lib/vestal_versions/changes.rb in vestal_versions-1.0.2 vs lib/vestal_versions/changes.rb in vestal_versions-2.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,67 +1,63 @@
module VestalVersions
# Provides the ability to manipulate hashes in the specific format that ActiveRecord gives to
# dirty attribute changes: string keys and unique, two-element array values.
module Changes
- def self.included(base) # :nodoc:
- Hash.send(:include, HashMethods)
+ extend ActiveSupport::Concern
+ included do
+ Hash.class_eval{ include HashMethods }
- base.class_eval do
- include InstanceMethods
- after_update :merge_version_changes
- end
+ after_update :merge_version_changes
# Methods available to versioned ActiveRecord::Base instances in order to manage changes used
# for version creation.
- module InstanceMethods
- # Collects an array of changes from a record's versions between the given range and compiles
- # them into one summary hash of changes. The +from+ and +to+ arguments can each be either a
- # version number, a symbol representing an association proxy method, a string representing a
- # version tag or a version object itself.
- def changes_between(from, to)
- from_number, to_number = versions.number_at(from), versions.number_at(to)
- return {} if from_number == to_number
- chain = versions.between(from_number, to_number).reject(&:initial?)
- return {} if chain.empty?
- backward = from_number > to_number
- backward ? chain.pop : chain.shift unless from_number == 1 || to_number == 1
+ # Collects an array of changes from a record's versions between the given range and compiles
+ # them into one summary hash of changes. The +from+ and +to+ arguments can each be either a
+ # version number, a symbol representing an association proxy method, a string representing a
+ # version tag or a version object itself.
+ def changes_between(from, to)
+ from_number, to_number = versions.number_at(from), versions.number_at(to)
+ return {} if from_number == to_number
+ chain = versions.between(from_number, to_number).reject(&:initial?)
+ return {} if chain.empty?
- chain.inject({}) do |changes, version|
- changes.append_changes!(backward ? version.changes.reverse_changes : version.changes)
- end
- end
+ backward = from_number > to_number
+ backward ? chain.pop : chain.shift unless from_number == 1 || to_number == 1
- private
- # Before a new version is created, the newly-changed attributes are appended onto a hash
- # of previously-changed attributes. Typically the previous changes will be empty, except in
- # the case that a control block is used where versions are to be merged. See
- # VestalVersions::Control for more information.
- def merge_version_changes
- version_changes.append_changes!(incremental_version_changes)
- end
+ chain.inject({}) do |changes, version|
+ changes.append_changes!(backward ? version.changes.reverse_changes : version.changes)
+ end
+ end
- # Stores the cumulative changes that are eventually used for version creation.
- def version_changes
- @version_changes ||= {}
- end
+ private
+ # Before a new version is created, the newly-changed attributes are appended onto a hash
+ # of previously-changed attributes. Typically the previous changes will be empty, except in
+ # the case that a control block is used where versions are to be merged. See
+ # VestalVersions::Control for more information.
+ def merge_version_changes
+ version_changes.append_changes!(incremental_version_changes)
+ end
- # Stores the incremental changes that are appended to the cumulative changes before version
- # creation. Incremental changes are reset when the record is saved because they represent
- # a subset of the dirty attribute changes, which are reset upon save.
- def incremental_version_changes
- changes.slice(*versioned_columns)
- end
+ # Stores the cumulative changes that are eventually used for version creation.
+ def version_changes
+ @version_changes ||= {}
+ end
- # Simply resets the cumulative changes after version creation.
- def reset_version_changes
- @version_changes = nil
- end
- end
+ # Stores the incremental changes that are appended to the cumulative changes before version
+ # creation. Incremental changes are reset when the record is saved because they represent
+ # a subset of the dirty attribute changes, which are reset upon save.
+ def incremental_version_changes
+ changes.slice(*versioned_columns)
+ end
+ # Simply resets the cumulative changes after version creation.
+ def reset_version_changes
+ @version_changes = nil
+ end
# Instance methods included into Hash for dealing with manipulation of hashes in the specific
# format of ActiveRecord::Base#changes.
module HashMethods
# When called on a hash of changes and given a second hash of changes as an argument,
# +append_changes+ will run the second hash on top of the first, updating the last element
@@ -120,6 +116,6 @@
def reverse_changes!
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