the MDCDataTable component that currently throws an error if it can't find an
+ # mdc-data-table__header-row element. Allos us to create headerless table without JS errors
+ %>
+ <div class="mdc-data-table__header-row v-hidden"/>
+ <% end %>
+ <tbody class="mdc-data-table__content">
+ <% comp.rows.each do |row| %>
+ <%= erb :"components/table/row", :locals => {:row => row} %>
+ <% end %>
+ </tbody>
+ <% if comp.footer %>
+ <tfoot>
+ <%= erb :"components/table/footer", :locals => {:row => comp.footer} %>
+ </tfoot>
+ <% end %>
+ </table>
<% if comp.pagination %>
- <%= erb :"components/table/pagination", :locals => {:comp=> comp.pagination} %>
+ <%= erb :"components/table/pagination", :locals => {:comp => comp.pagination} %>
<% end %>