in vfs-0.4.5 vs in vfs-0.4.6
- old
+ new
@@ -16,9 +16,101 @@
Once installed, You can proceed with the [basic example][basics], there's also [S3 version][s3_basics] and [SFTP version][ssh_basics] (also [S3 backup][s3_backup] and [SSH/SFTP deployment][ssh_deployment] examples availiable).
You can report bugs and discuss features on the [issues page][issues].
+## Sample
+``` ruby
+# Preparing sandbox for our sample and cleaning it before starting
+# (ignore the `$sandbox` variable, it's needed to reuse this code in S3 and SSH samples).
+require 'vfs'
+sandbox = $sandbox || '/tmp/vfs_sandbox'.to_dir.destroy
+# Creating simple Hello World project.
+project = sandbox['hello_world']
+# Writing readme file (note that parent dirs where created automatically).
+project['readme.txt'].write 'My App'
+# We can assign files and dirs to variables, now the `readme` variable refers to our readme.txt file.
+readme = project['readme.txt']
+# Let's ensure that it's all ok with our readme file and check it's attributes.
+p # => readme.txt
+p [readme.basename, readme.extension] # => ['readme', 'txt']
+p readme.path # => /.../readme.txt
+p readme.exist? # => true
+p readme.file? # => true
+p readme.dir? # => false
+p readme.size # => 6
+p readme.created_at # => 2011-09-09 13:20:43 +0400
+p readme.updated_at # => 2011-09-09 13:20:43 +0400
+# Reading - You can read all at once or do it sequentially (input stream
+# will be automatically splitted into chunks of reasonable size).
+p # => "My shiny App"{|chunk| p chunk} # => "My shiny App"
+# The same for writing - write all at once or do it sequentially
+# (if there's no file it will be created, if it exists it will be rewriten).
+readme.write "My App v2"
+readme.write{|stream| stream.write "My App v3"}
+p # => "My shiny App v3"
+# Appending content to existing file.
+readme.append "How to install ..."
+p readme.size # => 27
+# Copying and Moving. It also works exactly the same
+# way if You copy or move files and dirs to other storages.
+readme.copy_to project['docs/readme.txt']
+p project['docs/readme.txt'].exist? # => true
+p readme.exist? # => true
+readme.move_to project['docs/readme.txt']
+p project['docs/readme.txt'].exist? # => true
+p readme.exist? # => false
+# Let's add empty Rakefile to our project.
+# Operations with directories - checking our project exists and not empty.
+p project.exist? # => true
+p project.empty? # => false
+# Listing dir content. There are two versions of methods -
+# without block the result will be Array of Entries, with block
+# it will iterate over directory sequentially.
+p project.entries # => [/.../docs, /.../Rakefile]
+p project.files # => [/.../Rakefile]
+p project.dirs # => [/.../docs]
+project.entries do |entry| # => ["docs", false]
+ p [, entry.file?] # => ["Rakefile", true]
+p project.include?('Rakefile') # => true
+# You can also use glob (if storage support it).
+if project.driver.local?
+ p project.entries('**/Rake*') # => [/.../Rakefile]
+ p project['**/Rake*'] # => [/.../Rakefile]
+# The result of dir listing is just an array of Entries, so
+# You can use it to do interesting things. For example this code will
+# calculates the size of sources in our project.
+if project.driver.local?
+ project['**/*.rb'].collect(&:size).reduce(0, :+)
+# Copying and moving - let's create another project by cloning our hello_world.
+project.copy_to sandbox['another_project']
+p sandbox['another_project'].entries # => [/.../docs, .../Rakefile]
+# Cleaning sandbox.
## Integration with [Vos][vos] (Virtual Operating System)
Vfs can be used toghether with the Virtual Operating System Tool, and while the Vfs covers all the I/O operations the Vos provides support for remote command execution.
You can use this combination to fully control remote machines, for example - I'm using it to manage my production servers (setup, administration, deployment, migration, ...).
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