bin/jspec in visionmedia-jspec-2.0.3 vs bin/jspec in visionmedia-jspec-2.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -8,63 +8,47 @@
require 'fileutils'
RHINO = 'java'
program :name, 'JSpec'
-program :version, '2.0.3'
+program :version, '2.1.0'
program :description, 'JavaScript BDD Testing Framework'
default_command :bind
command :init do |c|
c.syntax = 'jspec init [dest]'
c.summary = 'Initialize a JSpec project template'
c.description = 'Initialize a JSpec project template. Defaults to the current directory
- when [dest] is not specified. Currently three templates are available:
- "default" : runs specs in browser(s) using the DOM formatter.
- "rhino" : runs specs with Rhino using the Terminal formatter.
- "server" : runs specs using a Ruby server/client solution which
- starts each browser and reports back to the terminal.'
+ when [dest] is not specified. The template includes several files for
+ running via Rhino, DOM, and the JSpec Rack server.'
c.example 'Create a directory foo, initialized with a jspec template', 'jspec init foo'
- c.example 'Initialize a rhino based project in the current directory', 'jspec init --template rhino'
- c.example 'Initialize a server based project in foo', 'jspec init foo --template server'
- c.option '-T', '--template name', 'Template to use. Valid choices are default, rhino, and server.'
c.when_called do |args, options|
dest = args.shift || '.'
- options.default :template => 'default'
unless Dir[dest + '/*'].empty?
abort unless agree "'#{dest}' is not empty; continue? "
- template = File.join JSPEC_ROOT, 'templates', options.template, '.'
- abort "template #{options.template} does not exist" unless File.exists? template
+ template = File.join JSPEC_ROOT, 'templates', 'default', '.'
FileUtils.mkdir_p dest
FileUtils.cp_r template, dest
- path = case options.template
- when 'default' ; 'spec.html'
- when 'rhino' ; 'spec.js'
- else
- end
- if path
- spec = File.join dest, 'spec', path
- contents = 'JSPEC_ROOT', JSPEC_ROOT
-, 'w') { |file| file.write contents }
+ %w( spec/spec.dom.html spec/spec.rhino.js ).each do |path|
+ path = File.join dest, path
+ contents = 'JSPEC_ROOT', JSPEC_ROOT
+, 'w') { |file| file.write contents }
say "Template initialized at '#{dest}'"
command :update do |c|
c.syntax = 'jspec update [path ...]'
c.summary = 'Update JSpec releases'
- c.description = 'Update JSpec release in [paths], this will allow you to utilize the latest
- JSpec features. If you have suites running at a path other than the regular
- spec/spec.html simply pass them as arguments to this sub-command.
- This is only needed when using the default, or rhino project templates.'
+ c.description = 'Update JSpec release in [paths], this will allow you to utilize
+ the latest JSpec features. Execute from JSpec project root without [paths] to
+ update the default template spec files.'
c.when_called do |args, options|
- args = %w( spec/spec.html ) if args.empty?
- args.each do |path|
+ paths = args.empty? ? %w( spec/spec.dom.html spec/spec.rhino.js ) : args
+ paths.each do |path|
next unless File.exists? path
contents = /visionmedia-jspec-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/, "visionmedia-jspec-#{program(:version)}", 'r+'){ |file| file.write contents }
say "Updated #{path} to JSpec #{program(:version)}"
@@ -99,16 +83,16 @@
require 'bind'
options.default :browsers => %w( Safari ), :paths => ['lib/**/*.js', 'spec/**/*.js']
# Actions
if options.rhino
- spec = args.shift || 'spec/spec.js'
+ spec = args.shift || 'spec/spec.rhino.js'
action = lambda { rhino spec }
elsif options.server
- spec = args.shift || 'spec/spec.html'
+ spec = args.shift || 'spec/spec.server.html'
action = lambda { start_server options, spec }
- spec = args.shift || 'spec/spec.html'
+ spec = args.shift || 'spec/spec.dom.html'
action = spec, *options.browsers
# Binding
if options.bind
\ No newline at end of file