README.rdoc in visionmedia-jspec-1.1.7 vs README.rdoc in visionmedia-jspec-2.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -23,44 +23,15 @@
* Assertion graphs displaying how many, and which assertions pass or failed
* Default / customizable evaluation contexts
* DOM sandbox support
* Great looking default DOM theme
* `jspec` command-line utility for auto-running specs, and initializing project templates
+* Proxy or 'Spy' assertions
+* Shared behaviors
* Profiling
-* Tiny (15 kb compressed, 1000-ish LOC)
+* Tiny (15 kb compressed, 1600-ish LOC)
-== Features Coming Soon
-* 'Spy' or 'Proxy' assertions. person.should.receive('addPet').with('suki').and_return(['suki'])
-* Grammar-less option. Dislike JSpec's grammar? well we will soon have grammar-less support,
- which in turn will make your specs look much like traditional JavaScript BDD frameworks:
- expect(this).to('be_coming', 'soon')
-== Example
- describe 'ShoppingCart'
- var cart
- before_each
- cart = new ShoppingCart
- end
- describe 'addProducts'
- it 'should add several products'
- cart.addProduct('cookie')
- cart.addProduct('icecream')
- cart.should.have 2, 'products'
- end
- end
- describe 'checkout'
- it 'throw an error when checking out with no products'
- -{ cart.clear().checkout() }.should.throw_error
- end
- end
- end
== Installation
Simply download JSpec and include JSpec.css and JSpec.js in your markup.
Head over to the downloads section on Github, clone this public repo, or
add JSpec as a git submodule with in your project. Alternatively JSpec is
@@ -89,10 +60,58 @@
You may optionally want to use sources in the /pkg directory
for your project, since it includes compressed alternatives generated
each release.
+== Example
+ describe 'ShoppingCart'
+ before_each
+ cart = new ShoppingCart
+ end
+ describe 'addProducts'
+ it 'should add several products'
+ cart.addProduct('cookie')
+ cart.addProduct('icecream')
+ cart.should.have 2, 'products'
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'checkout'
+ it 'should throw an error when checking out with no products'
+ -{ cart.clear().checkout() }.should.throw_error EmptyCart
+ end
+ end
+ end
+== Grammar-less Example
+JSpec's grammar is optional, you may also use the equivalent grammar-less
+alternative below using pure JavaScript (when using the JSpec grammar you
+may also use grammar-less assertions):
+ JSpec.describe('ShoppingCart', function(){
+ before_each(function{
+ cart = new ShoppingCart
+ })
+ describe('addProducts', function(){
+ it ('should add several products', function(){
+ cart.addProducts('cookie')
+ cart.addProducts('icecream')
+ expect(cart).to(have, 2, 'products')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('checkout', function(){
+ it ('should throw an error when checking out with no products', function(){
+ expect(function(){ cart.clear().checkout() }).to(throw_error, EmptyCart)
+ })
+ })
+ })
== Options
You may alter the way JSpec operates by assigning options via the
JSpec.options hash, by passing string-based option values via the
query string, or passing a hash to run(). For example
@@ -151,29 +170,95 @@
- have_rev
- have_name
- have_target
- have_value
- have_class
+ - have_classes
- be_visible
- be_hidden
- be_enabled
- be_disabled
- be_selected
- be_checked
+== Proxy Assertions
+Proxy or 'Spy' assertions allow you to assert that a method is called n number
+of times, with x arguments, returning x value. For example:
+ person = { getPets : function(species){ return ['izzy'] }}
+ person.should.receive('getPets', 'twice').with_args(an_instance_of(String))and_return(['izzy'])
+ person.getPets('dog') // This will pass
+ person.getPets() // This will fail because we asked an instance of String
+This is a useful mechanism for testing the behavior of your object, as well as
+how other methods may interact with it. Below is another example:
+ array = ['foo', 'bar']
+ array.should.receive('toString').and_return('foo,bar')
+ 'array: ' + array // This line causes the spec to pass due to calling toString()
+For more examples view spec/spec.matchers.js
== Helpers
* Core
- - sandbox used to generate new DOM sandbox
+ - wait delay execution of a spec for the duration set (async support)
+ - an_instance_of used in conjunction with the 'receive' matcher
* jQuery
- sandbox used to generate new DOM sandbox, using jQuery object
- element same as invoking jQuery, just reads better and no need to worry about $ collisions
- elements alias of element
+== Shared Behaviors
+JSpec's support for shared behaviors allows multiple suites or describe blocks to share
+common functionality. For example an Admin, would inherit all specs of User:
+ describe 'User'
+ before
+ User = function(name) { = name }
+ user = new User('joe')
+ end
+ it 'should have a name'
+ user.should.have_property 'name'
+ end
+ describe 'Administrator'
+ should_behave_like('User')
+ before
+ Admin = function(name) { = name }
+ Admin.prototype.may = function(perm){ return true }
+ user = new Admin('tj')
+ end
+ it 'should have access to all permissions'
+ user.may('edit pages').should.be_true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+NOTE: both User and Administrator's before hooks implement the 'user' variable
+== Async Support Using wait()
+When using jQuery with JSpec all requests are switched to sync, allowing specs
+to run naturally, however when testing functionality using setTimeout, setInterval etc
+JSpec supplies the wait() utility to delay a spec from running:
+ it 'should wait for n milliseconds'
+ wait(2, 'seconds')
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ true
+ }, 1500)
+ end
== Hooks
Currently the following hooks are supported, and may be utilized any number of times as they
are simply pushed to a stack. So for instance you may have two before_each blocks within the same
scope, they will both run, but this can help keep your specs readable.
@@ -186,14 +271,13 @@
== Custom Contexts
Custom contexts can be applied to supply helper
methods or properties to all subsequent bodies (other hooks, or specs).
-In most cases the default context will suffice, in combination with the
-'this' keyword. Keep in mind that when replacing the default context
-you will loose functionality provided by it, unless you manually merge it
-into your custom context.
+Keep in mind that when replacing the default context you will loose
+functionality provided by it, unless you manually merge it with your
+custom context.
To reset the context simply assign null to obtain the original context.
@@ -203,11 +287,11 @@
JSpec.context = null
it 'will work ;)'
- 'bar'
+ foo.should_equal 'bar'
== Async Support
@@ -256,54 +340,10 @@
The following expands to the array of [1,2,3,4,5]
n.should.be_within 1..5
-=== This Literal
-Commonly throughout using JSpec you will often need to do things like the following,
-while referencing 'this.cart' throughout your specs:
- before
- this.cart = new ShoppingCart
- end
-Thanks to the pre-processor we can simply use the terse alternative below:
- ...
- before
- .cart = new ShoppingCart
- end
- it '...'
- .cart.should.have 4, 'products'
- end
- ...
-Alternatively you may utilize literal javascript outside of the closures:
- ...
- cart = new ShoppingCart
- it '...'
- cart.should.have 4, 'products'
- end
- ...
-Another option is to declare a variable outside of the spec closures:
- var cart
- before
- cart = new ShoppingCart
- end
- it '...'
- cart.should.have 4, 'products'
- end
- ...
== Formatters
To change a formatter simply alter the options hash like below, assigning
a new constructor, or pass it within the hash to run():
@@ -422,13 +462,9 @@
== More Information
* Syntax comparison with other frameworks
* Get the TextMate bundle at
* For more information consult the JSpec source code documentation or visit
-== Known Issues
-* Opera likes to break for various reasons ... we are working on fixing these compat issues
== License
(The MIT License)