lib/asset_compiler.rb in vitrine-0.0.16 vs lib/asset_compiler.rb in vitrine-0.0.17
- old
+ new
@@ -27,18 +27,18 @@
attr_accessor :public_dir
# Try to find SCSS replacement for missing CSS
get /(.+)\.css/ do | basename |
- content_type 'text/css', :charset => 'utf-8'
- # TODO: has no handling for .sass
+ # TODO: handle .sass ext as well
scss_source_path = File.join(get_public, "#{basename}.scss")
- mtime_cache(scss_source_path) do
- # TODO: Examine
- # It already has provisions for error display, among other things
- Sass.compile_file(scss_source_path, cache_location: '/tmp/vitrine/sass-cache')
- end
+ mtime_cache(scss_source_path)
+ content_type 'text/css', :charset => 'utf-8'
+ # TODO: Examine
+ # It already has provisions for error display, among other things
+ Sass.compile_file(scss_source_path, cache_location: '/tmp/vitrine/sass-cache')
rescue Errno::ENOENT # Missing SCSS
forward_or_halt "No such CSS or SCSS file found"
rescue Exception => e # CSS syntax error or something alike
# Add a generated DOM element before <body/> to inject
# a visible error message
@@ -53,14 +53,13 @@
# Generate a sourcemap for CoffeeScript files
get /(.+)\.js\.map$/ do | basename |
coffee_source = File.join(get_public, "#{basename}.coffee")
+ mtime_cache(coffee_source)
content_type 'application/json', :charset => 'utf-8'
- mtime_cache(coffee_source) do
- Vitrine.build_coffeescript_source_map_body(coffee_source, get_public)
- end
+ Vitrine.build_coffeescript_source_map_body(coffee_source, get_public)
rescue Errno::ENOENT # Missing CoffeeScript
forward_or_halt "No coffeescript file found to generate the map for"
rescue Exception => e # CS syntax error or something alike
halt 400, 'Compliation of the related CoffeeScript file failed'
@@ -69,56 +68,41 @@
# Try to find CoffeeScript replacement for missing JS
get /(.+)\.js$/ do | basename |
# If this file is not found resort back to a coffeescript
coffee_source = File.join(get_public, "#{basename}.coffee")
+ mtime_cache coffee_source
content_type 'text/javascript'
- mtime_cache(coffee_source) do
- source_body =
- # We could have sent a header, but it's a nice idea to have the
- # sourcemap header saved if we write out the compiled JS,
- # whereas otherwise it would have been discarded
- [
- "//# sourceMappingURL=#{basename}",
- Vitrine.compile_coffeescript(source_body)
- ].join("\n")
- end
+ source_body =
+ # We could have sent a header, but it's a nice idea to have the
+ # sourcemap header saved if we write out the compiled JS,
+ # whereas otherwise it would have been discarded
+ [
+ "//# sourceMappingURL=#{basename}",
+ Vitrine.compile_coffeescript(source_body)
+ ].join("\n")
rescue Errno::ENOENT # Missing CoffeeScript
forward_or_halt "No such JS file and could not find a .coffee replacement"
rescue Exception => e # CS syntax error or something alike
# Inject the syntax error into the browser console
console_message = 'console.error(%s)' % [e.class, "\n", "--> ", e.message].join.inspect
# Avoid 500 because it plays bad with LiveReload
halt 200, console_message
- def mtime_cache(path, &blk)
+ def mtime_cache(path)
# Mix in the request URL into the cache key so that we can hash
# .map sourcemaps and .js compiles based off of the same file path
# and mtime
key = [File.expand_path(path), File.mtime(path), request.path_info, get_public]
cache_sha = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(Marshal.dump(key))
+ cache_control :public
+ etag cache_sha
- # Store in a temp dir
- FileUtils.mkdir_p '/tmp/vitrine'
- p = '/tmp/vitrine/%s' % cache_sha
- # Only write it out unless a file with the same SHA does not exist
- unless File.exist?(p)
- Vitrine.atomic_write(p) do |f|
- log "---> Recompiling #{path} for #{request.path_info}"
- f.write(yield)
- end
- end
- # And send out the file that's been written
- last_modified(File.mtime(p))
- etag File.mtime(p).to_i.to_s
+ log "---> Vitrine AC: Recompiling #{path} -> #{request.path_info}"
# Get path to the public directory, trying (in order:)
# self.public_dir reader
# the inner app's public_folder setting
# my own public_folder setting
@@ -130,19 +114,19 @@
choices = [@public_dir, inner_public, settings.public_dir]
- def forward_or_halt msg
+ def forward_or_halt(msg)
if @app
log "Forwarding, #{msg} -> pub #{get_public.inspect}"
halt 404, msg
- def log(mgs)
+ def log(msg)
env['captivity.logger'].debug(msg) if env['captivity.logger']