vmc-ng/spec/helpers.rb in vmc-0.4.0.beta.33 vs vmc-ng/spec/helpers.rb in vmc-0.4.0.beta.34
- old
+ new
@@ -1,414 +1,7 @@
+require "vmc/spec_helpers"
require "simplecov"
SimpleCov.start do
root File.expand_path("../../", __FILE__)
add_filter "spec/"
-require "cfoundry"
-require "vmc"
-require File.expand_path("../eventlog", __FILE__)
-require File.expand_path("../patches", __FILE__)
-TARGET = ENV["VMC_TEST_TARGET"] || "http://localhost:8181"
-USER = ENV["VMC_TEST_USER"] || "sre@vmware.com"
-module VMCHelpers
- def random_str
- format("%x", rand(1000000))
- end
- def client
- VMC::CLI.client
- end
- # invoke a block while logged out
- def without_auth
- proxy = client.proxy
- client.logout
- client.proxy = nil
- yield
- ensure
- client.login(USER, PASSWORD)
- client.proxy = proxy
- end
- # same as Ruby 1.9's Array#sample
- def sample(ary)
- ary[rand(ary.size)]
- end
- # cache frameworks for app generation
- def frameworks
- @@frameworks ||= client.frameworks(0)
- end
- # cache runtimes for app generation
- def runtimes
- @@runtimes ||= client.runtimes(0)
- end
- def with_random_app(space = client.current_space)
- with_random_apps(space, 1) do |apps|
- yield apps.first
- end
- end
- # create 2-5 random apps, call the block, and then delete them
- def with_random_apps(space = client.current_space, num = rand(3) + 2)
- apps = []
- num.times do |n|
- app = client.app
- app.name = "app-#{n + 1}-#{random_str}"
- app.space = space
- app.instances = rand(2)
- app.framework = sample(frameworks)
- app.runtime = sample(runtimes)
- app.memory = sample([64, 128, 256, 512])
- app.create!
- apps << app
- end
- yield apps
- ensure
- apps.each(&:delete!)
- end
- def with_new_space(org = client.current_organization)
- space = client.space
- space.name = "space-#{random_str}"
- space.organization = org
- space.create!
- yield space
- ensure
- space.delete!
- end
- def running(command, inputs = {}, given = {})
- VMC::CLI.new.exit_status 0
- before_in = $stdin
- before_out = $stdout
- before_err = $stderr
- before_event = $vmc_event
- tty = FakeTTY.new
- $vmc_event = EventLog.new(tty)
- $stdin = tty
- $stdout = StringIO.new
- $stderr = StringIO.new
- main = Thread.current
- thd = Thread.new do
- begin
- VMC::CLI.new.invoke(command, inputs, given)
- rescue SystemExit => e
- unless e.status == 0
- raise <<EOF
-execution failed with status #{e.status}!
- end
- rescue => e
- $vmc_event.raised(e)
- end
- end
- begin
- $vmc_event.process = thd
- yield $vmc_event
- $vmc_event.should complete
- ensure
- thd.kill
- end
- ensure
- $stdin = before_in
- $stdout = before_out
- $stderr = before_err
- $vmc_event = before_event
- end
-module VMCMatchers
- class Contain
- def initialize(content)
- @content = content
- end
- def matches?(actual)
- @actual = actual
- true
- end
- def failure_message
- "expected '#@content' to be in the output"
- end
- def negative_failure_message
- "expected '#@content' to NOT be in the output"
- end
- end
- def contain(content)
- Contain.new(content)
- end
- class Ask
- def initialize(message)
- @message = message
- end
- def matches?(log)
- ev = log.wait_for_event(EventLog::Asked)
- @actual = ev.message
- @actual == @message
- end
- def failure_message
- "expected to be asked '#@message', got '#@actual'"
- end
- def negative_failure_message
- "expected to NOT be asked for #@message"
- end
- end
- def ask(message)
- Ask.new(message)
- end
- class HaveInput
- def initialize(name, value = nil)
- @name = name
- @expected = value
- end
- def matches?(log)
- @actual = log.wait_for_event(EventLog::GotInput).value
- @actual == @expected
- end
- def failure_message
- "expected to have input '#@name' as '#@expected', but got '#@actual'"
- end
- def negative_failure_message
- "expected not to have input '#@name', but had it as '#@actual'"
- end
- end
- def have_input(name, value = nil)
- HaveInput.new(name, value)
- end
- class Output
- def initialize(line)
- @expected = line
- end
- def matches?(log)
- @actual = log.wait_for_event(EventLog::Printed).line
- @actual == @expected
- end
- def failure_message
- "expected '#@expected' to be in the output, but got '#@actual'"
- end
- def negative_failure_message
- "expected '#@expected' NOT to be in the output, but it was"
- end
- end
- def output(line)
- Output.new(line)
- end
- class Complete
- def matches?(log)
- @log = log
- log.process.join(1)
- log.process.status == false
- end
- def failure_message
- pending = @log.pending_events
- if @exception
- "process existed with an exception: #@exception"
- elsif !pending.empty?
