lib/ver/text.rb in ver-2010.02 vs lib/ver/text.rb in ver-2010.08
- old
+ new
@@ -1,562 +1,90 @@
module VER
+ # Common funcionality for Tk::Text widgets, mostly with shortcuts and helpers
+ # for VER.
class Text < Tk::Text
- autoload :Index, 'ver/text/index'
- include Keymapped
+ autoload :Index, 'ver/text/index'
+ autoload :Mark, 'ver/text/mark'
+ autoload :Position, 'ver/text/position'
+ autoload :Range, 'ver/text/range'
+ autoload :Selection, 'ver/text/selection'
+ autoload :Tag, 'ver/text/tag'
+ autoload :Insert, 'ver/text/insert'
+ autoload :End, 'ver/text/end'
- None =
- MATCH_WORD_RIGHT = /[^a-zA-Z0-9]+[a-zA-Z0-9'"{}\[\]\n-]/
- MATCH_WORD_LEFT = /(^|\b)\S+(\b|$)/
- :insert => {insertbackground: 'red', blockcursor: false},
- /select/ => {insertbackground: 'yellow', blockcursor: true},
- /replace/ => {insertbackground: 'orange', blockcursor: true},
- }
+ attr_reader :lock
- attr_accessor(:buffer, :status, :project_root, :project_repo,
- :undoer, :pristine, :prefix_arg, :readonly)
- attr_reader(:filename, :options, :snippets, :preferences, :store_hash,
- :default_theme_config, :encoding, :syntax, :name)
- def initialize(buffer, options = {})
- @project_repo = @project_root = @highlighter = nil
- if peer = options.delete(:peer)
- @tag_commands = {}
- @tk_parent = buffer
- @store_hash = peer.store_hash
- @default_theme_config = peer.default_theme_config
- Tk.execute(peer.tk_pathname, 'peer', 'create', assign_pathname, options)
- self.filename = peer.filename
- configure(peer.configure)
- else
- @default_theme_config = nil
- @store_hash ={|h,k| h[k] = {} }
- super
- end
- widget_setup(buffer)
+ def execute(*args, &block)
+ super unless lock
- # This is a noop, it simply provides a target with a sane name.
- def update_prefix_arg(widget)
- numbers = []
- major_mode.event_history.reverse_each do |event|
- break unless event[:sequence] =~ /^(\d+)$/
- numbers << $1
- end
- if numbers.any? && numbers != ['0']
- self.prefix_arg = numbers.reverse.join.to_i
- else
- self.prefix_arg = nil
- end
+ def execute_only(*args, &block)
+ super unless lock
- # Same as [prefix_arg], but returns 1 if there is no argument.
- # Useful for [Move] methods and the like.
- # Please note that calling this method is destructive.
- # It will reset the state of the prefix_arg in order to avoid persistent
- # arguments.
- # So use it only once while your action is running, and store the result in a
- # variable if you need it more than once.
- def prefix_count
- count = prefix_arg || 1
- update_prefix_arg(self)
- count
+ def focus(*args)
+ super unless lock
- def persisted?
- return false unless filename
- return false unless filename.file?
