lib/voltron/translatable.rb in voltron-translate-0.2.0 vs lib/voltron/translatable.rb in voltron-translate-0.2.1
- old
+ new
@@ -5,63 +5,65 @@
include InstanceMethods
options = (attributes.extract_options!).with_indifferent_access
locales = Array.wrap(options[:locales] || Voltron.config.translate.locales).map(&:to_s).map(&:underscore)
- attributes.each do |attribute|
+ attributes.each do |attrib|
- column = self.columns_hash[attribute.to_s]
+ column = self.columns_hash[attrib.to_s]
- raise, attribute) if column.nil?
+ raise, attrib) if column.nil?
- raise"Invalid type '#{column.type}' for attribute: #{attribute}. Translations only work on string and text attribute types.") unless [:string, :text].include?(column.type)
+ raise"Invalid type '#{column.type}' for attribute: #{attrib}. Translations only work on string and text attribute types.") unless [:string, :text].include?(column.type)
# Override the attribute with a method that accepts a specific locale as an argument
# If specified, will attempt to fetch that locale's translation, otherwise the default
# locale specified for the attribute, and ultimately the current locale translation
# If still nil, returns the value from super
- define_method :"#{attribute}" do |locale=nil|
+ define_method :"#{attrib}" do |locale=nil|
# +action_view/helpers/targs+ exist when this method is called from within
# ActionView::Helpers. In other words, form helper tags. In that
# case we want the actual value of the attribute, not whatever the locale is
return super() if caller.any? { |l| /action_view\/helpers\/tags/.match(l) } || !Voltron.config.translate.enabled?
- try(:"#{attribute}_#{locale.to_s.underscore}") || try(:"#{attribute}_#{options[:default].to_s.underscore}") || try(:"#{attribute}_#{I18n.locale.to_s.underscore}") || super()
+ try(:"#{attrib}_#{locale.to_s.underscore}") || try(:"#{attrib}_#{options[:default].to_s.underscore}") || try(:"#{attrib}_#{I18n.locale.to_s.underscore}") || super()
locales.each do |locale|
+ attribute :"#{attrib}_#{locale}"
# Define setter, i.e. - +attribute_es=+
- define_method :"#{attribute}_#{locale}=" do |val|
- attribute_will_change! "#{attribute}_#{locale}"
- instance_variable_set("@#{attribute}_#{locale}", val)
+ define_method :"#{attrib}_#{locale}=" do |val|
+ attribute_will_change! "#{attrib}_#{locale}"
+ instance_variable_set("@#{attrib}_#{locale}", val)
# Define getter, i.e - +attribute_es+
# If nil, calling this method will attempt to fetch the value
# We do this to avoid preloading the translations association records
- define_method :"#{attribute}_#{locale}" do
- if instance_variable_get("@#{attribute}_#{locale}").nil?
- instance_variable_set("@#{attribute}_#{locale}", send(:"#{attribute}_#{locale}_was"))
+ define_method :"#{attrib}_#{locale}" do
+ if instance_variable_get("@#{attrib}_#{locale}").nil?
+ instance_variable_set("@#{attrib}_#{locale}", send(:"#{attrib}_#{locale}_was"))
- instance_variable_get("@#{attribute}_#{locale}")
+ instance_variable_get("@#{attrib}_#{locale}")
# Define the changed? method, i.e. - +attribute_es_changed?+
- define_method :"#{attribute}_#{locale}_changed?" do
- changed.include?("#{attribute}_#{locale}")
+ define_method :"#{attrib}_#{locale}_changed?" do
+ changed.include?("#{attrib}_#{locale}")
# Define the was method, i.e. - +attribute_es_was+
- define_method :"#{attribute}_#{locale}_was" do
- translations.find_by(attribute_name: attribute, locale: locale).try(:translation)
+ define_method :"#{attrib}_#{locale}_was" do
+ translations.find_by(attribute_name: attrib, locale: locale).try(:translation)
- define_method :"#{attribute}_#{locale}_will_change!" do
- attribute_will_change! "#{attribute}_#{locale}"
+ define_method :"#{attrib}_#{locale}_will_change!" do
+ attribute_will_change! "#{attrib}_#{locale}"
- define_method :"#{attribute}_#{locale}?" do
- instance_variable_get("@#{attribute}_#{locale}").present?
+ define_method :"#{attrib}_#{locale}?" do
+ instance_variable_get("@#{attrib}_#{locale}").present?