rakelib/apache.rake in vic-buildr-1.3.3 vs rakelib/apache.rake in vic-buildr-1.3.4
- old
+ new
@@ -47,11 +47,14 @@
fail "#{missing.join(', ')} missing Apache License, please add it before making a release!" unless missing.empty?
puts 'OK'
# Staging checks specific for Apache.
- task 'check'=>'license'
+ task 'check'=>'license' do |task, args|
+ args.gpg_user or fail "Please run with gpg_user=<argument for gpg --local-user>"
+ fail "No GPG user #{args.gpg_user}" if `gpg --list-keys #{args.gpg_user}`.empty?
+ end
file 'staged/distro'=>'package' do
puts 'Copying and signing release files ...'
mkpath 'staged/distro'
@@ -63,12 +66,12 @@
task 'sign'=>['etc/KEYS', 'staged/distro'] do |task, args|
gpg_user = args.gpg_user or fail "Please run with gpg_user=<argument for gpg --local-user>"
puts "Signing packages in staged/distro as user #{gpg_user}"
FileList['staged/distro/*.{gem,zip,tgz}'].each do |pkg|
bytes = File.open(pkg, 'rb') { |file| file.read }
- File.open(pkg + '.md5', 'w') { |file| file.write MD5.hexdigest(bytes) << ' ' << File.basename(pkg) }
- File.open(pkg + '.sha1', 'w') { |file| file.write SHA1.hexdigest(bytes) << ' ' << File.basename(pkg) }
+ File.open(pkg + '.md5', 'w') { |file| file.write Digest::MD5.hexdigest(bytes) << ' ' << File.basename(pkg) }
+ File.open(pkg + '.sha1', 'w') { |file| file.write Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(bytes) << ' ' << File.basename(pkg) }
sh 'gpg', '--local-user', gpg_user, '--armor', '--output', pkg + '.asc', '--detach-sig', pkg, :verbose=>true
cp 'etc/KEYS', 'staged/distro'
@@ -86,11 +89,11 @@
task 'distro-links'=>'staged/distro' do |task, args|
url = args.incubating ? "http://www.apache.org/dist/incubator/#{spec.name}/#{spec.version}-incubating" :
rows = FileList['staged/distro/*.{gem,tgz,zip}'].map { |pkg|
- name, md5 = File.basename(pkg), MD5.file(pkg).to_s
+ name, md5 = File.basename(pkg), Digest::MD5.file(pkg).to_s
%{| "#{name}":#{url}/#{name} | "#{md5}":#{url}/#{name}.md5 | "Sig":#{url}/#{name}.asc |}
textile = <<-TEXTILE
h3. #{spec.name} #{spec.version}#{args.incubating && "-incubating"} (#{Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')})
@@ -119,23 +122,70 @@
puts 'Uploading Apache Web site ...'
sh 'rsync', '--progress', '--recursive', '--delete', 'published/site/', target
puts 'Done'
+ file 'release-vote-email.txt'=>'CHANGELOG' do |task|
+ # Need to know who you are on Apache, local user may be different (see .ssh/config).
+ whoami = `ssh people.apache.org whoami`.strip
+ base_url = "http://people.apache.org/~#{whoami}/buildr/#{spec.version}"
+ # Need changes for this release only.
+ changelog = File.read('CHANGELOG').scan(/(^(\d+\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s+\(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\)\s*((:?^[^\n]+\n)*))/)
+ changes = changelog[0][2]
+ previous_version = changelog[1][1]
+ email = <<-EMAIL
+To: buildr-dev@incubator.apache.org
+Subject: [VOTE] Buildr #{spec.version} release
+We're voting on the source distributions available here:
+The documentation generated for this release is available here:
+The official specification against which this release was tested:
+Test coverage report:
+The following changes were made since #{previous_version}:
+ File.open task.name, 'w' do |file|
+ file.write email
+ end
+ puts "Created release vote email template in '#{task.name}':"
+ puts email
+ end
+task 'clobber' do
+ rm_rf 'snapshot'
+ rm_f 'release-vote-email.txt'
task 'stage:check'=>['apache:check']
task 'stage:prepare'=>['staged/distro', 'staged/site'] do |task|
# Since this requires input (passphrase), do it at the very end.
task.enhance do
task 'stage' do
-task 'release:publish'=>['apache:publish:distro', 'apache:publish:site']
-task 'clobber' do
- rm_rf 'snapshot'
+task 'stage:wrapup'=>'release-vote-email.txt'
+task 'release:publish'=>['apache:publish:distro', 'apache:publish:site']
\ No newline at end of file