- require 'digest/md5'
- on_disk = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(
- in_memory = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(value)
- on_disk == in_memory
+ def place_forget(*args)
+ super unless lock
- def store(namespace, key, value = None)
- if None == value
- @store_hash[namespace][key]
- else
- @store_hash[namespace][key] = value
- end
- end
def inspect
- details = {
- mode: major_mode
- }.map{|key, value| "%s=%p" % [key, value ] }.join(' ')
- "#<VER::Text #{details}>"
+ "#<VER::Text %p>" % [tk_pathname]
- def value=(string)
- super
- touch!('1.0', 'end')
- end
- def peer_create(buffer)
-, peer: self)
- end
- def widget_setup(buffer)
- self.buffer = buffer
- @options =, VER.options)
- @undoer =
- self.major_mode = :Fundamental
- sync_mode_style
- setup_tags
- @pristine = true
- @syntax = nil
- self.encoding = Encoding.default_internal
- event_setup
- end
- def event_setup
- bind '<<EnterMinorMode>>' do |event|
- sync_mode_status
- sync_mode_style(event.detail)
- end
- bind '<<Modified>>' do |event|
- see :insert
- sync_position_status
- end
- bind '<<Movement>>' do |event|
- see :insert
- Methods::Selection.refresh(self)
- show_matching_brace
- sync_position_status
- end
- bind('<FocusIn>') do |event|
- on_focus_in(event)
- Tk.callback_break
- end
- bind('<FocusOut>') do |event|
- on_focus_out(event)
- Tk.callback_break
- end
- bind '<Destroy>' do |event|
- VER.cancel_block(@highlighter)
- end
- end
- def on_focus_in(event)
- Dir.chdir(filename.dirname.to_s) if options.auto_chdir
- set_window_title
- see(:insert)
- Tk::Tile::Style.configure(, border: 1, background: '#f00')
- end
- def on_focus_out(event)
- Tk::Tile::Style.configure(, border: 1, background: '#fff')
- end
- def pristine?
- @pristine
- end
def index(idx), execute('index', idx).to_s)
- def message(*args)
- VER.message(*args)
+ def index(position)
+, super.to_s)
- def noop(*args)
- # message "Noop %p in mode %p" % [args, keymap.mode]
+ def insert=(position)
+ at_insert.index = position
- def short_filename
- if filename
- if root = @project_root
- filename.relative_path_from(root).to_s
- else
- filename.sub(Dir.pwd + '/', '').to_s
- end
- elsif name
- name.to_s
- end
- end
- def name=(name)
- @name = name
- status.event :filename if status
- end
- def filename=(path)
- @filename = Pathname(path.to_s).expand_path
- status.event :filename if status
- end
- def syntax=(syn)
- @syntax = syn
- status.event :syntax if syn && status
- end
- def encoding=(enc)
- @encoding = enc
- status.event :encoding if enc && status
- end
- def layout
- buffer.layout
- end
- def sync_mode_status
- status.event :mode
- end
- def sync_position_status
- status.event :position, :percent
- end
- def sync_encoding_status
- status.event :encoding
- end
- def sync_percent_status
- status.event :percent
- end
- TAG_ALL_MATCHING_OPTIONS = { from: '1.0', to: 'end - 1 chars' }
- def tag_all_matching(name, regexp, options = {})
- name = name.to_s
- options = TAG_ALL_MATCHING_OPTIONS.merge(options)
- from, to = options.values_at(:from, :to)
- if tag_exists?(name)
- tag_remove(name, from, to)
+ def tag(name, *indices)
+ if indices.empty?
+, name)
- fg, bg = options.values_at(:foreground, :background)
- tag_configure(name, foreground: fg, background: bg)
+ tag =, name)
+ tag.add(*indices)
+ tag
- search_all(regexp, from, to) do |match, match_from, match_to|
- name = yield(match, match_from, match_to) if block_given?
- tag_add name, match_from, match_to
- end
- def search_all(regexp, start = '1.0', stop = 'end - 1 chars')
- unless block_given?
- return, :search_all, regexp, start, stop)
- end
- while result = search(regexp, start, stop, :count)
- pos, len = result
- return if !pos || len == 0
- from = index(pos)
- to = index("#{pos} + #{len} chars")
- match = get(from, to)
- yield(match, from, to)
- start = to
- end
+ def tags(index = Tk::None)
+ tag_names(index).map{|name|, name) }
- def rsearch_all(regexp, start = 'end', stop = '1.0')
- unless block_given?
