lib/visage-app/collectd/json.rb in visage-app-2.0.5 vs lib/visage-app/collectd/json.rb in visage-app-2.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -4,10 +4,52 @@
$: << @root.to_s
require 'lib/visage-app/patches'
require 'errand'
require 'yajl'
+class Array
+ def in_groups(number, fill_with = nil)
+ raise "Error - in_groups of zero doesn't make sense" unless number > 0
+ # size / number gives minor group size;
+ # size % number gives how many objects need extra accomodation;
+ # each group hold either division or division + 1 items.
+ division = size / number
+ modulo = size % number
+ # create a new array avoiding dup
+ groups = []
+ start = 0
+ number.times do |index|
+ length = division + (modulo > 0 && modulo > index ? 1 : 0)
+ padding = fill_with != false &&
+ modulo > 0 && length == division ? 1 : 0
+ groups << slice(start, length).concat([fill_with] * padding)
+ start += length
+ end
+ if block_given?
+ groups.each{|g| yield(g) }
+ else
+ groups
+ end
+ end
+ def sum
+ inject( nil ) { |sum,x| sum ? sum+x : x }
+ end
+ def mean
+ if size > 0
+ sum / size
+ else
+ nil
+ end
+ end
# Exposes RRDs as JSON.
# A loose shim onto RRDtool, with some extra logic to normalise the data.
module Visage
@@ -30,54 +72,93 @@
# Entry point.
def json(opts={})
- host = opts[:host]
- plugin = opts[:plugin]
- instances = opts[:instances][/\w.*/]
- instances = instances.blank? ? '*' : '{' + instances.split('/').join(',') + '}'
- rrdglob = "#{@rrddir}/#{host}/#{plugin}/#{instances}.rrd"
- finish = parse_time(opts[:finish])
- start = parse_time(opts[:start], :default => (finish - 3600 || ( - 3600).to_i))
- data = []
+ host = opts[:host]
+ plugin = opts[:plugin]
+ instances = opts[:instances][/\w.*/]
+ instances = instances.blank? ? '*' : '{' + instances.split('/').join(',') + '}'
+ percentiles = opts[:percentiles] !~ /^$|^false$/ ? true : false
+ resolution = opts[:resolution] || ""
+ rrdglob = "#{@rrddir}/#{host}/#{plugin}/#{instances}.rrd"
+ finish = parse_time(opts[:finish])
+ start = parse_time(opts[:start], :default => (finish - 3600 || ( - 3600).to_i))
+ data = []
Dir.glob(rrdglob).map do |rrdname|
parts = rrdname.gsub(/#{@rrddir}\//, '').split('/')
host_name = parts[0]
plugin_name = parts[1]
instance_name = File.basename(parts[2], '.rrd')
rrd = => rrdname)
- data << { :plugin => plugin_name, :instance => instance_name,
- :host => host_name,
- :start => start,
- :finish => finish,
- :rrd => rrd }
+ data << { :plugin => plugin_name, :instance => instance_name,
+ :host => host_name,
+ :start => start,
+ :finish => finish,
+ :rrd => rrd,
+ :percentiles => percentiles,
+ :resolution => resolution}
+ def percentile_of_array(samples, percentage)
+ if samples
+ samples.sort[ (samples.length.to_f * ( percentage.to_f / 100.to_f ) ).to_i - 1 ]
+ else
+ raise "I can't work out percentiles on a nil sample set"
+ end
+ end
+ def downsample_array(samples, old_resolution, new_resolution)
+ return samples unless samples.length > 0
+ timer_start =
+ new_samples = []
+ if (new_resolution > 0) and (old_resolution > 0) and (new_resolution % old_resolution == 0)
+ groups_of = samples.length / (new_resolution / old_resolution)
+ return samples unless groups_of > 0
+ samples.in_groups(groups_of, false) {|group|
+ new_samples << group.compact.mean
+ }
+ else
+ raise "downsample_array: cowardly refusing to downsample as old_resolution (#{old_resolution.to_s}) doesn't go into new_resolution (#{new_resolution.to_s}) evenly, or new_resolution or old_resolution are zero."
+ end
+ timer = - timer_start
+ new_samples
+ end
# Attempt to structure the JSON reasonably sanely, so the consumer (i.e. a
# browser) doesn't have to do a lot of computationally expensive work.
def encode(datas)
structure = {}
datas.each do |data|
- fetch = data[:rrd].fetch(:function => "AVERAGE",
- :start => data[:start],
- :finish => data[:finish])
+ start = data[:start].to_i
+ finish = data[:finish].to_i
+ resolution = data[:resolution].to_i || 0
+ fetch = data[:rrd].fetch(:function => "AVERAGE",
+ :start => start.to_s,
+ :finish => finish.to_s)
rrd_data = fetch[:data]
+ percentiles = data[:percentiles]
# A single rrd can have multiple data sets (multiple metrics within
# the same file). Separate the metrics.
rrd_data.each_pair do |source, metric|
# Filter out NaNs and weirdly massive values so yajl doesn't choke
-! do |datapoint|
+ # FIXME: does this actually do anything?
+ metric = do |datapoint|
when datapoint && datapoint.nan?
@tripped = true
when @tripped
@@ -85,24 +166,43 @@
@last_valid = datapoint
- # Last value is always wack. Set to 0, so the timescale isn't off by 1.
- metric[-1] = 0.0
+ # Last value is always wack. Remove it.
+ metric = metric[0...metric.length-1]
host = data[:host]
plugin = data[:plugin]
instance = data[:instance]
- start = data[:start].to_i
- finish = data[:finish].to_i
+ # only calculate percentiles if requested
+ if percentiles
+ timeperiod = finish.to_f - start.to_f
+ interval = (timeperiod / metric.length.to_f).round
+ resolution = 300
+ if (interval < resolution) and (resolution > 0)
+ metric_for_percentiles = downsample_array(metric, interval, resolution)
+ else
+ metric_for_percentiles = metric
+ end
+ metric_for_percentiles.compact!
+ percentiles = false unless metric_for_percentiles.length > 0
+ end
+ if metric.length > 2000
+ metric = downsample_array(metric, 1, metric.length / 1000)
+ end
structure[host] ||= {}
structure[host][plugin] ||= {}
structure[host][plugin][instance] ||= {}
structure[host][plugin][instance][source] ||= {}
- structure[host][plugin][instance][source][:start] ||= start
- structure[host][plugin][instance][source][:finish] ||= finish
- structure[host][plugin][instance][source][:data] ||= metric
+ structure[host][plugin][instance][source][:start] ||= start
+ structure[host][plugin][instance][source][:finish] ||= finish
+ structure[host][plugin][instance][source][:data] ||= metric
+ structure[host][plugin][instance][source][:percentile_95] ||= percentile_of_array(metric_for_percentiles, 95).round if percentiles
+ structure[host][plugin][instance][source][:percentile_50] ||= percentile_of_array(metric_for_percentiles, 50).round if percentiles
+ structure[host][plugin][instance][source][:percentile_5] ||= percentile_of_array(metric_for_percentiles, 5).round if percentiles
encoder =