lib/generators/voltron/notify/install_generator.rb in voltron-notify-0.1.8 vs lib/generators/voltron/notify/install_generator.rb in voltron-notify-0.1.9
- old
+ new
@@ -1,21 +1,23 @@
+require 'yaml'
module Voltron
module Notify
module Generators
class InstallGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base
- source_root File.expand_path("../../../templates", __FILE__)
+ source_root File.expand_path('../../../templates', __FILE__)
- desc "Add Voltron Notify initializer"
+ desc 'Add Voltron Notify initializer'
def inject_initializer
- voltron_initialzer_path = Rails.root.join("config", "initializers", "voltron.rb")
+ voltron_initialzer_path = Rails.root.join('config', 'initializers', 'voltron.rb')
unless File.exist? voltron_initialzer_path
unless system("cd #{Rails.root.to_s} && rails generate voltron:install")
- puts "Voltron initializer does not exist. Please ensure you have the 'voltron' gem installed and run `rails g voltron:install` to create it"
+ puts 'Voltron initializer does not exist. Please ensure you have the \'voltron\' gem installed and run `rails g voltron:install` to create it'
return false
current_initiailzer = voltron_initialzer_path
@@ -32,44 +34,86 @@
# How long to delay sending email/sms messages. Use this in conjunction with config.notify.use_queue
# config.notify.delay = 0.seconds
# Twilio account id number
- # config.notify.sms_account_sid = ""
+ # config.notify.sms_account_sid = ''
# Twilio authentication token
- # config.notify.sms_auth_token = ""
+ # config.notify.sms_auth_token = ''
# Default from phone number. Must be the number provided by Twilio.
# Avoid the overhead of pre-formatting the number by entering in the format "+1234567890"
- # config.notify.sms_from = ""
+ # config.notify.sms_from = ''
# Default from email address. If not specified the default from in the mailer or the :from param on mail() is used
- # config.notify.email_from = ""
+ # config.notify.email_from = ''
+ # The below 3 options define how email is sent. Each can be overridden within the `` block
+ # by using the corresponding methods: `mailer`, `method`, and `template`
+ # config.notify.default_mailer = Voltron::NotificationMailer
+ # Within the mailer you define when sending a notification, this is the method that will be called
+ # So in the default case, `Voltron::NotificationMailer.notify(...)` will be called
+ # config.notify.default_method = :notify
+ # The default mail view template to use
+ # Note that if you decide to use a custom mailer/method, this becomes irrelevant
+ # as you'll have the ability to set the template as you see fit within the mailer's method itself
+ # config.notify.default_template = 'voltron/notification_mailer/notify.html.erb'
def copy_migrations
- copy_migration "create_voltron_notifications"
- copy_migration "create_voltron_notification_sms_notifications"
- copy_migration "create_voltron_notification_email_notifications"
- copy_migration "create_voltron_notification_sms_notification_attachments"
+ copy_migration 'create_voltron_notifications'
+ copy_migration 'create_voltron_notification_sms_notifications'
+ copy_migration 'create_voltron_notification_email_notifications'
+ copy_migration 'create_voltron_notification_sms_notification_attachments'
def copy_views
- copy_file "../../../app/views/voltron/notification_mailer/notify.html.erb", Rails.root.join("app", "views", "voltron", "notification_mailer", "notify.html.erb")
+ copy_file '../../../app/views/voltron/notification_mailer/notify.html.erb', Rails.root.join('app', 'views', 'voltron', 'notification_mailer', 'notify.html.erb')
+ def copy_locales
+ locale_path = Rails.root.join('config', 'locales', 'voltron.yml')
+ locale = YAML.load_file(locale_path).symbolize_keys rescue {}
+ compact_nested = do |k, v|
+ v.respond_to?(:delete_if) ? (v.delete_if(&compact_nested); nil) : v.blank?
+ end
+ notification_path = File.expand_path('../../../templates/config/locales/voltron-notification.yml', __FILE__)
+ notification_locale = YAML.load_file(notification_path).symbolize_keys
+ # Remove keys that don't have values from both hashes
+ notification_locale.delete_if(&compact_nested)
+ locale.delete_if(&compact_nested)
+ # Merge the 2 yaml files, giving priority to the original locle file.
+ # We don't want to overwrite anything the user may have created on their own, or modified
+ notification_locale.deep_merge!(locale)
+, 'w') do |f|
+ f.puts '# This file will be merged with various other Voltron related YAML files with priority'
+ f.puts '# given to what exists in this file to begin with (nothing you add/modify here will be overwritten)'
+ f.puts '# whenever you run `rails g voltron:<gem_name>:install`,'
+ f.puts '# only if the gem in question has any locale data associated with it'
+ f.puts
+ f.puts notification_locale.stringify_keys.to_yaml(line_width: -1)
+ end
+ end
def copy_migration(filename)
- if migration_exists?(Rails.root.join("db", "migrate"), filename)
- say_status("skipped", "Migration #{filename}.rb already exists")
+ if migration_exists?(Rails.root.join('db', 'migrate'), filename)
+ say_status('skipped', "Migration #{filename}.rb already exists")
- copy_file "db/migrate/#{filename}.rb", Rails.root.join("db", "migrate", "#{migration_number}_#{filename}.rb")
+ copy_file "db/migrate/#{filename}.rb", Rails.root.join('db', 'migrate', "#{migration_number}_#{filename}.rb")
def migration_exists?(dirname, filename)
@@ -80,10 +124,10 @@
def migration_number
@migration_number ||="%Y%m%d%H%M%S").to_i
- while migration_id_exists?(Rails.root.join("db", "migrate"), @migration_number) do
+ while migration_id_exists?(Rails.root.join('db', 'migrate'), @migration_number) do
@migration_number += 1
\ No newline at end of file