- return, :rsearch_all, regexp, start, stop)
- end
- while result = rsearch(regexp, start, stop, :count)
- pos, len = result
- break if !pos || len == 0
- from = index(pos)
- to = index("#{pos} + #{len} chars")
- match = get(from, to)
- yield(match, from, to)
- start = from
- end
+ def tag_ranges(tag_name)
+ super(tag_name).map{|first, last| range(first, last) }
- def up_down_line(count)
- insert = index(:insert)
- @udl_pos_orig = insert if @udl_pos_prev != insert
- lines = count(@udl_pos_orig, insert, :displaylines)
- target = index("#@udl_pos_orig + #{lines + count} displaylines")
- @udl_pos_prev = target
- @udl_pos_orig = target if target.x == @udl_pos_orig.x
- target
+ def range(first, last)
+,, first),, last))
- def tag_exists?(given_path)
- tag_names.include?(given_path)
- rescue RuntimeError => ex
- false
+ def mark(name, index = nil, gravity = nil)
+ mark =, name, index)
+ mark.gravity = gravity if gravity
+ mark
- # Wrap Tk methods to behave as we want and to generate events
- def mark_set(mark_name, index)
- super
- return unless mark_name == :insert
- Tk::Event.generate(self, '<<Movement>>')
+ def marks
+{|name|, name) }
- def insert(index, string, tag = Tk::None)
- index = index(index) unless index.respond_to?(:to_index)
- Methods::Undo.record self do |record|
- record.insert(index, string, tag)
- end
+ def mark_next(index)
+ name = super
+, name) if name
- # Replaces the range of characters between index1 and index2 with the given
- # characters and tags.
- # See the section on [insert] for an explanation of the handling of the
- # tag_list arguments, and the section on [delete] for an explanation
- # of the handling of the indices.
- # If index2 corresponds to an index earlier in the text than index1, an
- # error will be generated.
- # The deletion and insertion are arranged so that no unnecessary scrolling
- # of the window or movement of insertion cursor occurs.
- # In addition the undo/redo stack are correctly modified, if undo operations
- # are active in the text widget.
- #
- # replace index1 index2 chars ?tagList chars tagList ...?
- def replace(index1, index2, string)
- index1 = index(index1) unless index1.respond_to?(:to_index)
- index2 = index(index2) unless index2.respond_to?(:to_index)
- return if index1 == index2
- Methods::Undo.record self do |record|
- record.replace(index1, index2, string)
- end
- end
- def delete(*indices)
- Methods::Delete.delete(self, *indices)
- end
- def set_window_title
- if filename
- home = Pathname(ENV['HOME'])
- dir, file = filename.split
- dir_relative_to_home = dir.relative_path_from(home)
- if dir_relative_to_home.to_s.start_with?('../')
- title = "#{file} (#{dir}) - VER"
- else
- title = "#{file} (#{dir_relative_to_home}) - VER"
- end
- elsif name
- title = "[#{name}] - VER"
- else
- title = "[No Name] - VER"
- end
- VER.root.wm_title = title
- end
- def setup_highlight
- setup_highlight_for(Syntax.from_filename(filename)) if filename
- end
- def setup_highlight_for(syntax)
- return if encoding == Encoding::BINARY
- return unless syntax
- self.syntax = syntax
- VER.cancel_block(@highlighter)
- interval = options.syntax_highlight_interval.to_int
- @highlighter = VER.when_inactive_for(interval){
- handle_pending_syntax_highlights
- }
- touch!('1.0', 'end')
- sync_mode_status
- end
- # TODO: maybe we can make this one faster when many lines are going to be
- # highlighted at once by bundling them.
