lib/vobject.rb in vobject-0.1.0 vs lib/vobject.rb in vobject-1.0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,182 +1,25 @@
-require "vobject/version"
module Vobject
- module Rules
- module ABNF
- IANAToken = '[a-zA-Z\d\-]+?'
- Cr = "\u000d"
- Lf = "\u000a"
- Crlf = "(#{Cr}|#{Lf})"
- Utf8_tail = '[\u0080-\u00bf]'
- Utf8_2 = '([\u00c2-\u00df]|' + "#{Utf8_tail})"
- Utf8_3 = '([\u00e0\u00a0-\u00bf\u00e1-\u00ec\u00ed\u0080-\u009f\u00ee-\u00ef]|' + "#{Utf8_tail})"
- Utf8_4 = '([\u00f0\u0090-\u00bf\u00f1-\u00f3\u00f4\u0080-\u008f]|' + "#{Utf8_tail})"
- Wsp = '[ \t]'
- VChar = '[\u0021-\u007e]'
- NonASCII = "(#{Utf8_2}|#{Utf8_3}|#{Utf8_4})"
- QSafeChar = "(#{Wsp}|" + '[!\u0023-\u007e]' + "|#{NonASCII})"
- SafeChar = "(#{Wsp}|" + '[!\u0023-\u0039\u003c-\u007e]' + "|#{NonASCII})"
- ValueChar = "(#{Wsp}|#{VChar}|#{NonASCII})"
- DQuote = '"'
- PText = "#{SafeChar}*?"
- QuotedString = "#{DQuote}(#{QSafeChar}*?)#{DQuote}"
- XName = "[xX]-#{IANAToken}"
- Group = IANAToken
- Name = "(#{XName}|#{IANAToken})"
- ParamName = "(#{XName}|#{IANAToken})"
- ParamValue = "(#{PText}|#{QuotedString})"
- PValueList = "(?<head>#{ParamValue})(?<tail>(,#{ParamValue})*)"
- Pid = '\d+(\.\d+)*'
- PidList = "(?<head>#{Pid})(?<tail>(,#{Pid})*)"
- Param = "(?<pname>#{ParamName})=(?<pvalue>#{PValueList})"
- Params = "(;(?<phead>#{Param}))(?<ptail>(;#{Param})*)"
- Value = "#{ValueChar}*?"
- LineGroup = "((?<group>#{Group})" + '\.' + ")?"
- Contentline = "#{LineGroup}(?<key>#{Name})(?<params>(#{Params})?):(?<value>#{Value})#{Crlf}"
- BeginLine = "BEGIN:#{IANAToken}#{Crlf}"
- VersionLine = "VERSION:#{Value}#{Crlf}"
- EndLine = "END:#{IANAToken}#{Crlf}"
- Vobject = "#{BeginLine}#{VersionLine}(#{Contentline})+#{EndLine}"
- end
- end
class << self
- def parse(vobject)
- vobject = unfold(vobject)
- lines = []
- rule = "(?<line>#{Rules::ABNF::Contentline})(?<remainder>(#{Rules::ABNF::Contentline})*)"
- parse_for_rule(Rules::ABNF::Vobject, vobject) do |parsed|
- remainder = vobject
- while !remainder.empty?
- parse_for_rule(rule, remainder) do |remainder_parsed|
- lines << remainder_parsed[:line]
- remainder = remainder_parsed[:remainder]
- end
- end
- end
- parse_lines lines
- end
- private
def unfold(str)
- str.gsub(/#{Rules::ABNF::Crlf}#{Rules::ABNF::Wsp}/, '')
+ str.gsub(/(\r|\n|\r\n)[ \t]/, "")
- def parse_lines lines
- lines.each_with_index.reduce([]) do |hash_stack, (line, i)|
- prop = parse_line(line)
+ # This implements the line folding as specified in
+ #
+ # NOTE: the "line" here is not including the trailing \n
+ def fold_line(line)
+ folded_line = line[0, MAX_LINE_WIDTH]
+ remainder_line = line[MAX_LINE_WIDTH, line.length - MAX_LINE_WIDTH] || ""
- if prop.has_key?(:BEGIN)
- comp = prop[:BEGIN][:value].to_sym
- hash = { comp => [] }
- next hash_stack << hash
- end
+ max_width = MAX_LINE_WIDTH - 1
- if prop.has_key?(:END)
- hash = hash_stack.pop
- comp = hash.keys.first
- raise_invalid_parsing if comp != prop[:END][:value].to_sym
- prev_hash = hash_stack.last
- raise_invalid_parsing if !prev_hash && i != lines.length - 1
- return hash unless prev_hash
- prev_hash[prev_hash.keys.first] << hash
- next hash_stack
- end
- prev_hash = hash_stack.last
- prev_hash[prev_hash.keys.first] << prop
- hash_stack
+ (0..((remainder_line.length - 1) / max_width)).each do |i|
+ folded_line << "\n "
+ folded_line << remainder_line[i * max_width, max_width]
- end
- def parse_line(line)
- parse_for_rule(Rules::ABNF::Contentline, unfold(line)) do |parsed|
- key = parsed[:key].to_sym
- group = parsed[:group]
- params = parse_params(parsed[:params])
- value = parsed[:value]
- hash = { key => {} }
- hash[key][:group] = group if group
- hash[key][:params] = params if !params.empty?
- hash[key][:value] = value
- hash
- end
+ folded_line
- def parse_params(params_str)
- params = {}
- while !params_str.empty?
- parse_for_rule(Rules::ABNF::Params, params_str) do |parsed|
- parse_for_rule(Rules::ABNF::Param, parsed[:phead]) do |param_parsed|
- pname = param_parsed[:pname].to_sym
- pvalue = param_parsed[:pvalue].sub(
- '\1'
- )
- pvalue.gsub!(/\\n/, "\n")
- params[pname] = if params[pname]
- "#{params[pname]},#{pvalue}"
- else
- pvalue
- end
- end
- params_str = parsed[:ptail]
- end
- end
- params
- end
- #Method: parse_for_rule
- #Parameter: String containing the regular expression, String to be parsed
- #and optional block to indicate whether to yield the resulting hash
- #Return: a hash with keys indicating their regex names
- def parse_for_rule(rule, str, &block)
- matched = /\A#{rule}\Z/.match(str)
- raise_invalid_parsing unless matched
- parsed = matched.names.reduce({}) do |parsed_hash, name|
- #can we reduce memory consumption by only creating Keys whose value is not nil?
- parsed_hash[name.to_sym] = matched[name.to_sym] if matched[name.to_sym]
- #parsed_hash[name.to_sym] = matched[name.to_sym]
- parsed_hash
- end
- return yield(parsed) if block
- parsed
- end
- def raise_invalid_parsing
- raise "VObject parse failed"
- end