- "expected process to complete, but it's pending events #{pending}"
- else
- "process is blocked; status: #{@log.process.status}"
- end
- end
- def negative_failure_message
- "expected process to still be running, but it's completed"
- end
- end
- def complete
- Complete.new
- end
- class FailWith
- def initialize(exception, predicate = nil)
- @expected = exception
- @predicate = predicate
- end
- def matches?(log)
- @actual = log.wait_for_event(EventLog::Raised).exception
- return false unless @actual.is_a?(@expected)
- @predicate.call(@actual) if @predicate
- true
- end
- def failure_message
- "expected #@expected to be raised, but got #{@actual.class}: '#@actual'"
- end
- def negative_failure_message
- "expected #@expected to NOT be raised, but it was"
- end
- end
- def fail_with(exception, &blk)
- FailWith.new(exception, blk)
- end
- class ProgressExpectation
- def matches?(log)
- @actual = log.wait_for_event(EventLog::Progress)
- @actual == @expected
- end
- def failure_message
- "expected to #{@expected.report}, but #{@actual.report_past} instead"
- end
- def negative_failure_message
- "expected not to #{@expected.report}"
- end
- end
- class Successfully < ProgressExpectation
- def initialize(message)
- @expected = EventLog::Did.new(message)
- end
- end
- class Skip < ProgressExpectation
- def initialize(message)
- @expected = EventLog::Skipped.new(message)
- end
- end
- class FailTo < ProgressExpectation
- def initialize(message)
- @expected = EventLog::FailedTo.new(message)
- end
- end
- class GiveUp < ProgressExpectation
- def initialize(message)
- @expected = EventLog::GaveUp.new(message)
- end
- end
- def successfully(message)
- Successfully.new(message)
- end
- def skip(message)
- Skip.new(message)
- end
- def fail_to(message)
- FailTo.new(message)
- end
- def give_up(message)
- GiveUp.new(message)
- end
- def asks(what)
- $vmc_event.should ask(what)
- end
- def given(what)
- $vmc_event.provide("#{what}\n")
- end
- def has_input(name, value = nil)
- $vmc_event.should have_input(name, value)
- end
- def raises(exception, &blk)
- $vmc_event.should fail_with(exception, &blk)
- end
- def finish
- $vmc_event.should complete
- end
- def outputs(what)
- $vmc_event.should output(what)
- end
- def does(what)
- $vmc_event.should successfully(what)
- end
- def skips(what)
- $vmc_event.should skip(what)
- end
- def fails_to(what)
- $vmc_event.should fail_to(what)
- end
- def gives_up(what)
- $vmc_event.should give_up(what)
- end
-RSpec.configure do |c|
- c.include VMCHelpers
- c.include VMCMatchers
- c.before(:all) do
- VMC::CLI.client = CFoundry::Client.new(TARGET)
- client.login(:username => USER, :password => PASSWORD)
- client.current_organization = client.organizations.first
- client.current_space = client.current_organization.spaces.first
- end