- def touch!(*indices)
- tag_add('ver.highlight.pending', *indices) if @syntax
- Tk::Event.generate(self, '<<Modified>>')
- end
- def load_theme(name)
- return unless syntax
- return unless found = Theme.find(name)
- syntax.theme = Theme.load(found)
- touch!('1.0', 'end')
- message "Theme #{found} loaded"
- end
- def load_syntax(name)
- return false unless syntax
- theme = syntax.theme
- if name.is_a?(Syntax)
- self.syntax =, theme)
- elsif found = Syntax.find(name)
- self.syntax =, theme)
- else
- return false
- end
- message "Syntax #{} loaded"
- end
- def handle_pending_syntax_highlights
- ignore_tags = %w[ver.highlight.pending sel]
- tag_ranges('ver.highlight.pending').each do |from, to|
- (tag_names(from) - ignore_tags).each do |tag_name|
- tag_from, _ = tag_prevrange(tag_name, from)
- from = tag_from if tag_from && from > tag_from
- end
- (tag_names(to) - ignore_tags).each do |tag_name|
- _, tag_to = tag_nextrange(tag_name, to)
- to = tag_to if tag_to && to < tag_to
- end
- from, to = index(from).linestart, index(to).lineend
- lineno = from.y - 1
- syntax.highlight(self, lineno, from, to)
- tag_all_trailing_whitespace(from: from, to: to)
- tag_all_uris(from: from, to: to)
- tag_remove('ver.highlight.pending', from, to)
- end
- end
- def default_theme_config=(config)
- @default_theme_config = config
- sync_mode_style
- end
- def ask(prompt, options = {}, &action)
- options[:caller] ||= self
- VER.minibuf.ask(prompt, options, &action)
- end
- def load_preferences
- return unless syntax
- name =
- return unless file = VER.find_in_loadpath("preferences/#{name}.rb")
- @preferences = eval(
- rescue Errno::ENOENT, TypeError => ex
- VER.error(ex)
- end
- def load_snippets
- return unless syntax
- name =
- return unless file = VER.find_in_loadpath("snippets/#{name}.rb")
- @snippets = eval(
- rescue Errno::ENOENT, TypeError => ex
- VER.error(ex)
- end
- def sync_mode_style(given_mode = nil)
- config = (default_theme_config || {}).merge(blockcursor: false)
- modes = given_mode ? [given_mode] : major_mode.minors
- modes.each do |mode|
- mode = MinorMode[mode]
- MODE_STYLES.each do |pattern, style|
- config.merge!(style) if pattern ===
- end
- end
- configure(config)
- return unless status && color = config[:insertbackground]
- = {
- background: cget(:background),
- foreground: color,
- }
- end
- private
- def setup_tags
- setup_highlight_trailing_whitespace
- setup_highlight_links
- setup_highlight_pending
- end
- def setup_highlight_pending
- # tag_configure 'ver.highlight.pending', underline: true
- end
- def setup_highlight_trailing_whitespace
- tag_configure 'invalid.trailing-whitespace', background: '#400'
- end
- def setup_highlight_links
- tag_configure '' , underline: true, foreground: '#0ff'
- tag_bind('', '<1>') do |event|
- pos = index("@#{event.x},#{event.y}")
- uri = tag_ranges('').find{|from, to|
- if index(from) <= pos && index(to) >= pos
- break get(from, to)
- end
- }
- if uri
- browser = ENV['BROWSER'] || ['links', '-g']
- system(*browser, uri)
- message "%p opens the uri: %s" % [browser, uri]
- end
- end
- end
- def tag_all_uris(given_options = {})
- tag_all_matching('', /https?:\/\/[^<>)\]}\s'"]+/, given_options)
- end
- def tag_all_trailing_whitespace(given_options = {})
- tag_all_matching('invalid.trailing-whitespace', /[ \t]+$/, given_options)
- end
- def show_matching_brace(index = :insert)
- tag = 'ver.highlight.brace'
- tag_remove(tag, '1.0', 'end')
- if pos = Methods::Move.matching_brace_pos(self, index)
- tag_configure(tag, background: '#ff0', foreground: '#00f')
- tag_add(tag, 'insert', 'insert + 1 chars', pos, "#{pos} + 1 chars")
- end
- end
- def font(given_options = nil)
- if given_options
- options.font.configure(given_options)
- else
- options.font
- end
+ def mark_previous(index)
+ name = super
+, name) if name