rakelib/apache.rake in vic-buildr-1.3.1 vs rakelib/apache.rake in vic-buildr-1.3.3
- old
+ new
@@ -12,54 +12,66 @@
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
-require 'md5'
-require 'sha1'
+require 'digest/md5'
+require 'digest/sha1'
# Tasks specific to Apache projects (license, release, etc).
namespace 'apache' do
+ desc 'Upload snapshot packages over to people.apache.org'
+ task 'snapshot'=>['spec', 'package'] do
+ rm_rf 'snapshot' # Always start with empty directory
+ puts "Copying existing gems from Apache"
+ sh 'rsync', '--progress', '--recursive', 'people.apache.org:public_html/buildr/snapshot', './'
+ puts "Copying new gems over"
+ cp FileList['pkg/{*.gem,*.tgz,*.zip}'], 'snapshot/gems'
+ puts "Generating gem index ..."
+ sh 'gem', 'generate_index', '--directory', 'snapshot'
+ puts "Copying gem and index back to Apache"
+ sh 'rsync', '--progress', '--recursive', 'snapshot', 'people.apache.org:public_html/buildr/'
+ end
desc 'Check that source files contain the Apache license'
task 'license' do |task|
print 'Checking that files contain the Apache license ... '
required = task.prerequisites.select { |fn| File.file?(fn) }
missing = required.reject { |fn|
- comments = File.read(fn).scan(/(\/\*(.*?)\*\/)|^#\s+(.*?)$|<!--(.*?)-->/m).
+ comments = File.read(fn).scan(/(\/\*(.*?)\*\/)|^#\s+(.*?)$|^-#\s+(.*?)$|<!--(.*?)-->/m).
map { |match| match.compact }.flatten.join("\n")
comments =~ /Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation/ && comments =~ /http:\/\/www.apache.org\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0/
fail "#{missing.join(', ')} missing Apache License, please add it before making a release!" unless missing.empty?
puts 'OK'
- task('license').prerequisites.exclude('.class', '.png', '.jar', '.tif', '.textile', '.haml',
- 'README', 'LICENSE', 'CHANGELOG', 'DISCLAIMER', 'NOTICE', 'KEYS', 'spec/spec.opts')
+ # Staging checks specific for Apache.
+ task 'check'=>'license'
- task 'check' do
- ENV['GPG_USER'] or fail 'Please set GPG_USER (--local-user) environment variable so we know which key to use.'
- end
file 'staged/distro'=>'package' do
puts 'Copying and signing release files ...'
mkpath 'staged/distro'
FileList['pkg/*.{gem,zip,tgz}'].each do |pkg|
cp pkg, pkg.pathmap('staged/distro/%n-incubating%x')
- task 'sign'=>['KEYS', 'staged/distro'] do
- gpg_user = ENV['GPG_USER'] or fail 'Please set GPG_USER (--local-user) environment variable so we know which key to use.'
+ task 'sign'=>['etc/KEYS', 'staged/distro'] do |task, args|
+ gpg_user = args.gpg_user or fail "Please run with gpg_user=<argument for gpg --local-user>"
+ puts "Signing packages in staged/distro as user #{gpg_user}"
FileList['staged/distro/*.{gem,zip,tgz}'].each do |pkg|
bytes = File.open(pkg, 'rb') { |file| file.read }
File.open(pkg + '.md5', 'w') { |file| file.write MD5.hexdigest(bytes) << ' ' << File.basename(pkg) }
File.open(pkg + '.sha1', 'w') { |file| file.write SHA1.hexdigest(bytes) << ' ' << File.basename(pkg) }
sh 'gpg', '--local-user', gpg_user, '--armor', '--output', pkg + '.asc', '--detach-sig', pkg, :verbose=>true
- cp 'KEYS', 'staged/distro'
+ cp 'etc/KEYS', 'staged/distro'
# Publish prerequisites to distro server.
task 'publish:distro' do |task, args|
target = args.incubating ? "people.apache.org:/www/www.apache.org/dist/incubator/#{spec.name}/#{spec.version}-incubating" :
@@ -94,38 +106,10 @@
file.write modified
puts 'Done'
- task 'distro-links'=>['staged/site', 'apache:sign'] do |task, args|
- rows = FileList['staged/distro/*.{gem,tgz,zip}'].map { |pkg|
- name, md5 = File.basename(pkg), File.read("#{pkg}.md5").split.first
- <<-HTML
- <tr>
- <td><a href="#{url}/#{name}">#{name}</a></td>
- <td><a href="#{url}/#{name}.md5">#{md5}</a></td>
- <td><a href="#{url}/#{name}.asc">Sig</a></td>
- </tr>
- }
- html = <<-HTML
- <h3>#{spec.name} #{spec.version}#{args.incubating && "-incubating"} (#{Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')})</h3>
- <table>
- <thead><th>Package</th><th>MD5 Checksum</th><th>PGP</th></thead>
- #{rows.join("\n")}
- </table>
- <p style="text-align:right"> (<a href="#{url}/KEYS">Release signing keys</a>)</p>
- file_name = 'staged/site/download.html'
- modified = File.read(file_name).sub(/<h2.*binaries.*source.*<\/h2>.*/i) { |header| "#{header}\n#{html}\n" }
- File.open file_name, 'w' do |file|
- file.write modified
- end
- end
file 'staged/site'=>['distro-links', 'staged', 'site'] do
rm_rf 'staged/site'
cp_r 'site', 'staged'
@@ -139,13 +123,19 @@
-task 'stage:check'=>['apache:license', 'apache:check']
+task 'stage:check'=>['apache:check']
task 'stage:prepare'=>['staged/distro', 'staged/site'] do |task|
# Since this requires input (passphrase), do it at the very end.
task.enhance do
+task 'stage' do
+ task('apache:snapshot').invoke
task 'release:publish'=>['apache:publish:distro', 'apache:publish:site']
+task 'clobber' do
+ rm_rf 'snapshot'
\ No newline at end of file