lib/visage-app/public/javascripts/graph.js in visage-app-0.9.5 vs lib/visage-app/public/javascripts/graph.js in visage-app-0.9.6
- old
+ new
@@ -87,42 +87,45 @@
name = name.trim().replace(/^\((.*)\)$/, '$1')
return name.trim()
-function formatValue(value, places) {
- var places = places ? places : 0
- switch(true) {
- case (Math.abs(value) > 1125899906842624):
- var label = value / 1125899906842624,
- unit = 'P';
- break
- case (Math.abs(value) > 1099511627776):
- var label = value / 1099511627776,
- unit = 'T';
- break
- case (Math.abs(value) > 1073741824):
- var label = value / 1073741824,
- unit = 'G';
- break
- case (Math.abs(value) > 1048576):
- var label = value / 1048576,
- unit = 'M';
- break
- case (Math.abs(value) > 1024):
- var label = value / 1024,
- unit = 'K';
- break
- default:
- var label = value,
- unit = '';
- break
- }
+function formatValue(value, options) {
+ var precision = options.precision,
+ min = options.min,
+ max = options.max;
- var rounded = label.round(places)
+ switch(true) {
+ case (Math.abs(max) > 1125899906842624):
+ var label = value / 1125899906842624,
+ unit = 'P';
+ break
+ case (Math.abs(max) > 1099511627776):
+ var label = value / 1099511627776,
+ unit = 'T';
+ break
+ case (Math.abs(max) > 1073741824):
+ var label = value / 1073741824,
+ unit = 'G';
+ break
+ case (Math.abs(max) > 1048576):
+ var label = value / 1048576,
+ unit = 'M';
+ break
+ case (Math.abs(max) > 1024):
+ var label = value / 1024,
+ unit = 'K';
+ break
+ default:
+ var label = value,
+ unit = '';
+ break
+ }
- return rounded + unit
+ var rounded = label.round(precision)
+ return rounded + unit
function formatDate(d) {
var datetime = new Date(d * 1000)
return datetime.format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC%T")
@@ -243,11 +246,11 @@
this.series.each(function(series, index) {
this.chart.series[index].setData(, false);
}, this);
/* Reset the zoom */
- this.chart.toolbar.remove('zoom');
+ //this.chart.toolbar.remove('zoom');
this.chart.xAxis.concat(this.chart.yAxis).each(function(axis) {
@@ -284,25 +287,50 @@
}, this);
}, this);
return series
+ getSeriesMinMax: function(series) {
+ var min, max;
+ series.each(function(set) {
+ values = {
+ var value = point[1];
+ return value
+ });
+ var setMin = values.min()
+ var setMax = values.max()
+ if ($chk(min)) {
+ min = min > setMin ? setMin : min
+ } else {
+ min = setMin
+ }
+ if ($chk(max)) {
+ max = max < setMax ? setMax : max
+ } else {
+ max = setMax
+ }
+ });
+ return {'min': min, 'max': max};
+ },
drawChart: function() {
var series = this.series,
title = this.graphName(),
element = this.parentElement,
ytitle = formatPluginName(this.options.plugin),
- max = 0
+ min,
+ max;
/* Get the maximum value across all sets.
* Used later on to determine the decimal place in the label. */
- series.each(function(set) {
- var setMax =
- if ( setMax > max ) {
- max = setMax
- }
- });
+ meta = this.getSeriesMinMax(series);
+ var min = meta.min,
+ max = meta.max;
this.chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
chart: {
renderTo: element,
defaultSeriesType: 'line',
@@ -347,23 +375,29 @@
yAxis: {
title: {
text: ytitle
- maxPadding: 0,
- plotLines: [{
- width: 0.5,
- }],
+ startOnTick: false,
+ minPadding: 0.065,
+ max: max,
+ endOnTick: true,
labels: {
- formatter: function() {
- var places = max < 10 ? 2 : 0
- return formatValue(this.value, places)
- }
+ formatter: function() {
+ var precision = min - max < 1000 ? 2 : 0,
+ value = formatValue(this.value, {
+ 'precision': precision,
+ 'min': min,
+ 'max': max
+ });
+ return value
+ }
plotOptions: {
series: {
+ shadow: false,
marker: {
enabled: false,
stacking: 'normal',
states: {
hover: {
@@ -374,12 +408,22 @@
tooltip: {
formatter: function() {
var tip;
- tip = '<b>' + formatSeriesLabel( + '</b>-> '
- tip += formatValue(this.y, 2) + ' <br/>'
+ tip = '<strong>'
+ tip += formatSeriesLabel(
+ tip += '</strong>' + ' -> '
+ tip += '<span style="font-family: monospace; font-size: 14px;">'
+ tip += formatValue(this.y, { 'precision': 2, 'min': min, 'max': max })
+ tip += '<span style="font-size: 9px; color: #777">'
+ tip += ' (' + this.y + ')'
+ tip += '</span>'
+ tip += '</span>'
+ tip += '<br/>'
+ tip += '<span style="font-family: monospace">'
tip += formatDate(this.x)
+ tip += '</span>'
return tip
legend: {